What's the point of $validators and $setValidity? - angularjs

I think I'm missing something with $validators and $setValidity (which I understand, do the exact same thing so you don't need both - please correct me if I'm wrong). Whether I have the $validators statement in there or not, I get the ng-invalid class added to the input form, which is adding a red border around the input. So why do I need the $validators? I am trying to set the parent form to be invalid if a user does not select a row from the dropdownnin the directive template. I don't want to show any error messages or anything, I just want to add the invalid class and red border based on if a row in the dropdown was selected.
Should I be using $validators or $setValidity? Do I need both $validator and $setValidity like I have below? Also, does $setValidity required ngModelCtrl or not? I get undefined for setValidity if it is not inside the $validators function. Any help is appreciated.
If I want to make the parent form invalid as a whole if no selection is made and I am getting ng-invalid class when I touch and then blur if no selection is made without $validators and $setValidity, then why do I need the $validators and $setValidity??
<form name="myForm">
rows="[{name:'tom', city:'san fran', state: 'mn', zip: 34212},
{name: 'joe', city:'san fran', state: 'mn', zip: 45675}]"
validate.js - DDO
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: {
ngModelCtrl: 'ngModel',
formCtrl: '?^form'
replace: true,
templateUrl: 'view.html',
scope: {},
controllerAs: 'ctrl',
bindToController: {
rows: '=',
onSelected: '&?', //passsed selected row outside component
typedText: '&?', //text typed into input passed outside so
//developer can create a custom filter,
//overriding the auto
textFiltered: '#?', //text return from the custom filter
ngRequired: "=?" //default false, when set to true the component
//needs to validate that something was selected on blur.
//The selection is not put into the input element all the
//time so it can't validate based on whether or not
//something is in the input element itself.
//I need to validate inside the controller where I can see
//if 'this.ngModel' (selectedRow - not passed through scope)
//is undefined or not.
controller: 'validatorController'
function validatorController () {
var ctrl = this;
var rowWasSelected = false;
var input = ctrl.formCtrl.inputField;
//called via ng-click on the dropdown row
//if this is called a row was selected
ctrl.rowSelected = function (row){
rowWasSelected = true;
//called via ng-blur of the input element
ctrl.ngModelCtrl.$validators.invalidInput = function (modelValue, viewValue) {
return rowWasSelected;
ctrl.$onInit = $onInit; //angular will execute this after
//all conrollers have been initialized, only safe to use
//bound values (through bindToController) in
//the $onInit function.
//i understand this need to be there with Angular 1.5
//using ngModel in the controller
//but I really only need to validate on ng-blur of the input
function $onInit() {
view.html - template for directive
<div class="dropdown" ng-class="{'open' : ctrl.isOpen}">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="inputField"
placeholder="select" ng-click="ctrl.openDropdown()"
<ul class="dropdown-menu list-group">
<li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="row in ctrl.rows"
I must be getting the invalid class regardless of the $validators function I have because it is adding the ng-invalid class whether its there or not??

$setValidity(validationErrorKey, isValid);
Change the validity state, and notify the form.
This method can be called within $parsers/$formatters or a custom validation implementation. However, in most cases it should be sufficient to use the ngModel.$validators and ngModel.$asyncValidators collections which will call $setValidity automatically.1


Checkbox is not updating model in ngstrap modal dialog

In directive, we have set $scope.checkValue = true, and the same scope is passed to ngstrap modal dialog.
below is the code from directive link function which is called on button click and popup the dialog:
return {
templateUrl: "../Views/userSubscriptionView.html",
restrict: 'E',
scope: {},
link: function ($scope, element, attributes) {
$scope.checkValue = false; //this is bind to checkbox model but not updating on check/uncheck.
function DoOpenDialog()
//other code
var myOtherModal = $modal({ scope: $scope, templateUrl: "../Views/SubscribePopup.html", show: false , persist:false});
Below is the code from dialog:
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="checkValue"/>
The problem is: when I check the checkbox to true or false, model 'checkValue' is not updating. I need to change the state of other control based on the checkbox check state.
I use to solve this by explicitly setting the ng-true-value and ng-false-value properties :
<input type="checkbox"
Notice the single quotes around 'true'. Ultimately everything is passed as strings, not as booleans or integers. I use the same approach when I have to deal with a boolean (tinyint) 0 / 1 value from mysql: ng-true-value="'1'" and so on.

