How to go from one <a> to another <a> in angularJs - angularjs

$scope.employee = {};
$scope.setEmployee = function (employee) {
$scope.employeeId =;
$scope.employee = employee;
var a = function () {
$scope.meetingTypes = MeetingService.findByEmployee({
'employeeId': $scope.employeeId
}, function () {
angular.forEach($scope.meetingTypes, function (meetingType) {
$scope.meetings = MeetingService.findByMeetingType(meetingType);
<a ng-repeat="meetingType in meetingTypes">
- {{meetingType}}
<a ng-repeat="meeting in meetings">
- {{meeting}}
Here I want to open second <a> tag on click of first <a> tag
The view should like tree view
- meeting_type
- meeting 1
- meeting 2
all services are declared in my .factory
Here I am getting meeting Type properly but i want to open list of meetings on click of meetingType <a> tag but i am not getting meetings here,
Is ng-href is helpfull here ?

Here is a some sample code which I think demonstrates what you want to acheive -
<table ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="TestCtrl">
<td>Get Meetings</td>
<li ng-repeat="meetingType in meetingTypes track by $index">
- {{meetingType.typeName}}
<ul ng-show="showMeetings && meetingType.meetings.length>0">
<li ng-repeat="meeting in meetingType.meetings track by $index">
<a>- {{meeting}}</a>
javascripts -
'user strict';
angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller('TestCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.employee = {};
$scope.meetingTypes = {};
$scope.setEmployee = function(employee) {
$scope.employeeId = 1;
//$scope.employee = {};
var a = function() {
// your service should return this json
$scope.meetingTypes = [{
typeName: 'abc',
meetings: ['meeting1', 'meeting2', 'meeting3']
}, {
typeName: 'def',
meetings: ['meeting4', 'meeting5', 'meeting6']
}, {
typeName: 'ghi',
meetings: ['meeting7', 'meeting8', 'meeting8']


Issues converting "controller as" syntax to classic $scope

I have had major issues trying to convert my code from "controller as/this" syntax to classic $scope syntax, without breaking the code. I tried simply replacing "this" with $scope and removing the "controller as" assignments for both controllers, with no luck. I have created a jsfiddle for this with the controller as/this syntax so you can see how it should be working correctly prior to converting the syntax to $scope.
This is another jsfiffle showing the broken code, when I simply replace _this with $scope and remove the controller as assignments in the html Thank you for your help in advance.
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="mainController as main">
Main Controller
<tr ng-repeat="product in main.items">
<td>{{product.price | currency}}</td>
<button ng-click="main.increaseItemAmount(product)">
<button ng-click="main.decreaseItemAmount(product)">
<button ng-click="main.addToCart(product)">
Add to Cart
<div ng-controller="cartController as cart">
Cart Controller
<tr ng-repeat="product in cart.cartStorage.items">
<td>{{product.price | currency}}</td>
<button ng-click="cart.increaseItemAmount(product)">
<button ng-click="cart.decreaseItemAmount(product)">
<button ng-click="cart.removeFromCart(product)">
Remove from Cart
angular.module('app', [])
.factory('cartStorage', function() {
var _cart = {
items: []
var service = {
get cartItems() {
return _cart;
return service;
.controller('mainController', function(cartStorage) {
var _this = this;
_this.cartStorage = cartStorage.cartItems;
_this.items = [{
name: 'Apple',
price: 2.5,
quantity: 1
_this.addToCart = function(product) {
product.addedToCart = true;
_this.increaseItemAmount = function(product) {
product.showAddToCart = true;
_this.decreaseItemAmount = function(item) {
if (product.quantity <= 0) {
product.quantity = 0;
product.addedToCart = false;
product.showAddToCart = false;
var itemIndex = _this.cartStorage.items.indexOf(product);
if (productIndex > -1) {
_this.cartStorage.items.splice(productIndex, 1);
} else {
product.showAddToCart = true;
.controller('cartController', function(cartStorage) {
var _this = this;
_this.cartStorage = cartStorage.cartItems;
_this.increaseItemAmount = function(item) {
_this.decreaseItemAmount = function(item) {
if (item.quantity <= 0) {
item.quantity = 0;
item.addedToCart = false;
item.showAddToCart = false;
var productIndex = _this.cartStorage.items.indexOf(item);
if (productIndex > -1) {
_this.cartStorage.items.splice(productIndex, 1);
_this.removeFromCart = function(item) {
item.quantity = 0;
item.addedToCart = false;
item.showAddToCart = false;
var productIndex = _this.cartStorage.items.productOf(item);
if (productIndex > -1) {
_this.cartStorage.items.splice(productIndex, 1);
In the template, remove all main. and cart. and change to ng-controller="mainController" and ng-controller="cartController".
In your controllers, inject $scope and assign it to _this for easiest migration.
.controller('mainController', function($scope, cartStorage) {
var _this = $scope;
.controller('cartController', function($scope, cartStorage) {
var _this = $scope;
Alternatively, just replace all _this references with $scope in your controllers.
You also have a bunch of mixed up product / item and productIndex / itemIndex variables. I've standardised them all in this fiddle as well as fixed the logic around re-adding the same product.
It will work if you remove the "as" syntax when you define the controller in the view: ng-controller="mainController" and ng-controller="cartController".
Edited: I made a mistake of putting the wrong fiddle link.

