Simple pipelining using pthreads - c

Very recently I have started working on pthreads and trying to implement software pipelining with pthreads. To do that I have a written a toy program myself, a similar of which would be a part of my main project.
So in this program the main thread creates and input and output buffer of integer type and then creates a single master thread and passes those buffers to the master thread. The master thread in turn creates two worker threads.
The input and the output buffer that is passed from the main to the master thread is of size nxk (e.g. 5x10 of size int). The master thread iterates over a chunk of size k (i.e. 10) for n (i.e. 5) number of times.
There is a loop running in the master thread for k (5 in here) number of times. In each iteration of k the master thread does some operation on a portion of input data of size n and place it in the common buffer shared between the master and the worker threads. The master thread then signals the worker threads that the data has been placed in the common buffer.
The two worker threads waits for the signal from the master thread if the common buffer is ready. The operation on the common buffer is divided into half among the worker threads. Which means one worker thread would work on the first half and the other worker thread would work on the next half of the common buffer.
Once the worker threads gets the signal from the master thread, each of the worker thread does some operation on their half of the data and copy it to the output buffer. Then the worker threads informs the master thread that their operation is complete on the common buffer by setting flag values. An array of flags are created for worker threads. The master thread keeps on checking if all the flags are set which basically means all the worker threads finished their operation on the common buffer and so master thread can place the next data chunk into the common buffer safely for worker thread's consumption.
So essentially there is communication between the master and the worker threads in a pipelined fashion. In the very end I am printing the output buffer in the main thread. But I am getting no output at all. I have copy pasted my code with full comments on almost all steps.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MthNum 1 //Number of Master threads
#define WthNum 2 //Number of Worker threads
#define times 5 // Number of times the iteration (n in the explanation)
#define elNum 10 //Chunk size during each iteration (k in the explanation)
pthread_mutex_t mutex; // mutex variable declaration
pthread_cond_t cond_var; //conditional variarble declaration
bool completion_flag = true; //This global flag indicates the completion of the worker thread. Turned false once all operation ends
//marking the completion
int *commonBuff; //common buffer between master and worker threads
int *commFlags; //array of flags that are turned to 1 by each worker threads. So worker thread i turns commFlags[i] to 1
// the master thread turns commFlags[i] = 0 for i =0 to (WthNum - 1)
int *commFlags_s;
int counter; // This counter used my master thread to count if all the commFlags[i] that shows
//all the threads finished their work on the common buffer
// static pthread_barrier_t barrier;
// Arguments structure passed to master thread
typedef struct{
int *input; // input buffer
int *output;// output buffer
// Arguments structure passed to worker thread
typedef struct{
int threadId;
int *outBuff;
void* worker_func(void *arguments);
void *master_func(void *);
int main(int argc,char*argv[]){
int *ipData,*opData;
int i,j;
// allocation of input buffer and initializing to 0
ipData = (int *)malloc(times*elNum*sizeof(int));
// allocation of output buffer and initializing to 0
opData = (int *)malloc(times*elNum*sizeof(int));
pthread_t thread[MthNum];
master_args* args[MthNum];
//creating the single master thread and passing the arguments
for( i=0;i<MthNum;i++){
args[i] = (master_args *)malloc(sizeof(master_args));
args[i]->input= ipData;
args[i]->output= opData;
pthread_create(&thread[i],NULL,master_func,(void *)args[i]);
//joining the master thred
//printing the output buffer values
for(j =0;j<times;j++ ){
for(i =0;i<elNum;i++){
return 0;
//This is the master thread function
void *master_func(void *arguments){
//copying the arguments pointer to local variables
master_args* localMasterArgs = (master_args *)arguments;
int *indataArgs = localMasterArgs->input; //input buffer
int *outdataArgs = localMasterArgs->output; //output buffer
//worker thread declaration
pthread_t Workers[WthNum];
//worker thread arguments declaration
worker_args* wArguments[WthNum];
int i,j;
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init (&cond_var, NULL);
counter =0;
commonBuff = (int *)malloc(elNum*sizeof(int));
commFlags = (int *)malloc(WthNum*sizeof(int));
memset(commFlags,0,WthNum*sizeof(int) );
commFlags_s= (int *)malloc(WthNum*sizeof(int));
memset(commFlags_s,0,WthNum*sizeof(int) );
for(i =0;i<WthNum;i++){
wArguments[i] = (worker_args* )malloc(sizeof(worker_args));
wArguments[i]->threadId = i;
wArguments[i]->outBuff = outdataArgs;
pthread_create(&Workers[i],NULL,worker_func,(void *)wArguments[i]);
for (i = 0; i < times; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < elNum; j++)
indataArgs[i + j * elNum] = i + j;
while (counter != 0) {
counter = 0;
for (j = 0; j < WthNum; j++) {
counter += commFlags_s[j];
memcpy(commonBuff, &indataArgs[i * elNum], sizeof(int));
counter = 1;
while (counter != 0) {
counter = 0;
for (j = 0; j < WthNum; j++) {
counter += commFlags[j];
// printf("master broad cast\n");
//releasing the lock
completion_flag = false;
for (i = 0; i < WthNum; i++) {
pthread_join(Workers[i], NULL);
return NULL;
void* worker_func(void *arguments){
worker_args* localArgs = (worker_args*)arguments;
//copying the thread ID and the output buffer
int tid = localArgs->threadId;
int *localopBuffer = localArgs->outBuff;
int i,j;
bool local_completion_flag=false;
commFlags[tid] =0;
commFlags_s[tid] =1;
commFlags_s[tid] =0;
commFlags[tid] =1;
if (tid == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < (elNum / 2); i++) {
localopBuffer[i] = commonBuff[i] * 5;
} else { // Thread ID 1 operating on the other half of the common buffer data and placing on the
// output buffer
for (i = 0; i < (elNum / 2); i++) {
localopBuffer[elNum / 2 + i] = commonBuff[elNum / 2 + i] * 10;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);//releasing the lock
return NULL;
But I have no idea where I have done wrong in my implementation since logically it seems to be correct. But definitely there is something wrong in my implementation. I have spent a long time trying different things to fix it but nothing worked. Sorry for this long post but I am unable to determine a section where I might have done wrong and so I couldn't concise the post. So if anybody could take a look into the problem and implementation and can suggest what changes needed to be done to run it as intended then that it would be really helpful. Thank you for your help and assistance.

