x64 inline assembly in c to align instructions - c

I've got a very hot instruction loop which needs to be properly aligned on 32-bytes boundaries to maximize Intel's Instruction Fetcher effectiveness.
This issue is specific to Intel not-too-old line of CPU (from Sandy Bridge onward). Failure to align properly the beginning of the loop results in up to 20 % speed loss, which is definitely too noticeable.
This issue is pretty rare, one needs a highly optimized set of instructions for the instruction fetcher to become the bottleneck. But fortunately, it's not a unique case. Here is a nice article explaining in details how such a problem can be detected.
The problem is, gcc nor clang would care aligning properly this instruction loop. It makes compiling this code a nightmare producing random outcome, depending on how "good" the hot loop is aligned by chance. It also means that modifying a totally unrelated function can nonetheless highly impact performance of the hot loop.
Already tried several compiler flags, none of them gives satisfying result.
[Edit] More detailed description of tried compilation flags :
-falign-functions=32 : no impact or negative impact
-falign-jumps=32 : no impact
-falign-loops=32 : works fine when the hot loop is isolated into a tiny piece of test code. But in normal build, the compilation flag is applied across the entire source, and in this case it is detrimental : aligning all loops on 32-bytes is bad for performance. Only the very hot ones benefit from it.
Also attempted to use __attribute__((optimize("align-loops=32"))) in the function declaration. Doesn't produce any effect (identical binary generated, as if the the statement wasn't there). Later confirmed by gcc support team to be effectively ignored. Edit : #Jester indicates in comment that the statement works with gcc 5+. Unfortunately, my dev station uses primarily gcc 4.8.4, and this is more a problem of portability, since I don't control the final compiler used in the build process.
Only building using PGO can reliably produce expected performance, but PGO cannot be accepted as a solution since this piece of code will be integrated into other programs using their own build chain.
So, I'm considering inline assembly.
This would be specific to x64 instruction set, so no portability required.
If my understanding is correct, assembly like NASM allows the use of statements such as : ALIGN 32 which would force the next instruction to be aligned on 32 bytes boundaries.
Since the target source code is in C, it would be necessary to include this statement. For example, something like asm("ALIGN 32");
(which of course doesn't work).
I hope it's mostly a matter of knowing the right instruction to write, and not something deeper such as "it's impossible".

Similarly to NASM, the GNU assembler supports the .align pseudo OP for alignment:
volatile asm (".align 32");
For a non-assembly solution, you could try to supply -falign-loops=32 and possibly -falign-functions=32, -falign-jumps=32 as needed.


