How to add extra fields in CakeDc Users plugin - cakephp

I am trying to add some extra fields in the Cakedc Users plugin default Users table
But I can't figure it out how to do it, I didn't find anything in the documentation about this problem, I found a similar question here
But that person asked for a lot so he didn't get a lot of help, I also tried adding the extra field in the Mysql users table and in the register.ctp template , But I find it's value is empty

the question you mention is related to the previous version of the Plugin (for CakePHP 2).
You are doing right now, but the problem is the User Entity being too strict and blocking mass-assignment (which is possibly a good thing to change in the Plugin itself to allow an even easier override). I'll add a ticket for this in a bit :)
In the current version it's very easy to extend the users table and add your own columns.
For example, let's say you want to add a new column to your users table "phone".
Add a new column in users table (usually involving a migration, you can "bake" this migration using
bin/cake bake migration AddPhoneToUsers phone:index
Run the migration to apply the changes
bin/cake bake migration migrate
Now follow instructions here to:
Create empty Model and Entity classes extending the plugin classes
Override $accessible property in your new Entity to something like
protected $_accessible = [
'*' => true,
'id' => false,
'role' => false,
Lastly, add this override to your bootstrap.php file after loading the Plugin
Configure::write('Users.table', 'MyUsers');
The plugin will pick your customized Table and use the new fields coming from your custom register.ctp page.
We've created an improvement ticket here > to relax $_accessible fields.
Thank you,


How can the category and product fields in Shopizer be customized, if possible at all?

I am currently using Shopizer as a sort of headless CMS, leveraging its out of the box admin pages and REST API for the content. There is a page for editing products in the admin system but I would like to add and/or remove specific fields. Making changes to the base code seems to be the most obvious solution but it is taking me a significant amount of time to implement it successfully.
Is there some sort of a config file or an initialization process to customize the fields for creating categories and products using Shopizer's admin page? What is the best practice for this scenario if the former approach is not possible?
If you need to add fields the easiest way is to add them in model objects
Example of an annotated field
#Column (name ="IP_ADDRESS")
private String ipAddress;
Once you restart your instance the new field will be available.

Cakedc users plugin new table entry

I am using Cakedc Users plugin and I want to add a small entry to the Users table which is "Balance" (integer)
I read the extending part in the documentation and I honestly got dizzy from all the modifications that I have to do
I don't want to rewrite the whole thing just for a small entry, Is there anyway I can add it to the table with minumum modification or rename another entry that I don't need, like "tos_date" or something
Well, let me try to help about how extending the model should be:
Modify the users table (via migrations or manually) and add the columns you want.
Copy the template files with the forms, from the plugin itself to your app under the folder src/Template/Plugin/CakeDC/Users/name_of_the_controller/name_of_the_action, then modify the forms to add a new control for your custom column
You're done

How to add extra attributes to UserProfile table in MVC 4

I made a search for this for about 4 days and I couldn't find anything by any means that describe this step by step. I had found this article which describe how to add Email field to UserProfile table, the first step in this tutorial requires you to open DefaultConnection Database but I don't know how to do that.
So my question is:
1- how to add extra attributes in UserProfile database (using WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection method).
2- What If I want to make my own database and let MVC to create UserProfile table with the extra attributes ?
If you have any questions let me know in the comments below.
I tried to add these extra attributes to UserProfile Class which I believe that it follows code first technique, after that I had changed the connection string to my own database then after building the project Tables (UserProfile, webpages_Membership, webpages_OAuthMembership, etc..) created successfully but with no extra attribute that I already added to UserProfile class before building.
If you use Entity Framework do that:
First you must enable migrations if you didn't did it.
After that look for 'ApplicatinUser' class and add property that you want(e.g FullName).

How to use Yii with a multilingual database model?

