Simple calculator using switch with if else in C - c

This is my code so far for my simple calculator. Im working on sine right now(case 6) with a degree range of 0-360.Here is the output.
$ ./a.exe ProblemSolving.c
Arithmetic : Add(0) Sub(1) Mult(2) Div(4) Mod(5)
Trigonometry : sine(6) cosine(7) tan(8) arc_sin(9) arc_cos(10)
Exponent : x^y(11) 2^x(12) 10^x(13)
Enter the choice of operation:6
The choice of operation is:6
Enter degree range from 0 to 360
Enter degrees:400
After I enter the desired degrees nothing else happens and the program ends. I believe there is something wrong with my if statement or the sine function.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
double Add1, Add2, Sub1, Sub2, Mult1, Mult2;
int Choice, Div1, Div2, Mod1, Mod2, Base1, Power1, Deg1;
printf("Arithmetic : Add(0) Sub(1) Mult(2) Div(4) Mod(5)\n");
printf("Trigonometry : sine(6) cosine(7) tan(8) arc_sin(9) arc_cos(10)\n");
printf("Exponent : x^y(11) 2^x(12) 10^x(13)\n");
printf("Enter the choice of operation:");
scanf("%d", &Choice);
printf("The choice of operation is:%d\n", Choice);
switch(Choice) {
case 0:
printf("Enter number one:");
scanf("%lf", &Add1);
printf("Enter number two:");
scanf("%lf", &Add2);
printf("%2.2lf + %2.2lf = %2.2lf", Add1, Add2, Add1+Add2);
case 1:
printf("Enter number one:");
scanf("%lf", &Sub1);
printf("Enter number two:");
scanf("%lf", &Sub2);
printf("%2.2lf - %2.2lf = %2.2lf", Sub1, Sub2, Sub1-Sub2);
case 2:
printf("Enter number one:");
scanf("%lf", &Mult1);
printf("Enter number two:");
scanf("%lf", &Mult2);
printf("%2.2lf * %2.2lf = %2.2lf", Mult1, Mult2, Mult1*Mult2);
case 4:
printf("Enter number one:");
scanf("%d", &Div1);
printf("Enter number two:");
scanf("%d", &Div2);
if (Div2 == 0)
printf("Error! Denominator cannot equal 0");
printf("%d / %d = %d", Div1, Div2, Div1/Div2);
case 5:
printf("Enter number one:");
scanf("%d", Mod1);
printf("Enter number two:");
scanf("%d", Mod2);
if (Mod2 == 0)
printf("Error! Denominator cannot equal 0");
printf("%d % %d = %d", Mod1, Mod2, Mod1%Mod2);
case 6:
printf("Enter degree range from 0 to 360\n");
printf("Enter degrees:");
scanf("%d", Deg1);
if (0 > Deg1 > 360)
printf("Error! Value Entered is not within valid range");
printf("sin(%d) = %d", Deg1, sin(Deg1));
printf("Error! operator is not correct");
return 0;

There are several problems in this code:
Change scanf("%d", Deg1); to scanf("%d", &Deg1);, because scanf() call for addresses. Also, I think it might be better to declare Deg1 as a double.
0 > Deg1 > 360 is wrong in C. You have to write Deg1 < 0 || Deg1 > 360. Operator || stands for "logical Or".
In math.h, sin() works in radians. So use sin(Deg1 * 3.14159265 / 180). Or, to improve readability and maintenance, #define PI 3.14159265 and sin(Deg1 * PI / 180). Note that you cannot write Deg1 / 180 * 3.14159265, because integer literals in C is ints, and int/int = int. For example, 3 / 2 == 1, rather than 1.5. To get the exact value, write 3.0 / 2.0.
In math.h, sin() returns double, so write printf("sin(%d) = %g", Deg1, sin(...));.
Fixed code here:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.14159265
// ...many lines of code...
case 6:
printf("Enter degree range from 0 to 360\n");
printf("Enter degrees:");
scanf("%d", &Deg1);
if (0 > Deg1 || Deg1 > 360)
printf("Error! Value Entered is not within valid range");
printf("sin(%d) = %g", Deg1, sin(Deg1 * PI / 180));