(Edited) When should one use inline assembly in c (outside of optimization)? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Note: Edited to make the question non-oppion based
We are in user mode (not in the kernel)
The OS being used is either a modern version of Linux or a modern version of windows that uses a x86 CPU.
Other than optimization, is there a specific example where using inline assembly in a C program is needed. (If applicable, provide the inline assembly)
To be clear, injecting assembly language code through the use of the key words __asm__(in the case of GCC) or __asm (in the case of VC++)
(Most of this was written for the original version of the question. It was edited after).
You mean purely for performance reasons, so excluding using special instructions in an OS kernel?
What you really ultimately want is machine code that executes efficiently. And the ability to modify some text files and recompile to get different machine code. You can usually get both of those things without needing inline asm, therefore:
GNU C inline assembly is hard to use correctly, but if you do use it correctly has very low overhead. Still, it blocks many important optimizations like constant-propagation.
See https://stackoverflow.com/tags/inline-assembly/info for guides on how to use it efficiently / safely. (e.g. use constraints instead of stupid mov instructions as the first or last instruction in the asm template.)
Pretty much always inappropriate, unless you know exactly what you're doing and can't hand-hold the compiler to make asm that's quite as good with pure C or intrinsics. Manual vectorization with intrinsics certainly still has its place; compilers are still terrible at some things, like auto-vectorizing complex shuffles. GCC/Clang won't auto-vectorize at all for search loops like a pure C implementation of memchr, or any loop where the trip-count isn't known before the first iteration.
And of course performance on current microarchitectures has to trump maintainability and optimizing differently for future CPUs. If it's ever appropriate, only for small hot loops where your program spends a lot of time, and typically CPU-bound. If memory-bound then there's usually not much to gain.
Over large scales, compilers are excellent (especially with link-time optimization). Humans can't compete on that scale, not while keeping code maintainable. The only place humans can still compete is in the small scale where you can afford the time to think about every single instruction in a loop that will run many iterations over the course of a program.
The more widely-used and performance-sensitive your code is (e.g. a video encoder like x264 or x265), the more reason there is to consider hand-tuned asm for anything. Saving a few cycles over millions of computers running your code every day starts to add up to being worth considering the maintenance / testing / portability downsides.
The one notable exception is ARM SIMD (NEON) where compilers are often still bad. I think especially for 32-bit ARM (where each 128-bit q0..15 register is aliased by 2x 64-bit d0..32 registers, so you can avoid shuffling by accessing the 2 halves as separate registers. Compilers don't model this well, and can easily shoot themselves in the foot when compiling intrinsics that you'd expect to be able to compile efficiently. Compilers are good at producing efficient asm from SIMD intrinsics for x86 (SSE/AVX) and PowerPC (altivec), but for some unknown reason are bad at optimizing ARM NEON intrinsics and often make sub-optimal asm.
Some compilers are not bad, e.g. apparently Apple clang/LLVM for AArch64 does ok more often than it used to. But still, see Arm Neon Intrinsics vs hand assembly - Jake Lee found the intrinsics version of his 4x4 float matmul was 3x slower than his hand-written version using clang, in Dec 2017. Jake is an ARM optimization expert so I'm inclined to believe that's fairly realistic.
or __asm (in the case of VC++)
MSVC-style asm is usually only useful for writing whole loops because having to take inputs via memory operands destroys (some of) the benefit. So amortizing that overhead over a whole loop helps.
For wrapping single instructions, introducing extra store-forwarding latency is just dumb, and there are MSVC intrinsics for almost everything you can't easily express in pure C. See What is the difference between 'asm', '__asm' and '__asm__'? for examples with a single instruction: you get much worse asm from using MSVC inline asm than you would for pure C or an intrinsic if you look at the big picture (including compiler-generated asm outside your asm block).
C++ code for testing the Collatz conjecture faster than hand-written assembly - why? shows a concrete example where hand-written asm is faster on current CPUs than anything I was able to get GCC or clang to emit by tweaking C source. They apparently don't know how to optimize for lower-latency LEA when it's part of a loop-carried dependency chain.
(The original question there was a great example of why you shouldn't write by hand in asm unless you know exactly what you're doing and use optimized compiler output as a starting point. But my answer shows that for a long-running hot tight loop, there are significant gains that compilers are missing with just micro-optimizations, even leaving aside algorithmic improvements.)
If you're considering asm, always benchmark it against the best you can get the compiler to emit. Working on a hand-written asm version may give you ideas that you can apply to your C to hand-hold compilers into making better asm. Then you can get the benefit without actually including any non-portable inline asm in your code.

How to enable the DIV instruction in ASM output of C compiler

I am using vbcc compiler to translate my C code into Motorola 68000 ASM.
For whatever reason, every time I use the division (just integer, not floats) in code, the compiler only inserts the following stub into the ASM output (that I get generated upon every recompile):
public __ldivs
jsr __ldivs
I explicitly searched for all variations of DIVS/DIVU, but every single time, there is just that stub above. The code itself works (I debugged it on target device), so the final code does have the DIV instruction, just not the intermediate output.
Since this is the most expensive instruction and it's in an inner loop, I really gotta experiment with tweaking the code to get the max performance of it.
However, I can't do it if I don't see the resulting ASM code. Any ideas how to enable it ? The compiler manual does not specify anything like that, so there must clearly must be some other - probably common - higher principle in play ?
From the vbcc compiler system manual by Volker Barthelmann:
4.1 Additional options
This backend provides the following additional options:
-cpu=n Generate code for cpu n (e.g. -cpu=68020), default: 68000.
4.5 CPUs
The values of -cpu=n have those effects:
32bit multiplication/division/modulo is done with the mul?.l, div?.l and
div?l.l instructions.
The original 68000 CPU didn't have support for 32-bit divides, only 16-bit division, so by default vbcc doesn't generate 32-bit divide instructions.
Basically your question doesn't even belong here. You're asking about the workings of your compiler not the 68K cpu family.
Since this is the most expensive instruction and it's in an inner loop, I really gotta experiment with tweaking the code to get the max performance of it.
Then you are already fighting windmills. Chosing an obscure C compiler while at the same time desiring top performance are conflicting goals.
If you really need MC68000 code compatibility, the choice of C is questionable. Since the 68000 has zero cache, store/load orgies that simple C compilers tend to produce en masse, have a huge performance impact. It lessens considerably for the higher members and may become invisible on the superscalar pipelined ones (erm, one; the 68060).
Switch to 68020 code model if target platform permits, and switch compiler if you're not satisfied with your current one.

