Is there a change log subscription for Telegram Bot API? - subscription

I want to get Telegram Bot API changes in my email inbox instead of checking its website. Is it possible?

Best solution here is to code your custom script that scrapes the documentation page and provides you updates.
Join also the #BotNews official channel for updates.


How to finalise one-time payment summary with Firebase Extension "Run Payments with Stripe" on a ReactJs website

I'm currently using Firebase for my ReactJs website.
I wanted to use stripe to add a payment module. So I created an account on Stripe and added the extension "Run Payments with Stripe" on my Firebase project.
Everything works fine on this extension on my website:
I can make payment
I'm well redirected to the Stripe payment interface
The webhook add the payment document on my customer document on Firestore
But, I have one problem remaining : how to know which firestore document payment was concerned by the one-time payment a customer make on the current checkout session?
Firestore does not update checkout session document with the payment id, or the payment document with the checkout session id.
I tried to update manually the webhook function on Google Cloud but I don't think that's a good idea (and I don't know why but the update was not considered).
I don't want to list all payment the customer made and displayed it : I want to have this specific payment and display a summary of this order.
Does someone has clues on this?
Yup, it appears that the function in the webhook handler does not add Checkout Session data with the associated Firestore payment document.
I'd recommend creating an issue on the GitHub repository with your feedback/request. Alternatively you can configure a 2nd webhook to update the Firestore documents as you need.

how to send "order is confirmed emails to customer" in django

I am trying to make an e-commerce website in Django and react. but I am not able to find a way for this scenario.
whenever a user purchases something a confirmation email should go to the user and one to the admin that a user buy something.
can we do this just by code or we have to use something like Mailchimp?i want to do it by writing code.
You don't need a service like Mailchimp for this. You need to write your own code for sending emails.
To send emails in Django you need to configure a mail server. You can use your own mail server or use providers like AWS SES (Simple Email Service) or SendGrid.
Then you need to write the code that will send two emails after the purchase. Ideally, it should be done in the webhook that will wait for payment confirmation from your payment provider (for example Stripe).
BTW, I'm working on Django+React tutorials at SaaSitive and just committed example code how to send activation emails (after registration)

Kik bot able to join a group

I've been playing with the REST API for writing kik bots and it seems very straightforward to do powerful things.
The kik bot I'm familiar with is RAGE, and that has a feature that when talking to it you send it 'friend' command and it responds by being your friend, which makes it able to be invited into a group you're in.
My question is, what API call is being made by the bot when it receives a 'friend' command. My test bot can't be invited to a group and I'd like it to be able to.
Feels like I'm missing a bunch of logic but not sure what - anyone assist?
Rage bot does not use official kik api Rage bot is not a bot account from kik, It's an user account. Hence It's a self bot. There is an open source python library that allows you to turn an user account into a Bot and Rage bot uses that exact same api you can find the github page here

IFTT to Discord webhook trying to tigger other bots

im using alexa to post in to a discord via ifttt and webhooks, is it possible to get the webhook to trigger a bot like atlast.
{"content":"Party time guys, #here join voice. a!play don't stop me now"}
That is the content of the body and a!play should trigger a bot called atlas , is it possible to trigger a bot via a webhook?
in theory, yes, you can trigger a bot from webhook. Anyway... if I understand correctly, you use alexa for your webhooks. On iftttt, you have a simpler method. Here are some videos that might help you :
Good day

Facebook bot with multiple senders

Is it possible to make a Facebook bot look like there are multiple senders from the bot side? I couldn't see anything obvious in the Facebook docs. Even if the icon for the bot could be changed on the fly that may work
I'm trying to make a Facebook chat bot where a different 'person' will reply based on user input
As an alternative approach, could it be possible to use two separate facebook bots to have a semi simultaneous conversation with a single user. Take an example scenario where user starts a conversation with Bot A, then midway through the conversation, Bot B in a separate Facebook messenger chat, messages the user?
There is no way to do it currently;
For each Facebook Page, Facebook generates a unique id for the user(User#X has different id for PageA and PageB).
For each App(Bot) Facebook creates a unique id for the User#X(User#X will have different id for App#1 and App#1 for the same Facebook page)
Unfortunately, Messenger Bots are subscribed to individual Facebook Pages, so there is no way to have multiple users.