Getting AngularJS orderBy to sort both directions

I'm attempting to setup a clickable table column header that sort Ascending when first clicked, and Descending when clicked again. My ascending sort is working fine, but I'm not sure how to setup an expression within my OrderBy to sort Descending
My setup thus far:
Table html has something like
<th ng-click="sort('LastName')">Last Name</th>
My sort method looks like
scope.sort = function (columnName) {
if (angular.isDefined(scope.filter)) {
if (scope.filter.SortColumn == columnName) {
scope.filter.SortColumn = columnName;
scope.filter.SortDirection = scope.filters.SortDirection == "Asc" ? "Desc" : "Asc";
} else {
scope.filter.SortColumn = columnName;
scope.filter.SortDirection = "Asc";
And my ng-repeat looks as follows
<tbody ng-repeat="name in resp.Names | orderBy : filter.SortColumn">
How can I get the SortDirection to factor into the orderBy?
To simply reverse you'd change it to this:
<tbody ng-repeat="name in resp.Names | orderBy : filter.SortColumn : true">
It'd be best if you used a boolean in your controller, but this should work too:
<tbody ng-repeat="name in resp.Names | orderBy : filter.SortColumn : filter.SortDirection === 'Desc'">
And just for fun, here's how I do sorting with filtering in my tables.
$ = { query: ''};
$scope.sort = { field: 'defaultField', descending: true};
$scope.order = function(newValue) {
if(newValue === $scope.sort.field) {
$scope.sort.descending = !$scope.sort.descending;
} else {
$scope.sort = {field: newValue, descending: false};
$scope.filteredDocuments = function() {
var a = $filter('filter')($scope.documents, {$:$});
var b = $filter('orderBy')(a, $scope.sort.field, $scope.sort.descending);
return b;
A search box for filtering:
<input type="text" ng-model="search.query">
A column header:
<th nowrap>
<a href ng-click="order('size')">Size </a>
<i ng-show="sort.field === 'size' && !sort.descending" class="fa fa-sort-amount-asc"></i>
<i ng-show="sort.field === 'size' && sort.descending" class="fa fa-sort-amount-desc"></i>
The row binding:
<tr ng-repeat="d in filteredDocuments()" >
A simplified version of the above answer:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<p>Click the table headers to change the sorting order:</p>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="namesCtrl">
<table border="1" width="100%">
<th ng-click="orderByMe('name')" >Name</th>
<th ng-click="orderByMe('country')">Country</th>
<tr ng-repeat="x in names | orderBy:myOrderBy:mySortOrder">
angular.module('myApp', []).controller('namesCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.names = [
$scope.orderByMe = function(x) {
$scope.myOrderBy = x;
if(x in $scope.sorts) {
} else {