There are several errors in this code.
You may start from fixing creation of worker threads:
wArguments[i] = (worker_args* )malloc(sizeof(worker_args));
wArguments[i]->threadId = i;
wArguments[i]->outBuff = outdataArgs;
pthread_create(&Workers[i],NULL,worker_func, (void *)wArguments);
You are initializing worker_args structs but incorrectly - passing pointer to array (void *)wArguments instead of pointers to array elements you just initialized.
pthread_create(&Workers[i],NULL,worker_func, (void *)wArguments[i]);
// ^^^
Initialize counter before starting threads that use it's value:
void *master_func(void *arguments)
/* (...) */
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init (&cond_var, NULL);
counter = WthNum;
When starting master thread, you incorrectly pass pointer to pointer:
pthread_create(&thread[i],NULL,master_func,(void *)&args[i]);
Please change this to:
pthread_create(&thread[i],NULL,master_func,(void *) args[i]);
All accesses to counter variable (as any other shared memory) must be synchronized between threads.

I think you should use semaphore based producer- consumer model like this


is there a way to create a thread that will check other thread in C, dinning philosophers implementation

I have a question regarding threads in C, I know that to create a thread the function pthread_create is needed and I'm currently working on the dining philosopher problem and in this implementation of that problem I have to look if a philosopher has died of starvation.
I tested my programs and it works well, but to look if a philosopher has died I create another thread that'll always run and check in it if a philosoper has died.
a philosopher will die of starvation if he has not eat during a certain amount of time since his last meal.
Defining the general structure of the program and headers.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
struct t_phil;
typedef struct t_info t_info;
typedef struct t_phil t_phil;
typedef struct t_info
int num_of_phil;
t_phil *philo;
int min_dinner;
pthread_mutex_t *mutex;
int plate_eaten;
int num_of_dead_phil;
int time_to_die;
int time_to_sleep;
int time_to_eat;
pthread_mutex_t t_mut;
} t_info;
typedef struct t_phil
int number;
int has_eaten_all;
int finished_meal;
int is_dead;
t_info *data;
pthread_mutex_t *right;
pthread_mutex_t *left;
struct timeval last_dinner;
pthread_t thread;
} t_phil;
int count = 0;
Here is the function, that'll simulate the dinner, this one works as intended but I am open to possible error or improvement.
void *routine(void *args)
t_phil *philo = (t_phil *)(args);
int i = philo->number;
if ((philo->number % 2))
gettimeofday(&philo->last_dinner, 0);
while (!philo->is_dead)
printf("Philosopher : %i has take left fork\n", philo->number + 1);
printf("Philosopher : %i has take right fork\n", philo->number + 1);
gettimeofday(&philo->last_dinner, 0);
printf("Philosopher :%i is eating in at %li\n", philo->number + 1, philo->last_dinner.tv_sec * 1000);
// if (philo->data->num_of_dead_phil && !philo->data->min_dinner)
// break;
if (philo->is_dead)
gettimeofday(&philo->last_dinner, NULL);
if (philo->finished_meal == philo->data->min_dinner)
philo->has_eaten_all = 1;
if (philo->has_eaten_all)
printf("Philosopher : %i is now sleeping at %li\n", philo->number + 1, philo->last_dinner.tv_sec * 1000);
printf("Philosopher : %i is now thinking at %li\n", philo->number + 1, philo->last_dinner.tv_sec * 1000);
return (NULL);
This one function is the one not working as intended, and I don't know why is this happening right now, as my if statement seems to have the right condition but I am never entering in the if statement meaning that condition is never met while it should be.
I tested a lot of value and the same result happen each time
void *watchers_phil(void *args)
t_info *data = (t_info *)args;
t_phil *phil = data->philo;
int i = 0;
struct timeval now;
while (1)
if (data->plate_eaten == data->num_of_phil)
while (i < data->num_of_phil)
if ((phil[i].last_dinner.tv_sec) >= ((phil[i].last_dinner.tv_sec) + (long int)data->time_to_die))
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
