ng-repeat over 11k rows crashing - angularjs

I'm trying to do a table (with a lot of data) with Angular, the table is already done with PHP but to add a filter is easier using Angular. PHP takes 10secs to draw the entire table of 11k rows, but Angular keeps going on and on, even Firefox tells me that a script is unasnwered. If I click continue, the message is shown again, if I click cancel the page does nothing, if I press debug it continues running but nothing is shown.
At first, I thought that drawing +11k rows in HTML with the ng-repeat was too much and that was causing the problem, so I added a limitTo (50) and also added a infinite scroll div. But it's still not showing anything and keeps on loading.
Here is some code:
<div ng-app='mainApp'>
<div ng-init='values=[".$angularString."]' ng-controller='seeTickets as tickets'>
<div infinite-scroll='tickets.loadMore()' infinite-scroll-distance='1'>
Filtro: <input type='text' ng-model='globalSearch.$'/><br><br>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var app = angular.module('mainApp', []);
app.controller('seeTickets', function(){
this.totalDisplayed = 50;
this.loadMore = function(){
this.totalDisplayed += 50;
<tr ng-repeat="value in values | filter:globalSearch | limitTo:tickets.totalDisplayed">
<td> {{value.id_ticket}} </td>
<td> {{value.ticket_date}} </td>
<td> {{value.ticket_subject}} </td>
<td> {{value.ticket_from}} </td>
<td> {{value.ticket_to}} </td>
<td> {{value.ticket_priority}} </td>
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to work this out? Why it's keep on loading even if I set limitTo?

Add track by $index to ng-repeat like this:
<tr ng-repeat="value in values | filter:globalSearch | limitTo:tickets.totalDisplayed track by $index">


ng-repeat dynamically create arrays for nested ng-repeats

Is it possible to have ng-repeat dynamically create arrays for nested ng-repeats?
I know this sounds silly, but I'm essentially looking for something like this, and hoping someone will tell me how terrible of an idea this is and present a better solution:
<tbody ng-repeat="row in myRows track by $index">
<tr ng-repeat="subRow in myRows$index>{{}}</tr>
So the idea is that the first <tr> row actually has a button that will show the subRows once clicked. So once clicked (before it actually displays the rows), I'll create the array then, such as:
myRows0 = [{name:"Sub Row A", value:1},
{name:"Sub Row B", value:2}];
or if the second row was clicked, I'd create:
myRows1 = [{name:"Sub Row C", value:3},
{name:"Sub Row D", value:4}];
I'm assuming something like this won't work because ng-repeat needs to have the array created before it can create the DOM. Is that correct? But I'm not sure how else I'd be able to create something like this then using this table structure. Any help?
It is possible and in my opinion it is not a bad idea, for example you may want to load your subRow data only when user clicks on displaySubRow items if your subRow data is big or they are images, to avoid putting an unnecessary burden to your server or keep your users waiting.
Working Plunker
Sample Code
<tbody ng-repeat="item in data" ng-init=" = false">
<button ng-show="" ng-click="getRowSubItems(item)">Show</button>
<button ng-show="" ng-click=" = false">Hide</button>
<tr ng-show=" == true">
<div ng-repeat="subItem in">
$ =
$scope.getRowSubItems = function(item){
//you can also make a http call to get data from your server = true;
if( == "Lex"){
.then(function(response) { =;
else{ = [ "Ford", "BMW", "Fiat" ];

ng-repeat directive doesn't work on <tr> / table row element

I am trying to use the ng-repeat directive to create table rows with a list of campaign names.
However, I am not able to get any results, though I am still able to see one of the children of the array displaying correctly.
Here is my view code:
<div class="modal-body">
<tr ng-repeat="campaign in $">
I can successfully see the paragraph element above and it shows the expected data, but not the table row elements.
I don't see any errors in the browser console.
How can I make the ng-repeat directive work in the code above?
The problem was that the <tr> / table row element didn't have a parent <table> element containing it.
This is solved by simply adding in table tags around the orphaned <tr> element:
<div class="modal-body">
<tr ng-repeat="campaign in $">

ng-if is not working inside nested ng-repeat

I have nested the ligne_commandes under the commandes using ng-repeat to get only the command lines of every command and I used ng-if to verify this. My problem is that I'm getting all the command line . Here is my code:
<td ng-repeat="commande in vm.commandes track by">
<tr ng-repeat="ligne_commande in vm.ligne_commandes track by">
<div ng-if="ligne_commande.commande_id == ">
<td> {{}} </td> </div>
Any suggestion would be appreciated

ng-repeat over a div not working

I have used ng-repeat numerous times already in the past, but for some reason I cannot yet understand why it is not on the following situation:
I have an array of objects called registers which I am referencing on the ng-repeat but nothing happens.
I know the array is populated because I have seen it on numerous console.log and because it works if I move the ng-repeat over to the <tbody>
<div ng-repeat = "r in registers">
<tbody class="js-table-sections-header">
<td class="text-center">
<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>
<td class="font-w600">Denise Watson</td>
</tbody> <!-- END HEADER -->
<td class="text-center"></td>
<!-- Summernote Container -->
<div class="js-summernote-air">
<p>End of air-mode area!</p>
<!-- END TABLE -->
I was hoping someone could tell me if there is something I may be ignoring.
Thanks in advance.
I think I just ran into this same problem. It stems from <div> not being a valid elment within a <table>.
I'm guessing that since you have <tbody> there, that there is a <table> tag that was left out of your snippet. <div>s aren't allowed in a table, so the browser moves it before the table. In my situation, doing this, causes the angular scope to change so that there was nothing to iterate over. You can verify this by using the developer tools of your browser.
So, my guess is that you probably want to move the ng-repeat onto the <tbody> or <table> tag.
If you want to use ng-repeat in "div" tag means use "span"
inside div tag. instead of using "table" and its sub attributes..
else use your ng-repeat inside "table" or "thead" or "tr" also
it will iterate rows ...
than only ng-repeat will works.

Hide html element with same data in ng-repeat in angularjs

I have a array of task in which there are two duplicate departments, but i dont want to show the second duplicate record in ng-repeat, but only for the first record i want to show even if it is duplicate.
Here is my code, can anyone tell me where i'm going wrong.
<tr ng-repeat="t in item.requisitionTask track by">
<div ng-hide="!$first ? item.requisitionTask[$index-1].department.departmentCode==$index.department.departmentCode : false">
Solved it by targeting the data particularly.
<td><div ng-hide="!$first ? item.requisitionTask[$index-1].department.departmentCode==item.requisitionTask[$index].department.departmentCode : false">
I suspect that you want to hide data if the previous item contains the same departmentCode as your current item. As mentioned in my comment, you should move this logic into a function on your controller's scope.
<tr ng-repeat="t in item.requisitionTask track by">
<div ng-hide="isNotFirstOrSameCodeAsPrevious($index)">
In your controller:
function isNotFirstOrSameCodeAsPrevious($index) {
if ($index === 0) return false;
return item.requisitionTask[$index - 1].department.departmentCode ===