The sine function (and the rest of the trig functions) in C works in radians, not degrees. You'll have to convert from degrees from radians before passing the value to sine.
Right now you also have a problem with the format in your printf, since you're passing a double, but telling printf to expect an int. You need to use %f instead of %d.
In addition, your if statement doesn't currently make much sense, and almost certainly doesn't mean what you think. What you apparently want is if (Deg1 < 0.0 || Deg1 > 360.0)


Using C to Find Min and Max value using Function

I need to write a program where users can input their numbers as much as many as they defined, then the program will try to find which one is the lowest value and the highest value. The problems I face are:
When the program executed, the second line will wait on user's input (number) before the printf
The error "system" seems unreliable, sometimes works, sometimes doesn't work
The program only checks the last number entry, therefore it only shows the last number in min and max
You may give hints or corrections along the answers. Thank you very much.
#include <stdio.h>
float max(float num1){
float a=0, b;
if(num1 > a){
return a;
float min(float num2){
float x=100, y;
if(num2 < x ){
return num2;
int main(){
int times, interval;
float mini, maxi, data_Input;
printf("How many number would you like to type in ? : ");
printf("Type in the number: ");
scanf("%f", &data_Input);
for(interval=2; interval<=times; interval++){
printf("\nType in the number: ");
printf("Invalid Input! Please re-enter the number:");
printf("Invalid Input! Please re-enter the number:");
maxi= max(data_Input);
mini= min(data_Input);
printf("The Lowest Number is %.2f\n", mini);
printf("The Highest Number is %.2f\n", maxi);
return 0;
How many number would you like to type in? : 5
Type in the number :
Type in the number : 90.7
Type in the number : 99
Type in the number : 30
Type in the number : 50
The Lowest Number is 50.00
The Highest Number is 50.00
Okay, the thing is that you are not updating the data_input after every successive number is inputted. What you are doing is, comparing the last number to 0 or 100, which is logically incorrect.
How about you take the first number as input, then after every successive input, compare it with the min and max value. Here is the sample code.
#include <stdio.h>
float max(float num1, float num2){
if(num1 > num2){
return num1;
return num2;
float min(float num1, float num2){
if(num1 < num2){
return num1;
return num2;
int main(){
int times, interval;
float mini, maxi, data_Input;
printf("How many number would you like to type in ? : ");
printf("Type in the number: ");
scanf("%f", &data_Input);
// the first number will be minimum and maximum
mini = data_Input;
maxi = data_Input;
for(interval=2; interval<=times; interval++){
printf("\nType in the number: ");
// make it a composite if condition
while(data_Input<0 || data_Input>100){
printf("Invalid Input! Please re-enter the number:");
maxi= max(maxi, data_Input);
mini= min(mini, data_Input);
printf("The Lowest Number is %.2f\n", mini);
printf("The Highest Number is %.2f\n", maxi);
return 0;
The program checks the last number because you are calling the min and max function out of the for bracelets so instead you can call them inside the for bracelets like:
for(interval=2; interval<=times; interval++){
printf("\nType in the number: ");
printf("Invalid Input! Please re-enter the number:");
printf("Invalid Input! Please re-enter the number:");
maxi= max(data_Input);
mini= min(data_Input);
and instead of rewriting the same code you can just ask for the numbers inside the for loop and to initialize your interval to 1 so your main will look like:
int main(){
int times, interval;
float mini, maxi, data_Input;
printf("How many number would you like to type in ? : ");
for(interval=1; interval<=times; interval++){
printf("\nType in the number: ");
printf("Invalid Input! Please re-enter the number:");
printf("Invalid Input! Please re-enter the number:");
maxi= max(data_Input);
mini= min(data_Input);