printf("Unfortunately Philosopher : %i, is dead because of starvation at %li....", phil[i].number, (now.tv_sec * 1000));
phil[i].is_dead = 1;
i = 0;
return (NULL);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
t_info data;
pthread_t watchers;
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(t_info));
data.num_of_phil = atoi(argv[1]);
data.min_dinner = atoi(argv[2]);
data.time_to_eat = atoi(argv[3]);
data.time_to_die = atoi(argv[4]);
data.time_to_sleep = atoi(argv[5]);
t_phil *philo = malloc(sizeof(t_phil) * data.num_of_phil);
if (!philo)
return (1);
pthread_mutex_t *mutex = malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t) * data.num_of_phil);
data.mutex = mutex;
if (!mutex)
return (1);
int i = 0;
while (i < data.num_of_phil)
pthread_mutex_init(&data.mutex[i], NULL);
printf("Number : %i\n", data.num_of_phil);
pthread_mutex_init(&data.t_mut, NULL);
i = 0;
while (i < data.num_of_phil)
philo[i].number = i;
philo[i].has_eaten_all = 0;
philo[i].data = &data;
philo[i].is_dead = 0;
philo[i].right = &data.mutex[i];
if (i == (data.num_of_phil - 1))
philo[i].left = &data.mutex[0];
philo[i].left = &data.mutex[i + 1];
data.philo = philo;
i = 0;
while (i < data.num_of_phil)
pthread_create(&data.philo[i].thread, NULL, routine, &data.philo[i]);
pthread_create(&watchers, NULL, watchers_phil, &data);
i = 0;
while (i < data.num_of_phil)
pthread_join(data.philo[i].thread, NULL);
pthread_join(watchers, NULL);
printf("Dinner eaten : %i\n", data.plate_eaten);
i = 0;
while (i < data.num_of_phil)
I recommend the following approach:
Have an array containing a timestamp for each philosopher thread.
Each philosopher thread updates its respective timestamp either on beginning or ending eating. To determine its own death it can use this timestamp as well. You could store the eating time or the time when starvation occurs, I personally would rather do the latter as it requires calculating this starvation time just once (and you don't need the eating time anywhere else) while the former would need to do it on every test for starvation.
The monitoring thread iterates over all these timestamps doing the following:
Determine if a thread has starved (current time – just get it once in front of the loop! – being after timestamp stored, if you follow my recommendation above). Flag the thread as starved by some suitable way so that you can ignore it next time.
From non-starved threads remember the minimum value.
After iteration sleep as long until this minimum time will be reached (maybe waking up minimally earlier for better precision). If a philosopher updates the timestamp corresponding to this minimum – never mind, the monitor will wake up in vain, just doing nothing, but that won't hurt apart from consuming a bit of CPU time.
Updating the timestamps: You need to be aware that – unless you can guarantee atomic timestamp update – you need to protect them against race conditions between philosopher threads and monitoring thread.
I see two options for:
One single mutex for the entire array. Easy to implement, but either of the involved threads might block another one (two philosophers, if both trying to update at the same time, a philosopher the monitor or the monitor one or more philosophers). If one thread is preempted right while holding this mutex the blocked one(s) need(s) to wait until this thread is scheduled again.
One mutex for each timestamp. The advantage is that blocking only can occur between the monitor and one single philosopher while all other philosophers can go on as usual. The implementation is more complex, though, and the monitor thread will run its tests a bit slower (you won't notice...) due to having to lock and unlock mutexes again and again (system calls involved, these are rather expensive).
Philosophers should hold the mutex over the entire time between reading the timestamp for checking own starvation until having written the updated starvation time. This assures the philosopher cannot starve right while eating, though in between you should do as little work as possible, especially if you opt for one single mutex (if you cannot avoid, then rather opt for multiple ones).

