Flask: Unauthenticated user seeing cached app, not being redirected to login page - angularjs

I have a flask app which serves an Angular JS app only to authenticated users.
Access control for the view which serves the app is implemented with #login_required from the Flask-Login package as follows:
# The app page is accessible only to authenticated users
#login_required # Limits access to authenticated users
def serve_app():
return send_from_directory(
app.static_folder + '/app', "index.html")
However, I have noticed that after logging out, an unauthenticated user attempting to view this view does not get redirected to the login page, rather, they see a cached version of the app.
I have observed this behavior on Google Chrome and Firefox running the dev server.
How do I force no-caching only in the case of unauthenticated users? (I still might want caching for logged in users.)(Related questions / answers on stackoverflow seem to only address disabling caching period independent of authentication status, which strikes me as an unnecessary compromise.)
Examining the XHR log in Firebug seems to indicate the browser never even makes the original request to the protected app view. It just loads directly from cache.
One possibility would be to check authentication in the front-end app and force the redirect to the sign-in page if not authenticated, however I am interested in a back-end solution which can handle this 'automagically' so as to avoid the extra care needed on the front-end (after all, isn't this what #login_required, morally speaking, should / does claim to do?).


How to detect front-channel logout in a second existing, open browser window and redirect the user to a logged-out page?

Say I have two applications open, one in each tab, and they both leverage the same SSO server. The user globally logs out (front-channel) in App A, but App B remains open in another tab. The front-channel takes care of wiping the cookies but ideally there would be a way to redirect App B to a "you've been logged out" page. However, since it's not possible to detect HTTPOnly cookies via javascript, how can the javascript running in App B's tab detect the removal of the cookie and direct the user? I suppose we could write a non-HTTPOnly cookie as well and monitor that but I thought there may be a better solution out there.
IdentityServer4 supports this via the "session status change" spec here:
This allows your app to ping (via postMessage calls to an iframe) for changes to the current session and receive a response indicating if it's changed or not. This all happens client-side and it uses a non-HTTP-only cookie which is populated with the current session ID.
The endpoint in question is advertised as check_session_iframe in the /.well-known/openid-configuration
oidc-client-js implements this out of the box but for a server-side app you may have to roll your own.

Incorporate Keycloak login into SPA

We're currently evaluating Keycloak as our SSO solution and while it works for our servlet-based applications there's a question regarding our (React-based) SPAs.
What our designers want: as an example let's say we have an email client spa. The user is in the process of writing an email but then gets distracted. When he returns the SSO session has already timed out and a re-login is required. The user should now be presented with a login form and after login it should be possible to send the email that's still in the SPA's local storage (i.e. re-login without restarting the SPA or losing data).
AFAIK Keycloak doesn't provide an authentication-api (for good reasons) and uses a redirect to the login page and back to the application (as I understand it for mobile apps the system browser would be used). If I'm not mistaken that redirect would then mean the SPA is then reinitialized and thus the data would be lost.
So here's the question: is what our designers want possible to do with Keycloak?
If yes, how would it be done? Directly posting to the login-url that Keycloak is using seems like a bad idea since the tokens would probably not be stored correctly and there might be same-origin policy problems. Would doing it inside an iframe or popup-window work?
For someone who comes back to this question,
I think it's better to stick to the best practice for oAuth2/OpenId Connect for SPAs which is currently "Authorization Code Flow" with PKCE.
A normal flow here needs a complete redirect to the auth server and back so your app will completely re-initialize. Or you use check-sso like Sébastien already mentioned with silent mode.
You can configure a silent check-sso option. With this feature enabled, your browser won’t do a full redirect to the {project_name} server and back to your application, but this action will be performed in a hidden iframe, so your application resources only need to be loaded and parsed once by the browser when the app is initialized and not again after the redirect back from {project_name} to your app. This is particularly useful in case of SPAs (Single Page Applications).
This way the login will happen in an iframe and the app initializes only once and should preserve state.
Even if it's not considered as a best practice you can turn on Direct Grant Access for your client which enables to login through a REST call.
Anyway, about not loosing the state of your app, this is a bit outside the scope of Keycloak but you should be able to achieve that with having the state in your redirect URL for instance ?
Also, if you don't want your app to automatically reidrects to the login page you can use : keycloak.init({ onLoad: 'check-sso' }) instead of login-required

Renew a Long-Lived token used at server side with an Angular application and FB SDK