ngTable Detect Sorting in View

Is there a way to detect whether or not ngTable currently has a sort applied? Binding to the sorting table parameter does not work correctly.
<!--- Never shows---->
<label ng-if="tableParams.$params.sorting === {}">No sort applied</label>
<!--- Never shows---->
<label ng-if="tableParams.$params.sorting() === {}">No sort applied</label>
Oddly enough this simple binding example works as expected:
<label>settings={{ tableParams.$params.sorting }}</label>
When a sort is applied a value of: {"sortColumn":"sortDirection"} appears:
or if a sort is not applied:
Any help would be appreciated.
You can do something like this:
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('myController', function($scope) {
$scope.angular = angular;
$scope.tableParams = {
$params: {
sorting: {}
$scope.sort = function() {
$scope.tableParams.$params.sorting[1] = true;
$scope.unsort = function() {
delete $scope.tableParams.$params.sorting[1];
$scope.isSorted = function(tableParams) {
return !angular.equals({}, tableParams.$params.sorting);
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="myController">
<div ng-show="!isSorted(tableParams)">No sort applied</div>
<button ng-click=sort()>sort</button>
<button ng-click=unsort()>unsort</button>
<br>{{ tableParams }}
You can also make the angular object accessible in templates by making it available to the scope.
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('myController', function($scope) {
$scope.angular = angular;
$scope.tableParams = {
$params: {
sorting: {}
$scope.sort = function() {
$scope.tableParams.$params.sorting[1] = true;
$scope.unsort = function() {
delete $scope.tableParams.$params.sorting[1];
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="myController">
<div ng-show="angular.equals({}, tableParams.$params.sorting)">No sort applied</div>
<button ng-click=sort()>sort</button>
<button ng-click=unsort()>unsort</button>
<div><br>{{ tableParams }}</div>
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('myController', function($scope) {
$scope.angular = angular;
$scope.tableParams = {
$params: {
sorting: {}
$scope.sort = function() {
$scope.tableParams.$params.sorting[1] = true;
$scope.unsort = function() {
delete $scope.tableParams.$params.sorting[1];
$scope.strictlyEqualsEmptyObject = function(obj) {
return {} === obj;
$scope.equalsEmptyObject = function(obj) {
return {} == obj;
$scope.angularEqualsEmptyObject = function(obj) {
return angular.equals({}, obj);
$scope.objectKeysLength = function(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).length === 0;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="myController">
<div>{{ tableParams }}</div>
<button ng-click=sort()>sort</button>
<button ng-click=unsort()>unsort</button>
<th>Not sorted check using:</th>
<td>strict </td>
<td>{{ strictlyEqualsEmptyObject(tableParams.$params.sorting) }}</td>
<td>equals </td>
<td>{{ equalsEmptyObject(tableParams.$params.sorting) }}</td>
<td>angular </td>
<td>{{ angularEqualsEmptyObject(tableParams.$params.sorting) }}</td>
<td>Object.keys </td>
<td>{{ objectKeysLength(tableParams.$params.sorting) }}</td>

AngularJS: Unable to reload/refresh view from controller

How do i refresh angularjs view from controller once the array/list is updated?
Following is my code:
<div class="main-page" ng-app="GoalsListing1">
<div ng-controller="CategoriesController as catCtrl">
<ul class="side-nav">
<li ng-class="{active: $index == catCtrl.selected}" ng-click="catCtrl.setSelected($index)" ng-repeat="cat in catCtrl.categories">
<span class="span-text">{{}}</span>
<div id="contentsGrid">
<table ng-controller="DetailsController as detailsCtrl">
<tr><th>Goal Name</th></tr>
<tr ng-show="detailsCtrl.goalDetailsList === undefined">
<td align="center">No data found to display</td>
<tr ng-repeat="detail in detailsCtrl.goalDetailsList">
and JS:
var app = angular.module("GoalsListing1", []);
//categories at top rendering
var goalCategories = [{"id":"1", "name":"Cat1"}, {"id":"2", "name":"Cat2"}];
//against each category its details
var goalDetails = {"Cat1":["goal1", "goal2"], "Cat2":["goal1", "goal2", "goal3"]};
//service to share data between controllers
app.service("GoalDetailService", function($rootScope){
this.goalDetail = goalDetails;
this.selectedCatName = "";
this.filteredList = {};
this.getGoalDetail = function(catName){
this.filteredList = this.goalDetail[catName];
return this.filteredList;
this.setGoalDetail = function(catName){
this.filteredList = this.goalDetail[catName];
//rendering side nav goal categories and set selected category
app.controller("CategoriesController", function($scope, GoalDetailService){
this.categories = goalCategories;
this.selected = 0;
GoalDetailService.selectedCatName = this.categories[this.selected].name;
this.setSelected = function(index){
this.selected = index;
GoalDetailService.selectedCatName = this.categories[this.selected].name;
//details grid rendering controller
app.controller("DetailsController", function($scope, GoalDetailService){
$scope.service = GoalDetailService;
this.goalDetailsList = GoalDetailService.filteredList;
//set watch when selection from side nav changes
$scope.$watch('service.filteredList', function(newList){
$scope.goalDetailsList = newList;
Here is the fiddle:
When I switch between Cat1 and Cat2 the corresponding array from goalDetails list doesn't updated in View.
Please help me.
While the other answer solves the issue, the alias isn't a problem... you're just not using it correctly. You need to use this instead of $scope.
app.controller("DetailsController", function($scope, GoalDetailService){
var self = this;
$scope.service = GoalDetailService;
this.goalDetailsList = GoalDetailService.filteredList;
//set watch when selection from side nav changes
$scope.$watch('service.filteredList', function(newList){
self.goalDetailsList = newList;
updated jsfiddle
You don't need the controller here: <tr ng-repeat="detail in detailsCtrl.goalDetailsList">
Instead use this:
<tr ng-repeat="detail in goalDetailsList">
It uses the goalDetailsList from the controller's $scope, which you already declared here:
<table ng-controller="DetailsController as detailsCtrl">