Change ngModel that was assigned to a directive on a callback from that directive

So I have my SPA application.
Here on plunker (I'll not paste all the code, as it is too much) you can see the it's parts recreation (the structure and the hierarchy are the same).
Where did the problem started...
By the design doc, On one of the pages we have a link to a policy documentation and a checkbox for a client to check, that he did read it.
By design:
Checkbox is always enabled, so client could always attempt to check it
After the client opens the policy documentation (click on the link), the checkbox should turn checked when client is clicking on it
If client didn't opened the (clicked) the policy documentation link yet and tries to check the checkbox, it return to be not checked at the moment he releases the mouse, and relevant error message should be shown
Thanks to Rafaeelloo and Kobi Cohen I could get the code simplified a lot, and to get rid of the watches, and useless stuff...
For now this is what I have...
Here is the directive controller:
app.directive('checkBox', [function() {
var directive = {
scope: {},
restrict: 'E',
controller: function() {},
controllerAs: 'checkBoxCtrl',
bindToController: {
ngModel: '=',
callback: '&callback',
text: '#'
templateUrl: 'check-box.directive.view.html',
link: function() {},
require: 'ngModel'
return directive;
And directive html:
<div class="checkboxContainer">
<label class="btn btn-checkbox" ng-class="{'active': checkBoxCtrl.ngModel}"
ng-click="checkBoxCtrl.ngModel = !checkBoxCtrl.ngModel; checkBoxCtrl.callback()">
<span class="checkboxPic"></span>
<span class="checkboxText">{{checkBoxCtrl.text}}</span>
Here is view html:
<check-box text="check me" ng-model="viewCtrl.checkBoxResult"
<a ng-click="viewCtrl.openGoogleClicked = true" href="//www.google.com" target="_blank">Open Google</a>
check box result: {{viewCtrl.checkBoxResult}}
google opened: {{viewCtrl.openGoogleClicked}}
callback function called: {{viewCtrl.callbackCalled}}
And this is view controller:
angular.module('app').controller('viewController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
this.callback = function callback() {
this.callbackCalled = true;
if (this.checkBoxResult && angular.isUndefined(this.openGoogleClicked)) {
this.checkBoxResult = false;
The question/problem/opened question: Callback is called before the ngModel of the view controller had been changed. So it doesn't really meter if I change it back to false within the callback, or not, as after a callback the directive (as I understand) still binds the new value to it.
Is there a cure to this?
Depending on what you're trying to do, you may do it like here (here)
or you can write validator that has function to determine validity (here is example of writing your own validator) then your form and checkbox will have invalid what is in my opinion better than disallowing user to check the checkbox

AngularJS trigger field validation after form loads

I have set of data fields.
They look like this:
// Read-Only
<div class="field-group" ng-if="feature.edit == false">
<div class="label" ng-class="{'feature-required': field.Validations.Required === true}">{{field.Label}}</div>
<div class="value">{{field.Value}}</div>
// Editor
<div class="field-group" ng-show="feature.edit == true">
<label for="F{{field.FieldID}}">
<span ng-class="{'feature-required': field.Validations.Required === true, 'feature-notrequired': field.Validations.Required === false}">{{field.Label}}</span>
<input type="text"
jd-field-attributes attr-field="field"
jd-validate on-error="onFieldError"
feature.edit is controlled by button and you can have data read-olny or editable. Each field has some validation, usually, if required it must be different than null.
I want to trigger that validation after I click edit and input fields show up.
One way to do it is to loop through all input fields and use jQuery trigger("change"). I have to do it with some delay (it takes Angular to populate all fields).
Is there any way to trigger ng-change or run onFieldUpdate(), after that input becomes visible?
I have tried ng-init, but it didn't work.
You could move your validation logic to custom validators in the ngModel $validators pipeline. Functions you add to this pipeline will evaluate against the input model value every time it changes and automatically add the associated valid/invalid classes to the input.
Here's an example of how you can add custom validators:
app.directive('moreValidation', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, element, attributes, ngModel) {
ngModel.$validators.first = function(input) {
return true; // add your custom logic here
ngModel.$validators.second = function(input) {
return true;
ngModel.$validators.third = function(input) {
return true;
// markup
<input type="text" ng-model="modelObject" more-validation />
Here's a small working plnkr example: http://plnkr.co/edit/mKKuhNqcnGXQ4sMePrym?p=preview