I’m having a problem getting the data from my database which I created to be completely multilingual, and I hope someone here can help me.
I’ve split up all my tables in 2 parts; the “universal” table (does not contain any text that needs to be translated) and the table which contains all the fields that need to be translated with their translations.
Example tables:
Query to get the translations (using English (en) as a fall-back language if there is no translation available):
, o.type
, o.code
, o.position
, ifnull(, name
, ifnull(t.description,d.description) description
FROM base_material o
INNER JOIN base_material_i18n d
ON (
LEFT OUTER JOIN base_material_i18n t
ON ( d.base_material_id=t.base_material_id AND t.localization_id='nl' )
WHERE d.localization_id='en'
My question is how I can automatically get those translations (with the fall-back language as in this query) attached to my model in Yii when I’m searching for the base_material objects? (This is only 1 example table, but almost all my tables (20+) are built in this way, so if possible I would be needing something flexible)
An example of an existing system using what I would need is Propel:
Any ideas how to go about doing that? I’ve checked the existing Yii extensions regarding multilingual sites (like Multilingual Active Record), but they all use a different database design (general information+fall-back language in the main table, translations in the i18n table), and I’m not sure how to change those extensions to use my kind of DB model.
If someone knows of a way to change that existing extension so it can use my kind of DB scheme, then that would be absolutely brilliant and probably the best way to do this.
Edit: I've added a bounty because I still can't find anything on how to let Propel work with Yii (there does exist an extension for Doctrine, but Doctrine doesn't support this kind of DB model with translations either), nor any more information as to how to deal with this using an existing Yii extension or with scopes.
Edit: 98 times viewed but only 3 upvotes and 1 comment. I can't help feeling like I'm doing something wrong here, be it in my question or application/database design; either that or my problem is just very unique (which would surprise me, as I don't think my multilingual database design is that absurd ;-). So, if anyone knows of a better all-round solution for multilingual sites with Yii and/or Propel (apart from the current extensions which I really don't like due to the duplication of text fields) or something similar, please let me know as well.
Thanks in advance!
Have you tried (based on
It is an alternate, simpler, approach by adding new table fields in the style of {field}_{language code}, and then setting the translated field in the original model to the current language's translation on afterFind.
In essence, it will get you up and running with translatable fields with the translated content being fetched "automatically", for good and bad :). Adding and removing languages (=columns) is done using migrations.
I am also looking for a generic solution to implement i18n into Yii models.
Recently I chose a very similar database schema for a project like you.
The only difference is, that I am not using a separate language table, I store the language information in the i18n table.
The following solution is without a custom SQL statement, but I think this could be implemented with relation params, anyway, if you're working with foreign key in your database (eg. MySQL InnoDB) gii will create relations between your base_material and base_material_i18n table, like
class BaseMaterial extends CActiveRecord
public function relations()
return array(
'baseMaterialI18ns' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'base_material_i18n', 'id'),
class BaseMaterialI18n extends CActiveRecord
public function relations()
return array(
'baseMaterial' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'base_material', 'id'),
Now you'd be able to access your translations by using the object notation for relations.
$model = BaseMaterial::model()->with('baseMaterialI18ns')->findByPk(1);
foreach($model->baseMaterialI18ns AS $translation) {
if ($translation->language != "the language I need") continue:
// do something with translation data ...
I thought about creating a behavior or base class for those models which would act a as helper for managing the translations - pseudo code:
I18nActiveRecord extends CActiveRecord
protected $_attributesI18n;
// populate _attributesI18n on query ...
public function __get($name) {
return $this->_attributesI18n[$name];
else if(isset($this->_attributesI18n['fallback_language'][$name]))
return $this->_attributesI18n[$name];
CActiveRecord __get() source
There is more work to be done to find the needed i18n record, also you could further limit the with() option to improve performance and reduce parsing on the PHP side.
But there may be different use cases how to determine the value, e.g. all translations, translation or fallback, no fallback (empty value).
Scenarios could be helpful here.
PS: I would be up for a github project!
You can try to use a simple multilingual CRUD extension.
it is very simple to use and modificate. you just need to add language field to your table.
just watch description here:
it is in alpha state, but tried on a few projects. you can easily modificate it or contact author to fix or add features

Can not Bake table model, controller and view

I developed small CakePHP application, and now I want to add one more table (in fact, model/controller/view) into system, named notes. I had already created a table of course.
But when I run command cake bake model, I do not get table Notes on the list. I can add it manually, but after that I get some errors when running cake bake controller and cake bake view.
Can you give me some clue why I have those problems, and how to add that new model?
I would also check your app/config/database.php to ensure that you are using the correct database configuration. You may well have added the table to a different database perhaps and the bake is picking up the other database. Also, and this may be obvious, but check you are in the right project, it's easy to be in a different folder and not realise, especially if you have lots of projects.
I'm not aware of a limit on the bake listing. I would check your database to make sure the table exists and has some columns. You can always open up the console bake script and check for a limit and increase it if needs be.
I found solution!
I had to delete all from cache directory, /app/tmp/cache/models
Now it works!
When you say added it manually, do you mean added the note.php model? If not, you may want to try that. Verify that the model name is correct for the following:
file name: note.php
class name: class Note extends AppModel
table name: notes
Also, be sure the notes table has the id column and it is set to primary key.
If this does not push you in the right direction, please post your notes table schema here. Also, have you had success in baking other things in your app? Have you upgraded anything?
Please change the following farameters to bake:
For Controller:
function listAll($useDbConfig = 'default') {
change to :
function listAll($useDbConfig = 'YOUR DB CONFIG NAME') {
