SSRS report with stored procedure Dataset and aggregation by month - how to handle "empty" months? - sql-server

I have a SSRS report which calls a stored procedure to return a two columns dataset - one column is a Date and the other is a calculated column I created to show the month in the format MMM-YYYY.
Using this dataset I have created an aggregated bar chart report which shows the number of records per month for each month value which has at least one record in the dataset, however I would like to be able to include on the chart any months within the range of the dataset even if they do not contain any records.
So for example, where at the moment I see the following data points on my chart:
Month Count
----- -----
Oct-2015 2
Nov-2015 5
Jan-2016 3
Feb-2016 6
Dec-2015 is missing because my Dataset didn't return any records for it, so I would like to be able to plot a zero Count value on the chart for this month.
Now I know how I would normally do this in SQL, with some kind of calendar table LEFT JOINed in so that I can return the months with zero counts, but can I achieve the same in SSRS with a stored procedure as the target of the main dataset?

If your grouping is on a date/time (or a number), you can make the axis type for it Scalar.
Create your chart, with Count as the value and Month as the Category Group
Right-click the grouped axis (horizontal in my example below) and go to the Axis Properties
Change the Axis type to Scalar, and change the Interval type to Months
Still in the axis properties, change the Number Category to Date, and the Type to Jan 2000 (or use a custom format)
My first instinct was to aggregate by an actual date, converted to the first of the month, instead of your MMM-yyyy string. However, it appears that SSRS (2008 R2 in my case) recognises text in the format MMM-yyyy as a valid date, so your existing procedure shouldn't need changing.


Create a column within an SSRS Report to sum values based on conditions of previous column

I have an ssrs report that shows revenues for each month of a year for several years based on start and end date parameters the user enters. What I would like to do is add a second column that shows the revenue for that quarter (march would show q1 revenue, june q2 etc). the problem I am having is that I am able to do this for a single year but once the query starts looking at multiple years my column shows the value for all 1st quarters regardless of year. The picture shows what I am currently getting. Any recommendations on how to fix my expression to also look at the year value when summing these quarters?
Here is the code I am using to only populate the quarter column based on the month.
I ended up creating a quarter column within my data set that was then used as a parent group for the month rows. I then hid that column and added a total for the quarter that gave me sub totals. Not exactly what I was looking for but gave me the result I needed.

Google Data Studio date aggregation - average number of daily users over time

This should be simple so I think I am missing it. I have a simple line chart that shows Users per day over 28 days (X axis is date, Y axis is number of users). I am using hard-coded 28 days here just to get it to work.
I want to add a scorecard for average daily users over the 28 day time frame. I tried to use a calculated field AVG(Users) but this shows an error for re-aggregating an aggregated value. Then I tried Users/28, but the result oddly is the value of Users for today. The division seems to be completely ignored.
What is the best way to show average number of daily users over a time frame? Average daily users over 10 days, 20 day, etc.
Try to create a new metric that counts the dates eg
Count of Date = COUNT(Date) or
Count of Date = COUNT_DISTINCT(Date) in case you have duplicated dates
Then create another metric for average users
Users AVG = (Users / Count of Date)
The average depends on the timeframe you have selected. If you are selecting the last 28 days the average is for those 28 days (dates), if you filter 20 days the average is for those 20 days etc.
Hope that helps.
I have been able to do this in an extremely crude and ugly manner using Google Sheets as a means to do the calculation and serve as a data source for Data studio.
This may be useful for other people trying to do the same thing. This assumes you know how to work with GA data in Sheets and are starting with a Report Configuration. There must be a better way.
Example for Average Number of Daily Users over the last 7 days:
Edit the Report Configuration fields:
Report Name: create one report per day, in this case 7 reports. Name them (for example) Users-1 through Users-7. These are your Row 2 values. You'll have 7 columns, with the first report name in column B.
Start Date and End Date: use TODAY()-X where X is the number of days previous to define the start and end dates for each report. Each report will contain the user count for one day. Report Users-1 will use TODAY()-1 for start and end, etc.
Metrics: enter the metrics e.g. ga:users and ga:new users
Create the reports
Use 'Run reports' to have the result sheets created and populated.
Create a sheet for an interim data set you will use as the basis for the average calculation. The first column is date, the remaining columns are for the metrics, in this case Users and New Users.
Populate the interim data set with the dates and values. You will reference the Report Configuration to get the dates, and you will pull the metrics from each of the individual reports. At this stage you have a sheet with date in first columns and values in subsequent columns with a row for each day's values. Be sure to use a header.
Finally, create a sheet that averages the values in the interim data set. This sheet will have a column for each metric, with one value per column. The one value is calculated from the series in the interim data set, for example =AVG(interim_sheet_reference:range) or any other calculation you'd like to do.
At last, you can use Data Studio to connect to this data source and use the values. For counts of users such as this example, you would use Sum as the aggregation field type when you are creating the data source.
It's super ugly but it works.

