Is there any utility/plugin for vim editor to add comments/headers? - c

I have searched a number of plugins for adding automatic/manual headers/comments/function details in any C/C++ file when open in vim editor, even tried using .vimrc file using autocommands. But they are for while opening a new file. Is there any same for already existing files?
Its very tedious for adding information about a code/function in a large code-base.

lh-cpp provides:
customisable templates for file headers
loaded automatically when a new file is created from the file template, before expanding the dedicated .h/.cpp file template
or on demand as they are 3 ways to trigger a template/snippet expansion (automatically on new files, or on demand with :MuTemplate c/internals/c-file-header here (you can also set an alias to something else) or on snippet expansion). As lh-cpp/mu-template snippets/templates are actually similar to functions/variations points, you can ask to expand only file headers (which are customizable on a per-project basis), or anti-reinclusion guards, and so on.
:DOX command that analyses functions signature to fill the function headers as best as possible
advanced snippets for various kind of classes (entity classes, base classes, copiable classes, exception classes, ...) and should eventually fill as much information as possible in the class doxygen from the class semantics -- I just didn't have enough time yet to implement this feature.

There are at least two approaches, one using abbreviations and one using snippets.
For example, you could use Ultisnips to add a pre established header.


Change File Template for existing classes

Each new created class applies file template rules, which by default is :
* Created by ${USER} on ${DATE}.
Speaking of my project, i have dozens of classes that has this template by default, and when it comes to code cleanup, it's really frustrating. Is it possible to replace file template in already EXISTING classes so replacement wouldn't take too much time (i was thinking to do this manually, but i hope there's better solution for that)?
Thank you
Is it possible to replace file template in already EXISTING classes ... ?
No, it's not possible. But IntelliJ has very powerful "Search and Replace" and refactoring capabilities.

Best configuration and parameters for ctags in a CakePHP project

What is the best configuration and parameters for ctags in a CakePHP project?
I want to be able to auto-complete ctp files, Components, Behaviours, Models and Helpers?
Check these github repositories, I have found then and they are so good for work with php and cakephp
This solution requires 1 line in your .ctags file and two lines in your .vimrc file, so it's fairly minimal.
# Controller -> Component
map <leader>t yiw<cr>:tag /^<C-R>"<CR>
# View -> Helper
map <leader>h yiw<cr>:tag /^<C-R>"Helper<CR>
Add Views to your tags
This solution is mostly for jumping between files. I'll try and add auto-completion at a later date.
Add this to your ~/.ctags options file to include CakePHP views as PHP files:
Then I'm assuming you've done ctags -R . at the root of your project (that's what I've done at least). This out of the box should pick up PHP syntax and class definitions.
Auto-completion (general)
I found the auto-completion (omni-completion from Ctrl+XCtrl+O) doesn't work very nicely with PHP, e.g. if I type $this-> and then try to auto-complete it doesn't find any tags.
The fix for this was to use install phpcomplete.vim. This will find methods within your class.
However that won't auto-complete connected models.
By default ctags should work for all Controller -> Model jumping as the Model name is the same as the class name.
These again should be fine as you don't specify the name of the behavior you just have the method name which depending on how independent the name is it should get found - or at least it will be in the list of tags.
There's no direct way of mapping these, I couldn't see a way of mapping them through the ctags --regex options. ctags recognises that they are classes but doesn't know the xxx -> xxxComponent mapping.
However there is one slight trick. You can do a tag search on the beginning of the class name (source)
:tag /^Email
will find
class EmailComponent
You can then map this in your .vimrc
map <leader>t yiw<cr>:tag /^<C-R>"<CR>
This copies the word that you've got the cursor over and then pastes it into the tag command and executes it. My leader is set to ,, so I can type ,t and it takes me to the corresponding component under the cursor.
Ok, another slight hack in the .vimrc file:
map <leader>h yiw<cr>:tag /^<C-R>"Helper<CR>
Using ,h, this will jump you from $html->... to
class HtmlHelper extends AppHelper {
But it doesn't work for functions inside e.g. if your cursor is over script in $html->script, it will not take you to the HtmlHelper script method. So it's a work in progress.

How to enumerate images included as "Content" in the XAP?

I'm including a number of images as "Content" in my deployed XAP for Mango.
I'd like to enumerate these at runtime - is there any way to do this?
I've tried enumerating resources like:
foreach (string key in Application.Current.Resources.Keys)
Debug.WriteLine("Resource:" + key);
But the images aren't included in the list. I've also tried using embedded resources instead - but that didn't help. I can read the streams using Application.GetResourceStream(uri) but obviously I need to know the names in order to do this.
This is no API baked in to WP7 that allows you to enumerate the contents of the Xap. You need to know the name of the content items before you can retreive them.
There probably is some code floating around somewhere that is able to sniff out the Zip catalog in the XAP however I would strongly recommend that you don't bother. Instead include some sensible resource such as an Xml file or ResourceDictionary that lists them.
Having found no practical way to read the Content files from a XAP I build such a list at design time using T4.
See an example at
This seems the right way to go as:
a) I'd rather build the list once at design time rather than on every phone which needs the code.
b) I shouldn't ever be building the XAP without being certain about what files I'm including anyway.
Plus it's a manual step to set the build action on all such files so adding a manual step to "Run Custom Tool" once for each build isn't an issue for me.
There is no way to enumerate the files set as "Content".
However, there is a way to enumerate files at runtime, if you set your files as "Embedded Resource".
Here is how you can do this:
Set the Build Action of your images as "Embedded Resource".
Use Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetManifestResourceNames() to
enumerate the resources names
to get the file streams.
Here is the code:
public void Test()
foreach (String resName in GetResourcesNames())
Stream s = GetStreamFromEmbeddedResource(resName);
string[] GetResourcesNames()
return Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetManifestResourceNames();
Stream GetStreamFromEmbeddedResource(string resName)
return Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(resName);
EDIT : As quetzalcoatl noted, the drawback of this solution is that images are embedded in the DLL, so if you a high volume of images, the app load time might take a hit.

