i tried to pull it using
adb pull /sdcard/جهات الإتصال.vcf D:/
but when i write it in CMD it's shows as non-understood language
any ideas please
This question has deleted answer by #sachin-das stating that adb.exe from andriod platform tools handles Japanese filenames properly.
I've rechecked that platform-tools-latest-windows.zip\platform-tools\adb.exe version 1.0.39 from Andriod Platform Tools handles Russian filenames correctly too.
My old adb.exe v1.0.32 was corrupting filenames. While adb.exe of the same v1.0.32 from #sachin-das's google drive didn't.
So I guess there are different builds of adb of the same version roaming in the wild.
The official website makes it pretty clear that there is no support for kenlm in Windows. There is a Windows tag at the github repository but it seems to be maintained by few random contributors then and there.
How to set up kenlm for Windows then?
The new DeepSpeech PlayBook also includes instructions for setting up a Docker image and running training from within a Docker container. If you have Docker on Windows, this might be another solution.
The information for building a new Scorer is still in a PR, but may also be useful.
The solution is to use Ubuntu in Windows through Windows Subsystem for Linux
Get WSL for Windows
From your ubuntu bash navigate to the folder where you want to do the setup. You can access the Windows file system from the /mnt/c/ folder, which you can find at the root directory.
From there simply follow the official instructions, that is clone the git repo, and run cmake .. & make -j2 in order to build the project (after first making the necessary installations in your Ubuntu system).
Obviously, you must train the models or scorers using the Linux bash. You can also use these models from Windows using the kenlm python library.
The two steps to build a scorer for the deepspeech-model as described here should be executed from your Ubuntu system. But after you have the scorer you should be able to run the command
deepspeech --model deepspeech-0.9.3-models.pbmm --scorer kenlm.scorer --audio audio.wav
from Windows. However, once you have WSL there's no need to do this work from Windows. Things will work nicely #your Ubuntu system.
I've faced the same problem and solved it by building kenlm wheel from Cygwin terminal as home page advices (pip wheel pypi-kenlm).
I've also uploaded wheel to pypi called kenlm-cygwin, but it's only python3.7.
My projects that are programmed in Ubuntu, where VSCode is configured in LF work perfectly.
When I clone on Windows even with the .editorconfig configured only for lf, it modifies the entire code of a file when saving, needing to commit the files again just because it reconfigured the lf.
The problem is that I have already configured editorconfig, vscode, git global to lf and nothing solved, whenever saved it modifies the file.
I use eslint, prettier and editorconfig in the code. I wanted a solution to be able to program on both operating systems.
When installing Git for Windows it asks you how you want to handle this situation (line endings). Usually it gives 3 options. Once you choose one, every time you clone a repo it applies that option.
So, say the repo uses LF and you specified that you want to use CRLF during your Git installation, it will make all the files CRLF.
I am not sure if that option is configurable post install. You can uninstall Git and reinstall it and you'll see that option. From there, if you Unix is your primary development environment I would say choose the option that says "Check out Unix style, commit Unix style".
Q: Why would re-saving a file be different vs a direct extraction from a zip file? Particularly on Windows?
I have an angular application that prepares a text file for import into a commercial machine. For user convenience, we provide the file inside a zip file so that the required folder structure can be provided to the user. They write this file to a USB drive and use that to import into the machine.
If the downloaded zip file is extracted directly onto the USB (to get the file and the required folder structure), the machine cannot recognize the embedded text file.
If I open the file in any text editor, add a space, delete the space, and re-save the file on the USB, then the machine will recognize the file. Alternatively, if I extract the zip onto the local file system, then copy the folder structure from the local file system to the USB, then the machine also will recognize it.
If I switch to Linux, then a 'write out' from nano will fix the file. If I use the touch command on the file, the problem remains.
Suspecting a whitespace/line-ending issue, I've tried several diff tools which reveal no apparent differences:
$ diff original.txt resaved.txt (Linux)
$ vbindiff original.txt resaved.txt (Linux)
> fc /b original.txt resaved.txt (Windows 7)
Other info:
Angular version: 5.2.10
Zip Utility in angular: JSZip 3.1.5
Unzip Utils: 7-Zip and Native Windows Explorer extract
JSZip code:
const zip = new JSZip();
zip.folder('FolderA/FolderB/FolderC').file('FILE.TXT', new File([contentString], 'TEMP.TXT', { type: 'text/plain' }));
zip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' })
.then(function (content) {
saveAs(content, 'ZipFile.ZIP');
At this point, I'm out of ideas. Hoping someone here may have some insight into this odd behavior.
TL;DR: Check the file attributes (e.g. Archive, Read-Only, Hidden, System, etc).
