Visual Studio Code (vscode) - License expires? - licensing

I just found Visual Studio Code ( and wanted to give it a try. But when I read the license terms (yes - I really did) I saw the following point:
TIME-SENSITIVE SOFTWARE. The software will stop running on 31/12/2016 (day/month/year). You will not receive any other notice. You may not be able to access data used with the software when it stops running.
This seems a bit strange. What happens after the end of the year - in the worst case I will not be able to use it any more, or maybe it will not be free any more but I need to pay? There might be other reasons for this term - does anyone know?

This is a great question. I am a Program Manager on the Visual Studio Code team and happy to try to answer it.
Typically our pre-release software has an expiration defined in the license to encourage moving to officially released versions of products when they become available. Released products generally have different license terms, support policies, data collection policies, etc.
Visual Studio Code follows this model. It is currently in "Beta" and has a 31 Dec 2016 termination date in its license. We chose that date because we felt it was well outside the timeframe in which we would delare general availablity ("GA" or "1.0") and become an officially released product. The in product expiration helps with compliance because the product will not run after the license expires.
When we declare GA we will make two significant changes to the license. First, we are removing the termination date from the license and from the product. Second, we will allow users opt-out of data collection. VS Code will continue to be free and Insiders builds will always be Beta.
Thanks again for asking the question, I hope this explanation makes it more clear. I'll post a link to this in our wiki.


Zxing License jai-imageio

i have a question about the ZXing library license.
The biggest part is the part about the Apache 2.0 license, which is no problem.
I noticed there was a part added a few month ago under jai-imageio.
What exactly mean the 2 parts behind the hyphen?
Do i need to include these copyrights and license when i publish an application like with the apache license?
Or does my application also need to be published under the same license as mentioned?
The license can be found here:
Forgive me for asking, i'm not a native english speaker, and its hard to understand the business language in these license.
best regards
The LICENSE file (all-caps in the original file-name) contains two licenses.
The first one as you wrote yourself looks like the Apache-2 license to you. I have not extensively verified it, but it looks to me as well like the Apache 2 license.
From a quick glimpse, the second license in that file is a BSD type of license, I first thought it's with 2 clauses, but it actually is a BSD-3-Clause one, the third clause is missing a dash in front, perhaps a mistake when copying it
Why are there two licenses?
I don't know the software you linked, I can imagine that it consists of another software ("jai-imageio") which is licensed under such a lax BSD-type license.
These BSD-type licenses require that they are kept verbatim to not loose usage rights. That is normally the reason why devs do add more and more licenses to the LICENSE file so that in a central place all licenses used in the project are visible.
Compare for example with the X-Server projects licenses documentation, the bigger a project grows, the more third-party code it contains and this requires some maintenance on the licenses as well, like collecting them in a license file or directory.

Calendar aligned version numbers for an unpaid application

The internal application which my team works on is currently on a version 10.y.z.build_number.
During a discussion if the next release is significant enough for 10.y+1.z.build_number or it should be 10.y.z+1.build_number I suggested that we could keep it simple and align the version numbers with the calendar.
For example the next release would be 13.8.1.build_number which stands for the 1st release for August 2013. The September one would be 13.9.1.build_number.
The idea has been discarded for now.
For a paid application I can imagine that having the 1st number is useful to easily distinguish between releases with free upgrades and major releases which require paid update. x+1.y.z would be paid and x.y+1.z would be free.
After a quick search I found Jeff Attwood's What's In a Version Number, Anyway?.
However for an unpaid internal application I cannot think of weak points for the calendar-aligned version numbers and the beauty of simplicity speaks to me. As one of the comments on Jeff Atwood's post says: Microsoft Office 2003 is a far more meaningful name than Microsoft Office 11.
The question:
Is my vision clouded by enthusiasm and are there known issues for calendar-aligned version numbers?
For an internal application, the information that the version needs to convey is the revision or commit of the sources from which said app is built.
Since you have access to the VCS managing that app sources, the version can help bug reporting like: "found in revision xxx".
That is far more valuable that a date-based tag, which can be subject to interpretation in order to find the exact version of the sources exhibiting a bug that need to be reporting.
You can combine that with any version policy you want, with tags: git, for instance, can generate a unique version number based on SHA1 + a tag. See:
"Deriving application build version from git describe - how to get a relatively straightforward string?"
"Simulating a global revision number with git"
But the idea remains: date is a metadata managed by a VCS or a build scheduler like Jenkins/Hudson/TeamCity... It doesn't have to be in the public version number of the app.
What need to be in that version number is an info allowing to get the exact sources from which that app was built.

