Version of Ext JS used by AEM 6.1 - extjs

Which version of Ext JS library does AEM 6.1 use? Is there a direct way/console to find this out?

It uses v3.4.0 of ExtJS on top of which the AEM Widget Library is built. You can find the details at /libs/cq/ui/widgets/source/ext/release-notes.html
The following Note is also available at
Adobe Experience Manager is built upon ExtJS 3.4.0.


Why is framework version 7.3 not available for download on the Sencha Support Site?

Last week, I downloaded Sencha Architect version 4.2.9. It installed Sencha Cmd version 7.3 and version 7.3 of the ExtJS framework as a part of the installation process. However, 7.3 is not available as a separate download on the Support site as it would typically be. Why is that?
Current download is only - If you got 7.3 I'd say that was an accidental leak of 7.3 if you got it...
I'm only getting
both support portal and npm are only supplying 7.2 series
Would love a copy of 4.2.9 if you have one... I can't seem to get that either.
Ext JS 73 is now available on support portal.

Which plugin I need to use to read aztecs via a MobileFist app?

I'm trying a lot of plugins that I find on the net to read aztec codes through the phone's camera, but none of these works.
Using MobileFirst, I can not integrate other versions of cordova, so which plugin do you recommend using according to your experiences?
Thank you so much!
You have not mentioned which version of MFP you have tried, but MFP 8.0 allows you to integrate with different versions of Cordova.
You can install the latest mfpdev-cli, Cordova and latest MFP SDK to try out.
Details on MFP 8.0 Cordova SDK here.

Fuse WithinPixels Library Versions

this is the library which I want to use in my project. But, before buying it i want to know the library version on which it is based upon. I wanted to know which version on angular.material library it is using so that it doesn't conflicts with the one that I'm using in my current project. I'm using v0.11.4 of Angular Material Can somebody tell me which version are they using.
Version 1.4.0 (2016-05-25) - Updated to Angular 1.5.5 and Angular Material 1.0.9
Version 1.3.0 (2016-02-25) - Updated to Angular 1.5.0 and Angular Material 1.0.5

How to know the version of sencha from the code

I got an existing old application and I am trying to customize the same. Since it is an old application built in Ext JS/Sencha, the version of Ext js i see from my web console is 1.1.1.
Ext.version gives 1.1.1 as the result. So how will i know which version of sencha it is ? like sencha 2.3.1 is the latest.
I am new to sencha and hence i am not sure about how to check the version and also how the Ext js version is related to sencha version.
I hope the latest Extjs version is 4.x series and sencha is 2.3.1.
So for my existing application , Ext js version is 1.1.1 and i need to know the sencha version of the same.
Please help.
Sencha is the company behind ExtJS and Sencha Touch. There is no version number for sencha.
If you are working with ExtJS (the desktop framework) the latest version is 4.2.2 and for Sencha Touch (the mobile version of the framework) the latest version is 2.3.1.
The latest version numbers are availible here:
is always the right attempt to get the version number, no matter if Sencha touch or ExtJS.
For the core you can try the following from the JS console:
For other components just replace the word "core" in the previous command with the component name. e.g to get the "extjs" version you would type :

Source Code of Ext JS Examples

I saw some examples from a JavaScript library: Ext JS i.e.:
I have some knowledge about JQuery developed some applications. How can I get sources of that examples to try them myself and what should I download to run them?
They are in the extjs package /ext-4.0.2a/examples/key-feed-viewer.
Download link:
Newest versions of Ext js for download are:
For Extjs version 4.2.0 you can download it here
Ext js 5 can download it here ( Ext js 5 has a trial period )
