Sprinkling Angular 2 components inside a non-angular page - angularjs

Currently looking at upgrade paths from Angular 1 -> Angular 2 and one things we've done with our Angular 1 work is reuse some of our components on public facing non-app pages.
These pages are effectively static HTML (though they are rendered by Rails) and then some Angular 2 components are dropped into the page in places. This worked from with Angular 1, we simply bootstrapped the document element with a module that provided the directives and components we needed. There is no routing at all.
With Angular 2 it looks like it is all or nothing. You declare a single root component and everything is rendered through that. This would be a big shift for us and I'd like to avoid changing how we are doing things on these public facing pages.
Is it possible at all to just use Angular 2 components as needed in static HTML pages or will we need to move to a single root element SPA design?
In a nutshell, what I'm asking is if it is possible to have a mix of static content with dynamic angular components sprinkled within, or must all angular components live within a single root element on the page?

So this is simpler than I originally thought. In the Angular 2 docs it has some specific wording around bootstrapping multiple apps.
Bootstrapping Multiple Applications
When working within a browser window, there are many singleton
resources: cookies, title, location, and others. Angular services that
represent these resources must likewise be shared across all Angular
applications that occupy the same browser window. For this reason,
Angular creates exactly one global platform object which stores all
shared services, and each angular application injector has the
platform injector as its parent.
Each application has its own private injector as well. When there are
multiple applications on a page, Angular treats each application
injector's services as private to that application.
So it seems clear that this is intended to be possible and that multiple apps share service resources which is what I would hope for.
I've done some trivial tests with multiple bootstrapped components and it works fine. One thing I have not yet tried is bootstrapping an Angular 2 attribute directive for use outside of Angular 2 components. I suspect that won't work and that bootstrap only works with Components and not Directives.
In terms of guidance, I would suggest that Angular 2 is not really designed for sprinkling behaviour throughout a static page and probably should not be used that way. Rather, while you may have multiple sections of your paged defined by multiple apps, that components should make up nearly all of the document/interface.

we simply bootstrapped the document element with a module that provided the directives and components we needed. There is no routing at all
That's exactly how I'm currently using Angular2. See the example at https://github.com/niczero/ng2-es5-file-upload/blob/master/demo/index.html -- some of my 'static' pages are generated by perl in the same way you are using ruby.
As an aside, being able to use your modules both ways is much easier if you embrace Universal Module Definitions


Can I share Angular services across downgraded components used in my AngularJS application?

I am slowly converting an AngularJs Application to Angular. I am following the hybrid app approach in the documentation here: https://angular.io/guide/upgrade#using-upgrademodule-with-angular-ngmodules
If I have a universal service, like a logger, can I share a single instance of that service between two downgraded components that are being treated as individual directives by angularJS? Currently I declare it in the providers array of both components individually, because there is no overall parent component since each downgraded component is its own Directive loaded into angularJS as needed, but I'm pretty sure this means I will have two separate instances running in my application and would like to avoid that if possible.

Angular app with more than one module and general functionality

Angular modules are a kind of namespacing feature that we know from the .net world. Keep things contained in modules.
The problem is that I would like to do this:
I would like certain pages that don't have any specific client-side functionality but use custom directives to just define ng-app or ng-app="xyz" to just work; I don't want to introduce an additional Javascript code(file) just to make it work.
I would like to have pages with different modules i.e. App.Main and App.Specific; Both of these pages should use the same directives from #1 and use them.
I would like to contain general stuff inside App.General module, and then have additional modules like mentioned App.Main and App.Specific.
Which module should directives be defined in and how should dependencies (if at all as they don't call each other's code in any way) between these modules be for directives and pages to work as expected?
If I am understanding your question correctly, my suggestion would be to define several angular app modules in the same javascript file and activate the appropriate one for each page by the ng-app="App.General" directive vs ng-app="App.Specific". So you could have have a single concatenated javascript file that contains:
any third party dependencies you are using
your custom directives, services, controllers, etc
I would suggest using "very granular modules" as recommended at the NYC AngularJS Meetup Feb 2014 at 24m in this video and putting each individual directive and service into it's own module.
But it would also be fine to group all your shared directives into a single module called "App.Directives", for example.
your general code defined by angular.module('App.General', ['MyDirective']); (plus additional dependencies)
your specific code defined by angular.module('App.Specific', ['MyDirective', 'MyService']); (plus additional dependencies)
Also note that you don't have to declare your app dependencies as a literal array of strings. You could do var directives = ['Dir1', 'Dir2']; Then angular.module('App.Specific', directives.concat('MyService', 'MyController')); to express that the specific app uses the same directives as the general app.
Each page could include the same <script src="/bundle.js"></script> HTML (thus it would be loaded from the web only once then cached).
General pages would include ng-app="App.General" in their HTML. Specific pages would have ng-app="App.Specific".
certain pages that don't have any specific client-side functionality but use custom directives
So the directives technically constitute "client side functionality" since they will be rendered to their final HTML in the browser. So you will need to load angular.js, the modules containing your directives and at least one line of your own code to define an app and declare it's dependencies on the modules that provide the custom directives you are using.