setViewValue in directive on input not updating actual visible input value

I've been fighting with this for almost two days. I hope you guys can help me.
I have problems setting the view value of some input fields programatically.
I have a form with inputs whose values are saved before the form is removed (multiple elements and multiple forms possible, user might close a form, and reopen later). On reopening the form I want to restore the previous view values (main reason is to get back also the invalid view values which were not saved in the model). This doesn't work.
If I call ctrl.$setViewValue(previousValue) I get the model (visibly) updated (if valid), the view values of the formControl (while debugging in console) are changed too, but I don't get them actually rendered in the input fields. I don't understand why :(
I reduced the problem to this fiddle:
var app = angular.module('App', [])
function Controller($scope) {
$scope.form = {
userContent: 'initial content'
app.controller('Controller', Controller);
app.directive('resetOnBlur', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
element.bind('blur', function () {
function setAnotherValue() {
ngModel.$setViewValue("I'm a new value of the model. I've been set using the setViewValue method");
<form name="myForm" ng-app="App" ng-controller="Controller" class="form">
Text: {{form.userContent}}
<hr />
If you remove the text, "Required!" will be displayed.<br/>
If you change the input value, the text will update.<br/>
If you blur, the text will update, but the (visible) input value not.
<hr />
<input class="input" type="text" ng-model="form.userContent" name="userContent" reset-on-blur required></textarea>
<span ng-show="myForm.userContent.$error.required">Required!</span>
I hope you guys can explain to me why this doesn't work and how to fix this...
You need to call ngModel.$render() to have the viewvalue change reflected in the input. There is no watch created on $viewValue so that changes are automatically reflected.
function setAnotherValue() {
ngModel.$setViewValue("I'm a new value of the model. I've been set using the setViewValue method");
Default implementation of $render does this:-
element.val(ctrl.$isEmpty(ctrl.$viewValue) ? '' : ctrl.$viewValue);
However you can override and customize your implementation for $render as well..
try scope.$apply() to invoke change on model since you're liking changing model outside of scope where ngModel was inited

Error: [ngModel:nonassign] Expression is non-assignable

Trying to display a columnvalue from a gridcollection based on another value in that same row.
The user can select/change values in a modal which contains a grid with values. When the modal closes the values are passed back. At that moment I would like to set a value for 'Also known as':
Also known as: <input type="text" `ng-model="displayValue(displayNameData[0].show,displayNameData[0].value)">`
I created a function on scope to select the value only when the 'show' value is true:
$scope.displayValue = function (show, val) {
if (show) {
return val;
else {
return '';
However when I close the modal I get an error:
Error: [ngModel:nonassign] Expression 'displayValue(displayNameData[0].show,displayNameData[0].value)' is non-assignable.
plnkr reference:http://plnkr.co/edit/UoQHYwAxwdvX0qx7JFVW?p=preview
Using ng-value instead of ng-model worked for me.
As HackedByChinese mentioned, you can't bind ng-model to a function, so try like this:
<input type="text" ng-if="displayNameData[0].show"
Or if you want this control to be visible you can create directive, add function to $parsers that will set empty value according to show:
angular.module('yourModule').directive('bindIf', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
function parser(value) {
var show = scope.$eval(attrs.bindIf);
return show ? value: '';
<input type="text" bind-if="displayNameData[0].show"
You can bind ng-model to function
Binding to a getter/setter
Sometimes it's helpful to bind ngModel to a
getter/setter function. A getter/setter is a function that returns a
representation of the model when called with zero arguments, and sets
the internal state of a model when called with an argument. It's
sometimes useful to use this for models that have an internal
representation that's different from what the model exposes to the
<div ng-controller="ExampleController">
<form name="userForm">
<input type="text" name="userName"
ng-model-options="{ getterSetter: true }" />
<pre>user.name = <span ng-bind="user.name()"></span></pre>
angular.module('getterSetterExample', [])
.controller('ExampleController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
var _name = 'Brian';
$scope.user = {
name: function(newName) {
// Note that newName can be undefined for two reasons:
// 1. Because it is called as a getter and thus called with no arguments
// 2. Because the property should actually be set to undefined. This happens e.g. if the
// input is invalid
return arguments.length ? (_name = newName) : _name;