large performance drop with gcc, maybe related to inline

I'm currently experiencing some weird effect with gcc (tested version: 4.8.4).
I've got a performance oriented code, which runs pretty fast. Its speed depends for a large part on inlining many small functions.
Since inlining across multiple .c files is difficult (-flto is not yet widely available), I've kept a lot of small functions (typically 1 to 5 lines of code each) into a common C file, into which I'm developing a codec, and its associated decoder. It's "relatively" large by my standard (about ~2000 lines, although a lot of them are just comments and blank lines), but breaking it into smaller parts opens new problems, so I would prefer to avoid that, if that is possible.
Encoder and Decoder are related, since they are inverse operations. But from a programming perspective, they are completely separated, sharing nothing in common, except a few typedef and very low-level functions (such as reading from unaligned memory position).
The strange effect is this one:
I recently added a new function fnew to the encoder side. It's a new "entry point". It's not used nor called from anywhere within the .c file.
The simple fact that it exists makes the performance of the decoder function fdec drops substantially, by more than 20%, which is way too much to be ignored.
Now, keep in mind than encoding and decoding operations are completely separated, and share almost nothing, save some minor typedef (u32, u16 and such) and associated operations (read/write).
When defining the new encoding function fnew as static, performance of the decoder fdec increases back to normal. Since fnew isn't called from the .c, I guess it's the same as if it was not there (dead code elimination).
If static fnew is now called from the encoder side, performance of fdec remains strong.
But as soon as fnew is modified, fdec performance just drops substantially.
Presuming fnew modifications crossed a threshold, I increased the following gcc parameter: --param max-inline-insns-auto=60 (by default, its value is supposed to be 40.) And it worked : performance of fdec is now back to normal.
And I guess this game will continue forever with each little modification of fnew or anything else similar, requiring further tweak.
This is just plain weird. There is no logical reason for some little modification in function fnew to have knock-on effect on completely unrelated function fdec, which only relation is to be in the same file.
The only tentative explanation I could invent so far is that maybe the simple presence of fnew is enough to cross some kind of global file threshold which would impact fdec. fnew can be made "not present" when it's: 1. not there, 2. static but not called from anywhere 3. static and small enough to be inlined. But it's just hiding the problem. Does that mean I can't add any new function?
Really, I couldn't find any satisfying explanation anywhere on the net.
I was curious to know if someone already experienced some equivalent side-effect, and found a solution to it.
Let's go for some more crazy test.
Now I'm adding another completely useless function, just to play with. Its content is strictly exactly a copy-paste of fnew, but the name of the function is obviously different, so let's call it wtf.
When wtf exists, it doesn't matter if fnew is static or not, nor what is the value of max-inline-insns-auto: performance of fdec is back to normal.
Even though wtf is not used nor called from anywhere... :'(
[Edit 2]
there is no inline instruction. All functions are either normal or static. Inlining decision is solely within compiler's realm, which has worked fine so far.
[Edit 3]
As suggested by Peter Cordes, the issue is not related to inline, but to instruction alignment. On newer Intel cpus (Sandy Bridge and later), hot loop benefit from being aligned on 32-bytes boundaries.
Problem is, by default, gcc align them on 16-bytes boundaries. Which gives a 50% chance to be on proper alignment depending on length of previous code. Hence a difficult to understand issue, which "looks random".
Not all loop are sensitive. It only matters for critical loops, and only if their length make them cross one more 32-bytes instruction segment when being less ideally aligned.
Turning my comments into an answer, because it was turning into a long discussion. Discussion showed that the performance problem is sensitive to alignment.
There are links to some perf-tuning info at https://stackoverflow.com/tags/x86/info, include Intel's optimization guide, and Agner Fog's very excellent stuff. Some of Agner Fog's assembly optimization advice doesn't fully apply to Sandybridge and later CPUs. If you want the low-level details on a specific CPU, though, the microarch guide is very good.
Without at least an external link to code that I can try myself, I can't do more than handwave. If you don't post the code anywher, you're going to need to use profiling / CPU performance counter tools like Linux perf or Intel VTune to track this down in a reasonable amount of time.