How do I wait on a condition without it being a race condition?

If you run the code as is, you'll likely have no problems. The problem is if broadcast happens before cond_wait this code no longer works. If you uncomment the sleep below you'll encounter the problem every run
How do I write this so there's no race condition? I happen to know I can solve this using futex but I'm looking for a pthread solution
//clang++ -g -fsanitize=undefined,thread main.cpp && ./a.out
#include <cstdio>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
pthread_mutex_t write_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t checkpoint = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
int data;
void*fn(void*) {
auto temp = ++data;
//This if makes it so no thread will pass until both/all threads have finished writing to data
if (temp < 2) {
//sleep(1); // <--------- uncomment to see problem
while (temp < 2)
pthread_mutex_t local_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_wait(&checkpoint, &local_mutex);
//Recheck the condition
temp = data;
} else {
int sum=data; //no way to get here until both/all threads execute the sync code
return 0;
int main() {
pthread_t thread_id[2];
for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_create(&thread_id[i], &attr, &fn, 0);
for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
pthread_join(thread_id[i], 0);
Maybe I'm not clear on your real problem. This looks like you're attempting to stack up your client threads until such time as all of them have surpassed a specific checkpoint. In this case, that checkpoint is achieved once data has been bumped by all threads
Therefore, data holds your predicate state. Testing or writing it is the purpose of the mutex protection. Change detection is the purpose of the cond-var.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
pthread_mutex_t write_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t checkpoint = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
int data;
void *fn(void *pv)
// construction-passed top limit
intptr_t n = (intptr_t)pv;
// changing predicate, so lock mutex
// changed predicate, so tell people.
// mutex is still locked. if our predicate state isn't
// sufficient to move on, we wait (and release the mutex
// in the process)
while (data < n)
pthread_cond_wait(&checkpoint, &write_lock);
// TODO: woke up here. may be spurious, may be legit, but
// we're going to make sure on the next iteration of the
// loop by rechecking the predicate data, which we can do
// because the mutex is locked coming out of the wait.
// ALSO: if you want off-the-mutex processing here of some
// kind you would do it by releasing the mutex, do your
// thread work, then reacquire the mutex again before the
// next iteration of the loop
// NOTE: still own the mutex.
// no way to get here until all threads execute the sync code
// note: not a legit use of pthread_self, use at your peril
printf("%p : %d\n", (void*)pthread_self(), data);
// leaving the party, release the mtx and tell someone.
return 0;
#define N_THREADS 16
int main()
pthread_t thread_id[N_THREADS];
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < N_THREADS; i++)
pthread_create(&thread_id[i], NULL, &fn, (void*)(intptr_t)N_THREADS);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < N_THREADS; i++)
pthread_join(thread_id[i], 0);
Output (example only)
0x7000019e9000 : 16
0x700001448000 : 16
0x700001342000 : 16
0x700001654000 : 16
0x7000016d7000 : 16
0x7000012bf000 : 16
0x70000175a000 : 16
0x7000013c5000 : 16
0x7000017dd000 : 16
0x70000123c000 : 16
0x700001860000 : 16
0x70000154e000 : 16
0x7000018e3000 : 16
0x7000014cb000 : 16
0x700001966000 : 16
0x7000015d1000 : 16
That is what it at-least seems you're trying to accomplish.