What version number should an unreleased project receive?

Note: I'm new to version numbering. Please excuse my ignorance.
I have a project where an attempted major release (Version B) was abandoned then later re-attempted and release (Version C). Each version has major changes from the previous version that I wouldn't consider an minor update. Little to nothing of Version B made it into Version C.
Version A (1.0)
Developed, released, updated, etc.
Version B (???)
Developed, suspended, abandoned.
Version C (2.0)
Developed, released, updated, etc.
I feel like I should have version them like so, but worried about confusion of the missing version:
Version A (1.0)
Version B (2.0)
Version C (3.0)
You should have two versioning schemes. An internal one, that follows the typical form:
And then a public facing one. With the public facing one, you can map your internal versions to "customer friendly" named versions. Like the hilarity around Java's naming strategies.
I wouldn't mind a missing version number unless it is a marketing nightmare. From a development view point it's simply a pointer and once you make it past a certain point the previous versions only served as lessons to build future versions. Like you said - little of Version B made it into Version C so internally what's the point of acknowledging the existence of Version B?
Marketing - there are plenty of companies that will skip a version number. If customer gets confused just tell them you made such great strides in bettering your product you skipped a whole version. The other side is sometimes customers get this feeling that if they receive a version 2.9 of a software package they are entitled to a free copy of version 3.0. After all - it was on the heels of 2.9. Stop them in their tracks and take some more money for your hard work by a naming convention of 4.0.
That also will help with announcing your EOL by allowing you to EOL the non-existent version and previous making it sound like you're a prince since you main people out there with your newly EOL version of software look like they're already one version off.
It's a mind game - you just have to take control of Russia and China before your opponent does. That's why they call it Risk.
Multi-dot version numbering is a waste of time. KISS. Start with version 1, increment by 1, and just stick to whole numbers. If you're using a system forcing extra periods and digits, ignore them. Keep a good log of what's specific to each version, when it was released, to whom it was released, etc. Anyone deciding only by version number and not the "what's new" documentation on whether or not to upgrade is not anyone to be concerned about.
If Version B was never released, then your Version C can be released with a public release number of 2.0. You don't have to admit to having internal releases that didn't make it. Your internal version number does not have to match your public release numbers, as long as you keep track of the mappings.

Version numbering basics? [closed]

