How to detect string during lexical analysis? - c

I am using some syntax to detect string during lexical analysis
"".*"" return TOK_STRING;
but this is not working.

I think you want
but be aware that . in flex does not match newlines. And, as #chqrlie mentions in a comment, it does match ", so it will match to the end of the last string, and not the current one.
So a better pattern might be:
([^"] matches any character including newlines, except ").
But then you have no way to include a " in a string. So you will have to decide what syntax that should be. If you wanted to implement SQL style, with doubled quotes representing a single quote inside a string, you could use
For the possibly more common backslash escape:


Unable to form the required regex in C

I am trying to write a regex which can search a string and return true if it matches with the regex and false otherwise.
Check should ensure string is wildcard domain name of a website.
*.cool.dude is valid
*.cool is not valid is not valid
So I had written something which like this
However, this is also allowing a *.. string as valid string because * means 0 or infinite occurrences.
I am looking for something which ensures that at-least 1 occurrence of the string happens.
*.a.b -> valid but *.. -> invalid
how to change the regex to support this?
I have already tried doing something like this:
\\*\\.([.*]{1,})\\.([.*]{1,}) -> doesnt work
\\*\\.([.+])\\.(.+) -> doesnt work
^\\*\\.[a-zA-Z]+\\.[a-zA-Z]+ -> doesnt work
I have tried a bunch of other options as well and have failed to find a solution. Would be great if someone can provide some input.
PS. Looking for a solution which works in C.
[.*] does not mean "0 or more occurrences" of anything. It means "a single character, either a (literal) . or a (literal) [*]". […] defines a character class, which matches exactly one character from the specified set. Brackets are not even remotely the same as parentheses.
So if you wanted to express "zero or more of any character except newline", you could just write .*. That's what .* means. And if you wanted "one or more" instead of "zero or more", you could change the * to a plus, as long as you remember that regex.h regexes should always be compiled with the REG_EXTENDED flag. Without that flag, + is just an ordinary character. (And there are a lot of other inconveniences.)
But that's probably not really what you want. My guess is that you want something like:
although you'll have to correct the character class to specify the precise set of characters you think are legitimate.
Again, don't forget the crucial REG_EXTENDED flag when you call regcomp.
Some notes:
The {2,} requires at least two components after the *, so that *.cool doesn't match.
The ^ and $ at the beginning and end of the regex "anchor" the match to the entire input. That stops the pattern matching just a part of the input, but it might not be exactly what you want, either.
Finally, I deliberately used a single-character character class to force [*] and [.] to be ordinary characters. I find that a lot more readable than falling timber (\\) and it avoids having to think about the combination of string escaping and regex-escaping.
For more information, I highly recommend reading man regcomp and man 7 regex. A good introduction to regexes might be useful, as well.

Splitting string in C by blank spaces, besides when said blank space is within a set of quotes

I'm writing a simple Lisp in C without any external dependencies (please do not link the BuildYourOwnLisp), and I'm following this guide as a basis to parse the Lisp. It describes two steps in tokenising a S-exp, those steps being:
Put spaces around every paranthesis
Split on white space
The first step is easy enough, I wrote a trivial function that replaces certain substrings with other substrings, but I'm having problems with the second step. In the article it only uses the string "Lisp" in its examples of S-exps; if I were to use strtok() to blindly split by whitespace, any string in a S-exp that had a space within it would become fragmented and interpreted incorrectly by my Lisp. Obviously, a language limited to single-word strings isn't very useful.
How would I write a function that splits a string by white space, besides when the text is in between two double quotes?
I've tried using regex, but from what I can see of the POSIX regex.h library and PCRE, just extracting the matches would be incredibly laborious in terms of the amount of auxillary code I'd have to write, which would only serve to bloat my codebase. Besides, one of my goals with this project was to use only ANSI C, or, if need be, C99, solely for the sake of portability - fiddling with the POSIX library and the Win32 API would just fatten my code and make moving my lisp around a nightmare.
When researching this problem I came across this StackOverflow answer; but the approved answer only sends the tokenised string onto stdout, which isn't useful for me; I'd ideally have the tokens in a char** so that I could then parse them into useful in memory data structures.
As well as this, the approved answer on the aforementioned SO question is written to be restricted to specifically my problem - ideally, I'd have myself a general purpose function that would allow me to tokenise a string, except when a substring is between two of charachter x. This isn't a huge deal, it's just that I'd like my codebase to be clean and composable.
You have two delimiters: the space and double quotes.
You can use the strcspn (or with example: cppreference - strcspn) function for that.
Iterate over the string and look for the delimiters (space and quotes). strcspn returns if such a delimiter was found. If a space was found, continue looking for both. If a double quote was found, the delimiter chages from " \"" (space and quotes) to "\"" (double quotes). If you then hit the quotes again, change the delimiter to " \"" (space and quotes).
Based on your comment:
Lets say you have a string like
This is an Example.
The output would be
If the string would look like
This "is an" Example.
The output would be
is an