Noticing if all threads are at pthread_cond_wait

I'm currently playing around with the POSIX library and trying out conditional variables.
At the moment I'm using a queue to scheduele tasks, if there is a task one thread uses pthread_cond_signal to wake up a thread that is waiting at pthread_cond_wait.
However there might be a point where no new tasks are created, so every thread is waiting at pthread_cond_wait and the programm is stuck there.
Is there anyway for me noticing if all my threads are waiting at pthread_cond_wait? I've tried using a counter and a leave variable but I did not get it working.
My code looks simliar to this code here:
,except each thread is adding new tasks (in executeTask) instead of only the main method adding them.
Here is my version of the code from the website above (which is loading for me:/)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#define THREAD_NUM 4
typedef struct Task
int a, b;
} Task;
Task taskQueue[256];
int taskCount = 0;
int moreTasks = 10;
pthread_mutex_t mutexQueue;
pthread_cond_t condQueue;
void executeTask(Task *task)
int result = task->a + task->b;
printf("The sum of %d and %d is %d\n", task->a, task->b, result);
if (moreTasks > 0)
Task t = {
.a = rand() % 100,
.b = rand() % 100};
void submitTask(Task task)
taskQueue[taskCount] = task;
void *startThread(void *args)
while (1)
Task task;
while (taskCount == 0)
pthread_cond_wait(&condQueue, &mutexQueue);
task = taskQueue[0];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < taskCount - 1; i++)
taskQueue[i] = taskQueue[i + 1];
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
pthread_t th[THREAD_NUM];
pthread_mutex_init(&mutexQueue, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&condQueue, NULL);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < THREAD_NUM; i++)
if (pthread_create(&th[i], NULL, &startThread, NULL) != 0)
perror("Failed to create the thread");
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
Task t = {
.a = rand() % 100,
.b = rand() % 100};
for (i = 0; i < THREAD_NUM; i++)
if (pthread_join(th[i], NULL) != 0)
perror("Failed to join the thread");
return 0;
My Probleme now is that after a while the taskCount is always zero and tehrefore all my threads are at pthread_cond_wait(&condQueue, &mutexQueue); in the startThread methods.
Is ther any way of me noticing if all threads are at this place? As statet above if already tried using a counter for the threads that are currently waiting (and also a version where I counted the threads that are working) but I could not figure out how to stop all the threads once every task is done.
If you want to know how many threads are waiting on a condition var, just increase a global counter before you go into wait mode and decrease it on wake up. With that you'll know how many threads are currently waiting.
//global scope
int num_waiting_threads = 0;
//in function startThread
while (taskCount == 0)
//if num_waiting_threads == THREAD_NUM, all threads are waiting
pthread_cond_wait(&condQueue, &mutexQueue);
Since you have a fixed number of tasks, after processing every task, every thread will be sooner or later just waiting around for newly submitted tasks. Your execute function will only add in total 10 new tasks (moreTasks is initialized with 10 and decreased continuously and if that counter hits zero, no more tasks will be submitted).
Therefore, you could/should use pthread_cond_timedwait and wake up by yourself to check the num_waiting_threads state. If all threads are waiting, break out of the loop and exit the thread.