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Suppose I have a web application with some basic functions. I want to market it. So I would like to assign a version number - something like 0.0.1. What I want to know is are there any constraints that should apply to that numbering system?
Hope you understood my question, thanks in advance.
Most places use something like this:
Major Release.Minor Release.Hot Fix.Build
Your version numbers would look like, etc.
A lot of free software uses a three point system: X.Y.Z where
X is for compatibility breaking releases.
Y is for other releases, with even numbers being stable and odd numbers being unstable.
Z is for fixes.
This way version 0.28.1 is a stable release with one fix and 2.9.0 is an alpha release with zero fixes.
Some people also have fun developing their own schemes. E.g. Tex which by each release approxed Pi, with version numbers: 3, 3.1, 3.14, etc.
It does not really matter, as long as you can use the version number to identify your versions (i. e. either add your source control system's internal revision number into the version number) or use it for tagging your releases.
When you do so, you might want to use that number as your third (or fourth) component. It looks confusing if some product jumps from version 1.12345 to 2.12346, but jumping from 1.4.12345 to 2.0.12345 is more common.
About which number to start, I just want to quote Eric S. Raymond:
In the closed-source world, Version
1.0 means "Don't touch this if you're prudent."; in the open-source world
it reads something more like "The
developers are willing to bet their
reputations on this."
You can use whatever numbers you want in your versioning - who's going to constrain you?
If you want your first version to be, that's fine, albeit a little silly. If you want your first version to be 106.3, you can do that too, but that's a little more ridiculous.
Check out the Wikipedia article on Software Versioning for some tried-and-true ideas of realistic version numbering schemes.
I've always used (rewrite).(feature added).(bug fix).
But set your own rules and make them public so your users understand them.
Take a look here. python setuptools has a very interesting and clear specification for version numbering. I'm sure you can obtain some very insightful hints from it.
To the best of my knowledge, there is as yet no government agency dictating how you number versions. But don't worry, I'm sure it will come soon enough.
Ditto on those suggesting major-dot-minor-revision. My general approach is: Major changes get a new major version. Like, if we've added important new features. Small changes, like added some little convenience features or one new report, get a minor revision. Hot bug fix changes get a revision.
I would definately avoid calling your first published version "0.l" for simple marketing reasons: Numbers less than 1.0 sound like a preliminary version or a beta version. I've known people to call their first version 2.3 or some such just to make it sound like it's been around a little while to inspire more confidence, though that strikes me as a little dishonest.
how about the software which is not distributed to public like a webmail source code? do you think that the build or bug fix number is still important in this case?
MAJOR changes is backward incompatible and require changing project name, path to files, GUIDs, etc.
MINOR changes is backward compatible. Mark introduction of new features.
REV for security/bug fixes. Backward and forward compatible.
eg. In SQL server 2008 RTM version number is 10.00.1600.22 and In SQL server 2012 version is 11.00.2100.60
First field is changed due to change in project name i.e. 10 and 11
In SQL server 2008 R2 RTM version number is 10.50.1600.1 and In SQL server 2008 version is 11.00.1600.22
Second field is changed due to introduction of new features.
Third field indicate build(developed)
Forth field indicates revision i.e. hotfixes applied...
You might want to start by taking a look at the Software versioning article on wikipedia, which gives some informations about the possibilities you have ;-)
It might give you some ideas of what you could do in your specific case...
I've used
and also
but anything that allows you to individually track releases would work. As long as you're consistent.
We use where revision is the SVN revision and build is the build number which is based on the current date (in YYDDD format where YY is the year and DDD the day number, so 18001 would be Jan 1st 2018.)
Having the SVN revision is incredibly useful and has saved us on more than one occasion.
Version numbers are not a concrete specification in software development.
In other words, one team may use, others may use 1.0.0 and so on. It matters not.
Just choose something that works for you.
Typically major.minor.revision is the most simple and straight forward method to use. Visual Studio for example can assign version numbers automatically for you, as can other tools. So all you are required to update is the major/minor values. The build/revision numbers are updated automatically.
I seem to remember that in the old days (I am talking Commodore here) we used a syntax like
which could be appended with either fix and/or build, where fix would usually be a letter stuck directly to the revision. So a full number would read something like:
But like most have already said, it doesn't really matter, there is no true standard for this. Just use whatever is most convenient for you.
After reading a lot of articles/QAs/FAQs/books I become to think
that [MAJOR].[MINOR].[REV] is most useful versioning schema to
describe compatibility between project version (versioning schema
for developer, does not for marketing).
MAJOR changes is backward incompatible and require changing
project name, path to files, GUIDs, etc.
MINOR changes is backward compatible. Mark introduction of new
REV for security/bug fixes. Backward and forward compatible.
This versioning schema inspired by libtool versioning semantics and by articles:
NOTE: I also recommend provide build/date/custom/quality as additional info (build
number, build date, customer name, release quality):
Hello app v2.6.34 for National bank, 2011-05-03, beta, build 23545
But this info is not versioning info!!
You can use any form of version numbering you desire.
I just recommend using something that makes sense. The Major.Minor.Revision numbering is popular, but any numbering scheme you wish is "valid".
When developing software libraries, I recommend using the version number to communicate the level of source and binary compatibility between two releases.
Since you're developing a web application, a two part version number is probably sufficient. The first part is for new functionality and the second is for fixes.