Our system was specifically looking for the Archive bit and modifying the file in any way set this bit.
This was an ugly one to ferret out, but chatting with our embedded systems programmer for a bit led to the answer.
Our machine was specifically searching for the archive bit (Windows file attribute) when it was searching for files to import. This bit is a relic from Windows NTFS and is near obsolete. For all intents and purposes it is a dirty flag used to point out files that should be archived/backed up in the next backup run. There are much better ways to do this, so it has fallen out of style.
However, for whatever reason, our system is searching only for files with that bit set. That's why opening/copying/moving the file would fix the problem, because altering it in any way set this archive bit (dirty flag).
If you want to learn more about it, see here and here.
So, the moral of the story is to check these file attributes if you have a similar issue.
We are using the Harmony USB driver from Microchip, so this may be a nuance of that tool (or maybe just an artifact from one of the online examples).
You can see it this using the file properties in Windows Explorer or with the > attrib <file> command in Windows command prompt.
To fix:
Windows: You can set the value from the command prompt using > attrib +a <file> or remove it using > attrib -a <file>.
If using node.js on a Windows host, you can use the winattr library from NPM to manipulate these attributes.
Linux: You can use $ getfattr and $ setfattr to set the bit (see here and here).
Note: the answers I linked say to use $ setfattr -h -v 0x00000020 -n system.ntfs_attrib_be <target-file> but I got an operation not supported when I tried to do the same. I ended up using the java solution, but when I inspected the file afterward, it seemed the equivalent command would have been $ setfattr -n user.DOSATTRIB -v 0sMHgyMAA= <target-file>. Your mileage may vary but I offer it in case it helps anyone.
Java: You can also use Java from any system.
I can't get the controller emulator to work with Google VR SDK 1.1 & Unity 5.6b3 under Arch Linux 64-bit. If I load the GVRDemo scene in Unit and click the play button to enter Play Mode, the console shows the following:
"Android Debug Bridge (adb) command not found.
Verify that the Android SDK is installed and that the directory containing adb is included in your PATH environment variable."
In Windows, you have to add the directory containing the Android Debug Bridge (adb) program to the PATH environment variable in Windows itself (not in the Unity program). Once you do that, the Controller Emulator works fine in Windows. You have to do the same in Linux, evidently, to get Unity to locate adb, and therefore get the Controller Emulator phone working for testing the game.
I've added the following line in my .bashrc and .profile files in my home directory:
This, however, doesn't fix the issue.
I've also added the root directory of the Android SDK to my Unity Preferences > External Tools section.
I don't know how to get Unity and Google VR SDK to recognize the directory containing adb to the PATH environment variable that Unity needs to make the Controller Emulator work.
Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a fix or work-around?
I was able to locate the culprit and modify Google VR SDK scripts to make it work! Turns out there was an issue in the code of the script file titled "EmulatorClientSocket.cs" regarding non-Windows machines. Here's what I changed, and why:
Originally, in line 111 and 112 of this script, it read:
stringprocessArguments = string.Format(" -l -c \"{0}\"", adbCommand);
The context is that when Windows is not present (forgive my layman's terms -- I've only started learning coding a month ago) the command to process is this: bash -l -c "adb forward tcp:7003 tcp:7003". The problem is when the -l option is used in the command, the command is interpreted as if coming from a login shell, which - I believe - means that bash isn't looking at the custom environment variables set in the user's .bashrc and .profile files in their home directory. Without looking at those files, bash can't locate the adb command (try running the bold command above in a terminal, and the result will be a prompt saying adb command not found).
To fix it, I simply removed the -l option from line 112, and, voila! Everything works like a charm! Lines 111 and 112 now look like this:
stringprocessArguments = string.Format(" -c \"{0}\"", adbCommand);
The fix will work when running "unity-editor" or "unity-editor-beta" from the Terminal or Xterm, but running it from the application menu will still produce the adb error and Controller Emulator will not work.
Ultimately I'm trying to get the device id for my note 5.
I've installed Android Studio along with the Platform-Tools 23.1
When I use terminal to go into the platform-tools folder and type adb I get "command not found"
Any ideas?
Since "platform-tools" is probably not part of the system path, you should try running: "./adb" instead of "adb" from the platform-tools location. Or use the full path to it.
Using "." would indicate that you are trying to launch adb from the current directory
Ok after much search i have come to realize that much of the stackoverflow posts have been marking the wrong and complex answers, for all such questions about adb not working, not found, -bash not found etcccc The only thing that you guys need to do is in terminal just change your directory to platform-tools folder in android SDK
cd /Users/macbookpro/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools
and then run ./adb --help to see the list since adb is already located inside platform tools no need to export $path and all those vague solutions. Thanks