My context:
An AngularJS application using the Javascript Facebook SDK, and my distinct server (REST APIs).
User is logged in the client through the FB SDK using the method FB.login(callback).
This later gives a short-lived token that is then sent to the server in order to transform it to a long-lived token.
I'm interested in the mechanism of refreshing the long-lived token after 60 days.
So, reading the doc, we found this:
Even the long-lived access token will eventually expire. At any point,
you can generate a new long-lived token by sending the person back to
the login flow used by your web app - note that the person will not
actually need to login again, they have already authorized your app,
so they will immediately redirect back to your app from the login flow
with a refreshed token - how this appears to the person will vary
based on the type of login flow that you are using, for example if you
are using the JavaScript SDK, this will take place in the background,
if you are using a server-side flow, the browser will quickly redirect
to the Login Dialog and then automatically and immediately back to
your app again.
If I interpret it well, when user is ALREADY logged in through FB.login(callback), a simple redirect to the Angular Application's login flow would allow to get a new short-lived token.
I imagine that the FB.login is immediately run anew in this case, without user interaction, as written.
I want to test it simply, so what I've done is:
Logged in into the application through FB.login(callback).
Clicked on a dummy link making a simple redirect with: window.location.replace('/');
My application being a single page application, every URL should be considered as the authentication page.
But the FB.login isn't run in the background, as I expected from the doc.
What would be the reason?
Does it work only when the domain making the redirect is distinct from the client? (I just can't test this case right now)
Did I misinterpret the doc?

Refreshing in browser changes template in angularJS

I'm having a weird problem with my angular app. When the user is logged in and hits "refresh" in the browser, the app loads the log-in template which is part of the main index.html file. It does not, however, kill the user session, but the user can't get any where else in the app without re-authenticating. Can anyone offer advice?
When a user refreshes the browser, your entire angular application disappears and gets restarted. That's how SPAs ("Single Page Apps") work.
If you want to have the user not log in every time they do this, you have to save enough information in the browser itself to know that he or she has already logged in. You can do this by storing some information either in a cookie or HTML5 local storage, and checking to see if the login information is stored before you call your authentication service.
Also, if you use standard http BASIC authentication the browser itself will cache the authentication credentials.

How to determine if user has logged out on another page

I am running a Google App Engine project where everytime the user takes an action I want to check to see if the user is 1)logged in 2)an admin. This is the code I have for the appuser:
class AppUser
private UserService userService;
private User user;
public AppUser()
userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService();
user = userService.getCurrentUser();
public IsAdministrator()
return userService.IsUserAdmin();
return false;
public IsLoggedIn()
return user == null;
When I log out with my app this works fine. However, if I log out on another page (like on google calendars or something) the app still thinks I'm logged in. Is there another better way to check if the user is still logged in?
Also I know that this can be done with security-constraint in the web.xml however that will not work in this case as I need to take certain actions if the user has logged off.
I am using App Engine SDK 1.7 and GWT SDK 2.4
Two ways to notify app about user logging out:
Synchronously - server actively notifies client (browser) about log-out. Use Channels API to send push notification to client. There is a GWT wrapper.
Asynchronously - server notifies client about log-out when client makes communication to server, i.e. in every RPC call add authentication check. If user id logged-out, raise an exception, which can be handled by GWT.
I ran into this today, though it was worse: I'd logged out as user A (from a Google Sites page), and logged in as user B, but my GAE app still thought I was logged in as user A. Argh.
The reason for this is that there are two cookies involved, one for tracking which Google user is logged into Google, and another for tracking which GAE application user is logged into my GAE application. Recall that a GAE could be using any federated authentication service, not just Google's. My application has no access to the google.com cookies, so I can't directly check whether user A is still logged in (or which user is currently logged in).
Unfortunately, I've not yet found a straight forward "federated logOUT" mechanism, though it is possible that Google Identity Toolkit can be used for detecting that the expected user is no longer logged in.
I found others discussing this issue:
How to manage multiple accounts login and logout in different browser pages?
UserService retrieves wrong user after logout
I came up with a solution that works for my application, where I have a page that redirects the user, a student, to his or her classroom's home page. Since this is accessed infrequently by any one student (a few times a day), but which needs to know which student is logged in, I took the following approach which works for me:
User goes to page A, which clears the ACSID and SACSID cookies, and redirects to Google for the user to login.
User is probably already logged in, so Google (with several redirects) updates the ACSID and SACSID cookies to the currently logged in user, and redirects back to my application at page B.
Page B finally takes action on behalf of the logged in user, "confident" that the correct user is logged in (to the extent that pages are confident). ;-)
Here's a code sketch of the approach:
# My BaseHandler has a clear_cookie
class LoginAndRedirectHandler(base_handler.BaseHandler):
def get(self):
if 'continue' in self.request.params and \
url = self.request.params['continue']
# Whatever your page is that needs an up to date logged in user
url = users.create_login_url('/PageB')
if isinstance(url, unicode):
url = url.encode('utf8')
logging.info('Redirecting to ' + url)
The reason I said infrequently above is that this process is expensive in time, with at least 4 or 5 redirects involved.