How to do version numbers? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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My company is building a product. It's going to be versioned by SVN. It's a webapp so basically there will never be a version out which doesn't have some features in them and thus could always be labeled as beta. But since it's going to be a corporate product I really don't want the "unstable watchout" on there. So how would you go about versioning? Is 1.0 stable? Should the build date be in the version number? Tell me what you guys think!
major: Really a marketing decision. Are you ready to call the version 1.0? Does the company consider this a major version for which customers might have to pay more, or is it an update of the current major version which may be free? Less of an R&D decision and more a product decision.
minor: Starts from 0 whenever major is incremented. +1 for every version that goes public.
release: Every time you hit a development milestone and release the product, even internally (e.g. to QA), increment this. This is especially important for communication between teams in the organization. Needless to say, never release the same 'release' twice (even internally). Reset to 0 upon minor++ or major++.
build: Can be a SVN revision, I find that works best.
My current chrome: 83.0.4103.61
increments in g are unstable. (or RCs)
increments in z are stable and mean bug fixes.
increments in y are stable and mean new features.
increments in x are stable, major release without 100% backward compatibility.
I once wrote an elaborate "versioning style guide" for a large project of mine. The project failed to materialize, but the style guide is still available online. It's my personal opinion, perhaps it is helpful (or inspirational) to you.
Beware, it's a long text, and goes into component versioning vs. product versioning and stuff like that. It also expresses strong opinions on some versioning schemes popular in the OSS community, but I have them, so I express them. ;-)
I disagree with using the Subversion revision number, for example. You might want to maintain a released version while continuing development in TRUNK, so you'll set up a maintenance branch - and your revision number versioning goes down the drain.
Edit: As a summary, it distinguishes between versioning source files, components, and the overall product. It uses a system of seperate x.y versoning for components and the product, with a nice interdependency between the two that makes tracing which component version belongs to which product version trivial. It also talks about how to handle alpha / beta / release / patch cycles without breaking the system. Actually, it's a modus operandi for the whole development cycle, so you might want to cherry-pick. ;-)
Edit 2: As enough people found my article useful to make this a "Nice Answer", I started working on the article again. PDF and LaTeX versions are now available, a complete rewrite including better language and explanatory graphics will follow as soon as I can find the time. Thank you for your votes!
Get yourself some inspiration from Wikipedia: "Software versioning"
Another "new" and "relatively popular" option is Semantic Versioning
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as
extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
Increments : when
- d: bug fixes
- c: maintenance, e.g. performance improvement
- b: new features
- a: architecture change
The mandatory is the most left one e.g. if there are for example a new feature and a bug fixed then you only have to increment b.
Based on my experience with complex enterprise platform level dependency management and release versioning I've come to recommend an approach I like to call Semi-Semantic Versioning.
Basically it builds off of Semantic Versioning 2.0 but is not quite as strict.
Semi-Semantic Version Segments:
Primary Release Segment Format:
Each segment should allow alphanumerics, but pure numerics are recommended for logical incremental changes.
Like SemVer, I recommend Major, Minor, and Patch components to represent reverse compatibility tiers, but I also recommend prepending a Marketing component. This allows product owners, feature epics/groups, and business concerns to bump the primary component independent of technical compatibility concerns.
Unlike other answers, I don't recommended appending a Build number to the primary segment. Instead, add a Post-Release Segment following a '+' (ex: SemVer calls this build metadata, but I think Post-Release Segment is clearer. This segment is great for declaring the suffix data as not related to the compatibility info in the primary Release Segment. Your continuous integration builds can then be given the previous release number appended with an incremental build number that resets after each primary release (ex: -> -> -> ). Some people alternately like to put the svn revision number here or the git commit sha to make it easy to tie to the code repository. Another option is to use the post-release segment for hotfixes and patches, tho it might be worth considering adding a new primary release component for that. It can always get dropped when the patch component is incremented, since the versions are effectively left-aligned and sorted.