printf("The Lowest Number is %.2f\n", mini);
printf("The Highest Number is %.2f\n", maxi);
return 0;
Solving the printf issue is easy. As stdout is line buffered (at least by default - it can be changed) it is flushed whenever a newline is inserted in the buffer. So, just add a newline after each message print, for example
printf("How many number would you like to type in ? : \n");
and you'll be fine.
Talking about the wrong calculation of min and max, your attempt has basically two big issues:
You are not acquiring times inputs, but only one. In fact, every time you call scanf you overwrite the same variable data_Input without performing any comparison with the previous inputs
You call min() and max() function only once, after the last input. Furthermore you try to compare the argument with a local variable that has local storage and a lifetime limited to the function itself so that at the next call it will be initialized again
In order to have a variable inside a function that it is initialized only the first time you can use static keyword. But it is not I suggest you to solve the issue.
In my opinion you don't need comparison functions: you can just update maxi and mini each time you get a new input (solving both the aforementioned issues at once):
int main(){
int times, interval;
float mini, maxi, data_Input;
printf("How many number would you like to type in ? : \n");
printf("Type in the number: ");
scanf("%f", &data_Input);
maxi = data_Input;
mini = data_Input;
for(interval=2; interval<=times; interval++){
printf("\nType in the number: \n");
printf("Invalid Input! Please re-enter the number:\n");
printf("Invalid Input! Please re-enter the number:\n");
/* Check input and, in case, update max and min */
if(data_Input > maxi)
maxi = data_Input;
if(data_Input < mini)
mini = data_Input;
printf("The Lowest Number is %.2f\n", mini);
printf("The Highest Number is %.2f\n", maxi);
return 0;
The comparison is performed inside the loop, so you don't need to store the inputs into an array.
You have plenty issues in your code.
Functions min & max do not make any sense
You do not check result of the scanf and you do not know if it was successfull
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
int main()
int times, interval;
float mini, maxi, data_Input;
printf("\nHow many number would you like to type in ? : ");
}while(scanf(" %d\n",&times) != 1);
for(interval = 0; interval < times; interval++)
printf("\nType in the number: ");
}while(scanf(" %f",&data_Input) != 1 && (data_Input < 0 || data_Input > 100));
printf("%f\n", data_Input);
maxi = interval == 0 ? data_Input : MAX(maxi, data_Input);
mini = interval == 0 ? data_Input : MIN(mini, data_Input);
printf("The Lowest Number is %.2f\n", mini);
printf("The Highest Number is %.2f\n", maxi);
return 0;
When the program executed, the second line will wait on user's input (number) before the printf
Drop "\n" from "%d\n". It blocks until non-white space detected after the number and is not needed.
printf("How many number would you like to type in ? : ");
// scanf("%d\n",&times);
printf("Type in the number: ");
If output still not seen when expected, flush it. Typically printing a '\n' will flush stdout, but not certainly.
printf("How many number would you like to type in ? : ");
fflush(stdout); // add
The error "system" seems unreliable, sometimes works, sometimes doesn't work
At least this issue: sequential check vs. checking both conditions together input validity.
Rather than
Test together.
while(data_Input<0 || data_Input>100){
The program only checks the last number entry, therefore it only shows the last number in min and max
True as code only compares values once with one call to max(). That function only compares the number to 0 rather than prior values. Likewise for min().
Consider an algorithm change
// Pseudo code for max
prompt How many number would you like to type in ? : "
get times
max_value = -INF // set to minimum possible float
for each value 1 to times
prompt "Type in the number: "
get data_Input
if data_Input > max_value
max_value = data_Input
print max_value