Cakephp excel report using XLS helper gives an warning message in windows and displays entire xml structure in open office

I'm using cakephp XLS helper to generate Excel report in my project.
But the generated file is giving warning message in windows system as below.
Similarly the same file displays the entire xml mark-up in open-office on linux as below.
Part of the view file code is as below.
$xls->setWorkSheetName('Enrollment Report');
//1st row for columns name
My Client wants a proper excel report with-out any warnings in windows.
Please suggest me any excel helper for cakephp which will generate proper excel file on all the platform and different application.
Your problem is that you are using a helper that puts your data in xml format. Excel can read XML and HTML but with a warning. You should use the one that Ivo suggested in the comments. LINK
This helper really makes an xls valid format, that complys with open office and office. Also, this helper relies on PHPExcel class that is constantly updated here so your code will be easy to upgrade if needed.
Remember to follow instructions given in the helper page.
I've tried a lot of this xls helper for cakephp, but neither one work as expected, either outdated or create xml o html tables or didn't work at all, haven't tried this one though... still creating a helper using PHPExcel shouldn't give you much trouble, you may use this tutorial as a how to base to modify the helper.
I think you need to set the mime-type. This has happened to me in the past and it was when the mime-type of an older excel helper was set to an out-dated value.
The code from the linked (by Ivo) helper has the following:
function _output($title) {
header("Content-type: application/");
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="'.$title.'.xls"');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
$objWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5($this->xls);
I would make sure you are:
a) using the newest helper (
b) that the mime-type is actually set.
c) that that specific mime-type is accurate.

How do you build a multi-language web site?

A friend of mine is now building a web application with J2EE and Struts, and it's going to be prepared to display pages in several languages.
I was told that the best way to support a multi-language site is to use a properties file where you store all the strings of your pages, something like:
welcome.english = "Welcome!"
welcome.spanish = "¡Bienvenido!"
This solution is ok, but what happens if your site displays news or something like that (a blog)? I mean, content that is not static, that is updated often... The people that keep the site have to write every new entry in each supported language, and store each version of the entry in the database. The application loads only the entries in the user's chosen language.
How do you design the database to support this kind of implementation?
Warning: I'm not a java hacker, so YMMV but...
The problem with using a list of "properties" is that you need a lot of discipline. Every time you add a string that should be output to the user you will need to open your properties file, look to see if that string (or something roughly equivalent to it) is already in the file, and then go and add the new property if it isn't. On top of this, you'd have to hope the properties file was fairly human readable / editable if you wanted to give it to an external translation team to deal with.
The database based approach is useful for all your database based content. Ideally you want to make it easy to tie pieces of content together with their translations. It only really falls down for all the places you may want to output something that isn't out of a database (error messages etc.).
One fairly old technology which we find still works really well, is to use gettext. Gettext or some variant seems to be available for most languages and platforms. The basic premise is that you wrap your output in a special function call like so:
echo _("Please do not press this button again");
Then running the gettext tools over your source code will extract all the instances wrapped like that into a "po" file. This will contain entries such as:
#: myfolder/my.source:239
msgid "Please do not press this button again"
msgstr ""
And you can add your translation to the appropriate place:
#: myfolder/my.source:239
msgid "Please do not press this button again"
msgstr "s’il vous plaît ne pas appuyer sur le bouton ci-dessous à nouveau"
Subsequent runs of the gettext tools simply update your po files. You don't even need to extract the po file from your source. If you know you may want to translate your site down the line, then you can just use the format shown above (the underscored function) with all your output. If you don't provide a po file it will just return whatever you put in the quotes. gettext is designed to work with locales so the users locale is used to retrieve the appropriate po file. This makes it really easy to add new translations.
Gettext Pros
Doesn't get in your way while coding
Very easy to add translations
PO files can be compiled down for speed
There are libraries available for most languages / platforms
There are good cross platform tools for dealing with translations. It is actually possible to get your translation team set up with a tool such as poEdit to make it very easy for them to manage translation projects
Gettext Cons
Solves your site "furniture" needs, but you would usually still want a database based approach for your database driven content
For more info on gettext see this wikipedia page
They way I have designed the database before is to have an News-table containing basic info like NewsID (int), NewsPubDate (datetime), NewsAuthor (varchar/int) and then have a linked table NewsText that has these columns: NewsID(int), NewsText(text), NewsLanguageID(int). And at last you have a Language-table that has LanguageID(int) and LanguageName(varchar).
Then, when you want to show your users the news-page you do:
SELECT NewsText FROM News INNER JOIN NewsText ON News.NewsID = NewsText.NewsID
WHERE NewsText.NewsLanguageID = <<Session["UserLanguageID"]>>
That Session-bit is a local variable where you store the users language when they log in or enters the site for the first time.
Java web applications support internationalization using the java standard tag library.
You've really got 2 problems. Static content and dynamic content.
for static content you can use jstl. It uses java ResourceBundles to accomplish this. I managed to get a Databased backed bundle working with the help of this site.
The second problem is dynamic content.
To solve this problem you'll need to store the data so that you can retrieve different translations based on the user's Locale. (Locale includes Country and Language).
It's not trivial, but it is something you can do with a little planning up front.
thats what we apply it to. Our apps are all PHP, but gettext has a long heritage.
Looks like there is a good Java implementation
Tag libraries are fine if you're using JSP, but you can also achieve I18N using a template-based technology such as FreeMarker.