In addition to the release and post-release segments, people often want to use a Pre-Release Segment to indicate almost-stable pre-releases like alphas, betas and release candidates. The SemVer approach to this works well, but I recommend separating numerical components from alpha-numeric classifiers (ex: or Normally you would bump the release segment at the same time as adding the post-release segment and then drop the pre-release segment when you next bump them primary release segment (ex: -> -> Pre-release segments get added to indicate that the release version is coming up, usually just a fixed set of features for more in-depth testing and sharing that doesn't change minute to minute based on more commits.
The beauty of having all of this semantically defined in a way that covers almost all use-cases is that you can parse, sort, compare and increment them in a standard way. This is especially important when using CI systems for complex applications with lots of small independently versioned components (like micro-services) each with their own managed dependencies.
If you're interested, I wrote a semi-semantic parser in ruby. I needed to not just use this pattern but be able to manage other apps that used it.
"Version numbers" are a matter for your internal version control system. Release numbers are a different matter (and should be KEPT different).
Stick to a simple MAJOR.MINOR release system (like v1.27), where MAJOR is the compatibility level (version 2.x is incompatible with or at least majorly different from version 1.x) and MINOR is your bugfix releases or minor enhancements. As long as you follow the X.Y format, you can also use other systems like YEAR.MONTH (2009.12) or YEAR.RELEASE (2009.3). But really you're probably best sticking to MAJOR.MINOR unless you have a good reason not to.
Definitely don't use anything that doesn't fit the X.Y format, as it'll make it tough for distros, announcement websites, etc. to work with you, and that alone could seriously affect your project's popularity.
Use branches and tags in your (preferably distributed) version control system to mark specific internal version numbers as relating to MAJORS and MINORS respectively.
And yes, 1.0 should be stable. All releases should be stable, unless they're marked alpha, beta, or RC. Use Alphas for known-broken-and-incomplete. Betas for known-broken. RCs for "try it; you'll probably spot things we missed". Anything without one of these should (ideally, of course) be tested, known good, have an up to date manual, etc.
Version scheme: [major].[minor].[devrel][mark]
[major]: increment if you have a drastic change in development.
[minor]: increment if you have a minor change in development.
[devrel]: increment if you have a bug fix. Reset to zero if major++ or minor++.
[mark]: a, b or rc: a is an alpha release, b is beta release, and rc is a release candidate. Note that versions like 1.3.57a or 1.3.57b or 1.3.57rc is before the version 1.3.57. Start at 0.0.0.
It's pretty popular these days to just use the Subversion revision number.
If it's in SVN then why not use the SVN revision number?
If you look at the bottom right of this web page you'll see the Stack Overflow version number which is the SVN revision number.
Versioning is up to you; I'd put 1.0 on the first version I was confident in. You may want to follow it up quickly with other versions, since some software vendors have given 1.0 a bad reputation.
You do want some way of tying the version number to the exact build used, but you probably want it to be nice and simple for your end users. Consider using standard version numbers, and tagging the SVN repository with the version number included.
While just going with the Subversion revision number is nice and simple, it does remove information from the version number. Users might consider this a bad thing.
I assume that your webapp will have some kind of deployment procedure, so that not each revision in Subversion is actually published. Since it is impossible from the "outside" (from the user's perspective) to determine when releases are being made, and how many revisions the code will undergo between them, it makes the numbers almost random. They will be increasing, and I guess it's possible to surmise some kind of distance from comparing two revisions, but not much.
Classical version numbers tend to "dramatize" releases, so that users can build some kind of expectation. It is easier to think "I have version 1.0, now version 1.1 is out adding this and that, that sounds interesting" than to think "yesterday we ran SO revision 2587, today it's 3233, it must be lots better!".