Math is not outputting correctly

I am still learning to code and wrote this code to get the total after the weight and distance are calculated. Can someone tell my why the math is not working?
Example: When I enter 5 for weight and 1500 miles instead of getting 8.20 back I get 3.50.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(){
double weight,mileCost;
int miles, segment, remainder, stop = 1;
while(stop == 1){
printf("Charge by weight:(We don't tale packages over 10lbs\n");
printf("\n 1-2 lbs: $1.50\n 3-6 lbs: $3.70\n 7-10 lbs: $5.25\n ");
printf("Enter your package's weight:\n");
scanf("%f", &weight);
printf("Charge by mile: \n");
printf("$1.50 for every 500 miles\n");
printf("Enter the total miles for your package:\n");
scanf("%d", &miles);
if(miles == 0 || weight == 0 || weight > 10){
printf("Invalid entry! Try Again.");
segment= ceil((double) miles / 500);
remainder = miles % 500;
if(remainder > 0)
remainder = 1;
if(weight <= 2){
mileCost = 1.50 * (segment + remainder);
printf("The shipping charge for your package is: %f\n", mileCost);
else if(weight > 2 && weight <= 6){
mileCost = 3.70 * (segment + remainder);
printf("The shipping charge for your package is: %f\n", mileCost);
if(weight > 6 && weight <= 10){
mileCost = 5.25 * (segment + remainder);
printf("The shipping charge for your package is: %f\n", mileCost);
printf("Would you like to ship another package?\n Enter 1 to continue or 0 to stop. \n");
scanf("%d", &stop);
if(stop == 0){
printf("Thank you for your business! \n");
return 0;
Changing double weight, mileCost; to float weight, mileCost; will make it work since you are reading the variable from stdin using scanf("%f", &weight) (for floats) and not scanf("%lf", &weight) (for double).
I am still puzzled by why you do this:
if(remainder > 0)
remainder = 1;
Wouldn't ceil() already handle that in:
segment = ceil((double) miles / 500);
Also, based on the formula you provided, inputting weight=5 and miles=1500 should output 11.1.
You must use "lf" for a reading of a double variable:
scanf("%lf", &weight);

How can i make the user choose the unit

I have a converter, but it converts all the units that are in the can i make that the user who opens the project to choose what type of unit to convert?
int main()
float m, f, l, g, cm, inch;
printf("Type meter : ");
f = 3.2808399 * m;
printf("feets: %f",f);
printf("\nType gallons : ");
l = 3.78541178 * g;
printf("litres: %f",l);
printf("\ninches : ");
scanf("%f", &inch);
cm = 2.54 * inch;
printf("cm: %f", cm);
return 0;
This code below is definitely not the best one in terms of complexity, portability, optimisation (Memory/Time) and many other aspects of programming, but it should get you going.
I have added comments to explain the code. Almost all of the code with all those printfs is self-explanatory.
int main(void)
// We need just 3 variables
// This one is for getting the user option
int choice = 0;
// We need these to float variables for user input and an output
float Input = 0.0, Output = 0.0;
// Following code till `while(1)` is optional.
printf("\nThis is a converter with a fixed set of functions.");
printf("\nNote: This converter does support floating point inputs.");
printf("\nNote: Floating point inputs and outputs are truncated to 2 digits after decimal place.");
printf("\nNote: Press any key to acknowledge!");
// To get user input multiple times, you'll need to loop
printf("\n\nFollowing functions are supported, enter a suitable choice form the list below.");
printf("\nPress `1` for Converting Metres to Feet.");
printf("\nPress `2` for Converting Gallons to Litres.");
printf("\nPress `3` for Converting Inches to Centimetres.");
printf("\nPress `0` for Exiting the program.");
printf("\nEnter your Option : ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
// Lets implement a switch-case statement to get the job done
case 1:
printf("Enter input value (in Metres) : ");
Output = 3.2808399 * Input;
printf("%0.2f Metres is equal to %0.2f Feets", Input, Output);
case 2:
printf("Enter input value (in Gallons) : ");
Output = 3.78541178 * Input;
printf("%0.2f Gallons is equal to %0.2f Litres", Input, Output);
case 3:
printf("Enter input value (in Inches) : ");
Output = 2.54 * Input;
printf("%0.2f Inches is equal to %0.2f Centimetres", Input, Output);
case 0:
printf("Thank you. The program will exit now!\n\n");
return 0;
// This default case should take care of the invalid set of choices entered by user
printf("Option you entered is either invalid or is not supported as of now!");
return 0;
Another way to implement this could be using an if-else if-else ladder.
So you can remove swtich-case statements from the code below and replace it with the following:
if(choice == 0)
printf("Thank you. The program will exit now!\n\n");
return 0;
else if(choice == 1)
printf("Enter input value (in Metres) : ");
Output = 3.2808399 * Input;
printf("%0.2f Metres is equal to %0.2f Feets", Input, Output);
else if(choice == 2)
printf("Enter input value (in Gallons) : ");
Output = 3.78541178 * Input;
printf("%0.2f Gallons is equal to %0.2f Litres", Input, Output);
else if(choice == 3)
printf("Enter input value (in Inches) : ");
Output = 2.54 * Input;
printf("%0.2f Inches is equal to %0.2f Centimetres", Input, Output);
// This should take care of the invalid set of choices entered by user
printf("Option you entered is either invalid or is not supported as of now!");
char unit;
printf("Which unit do you want to convert (input:m,g,i): ");
if(unit == 'm') ...
else if( if(unit == 'g'))....
else if( if(unit == 'i'))....
else printf("wrong input ! \n");