Producer Consumer Multithreaded printf issues

I have written a program which simulates the producer consumer problem and I am running into a couple of issues. This was written using Win32 API.
I am using two semaphores full and empty to perform the counting for the buffer where items are stored. There is a mutex as well to control access to the critical section. I have two functions: one creates an item based on a simple calculation: threads * 1000000 + count, while the other consumes it.
The buffer has 10 spaces in it however the program should hopefully be able to work for different number of spaces and threads. The Producer thread goes through the buffer then starts over until the semaphore counts up to 10. I am running into two problems that I can't seem to find a solution too nor do I get many details in the debugger.
1) The commented part which has the printf() function crashes the thread every single time. Nothing ever gets printed to console. I have tried using just a string as well with no other variables being outputted. No success. I found documentation that printf() can run into trouble when used in a multithreaded environment however in this case it is within the critical section and it crashes on the first try. How can I print that information to console?
2) When I remove the print statements and run the code the threads still crash at different points every time. I can't figure out why. The producer thread is supposed to wait for the empty semaphore and the mutex, put the item in, then increase the count for the full semaphore (signifying an item has been added). When it reaches 10 it should stop. The Consumer thread waits for the full semaphore and the mutex, removes an item, then increases the count for the empty semaphore. Is there something in the way I've written it that is causing these thread exits?
This is what I get:
The program '[5348] OperatingSystem.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
#define threads 1
#define MAX 10
typedef struct objects {
HANDLE empty;
HANDLE full;
HANDLE mutex;
int buffer[10];
struct objects data;
DWORD WINAPI Producers(LPVOID lpParam){
int count = 0;
int item;
while (TRUE){
if (data.buffer[count] == 0){
WaitForSingleObject(data.empty, INFINITE);
WaitForSingleObject(data.mutex, INFINITE);
item = threads * 1000000 + count;
data.buffer[count] = item;
//printf("Producer has produced: %d", item);
ReleaseSemaphore(data.full, 1, NULL);
if (count == 10){ count = 0; }
DWORD WINAPI Consumers(LPVOID lpParam){
int count = 0;
while (TRUE){
if (data.buffer[count] != 0){
WaitForSingleObject(data.full, INFINITE);
WaitForSingleObject(data.mutex, INFINITE);
//printf("Consumer has consummed: %d", data.buffer[count]);
data.buffer[count] = 0;
ReleaseSemaphore(data.empty, 1, NULL);
if (count == 10){ count = 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
struct objects data;
LONG initialCount = 0;
LONG maxCount = 10;
data.empty = CreateSemaphore(NULL, maxCount, maxCount, NULL);
data.full = CreateSemaphore(NULL, initialCount, maxCount, NULL);
data.mutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
DWORD ConsumerId[threads];
HANDLE ConsumerThread[threads];
DWORD ProducerId[threads];
HANDLE ProducerThread[threads];
for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++){
ProducerThread[i] = CreateThread(
ConsumerThread[i] = CreateThread(

Wrong implementation of Peterson's algorithm?

I was trying to learn something about parallel programming, so I tried to implement Peterson's algorithm for an easy example where one shared counter is incremented by 2 threads. I know that Peterson's isn't optimal due to busy waiting but I tried it only for study reasons.
I supposed that the critical section of this code is in the thread function add where the shared counter is incremented. So i call the enter_section function before the counter incrementation and after it I called the leave_function. Is this part wrong? Did I asses the critical section wrong? Problem is that the counter sometimes gives an unexpectable value when these 2 threads are done. It has to be a synchronization problem between threads but I just don't see it... Thanks for any help.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
int counter; /* global shared counter */
int flag[2] = {0, 0}; /* Variables for Peterson's algorithm */
int turn = 0;
typedef struct threadArgs
pthread_t thr_ID;
int num_of_repeats;
int id;
void enter_section (int thread) {
int other = 1 - thread;
flag[thread] = 1;
turn = thread;
while ((turn == thread) && (flag[other] == 1));
void leave_section (int thread) {
flag[thread] = 0;
void * add (void * arg) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < a->num_of_repeats; i++) {
return NULL;
int main () {
int i = 1;
pthread_attr_t thrAttr;
THREADARGS threadargs_array[2];
pthread_attr_init (&thrAttr);
pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&thrAttr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
/* creating 1st thread */
threadargs_array[0].id = 0;
threadargs_array[0].num_of_repeats = 1000000;
pthread_create(&threadargs_array[0].thr_ID, &thrAttr, add, &threadargs_array[0]);
/* creating 2nd thread */
threadargs_array[1].id = 1;
threadargs_array[1].num_of_repeats = 2000000;
pthread_create(&threadargs_array[1].thr_ID, &thrAttr, add, &threadargs_array[1]);
/* free resources for thread attributes */
pthread_attr_destroy (&thrAttr);
/* waiting for 1st thread */
pthread_join (threadargs_array[0].thr_ID, NULL);
printf("First thread is done.\n");
/* waiting for 2nd thread */
pthread_join (threadargs_array[1].thr_ID, NULL);
printf("Second thread is done.\n");
printf("Counter value is: %d \n", counter);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
You have several problems here:
the access to your variables will we subject to optimization, so you'd have to declare them volatile, at least.
Algorithms like this that access data between threads without any of the lock data structures that are provided by POSIX can only work if your primitive operations are guaranteed to be atomic, which they usually aren't on modern processors. In particular the ++ operator is not atomic.
There would be several ways around this, in particular the new C standard C11 offers atomic primitives. But if this is really meant for you as a start to learn parallel programming, I'd strongly suggest that you first look into mutexes, condition variables etc, to learn how POSIX is intended to work.
