Replacement for WorkItemFormControl with TFS 2015 - wpf

Quite some time ago, I implemented a tool for creating and maintaining Work Breakdown Structures in combination with Microsoft Team Foundation Server (you can find it here: It was originally implemented using the TFS 2005 object model, and also relies on the WorkItemFormControl to display Work Items for creation and editing directly from the application. It's quite useful, and is heavily used inside my company for multi-project management.
A while ago, I ported it to using the TFS 2010 assemblies, but now, a couple of years later, I have the need to also support Visual Studio 2015.
In the course of migrating to the new assemblies, I have managed to get all the nuget packages I need (which is Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.ExtendedClient), but apparently both the WorkItemFormControl (which was targeted for Windows Forms) and the newer WPF equivalent WorkItemControl (from the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemControl.WpfControls namespace) are missing.
I suppose I can use a web browser control to achieve a similar effect like before, but I have not found any sample code or similar for this. Does anybody have a pointer how to get a similar effect like I got with WorkItemFormControl? I admit I haven't spent more than a couple of hours on research, simply because I just wanted to do a "quick update" to support the new server versions, and this sort of caught me cold.
Is there a "quick fix" for me I just have been to blind to see?
If there is no such thing as a quick fix, which is the general direction I should head to get the functionality back?

WorkItemFormControl Class is now obsolete, use the WPF version of this control, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WpfControls.WorkItemControl instead.
To use Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WpfControls.WorkItemControl namespace, you need to add assembly Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Controls which can be added from Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.All in nuget package.


Plugin for working with WinForms for JetBrains Rider (

I have just switched from Java-development (where I used IntelliJ) to an old WinForms application in I have decided to use Rider, since I really liked IntelliJ.
From what I understand Raider's WinForm designer does not yet support
So my question is if there is a plugin that supports WinForms designing in Raider (to avoid having to switch to VS and avoid using 2 different IDEs).
The Winforms designer from Rider does only support C# with WinForms under Windows. It has recently added support for other toolkits, maybe in a cross-platform manner.
The answer to your question is no: and I don't think they are going to include since there is probably not enough demand. You can still use Visual Studio for the designer and go back to Rider when that part is finished.
My personal advice is to avoid use any designer. WinForms is really easy to grasp, and there are tutorials out there that make the task even easier.
One possibility would therefore be to get rid of the designer files and manually modify the code. An important outcome is that the project will be then editable in any IDE, not only Visual Studio or others with compatible plugins.

How do I get up and running in Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition with TypeScript and AngularJS?

I thought I was smarter than this, but evidently I'm not. I'm a many-year veteran of software development. I used to work as an engineer at Google. I write TypeScript at work every day.
All I wanted to do was convert my existing AngularJS website into a website that uses TypeScript instead of what I currently have, which is plain JavaScript with the Google Closure Compiler. And I want to be able to use Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition to do the editing, type-checking, etc. Ideally, I'd like to use ASP.NET WebForms to generate the HTML files dynamiclaly so I can do a few clever things server-side, but I'm not wed to the idea.
I have tried many different tutorials, including:
TypeScript, AngularJS, Gulp and Bower in Visual Studio 2015
Building AngularJS application with TypeScript and Visual Studio Code
Setting up TypeScript and AngularJs in Visual Studio 2013
Building Web applications with TypeScript and AngularJS in Visual Studio 2015
But none of these have gotten me what I needed, which was the following:
Out of the box, build an application without error. Some tutorials have failed because they couldn't handle the \ vs / issue of Windows. Others, complain that I don't have git installed (even though I do). Others have been written for what seem to be obsolete versions of NPM and/or Gulp packages and fail when followed verbatim.
Said application must be structured in a reasonably-realistic manner that will scale. Many walk-throughs seemed to be hacked-together examples that don't really show you best practices.
Said application must use TypeScript modules so that I can break my application into multiple, reusable components. Ideally, I'll be able to compile them together into a single output js file, but my attempts here have been disastrous.
Said application must be editable with Visual Studio, with the fewest number of "extra steps" required to work with the thing. An ideal situation would be to just have the darn thing built by Visual Studio, but I'm perfectly fine with typing in an npm or gulp command or three.
Said application should use relatively modern versions of the TypeScript and AngularJS 1.x (I'm not ready for AngularJS 2.0 yet).
So, here I am humbling myself, asking the cognoscenti how to do what I think should have been trivially easy to do.
Can you either point me to a good tutorial that actually works and provides the aspects I need, or else give me some decent step-by-step instructions?
You may assume moderate familiarity on my part with Visual Studio, AngularJS, NPM, NuGet, and TypeScript. You may also assume fledgling familiarity with Gulp, Grunt, and Yeoman. Finally, you may assume that I've used JSPM, but that I've used it with a cartoon-like question mark suspended over my head.
I've been trying, off and on again, for months to get this to work. I won't claim to be a genius, but I'm definitely not stupid. It seems to me that this ought to be easy, yet it's confounded me at every turn. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope!
P.S. This proliferation of package managers, created I'm sure with the best of intentions, reminds me of this classic cartoon.

