Expand specific rows in Angular-ui-grid - angularjs

I'm using angular-ui-grid 3.0.5 with the treeview extension to display a tree. The data loads normally, everything works as expected, except that expandRow fails silently.
My use case is this: suppose we have a path like a > b > c and I need c shown to the user as preselected. I know the selection is correctly done because when I manually expand the parent rows, the child row is indeed selected.
Should I call expandAllRows, all rows would be expanded. However, calling expandRow with references on rows a and b taken from gridOptions.data leads to nothing happening: all rows will remain collapsed.
Is there any precaution to be taken that I have maybe overlooked, or is this a bug?
There's one mention in a closed issue that may be related to this but problem I'm having, but I'm not even sure it's related, given how dry the comment/solution was.
There's no example of using expandRow in the documentation but it's in both the API and the source code.

The gridRow objects mentioned in the documentation http://ui-grid.info/docs/#/api/ui.grid.treeBase.api:PublicApi are not the elements you put into the data array (though this seems to be not explained anywhere).
What the function expects is an object that the grid creates when building the tree, you can access them by looping through the grids treeBase.tree array. This will only be valid when the grid has built the tree, it seems, so it is not directly available when filling in the data, that's why registering a DataChangeCallback helps here https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-grid/issues/3051
// expand the top-level rows
// https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-grid/issues/3051
ctrl.gridApi.grid.registerDataChangeCallback(function() {
if (ctrl.gridApi.grid.treeBase.tree instanceof Array) {
angular.forEach(ctrl.gridApi.grid.treeBase.tree, function(node) {
if (node.row.treeLevel == 0) {

self.onContentReady = function (e) {
selec which row you wanna expand


ngAnimate to detect changes from $http-call with interval

I have an array with a few items in it. Every x seconds, I receive a new array with the latest data. I check if the data has changed, and if it has, I replace the old one with the new one:
if (currentList != responseFromHttpCall) {
currentList = responseFromHttpCall;
This messes up the classes provided by ng-animate, as it acts like I replaced all of the items -- well, I do actually, but I don't know how to not.
These changes can occur in the list:
There's one (or more) new item(s) in the list - not necessaryly at the end of the list though.
One (or more) items in the list might be gone (deleted).
One (or more) items might be changed.
Two (or more) items might have been swapped.
Can anyone help me in getting ng-animate to understand what classes to show? I made a small "illustation" of my problem, found here: http://plnkr.co/edit/TS401ra58dgJS18ydsG1?p=preview
Thanks a lot!
To achieve what you want, you will need to modify existing list on controller (vm.list) on every action. I have one solution that may work for your particular example.
you would need to compare 2 lists (loop through first) similar to:
vm.list.forEach((val, index)=>{
// some code to check against array that's coming from ajax call
in case of adding you would need to loop against other list (in your case newList):
newList.forEach((val, index)=>{
// some code to check array on controller
I'm not saying this is the best solution but it works and will work in your case. Keep in mind - to properly test you will need to click reset after each action since you are looking at same global original list which will persist same data throughout the app cycle since we don't change it - if you want to change it just add before end of each function:
original = angular.copy(vm.list);
You could also make this more generic and put everything on one function, but for example, here's plnkr:
Hope it helps.

Extjs 6.0 - ItemSelector: how to programmatically focus/highlight an element?

I have a ItemSelector component inside a Window. I have implemented a search functionality that dynamically finds the matching entry based on user's keyboard input.
Now I just want to highlight/focus such item inside the ItemSelector.
I'm looking for something like:
// when the search returned a result and got the related index in the store
function onSearchPerformed(index) {
var cmp = this;
cmp.itemSelector.setSelected(index); // here I'd be highlighting the entry
Imagine a simple ItemSelector like this one taken from the web.
User types 'Delaw' and my search function detects that there is an entry with name Delaware and it's at position 3 in the store.
All I want to do is to programmatically highlight the row/entry 'Delaware' just as if you clicked on it.
This ux component uses a boundList, or better 2 of them.
A from and a toList.
You need to get a reference to the right boundlist.
More on that you will find here: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.0.1/classic/src/ItemSelector.js.html
Basically you can do something like this:
afterrender: function(cmp){
var boundlist = cmp.down('boundlist');
item = boundlist.all.item(1);
After you have a ref to the correct boundlist, you can simply highlight the item using:
Take care that you may need to call following function before:
To find the correct item should't be too hard.
There are two ways to solve the issue
One is by following #devbnz answer, marked as correct. This is preferable, if you just want to graphically highlight the entry without triggering any event.
However, by hovering on other entries, you will lose the highlight on your current entry.
The second one, as suggested by #guilherme-lopes in the comments, may be preferable in cases in which you want the selection to act as if you actually clicked on an entry, which will trigger the selectionchange event and similar...
Depending on the situation, I ended up using either.

element.remove() method doesn't work sometimes

I have a test case that shows that angular element.remove() removes elements from the DOM sometimes, and fails miserably at other times even though I don't see an error. Here is the JSFIDDLE.
To see it working, click the Search button (no need to put in any data in the input field). This does two things:
deletes elements above the field and
deletes any elements below the fields (nothing to delete the first time around) and adds new ones.
This is the code that should clear out the elements below the search button.
var resultNode = angular.element(document.getElementById('id_' + target.name));
if(resultNode != undefined)
Repeatedly clicking on the search shows that the number of elements below the search button keeps increasing - even though it should really be staying at 3 elements. Why does the remove() method fail here?
Take a look at this forked fiddle:
You need to reset the search results during each search using $scope.searchResults = [];
I also refactored to code a bit, to merge 3 loops that basically can be done in 1 loop.

How to check duplicate values in more then one rows in Angular ui-grid.

I am beginner in of AngularJS therefore I have a simple question.
Is there any method provided or sample code in ui-grid to check the duplicate values in more then one rows in ui-grid.?
i want to color the cell where duplicate value exist.
There is no TRUE built-in way, however using $watch is one solution. If values in your ui-grid are bound to a variable called myGridVals, you would do something like this:
$scope.$watch('myGridVals',function(newval,oldval) {
// loop through myGridVals and see if newval matches anything
Note that if your array holds objects you'll want to do a DEEP watch which means adding a third param to $watch(..,..,true);
You can also

Define component list dynamically for Sidekick and Insert dialog in CQ5

I am trying to modify the list of components displayed in the sidekick based on the user's privileges.
I am trying it as explained here.
What i would like to know is how to send back the modified allowed array that is received as the argument, because what ever modifications i make to the array appears to be in the local scope. For e.g. if i want the allowed components to consist only of the default list component, i do something like this.
function MyHandler(cell, allowed, componentList) {
allowed = [];
But once the control goes back to the function that triggered this event, these changes are not visible. Should i be returning the array or something ? Could you please explain if i am missing something here?
Ok. Finally figured the issue. I wanted to clear the existing list of components that were passed on to my handler, for which I used allowed = [];.
This removed all the existing references to the allowed array. (More about this explained here).
Thus changing it to allowed.length = 0; works absolutely fine.
function MyHandler(cell, allowed, componentList) {
allowed.length = 0;