Sum of one field minus sum of another SSRS Expression

I have a SSRS report I'm working on. What I would like to do is get the value of one field from its own dataset and subtract the value of another field from a different dataset. I can do this; however, the values are grouped so rather than giving me an individual value it gives me: (sum of all completed) - (sum of all completed the previous year).
Here is my expression I am using for the column "Compared to last year"
=SUM(Fields!Completed.Value, "MTDSales") - SUM(Fields!Completed.Value, "MTDminus1")
"MTDSales" and "MTDMinus1" are 2 seperate datasets. MTDSales Dataset is the current months sales outcomes grouped by company MTDMinus1 dataset is last years figure for this current month as i am comparing the 2 months separately.
I had to do this in a report where I was pulling current data from one database and older data from a data warehouse and combining. You will need to do a few things:
1. Establish a match field
This can be as simple as a single column. If you need to match on multiple fields you will need to add a calculated field to each dataset that you can match on. Assuming you need to match on company and financial year and each dataset returns one year of data, this might look something like match_id (assuming numeric values - otherwise you might need to use | or something as a separator):
`="A" & Fields!fin_year.Value & "B" & Fields!cust_id.Value`
2. Retrieve the data to the source field.
In your tablix add a column as you have to hold the looked up value:
=Lookup(Fields!matchId.Value, Fields!matchId.Value, Fields!Completed.Value, "MTDminus1")
3. Use the data
Now you can aggregate the data or do whatever further calculations you wish as if the field was part of your original dataset.

How to Eliminate #Error Columns in Tablix Crosstab Group

Imagine a one-table query that accepts a year (range) as a parameter and then yields a dataset grouped by State, City, and Month, with a count of UFOs, if any, for each month.
Tie that dataset to an SSRS Tablix, with a crosstab layout:
The Row Groups are State, City;
The Column Group is the Month (Jan through Dec); and
The row-column intersections are the # of UFOs sighted, if any.
If I run the (parameterized) report for one location, even one with few sightings, all goes well: I see columns only for months with sightings.
However, if I report more than one location (say, "Albany," with daily sightings, and "Troy," with October-only), Troy's grouping will come out ugly: If reported alone, just the October column would show, but, now, October along with 11 columns of "#Error" for the month name and a "0" for UFO count appear.
I suspect that one solution may involve some 0- or NULL-fill of missing-month data for Troy and other cities (How?), but is there some other way, via the Tablix widget, to achieve the desired result?
I don't understand what you're doing wrong but the matrix usually works with filling the headers correctly and leaving blanks where there is no data for a single group.
It might help if you show your design view.
Design View:
Report View:
Many of the users don't have data for previous months but at least one does so the month is displayed in the header. The blanks are where there is no data for that month/user combo.
I don't see why your report isn't working like this. If I only selected one user, then only the months that user had will be displayed.

Graph line from multiple fields in Microsoft Report Builder

I am using Microsoft SQL Server Report Builder and am trying to graph a line based on multiple fields within a Dataset. Basically I have a Dataset containing a lot of elements, each of which has a category field, and twenty fields associated with previous year values. I want to be able to group by category, then graph a line for each category that looks up the summed value for each of the twenty years.
So I want the X values for the line to be years, and the Y values to be whatever the summed total is for that category, in that year.
I'm going to assume you have multiple rows for each category with a field for the year, category, and value. If it is a single row which contains all of the values for each year then things will be a bit tougher.
On your line chart you should make the category group the year, make the series group the category, and then make the value the SUM() of the value field.