Report viewer control for VB.Net1.1

Good morning fellow stack overflow people, I have a question that sounds like the start of something from the daily wtf.
The company that I work for is not so much sacred of new technology they just seem to let things slip, you know the type, “It worked 5/6+ years ago so I don’t see why we should change it”
Despite this I have managed by hook or by crook to get an installation of SQL server 2008R2 to develop on which has the reporting services. Excellent I think, I can finally start moving some of the access applications to and use SSRS to provide some embedded reports, everyone is happy.
But not so fast, it turns out the standard build of desktop here only has .net1.1. I have managed to dust off a copy of visual studio 2003 (The last edition that could target 1.1) and built a few little tests to check DB connectivity. The problem I am having is the report viewer control is only available in .net2.0 and above.
So what options do I have for displaying my SSRS reports in a VB.net1.1 thick client application?
Before anyone asks the following options are out
Going anything web based (Farrrrrrrrrr too modern for the company + no web server)
Upgrading to a version of .net released after George Bush the 2nd lost an election but still became president
Changing jobs
Sorry for the long question but I thought some background would help
I would go for a browser control but I think they only started including that in 2.0. But I think you can still do something like that in 1.1 (it has been to long to be sure).
I think if you install SSRS on the sqlserver you could turn on IIS on that server and then use that to make your reports and show them in the browser control.
SSRS (I'm pretty sure it came out somewhere around 2005) is not old enough to have many other options.
If you work with VB.NET 1.1 all the time then it is strange question. How did you program in it before?
Use any available dataview control (I already do not remember - DataGrid, DataList, Repeater) from .NET1.1. There is nothing in ReportViewer that could not be done before its appearance, in .NET1.1.
What is the problem?
I remember seeing code projects reproducing ReportViewer in .NET1.1 few years ago though I cannot find it now. Anyway, it seems to me the problem of just reading .NET1.1 docs and searching internet.
Sorry if this is a blunt statement but sometimes, you've got to bite the bullet and do the right thin.
If you really want to use reports and you've found the minimum version of the .NET framework is 2.0 then go ahead, find an internet connection somewhere and upgrade the computers.
If you can't do that, forget about it and go back to your VB6 or whatever you're using. Besides, .NET Framework 2.0 sp1 is less than 30MB. If you can't find a decent internet connection (either at your workplace or somewhere else) to download it then you might as well abandon it.
And I'll add as well. VS2003 IS OLD! Get yourself minimum VS2005, even if it's Express edition, it's good enough and stop whining.
Someone had the same question back in Feb. Maybe this might send you down the right path:
Using SSRS in ASP.NET 1.1

Silverlight - where do you start (for free)?

First I've read loads of posts and sites that recommend going to to get started but I do not have visual studio and I'm not going to purchase it just to 'maybe' learn some silverlight that I'm not going to be able to use for a little while.
The reason being that I've already installed visual studio and all the other things required during a quiet period of work, then another project came up and by the time I got back to thinking about silverlight the trial period has finished.
I have not done C# or XAML (mainly Java, AS3 & MXML, hence the lack of MS tools) but I'd like to look into silverlight when I'm quiet to create some test projects and to determine where I can use it if anywhere. Is there a toolset that will let me learn and use all that is required without purchasing the software (perhaps it would have a watermark like the flex datacharts used to have, unless you purchased them, maybe an eclipse plugin - although I imagine I'm being a bit optimistic here).
If there isn't such a thing then perhaps MS should look into this, Adobe recently let anyone unemployed/students etc to get flexbuilder for free to increase its uptake. That would be great is MS did something similar.
If you are a student, you can get professional Microsoft tools for free through the Dreamspark program.
You can download Blend preview 3 and visual studio 2010 for free and use it. You have the tools and knowledge now ;-)
Check out Bizspark too.
Allegedly, you can now use one of Microsoft's free "Express" development systems to develop Silverlight apps.
In addition to the free-as-in-free-beer options from MS that other answers mention: if you only want to play around with Silverlight for now, consider trying Moonlight -- it may not yet be ready for production work, but nevertheless usable for learning purposes.
One place you can go is to the express web site on You can get free, albeit trimmed back, versions of the current release of Visual Studio and SQL Server there.
You can also get a trial version of Expression Blend 2. Blend is a design oriented tool for creating Silverlight applications.
You can also usually find betas of upcoming releases without much trouble.
Silverlight + Eclipse:
And how to workaround Express for SL
Good luck

VS 2008 WinForms with SourceSafe

We are using Visual Studio 2008 to develop a winforms application stored in Visual Source Safe 2005.
If one of our team members changes a *.Designer.cs file without changing the form's source file the change doesn't appear during a "Get" operation. However, if in Visual Studio you run a compare on the *.Designer.cs file the differences are displayed in the difference viewer.
FYI: We are using the default Microsoft Visual SourceSafe plug in for Visual Studio.
Any ideas why the "Get" operation will not detect changes in the *.Designer.cs files and suggest we pull down the latest version?
Thanks for your help!
Designer files are not intended for manual manipulation. One of the chief incentives for adding partial classes to the popular .Net languages was to segregate the designer-generated code from manual user code, in fact. Manual manipulation of repeatedly-generated code (in pretty much any environment, not just visual studio) is asking for headaches.
What changes are you making to the designer file, and why is it not possible to make those changes to the non-designer source file?
Is the project in the IDE properly bound and connected to the source control database (via File->Source Control->Change Source Control)? It should automatically be checking out the designer files when changes are made in the designer view.
I would try doing a Get manually through VSS Explorer (i.e. not through Visual Studio) and see if it works. If not, check to see if the file is pinned to a previous version.
Woe unto you for having to use SourceSafe. At my last job, we used SourceSafe and had a myriad of problems with it. We switched over to Surround SCM and were really happy with it. I'd never heard of it before that job.
To answer your question, any time I ran into a problem like this with SS, I'd do a "forced get": in the options dialog when you get latest, tell SourceSafe to get the latest version from the server regardless of whether it thinks the file is up to date.
Edit: I think the issue is the VS200X plugin for VSS. If you have the VSS standalone application you should be able to do a forced get from there. I now remember having to do this so often that I stopped using the VS200X plugin.