AngularJS Items selection and DOM manipulation

I have a list of items populated from a JSON, then i need to pick their values and populate another list of selected items, but, in case the particular item is already selected, add one more to count.
app.controller("NewPizza", function($scope, ingredients) {
$scope.selectedIngredients = [];
$scope.ingredients =;
function _ingredientExist(id) {
return $scope.selectedIngredients.some(function(el) {
return el._id === id;
function _addMore(selectedIngredient) {
$scope.addIngredient = function(selectedIngredient) {
if($scope.selectedIngredients.length == 0) {
if(_ingredientExist(selectedIngredient._id)) {
return false;
The result should be like this
Items to select
Items selected
2 Cheese (In case user select cheese multiple times)
<div class="">
<h1>New Pizza</h1>
<input ng-model="name"/>
<a>Save pizza</a>
<ul >
<li class="selectIngredients" ng-repeat="ingredient in ingredients" ng-click="addIngredient(ingredient)" id="{{ingredient._id}}">
<ul ng-model="selectedIngredients">
<li data-id="{{selectedIngredient._id}}" ng-repeat="selectedIngredient in selectedIngredients track by $index">
<span>1</span> {{}}
The problem is i dont know how exactly approach this feature because inside a controller DOM manipulation is considered a bad practice, but if i make a directive to deal with i dont know how to populate $scope.selectedIngredients properly.
One way is that you can add a count to your items model, then copy that model and increment the number.
Created a fiddle:
var app = angular.module('itemsApp',[]);
app.controller('ItemsCtrl',function($scope) {
$scope.items = [
$scope.my_items = angular.copy($scope.items);
$scope.addItem = function(item) {
var idx = $scope.items.indexOf(item);
var num = $scope.my_items[idx].num;
$scope.my_items[idx].num = num + 1;
$scope.removeItem = function(my_item) {
var idx = $scope.my_items.indexOf(my_item);
var num = my_item.num;
if (num > 0) {
$scope.my_items[idx].num = num -1;
<div ng-app="itemsApp" ng-controller="ItemsCtrl">
<h4>Available Items</h4>
<tr ng-repeat="i in items">
<td><button ng-click="addItem(i)">+</button></td>
<h4>My Items</h4>
<tr ng-repeat="i in my_items" ng-show="i.num > 0">
<td>{{}} ({{i.num}})</td>
<td><button ng-click="removeItem(i)">Remove 1</button></td>
You are right that it is considered wrong to update the DOM from a controller in the Angular world.
The reason for that is because you don't need to -- if you update your data - for example, the selectedIngredients array -- angular will update the DOM for you.
One way to accomplish this is to keep track of the count of each ingredient as well as what ingredient was added. You can do this without touching the Ingredient json that you get back from the server.
Then, when you change the count, angular will update the DOM for you.
Here's am example: Live Plnkr Example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="test">
<script data-require="angular.js#1.3.0-beta.5" data-semver="1.3.0-beta.5" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<script src="script.js"></script>
<body ng-controller="PizzaCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="i in ingredients">
{{}} - <a href ng-click="addIngredient(i)">Add</a>
<h4>Selected Toppings</h4>
<li ng-repeat="t in toppings">
<span ng-if="t.count > 1">
<a href ng-click="removeTopping(t, $index)">Remove</a>
angular.module('test', [])
.controller('PizzaCtrl', function($scope) {
/* let's protend we called ingredients.get() here */
$scope.ingredients = [
{ name: 'Cheese', id: 1 },
{ name: 'Bacon', id: 2 },
{ name: 'Ham', id: 3 }
/* this will hold both an Ingredient and a Count */
$scope.toppings = [];
/* Check if the ingredient already exists in toppings[], and if so,
* return it. */
function findTopping(ingredient) {
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.toppings.length; ++i) {
if ($scope.toppings[i] == {
return $scope.toppings[i];
return null;
/* If the ingredient is already there, increment it's count,
* otherwise add it. */
$scope.addIngredient = function(ingredient) {
var t = findTopping(ingredient);
if (t) {
} else {
$scope.toppings.push({ingredient: ingredient, count: 1});
/* Opposite of the above! */
$scope.removeTopping = function(t, index) {
if (t.count > 1) {
} else {
$scope.toppings.splice(index, 1);