Cannot complete dividing calculation in case. Quotient is 0.0. is there a way I can change int to float?

// 2.cpp : Sample Program with a menu
//Write a program that will use a menu
#include "stdafx.h"
#define Pi 3.14159
int main(void)
int digit1;
int choice;
int a, b, c; //user input for choice 3 & 4
int a1, a2;// User input for Choice 1
int divi;
int divisor;
printf("***** MENU *****\n");
printf(" 1 - Greater Than, Less Than, Or Equal?\n");
printf("\t In this selection, you will enter two integers. \n");
printf("\t The program will return'Greater Than' if the first\n");
printf("\t integer entered is less than the second,'Less than'\n");
printf("\t if the first integer is greater than the second, or\n");
printf("\t'Equal' if the two integers entered are equal\n");
printf(" 2 - Evenly Divisible\n");
printf("\t In this slection, you will enter two integers. \n");
printf("\t The program will test if the the first integer\n");
printf("\t is evenly divisible by the second. The program\n");
printf("\t will then return its result and display\n");
printf("\t the quotient rounded to the nearest thousandth\n");
printf(" 3 - Calculations with 2 integers\n");
printf(" 4 - Calculations with 3 integers\n");
printf(" 5 - Calculations with circles\n");
printf(" 6 - Quit\n");
printf("Please enter your choice: ");
case 1: //Greater than, less than, or equal
printf("Please Enter two integers: \n");
scanf("%i %i", &a1, &a2);
if (a1<a2)
printf("Greater Than\n");
else if (a1>a2)
printf("Less Than\n");
else if (a1=a2)
case 2: //Equally Divisible
I need help with this part of the code. Getting 0.000 for the quotient.Why? What about these cases is making it not receive the integers? I tried to localize the integers with the curly brackets. What am I doing wrong?
printf("Please Enter two integers: \n");
int divi;
int divisor;
scanf("%i %i", &divi, &divisor);
float modQuotient = divi%divisor;
if (modQuotient!=0)
printf("%i is not evenly divisible by %i\n", divi, divisor);
printf("The quotient is %.3f\n", divi/divisor);
printf("%i is evenly divisible by %i\n", divi, divisor);
printf("The quotient is %.3f\n", divi/divisor);
/*case 3: /*Calculations with 2 integers*/
case 4: /*Calculations with 3 integers*/
printf(" You have selected to do some calculations with 2
printf("Please enter your 3 integers: ");
scanf("%i%i%i",&a, &b, &c);
printf("The average of %i, %i and %i is %g\n\n",a, b, c, (a+b+c)/3.0);
case 5: /*Calculations with circles*/
float radius;
printf("Please enter the radius of a circle: ");
scanf ("%g", &radius);
printf("\nThe diameter of a circle with a radius of %g units is %.2f units\n\n",
radius, radius*2);
printf("The circumference is of the circle with a radius of %g
units is %.2f units\n\n", radius, Pi*radius*2);
printf("The area of a circle with a radius of %g units is %.2f
square units\n\n", radius, Pi*radius*radius);
case 6: /*Quit*/
printf("Thank you. Good bye\n\n");
default: /*Invalid Entry*/
printf("Invalid Entry...\n");
printf("The program will now end. Have a great day!\n");
return 0;
The modulus of two ints is another int. Also, dividing by zero causes undefined behaviour. So you should write:
if ( divisor == 0 )
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // or some other error handling
int modQuotient = divi % divisor;
and remember to use %i or %d if you are printf'ing modQuotient.
In the line:
printf("The quotient is %.3f\n", divi/divisor);
there is a problem. divi and divisor are both int, therefore the result of binary operation on them is also int. With printf it does not do any conversion of arguments to match the format specifier - you have to manually ensure the match yourself. So this code causes undefined behaviour by using %f to try and print an int.
If you want to do a floating point division then you must make at least one of the operands be a float, e.g. (and separating into two lines for clarity):
float quot = (float)divi / divisor;
printf("The quotient is %.3f\n", quot);
NB. You have a logic error in this code:
else if (a1=a2)
The = operator means assignment. This line changes a2 to be equal to a1. The operator to compare for equality is ==.
printf("The quotient is %.3f\n", divi/divisor);
In the above code you are telling the program the format the output as a float with precision out to three decimal places. So when the division occurs, if the answer were to be 0, it will instead output as 0.000.

