Angularjs One component multiple views(Html+css) - angularjs

I need to figure out how I can have different views(html+css) for a component. A lot of people say that it's better to have multiple components for each for each of those views and then use a service to interact but my case is as follow:
I have a controller with a view that is basically a layout. Say my layout has 3 panes on top and one pane in the bottom. Now I have button in my view to change the layout to two panes on top and two panes on the bottom. So basically my data does not change. Its just a change in the html and css.
also if the first layout is filled with some data I dont want to change it or reinitialize it when changing the layout since the change is only a change on layout not the data.
I have difficulty figuring out how I can achieve this in angular2. Any ideas?

so you want to add html and css or just change the actual template?
If you just want to change the actual html , i personally suggest that you use states instead of different views. And based on the states move the html around. I had the same issue myself and i solved it by rethinking the layout and ended in finding a simpler layout structure.
Hope this helps.
Enjoy coding.

You can have two views in one template and switch between them by setting a flat:
<div *ngIf="firstLayout">
<!-- first layout -->
<div *ngIf="!firstLayout">
<!-- first layout -->


Angular change ID based on Scroll Position

I have a question concerning scroll positions/behavior in AngularJS.
I have a fixed sidebar with div classes with text (three items no menu) and would like to achieve an opacity change on those classes based upon the current scroll position of the window.
For example, if I reach
<div class="example1">
My goal would be to have the opacity changed on the first item in the sidebar which for example would be called
<div class="sidebar1">
I've found plugins via github for this, but would like to achieve this purely with angular. Does anybody know how to approach this best to avoid messy code and a bloated application?
There's a module you can get via npm here: named ngInView. It will let you call an event whenever an item comes into view. This should get you going in the right direction.
Also on github at:

Watching a CSS property change from Bootstrap in AngularJS

I am working on a responsive website. My site uses Bootstrap 3.1 and AngularJS. Bootstrap has a class called "visible-xs". This class basically says let something be visible on small screens and hidden on larger screens. It does this by changing the CSS display property value between none and block. Currently, I have a div that looks like the following:
<span id="smallContent" class="visible-xs">Mobile Content</span>
I need to do some stuff programmatically in my controller when smallContent changes from visible to hidden and vice-versa. My question is, how do I watch for changes on the display property of smallContent? I've noticed the $watch method on the scope ($rootScope.Scope). However, this seems to watch for changes to a property in the scope, not for changes to a property in the DOM.
Is there a way to do what I'm trying? If so, how?
Thank you!
You don't need javascript watchers to do what you want. You can, but it would be kind of hacky and potentially bad on performance.
Another point is that "responsiveness" should be handled (a maximum) by HTML/CSS only. If you start having JS different for each resolutions, it's no good.
What you could do :
<span id="smallContent" class="visible-xs">Mobile Content</span>
<span id="smallContent" class="hidden-xs">Not Mobile Content</span>
Keep in mind that you can also simulate media-query in JS with Modernizr :
if ('only all and (min-width: 768px)') ) {
That can be usefull (you can alos add this to a watcher but, well my answer was primarily CSS-based and you should stick to CSS solutions when possible)

AngularJS Loading a page into a div

I have a few static html pages of content. I want to make an index page that has two div's One for a sidebar menu and one to hold content. When one of the menu links in the sidebar is clicked I want to load one of the other static html pages into the content div.
I just cant find any documentation that shows how to do this, so i'm not even sure if it's possible. Can anyone help?
You can also use ng-view to setup routes that will load your templates into your div. It's pretty straight forward, and there's a good example #
Use ng-include:

ExtJs - page design with common header and footer section

I am currently using ExtJs 4.2 for developing my web pages. I would like to know whether we can define a template and can reuse the template across the pages..To be little more clear, the page header and footer remains the same across pages and only body component changes.
I mean something similar to tiles in jsp.
My scenario is like this:
I have defined a border layout in which the region="north" contains the header part, region ="south" contains the footer part and region="west" and region="center" have the body content.
All my pages have a similar content at west/center is only changing across do we have solution to simplify this without defining the entire layout in all the pages...
Please let me know if further clarifications are required
~Ragesh Ak
I think you will want to use Ext.define, and extend the viewport component, giving it a border layout. See the ExtJS tutorial on creating custom components for how to do that. You will want to give it a border layout, and have static panels/containers/menus/toolbars for you north and south objects.
How you model your content/center and navigation/west components depends on the style of application you are building. If you are following the single page application concept with the Model/Store/View/Controller pattern that ExtJS gives you using, then you will want to drop empty containers in those slots since you can't swap out a border layout component. Putting in empty containers will allow you to call the removeAll function and then add your new items when changing views. If you are building a regular site that reloads the page whenever you move between views, you can extend the viewport that you created, and put your content directly into the viewport since it won't ever need to change.
Use define to configure a class that extends container and has the border layout you just described, so you can reuse this new class as you need.

Structuring multiple components in ext js

I have a page where I need to add components in specific order. (render it to a div)
I have studied the doc and I got confused by all those layouts,containers and panels.
I not sure if I should create first some wrapping component(layout,panel) and then insert the components(form,toolbar,grid) or just create a div for each component ?
I would appreciate an example very much.
It depends on your application. If you are developing a pure (no html at all) extjs application the layout is handled by containers' layout but, if you are mixing html and extjs component, you can handle the layout with your div elements.
From your question it seems you are using html (and div elements) then you can handle it by your self. However, I recomend you create a container (a panel) with a hbox layout and include your componenets as children and let the panel handle the layout.