Flex match string literal, escaping line feed

I am using flex to try and match C-like, simplified string literals.
A regular expression as such:
will match all one-line string literals I am interested in.
A string literal cannot contain a non-escaped backslash. A string literal also cannot contain a literal line feed (0x0a) unless it is escaped by a backslash, in which case the line feed and any following spaces and tabulations are ignored..
For example, assuming {LF} is an actual line feed and {TAB} an actual tabulation (I could not format it better than that).
In: "This is an example \{LF}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}of a confusing valid string"
Token: "This is an example of a confusing valid string"
My first idea was to use a starting state, a trailing context and yymore() to match what I want and check for errors giving something like the following:
\" { BEGIN STRING; yymore(); }
\n { /* ERROR HERE! */ }
<<EOF>> { /* ERROR HERE AS WELL */ }
([^"\\]|\\["?\\btnr]|\\x{HEXDIG}{HEXDIG})* {
/* String ok up to here*/
\\\n[ \t]* {
/*Vadid inside a tring but needs to be ignored! */
\" { /* Full string matched */ BEGIN INITIAL;}
.|\n { \* Anything else is considered an error *\ }
Is there a way to do what I want in the way I am trying to do it? Is there instead any other 'standard' maybe method provided by flex that I just stupidly have not though of? This does not look to me like an uncommon use case. Should I just match the strings separately (beginning to before , after whitespace to end) and concatenate them. This is a bit complicated to do since a string can be decomposed into an arbitrary number of lines using backslashes.
If all you want to do is to recognise a string literal, there's no need for start conditions. You can use some variant of the simple pattern which you'll find in many answers:
(I used macros to make the structure clear, although in practice I would hardly ever use them.)
"Normal" here means any character without special significance in a string. In other words, any character other than " (which ends the literal), \ (which starts an escape sequence, or newline (which is usually an error although some languages allow newlines in strings). In other words, [^"\n\\] (or something similar).
"escape" would be any valid escape sequence. If you didn't want to validate the escape sequence, you could just match a backslash followed by any single character (including newline): \\(.|\n). But since you do seem to want to validate, you'd need to be explicit about the escape sequences you're prepared for:
But all that only recognises valid string literals. Invalid string literals won't match the pattern, and will therefore fall back to whatever you're using as a fallback rule (matching only the initial "). Since that's practically never what you want, you need to add a second rule which detects error. The easiest way to write the second rule is ["]({normal}|{escape})*, i.e. the valid rule without the final double quote. That will only match erroneous string literals because of (f)lex's maximal munch rule: a valid string literal has a longer match with the valid rule than with the error rule (because the valid rule's match includes the final double quote).
In real-life lexical scanners (as opposed to school exercises), it's more common to expect that the lexical scanner will actually resolve the string literal into the actual bytes it represents, by replacing escape sequences with the corresponding character. That is generally done with a start condition, but the individual patterns are more focussed (and there are more of them). For an example of such a parser, you could look at these two answers (and many others):
Flex / Lex Encoding Strings with Escaped Characters
Optimizing flex string literal parsing