Calculator in division operation using C [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
I am making a calculator using C language. But the problem is that I am stuck in division.
I want that when I input 0 divided by 0, it will print undefined and if a number divided by zero will print cannot be divide by zero (which seems I got this).
Here is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
float num1, num2, total;
int a;
char choice;
printf("What operation you want to perform?\n 1. Addition\n 2. Subtraction\n 3. Multiplication\n 4. Division\n");
scanf("%d", &a);
switch(a) {
case 1: //Addition
printf("Addition\n Enter two numbers to be added\n");
scanf("%f%f",&num1, &num2);
total=num1 + num2;
printf("\nThe total is: %f + %f = %f\n", num1, num2, total);
printf("\nDo want to continue? Y or N: ");
scanf("%s", &choice);
case 2: //Subtraction
printf("Subtraction\n Enter two numbers to be subtract\n");
scanf("%f%f", &num1, &num2);
total=num1 - num2;
printf("\nThe Difference is: %f + %f = %f\n", num1, num2, total);
printf("\nDo you want to continue? Y or N: ");
scanf("%s", &choice);
case 3: //Multiplication
printf("Multiplication\n Enter two numbers to be multiplied\n");
scanf("%f%f",num1, num2);
printf("\nThe product is: %f * %f = %f\n", num1, num2, total);
printf("\nDo you wish to continue? Y or N: ");
scanf("%s", &choice);
case 4: //Division
printf("Division\n Enter two numbers to be divide\n");
scanf("%f%f",&num1, &num2);
{ printf("\n %f cannot be divided by zero\n\n", num1); // ;(
goto abcd;}
else if(num1==0.0 && num2==0.0) //This is my problem here.
{printf("\nIts Undefined. 0 / 0\n\n ");
printf("\nThe qoutient is %f / %f = %f\n", num1, num2, total);
printf("\nDo you want more? Y or N: ");
scanf("%s", &choice);
printf("Can you add letters? LOL only numbers");
printf("\nDo you want to continue? Y/N ");
scanf("%s", &choice);
You have:
// division by zero
else if(num1==0.0 && num2==0.0)
// zero/zero is undefined
The problem is that if both numbers are 0.0, it's caught by the first test, and the second is never executed.
You need to test for both numbers being zero first, and then check whether the second number is zero.
Or you can combine the two tests:
if (num2 == 0.0) {
if (num1 == 0.0) {
// zero / zero
else {
// non-zero / zero
else {
// ok
Your if else statements are not ordered correctly.
Always try to put the case that is most specific before the more general cases.
So in your case, the specific case is when num1 == 0.0 && num2 == 0.0
Whereas the general case is num2 == 0.0
Also, your program would crash when both num1 and num2 are zero, seeing as it divides them anyway in that case.