Angularjs - Best practices for controllers / routing / partials

So I am just starting out with angularjs and web development in general and had a few questions regarding the best practices. Some of my questions are actually more related to web development in general.
1) When to use partials and when to use a different page instead. E.g Is is good to embed about.html as a partial in index.html or have a separate page?
2) What is the best way to share data between controllers? Right now I am using query parameters in the route.
3) Should I be using one controller for multiple partials?
Angular is a single page app framework, so you only want to use one html 'page' in most cases. There may be exceptions but unless your project is very large you won't need to use more than one.
Services are the recommended way of doing this. Services return a singleton object, and you can inject references to them using angular's dependency injection. It keeps everything modular, too. Query params are definitely not what you want to use. For calling events between controllers you might also use $scope.$broadcast().
Potentially, you might have an overall AppController for example that encompasses elements that have their own controllers (in their own directives, or using ng-controller). On the subject of directives, remember to use them to bundle re-usable components up. Directives have their own templates and controllers, and using them makes your code much more modular and easier to maintain/test.

Guideline to create a mvc-4 application with angular.js for non-single page application?

First of all i am confuse for my project whether it can use angular.js or not, although i have started using it and i created some customization module with this but when i started applying it for all project i got stuck on many things.
My project is a order taking project and it has structure like this.
In the index page it has 3 panels.
left panle that draws all categories
middle panel that draws all category specific productes
and right panel that draws all the basket items with calculations.
On product click there also appears a model that draws all the customization.
I am using MVC-4.
Every thing on index that includes some layout is a partial view _leftpanl, _middlePnl, _rightPnl, _customziaion.
My concern is.
If i define the routes to the module i created how to fix on ng-view because per scope there will be one ng-view only. and my application load atleast 3 partial views to index page at the same time. So how would i fix on ng-view.
Just gimme some guide lines that i should follow to create this kind of application with angular.js.
Or it is not possible with angular because i think it is not a single page application.
Use the Angular-Breeze SPA template provided by the ASP.Net team http://www.asp.net/single-page-application/overview/templates/breezeangular-template
Don't mix up the Razor view/partials with Angular. Use ASP.Net MVC to manage only the REST interface and use AngularJS to embrace the presentation layer.
Learn the Angular Routing and Templates to mimic your requirements.
It seems you have a problem to define what you really need.
AngularJS primary purpose is to do some Single Page Application. Which is, code only in HTML/CSS/JS in the front-end, and reuse your abilities in the back-end to produce DATA only (REST-json is the most classic but you can choose whatever you want).
So if you use a tool outside its primary purpose, you have to do some compromises : Of course you can mix backend template with AngularJS, but in this case, you can forget the router and ng-view.
Use AngularJS if you think you have some complex web interface. If it is only some static text, or even a few input forms here and there you don't necesseraly have to AngularJS, you can just use your classic server-side display rendering.
You could use ng-include to include each of your three partials into one view. Then in each partial view you can specify the controller with ng-controller. For creating the modal popup I would probably use ui bootstrap's modal
Alternatively you could use ui-router to create multiple parallel views.
I have following guidelines here which i hope will help you.
Do not mix Server Side MVC and Client Side MVC. AngularJS is primarly meant to augment the HTML and browser capability. The two-way binding of angularjs is excellent and provides lots of dynamic behavior. MVC4 scores best when we have to do lot of server side processing using the .Net platform capabilities.
But as you spent some good effort on this project and the corresponding technologies, there is a way out. Convert all your Controlller Actions in MVC4 to produce JsonResult and when the angularjs needs data use that, e.g. in $http.get( .

requirejs and angularjs for non single page web apps?

I have individual pages and initially I wanted to use angularJS because of data binding and the many other neat features. I also ended up using requireJS simply to help me manage my dependancies better as the list of javascript libraries I'm using is growing.
My question is using AngularJS with requireJS a no no for non single page web apps?
It's not a no-no. You can definitely use angular on non-single page apps. You just will lose a lot of the functionality - ie the stuff between "pages". You app will essentially be recreated on every page.
I've used angular for a multi-page site (basically a product search engine), with each page being separate. I used GET and POST to transfer stuff across pages, but ultimately, I wanted to use angular for rendering the content on the page because it's just neat and clean.