Parsing delimited strings using petitparser

I was originally looking to (manually) write a simple tokenise/parser for my grammar, but one of my requirements means that tokenising is a bit fiddly.
I need to be able to support the notion of delimited strings where the delimiter could be any char. eg. strings are most likely to be delimited using double quotes (eg. "hello") but it could just as easily be /hello/ or ,hello, or pathologically xhellox
So, I started looking at what alternatives there might be to do a combined tokenise/parse... which is when I stumbled across petit parser.
Just curious whether this type of delimited string might be something that would be able to be parsed using Petit Parser? Thanks.
There are multiple ways to achieve this with PetitParser. Probably the most elegant is to use the a continuation parser:
final delimited = any().callCC((continuation, context) {
final delimiter = continuation(context).value.toParser();
final parser = [
return parser.parseOn(context);
The above snippet parses the start character any() (can be further restricted, if necessary) and then dynamically creates a delimiter parser from that. Furthermore, it combines that delimiter parser into one that parses the start character, the contents (not the start character), and the end character and uses the new parser to consume the input. This also gives really nice error messages.

Regular expressions in flex has error

I am new in flex and I want to design a scanner using flex.
At this step, I want to make regular expression to match with id, but here are some conditions:
underline can exist in id
you can use _ whenever you want, but if you are using them exactly
consequently it can be at most 2 underlines for example :
a_b_c »»»» true
a___b »»»» false
123abv »»»» false
integers can't be at the beginning of an id
underline can't exist at the end of an id
The regular expression I have written for that is :
but now I have 2 questions:
Is the regular expression true? I have tested it in and I think this is true but I'm not sure?
The other important problem is that when I write this in my flex file, Unfortunately no id is identified. But I can't why it is not recognized
Can anyone please help me?
The problem here is your ID regular expression. You are using \b to match a word boundary, but Flex's regular expressions have no built-in support for matching word boundaries. Other than that, your regular expression is sound. I was able to get your code working using this modified version of yours: _{0,2}[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]*(_{0,2}[0-9A-Za-z]+)*. (I just got rid of the \b's, and some of the parentheses that bothered me).
Unfortunately, this causes a slight problem. Say that you're lexing and run across something like 12_345. Flex will read 12, assume that it found an IC, and then read _. Finding no match, it will print that to stdout, then read 345 as another IC.
In order to avoid this issue (caused by Flex's lack of word boundaries), you could do one of two things:
Create a rule at the end that matches any character (other than whitespace) and make it give an error. This would stop Flex when it got to _ in the example above.
Create a rule at the end that matches any combination of letters, numbers, and underscores ([_0-9A-Za-z]+). If it is matched, give an error. This will cause Flex to return the entire token 12_345 as an error in the above example.
One other problem: The ID regular expression still won't match anything with underscores at the end of it. This means your current regular expression isn't perfect, and you'll need to do some tweaking with it, but now you know not to use the \b symbol. Here is a reference on Flex's regular expression syntax so you can find other things to use/avoid.
I think your requirement is:
Identifiers can use only alphanumeric characters and _
Identifiers cannot start with a number
Identifiers cannot end with an _
Identifiers cannot include more than two consecutive _
(When I first read your question, I thought the last requirement was that identifiers cannot include more than two _, but looking at the proposed regex, I think the version above is more accurate.)
Based on the above, you should be able to use the following two Flex patterns:
([[:alpha:]]|__?[[:alnum:]])(_?_?[[:alnum:]])* { /* Handle an identifier */ }
[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]* { /* Error */ }
Breaking that down:
([[:alpha:]]|__?[[:alnum:]]) matches an alphabetic character or one or two _ followed by an alphanumeric character.
(_?_?[[:alnum:]])* matches a string of and alphanumeric characters, with a maximum of two before an alphanumeric character.
The second pattern will match anything which starts with an alphabetic character or followed by any number of alphanumerics or . This will match all valid identifiers as well as the sequences which contain too many consecutive or which end with . If both patterns match (that is, a valid identifier), the first one will win, so it will be correctly recognized. The second pattern will consume the entire erroneous identifier, allowing for easier error recovery.
The pattern in the OP doesn't work because flex treats \b as a backspace character (as in C). Flex does not implement word boundary assertions, but in a lexer you almost never need these; the pattern above can be used if necessary.