Of course, this dramatization can be inflated too, with companies picking version numbers that are meant to sound more interesting than is motivated by the actual differences in the product, I guess going with the revision number counters this a bit.
We've spent way too much time deciding when to increment the major version. Some shops would rarely do it so you would have releases like 1.25.3 and others would do it for ever release giving you 15.0
I got fed up with that and convinced everyone the major release number is just the year and the minor is just a sequential release within the year. The users seemed to like it and it's a no-brainer to come-up with the next version number.
year = current year
release = sequence # of public releases with
new functionality - reset to 1 every
build = incremented for bug
fixes and internal releases
** Now this was for an internal app that was continually enhanced **
This would probably not work for commercial apps where it's important to have major releases at different times of the year for marketing and financial purposes.
The reason why this question exists is because we don't have a single agreed upon way to do configuration management.
The way I like to do version number is just increment integer from 1. I don't want a multi part version number that I will have to explain or document. And I don't want to use SVN rev number as that will require some explaining as well.
You would need some release scripts on top of SVN to make this happen
I have very little experience in the area. However, here's what I'd do:
Choose a scheme for numbering revisions and stick to it. Be consistent.
Each version change should represent a significant change. How small a change is significant and the levels of change that are reflected in the version number are up to you.
Of course, you can just use the svn revision number --- like many others have suggested!!!
I hope this helps.
We use a simple major.minor.julian_date syntax.
major - First release is 1 and then when we introduce major new features or changes so significant they are not backwards compatible increase this number.
minor - The major milestone releases. For each build pushed by production this number increases.
julian_date - The Julian Day the build was pushed to QA.
Example of the first release pushed to QA on 1/15 is -> 1.0.015
Example of the first release pushed to Production on 3/4 is -> 1.1.063
It's not perfect, but handy as we push builds to QA near daily.
Some good info here:
When to Change File/Assembly Versions
First of all, file versions and assembly versions need not coincide with each other. I recommend that file versions change with each build. But, don’t change assembly versions with each build just so that you can tell the difference between two versions of the same file; use the file version for that. Deciding when to change assembly versions takes some discussion of the types of builds to consider: shipping and non-shipping.
Non-Shipping Builds
In general, I recommend keeping non-shipping assembly versions the same between shipping builds. This avoids strongly-named assembly loading problems due to version mismatches. Some people prefer using publisher policy to redirect new assembly versions for each build. I recommend against that for non-shipping builds, however: it doesn’t avoid all of the loading problems. For example, if a partner x-copies your app, they may not know to install publisher policy. Then, your app will be broken for them, even though it works just fine on your machine.
But, if there are cases where different applications on the same machine need to bind to different versions of your assembly, I recommend giving those builds different assembly versions so that the correct one for each app can be used without having to use LoadFrom/etc.
Shipping Builds
As for whether it’s a good idea to change that version for shipping builds, it depends on how you want the binding to work for end-users. Do you want these builds to be side-by-side or in-place? Are there many changes between the two builds? Are they going to break some customers? Do you care that it breaks them (or do you want to force users to use your important updates)? If yes, you should consider incrementing the assembly version. But, then again, consider that doing that too many times can litter the user’s disk with outdated assemblies.
When You Change Your Assembly Versions
To change hardcoded versions to the new one, I recommend setting a variable to the version in a header file and replacing the hardcoding in sources with the variable. Then, run a pre-processor during the build to put in the correct version. I recommend changing versions right after shipping, not right before, so that there's more time to catch bugs due to the change.
Or to use your 'thought' version number comma subversion number..
1.0.101 // revision 101, release
or 1.0.101-090303 // with release date, i use this