In chat, the OP found someone else having this issue, but with code posted. This is probably the same issue the OP is seeing, and is one of the major ways code alignment matters for Sandybridge-style uop caches.
There's a 32B boundary in the middle of the loop in the slow version. The instructions that start before the boundary decode to 5 uops. So in the first cycle, the uop cache serves up mov/add/movzbl/mov. In the 2nd cycle, there's only a single mov uop left in the current cache line. Then the 3rd cycle cycle issues the last 2 uops of the loop: add and cmp+ja.
The problematic mov starts at 0x..ff. I guess instructions that span a 32B boundary go into (one of) the uop cacheline(s) for their starting address.
In the fast version, an iteration only takes 2 cycles to issue: The same first cycle, then mov / add / cmp+ja in the 2nd.
If one of the first 4 instructions had been one byte longer (e.g. padded with a useless prefix, or a REX prefix), there would be no problem. There wouldn't be an odd-man-out at the end of the first cacheline, because the mov would start after the 32B boundary and be part of the next uop cache line.
AFAIK, assemble & check disassembly output is the only way to use longer versions of the same instructions (see Agner Fog's Optimizing Assembly) to get 32B boundaries at multiples of 4 uops. I'm not aware of a GUI that shows alignment of assembled code as you're editing. (And obviously, doing this only works for hand-written asm, and is brittle. Changing the code at all will break the hand-alignment.)
This is why Intel's optimization guide recommends aligning critical loops to 32B.
It would be really cool if an assembler had a way to request that preceding instructions be assembled using longer encodings to pad out to a certain length. Maybe a .startencodealign / .endencodealign 32 pair of directives, to apply padding to code between the directives to make it end on a 32B boundary. This could make terrible code if used badly, though.
Changes to the inlining parameter will change the size of functions, and bump other code over by multiples 16B. This is a similar effect to changing the contents of a function: it gets bigger and changes the alignment of other functions.
I was expecting the compiler to always make sure a function starts at
ideal aligned position, using noop to fill gaps.
There's a tradeoff. It would hurt performance to align every function to 64B (the start of a cache line). Code density would go down, with more cache lines needed to hold the instructions. 16B is good, because it's the instruction fetch/decode chunk size on most recent CPUs.
Agner Fog has the low-level details for each microarch. He hasn't updated it for Broadwell, though, but the uop cache probably hasn't changed since Sandybridge. I assume there's one fairly small loop that dominates the runtime. I'm not sure exactly what to look for first. Maybe the "slow" version has some branch targets near the end of a 32B block of code (and hence near the end of a uop cacheline), leading to significantly less than 4 uops per clock coming out of the frontend.
Look at performance counters for the "slow" and "fast" versions (e.g. with perf stat ./cmd), and see if any are different. e.g. a lot more cache misses could indicate false sharing of a cache line between threads. Also, profile and see if there's a new hotspot in the "slow" version. (e.g. with perf record ./cmd && perf report on Linux).
How many uops/clock is the "fast" version getting? If it's above 3, frontend bottlenecks (maybe in the uop cache) that are sensitive to alignment could be the issue. Either that or L1 / uop-cache misses if different alignment means your code needs more cache lines than are available.
Anyway, this bears repeating: use a profiler / performance counters to find the new bottleneck that the "slow" version has, but the "fast" version doesn't. Then you can spend time looking at the disassembly of that block of code. (Don't look at gcc's asm output. You need to see the alignment in the disassembly of the final binary.) Look at the 16B and 32B boundaries, since presumably they'll be in different places between the two versions, and we think that's the cause of the problem.
Alignment can also make macro-fusion fail, if a compare/jcc splits a 16B boundary exactly. Although that is unlikely in your case, since your functions are always aligned to some multiple of 16B.
re: automated tools for alignment: no, I'm not aware of anything that can look at a binary and tell you anything useful about alignment. I wish there was an editor to show groups of 4 uops and 32B boundaries alongside your code, and update as you edit.
Intel's IACA can sometimes be useful for analyzing a loop, but IIRC it doesn't know about taken branches, and I think doesn't have a sophisticated model of the frontend, which is obviously the issue if misalignment breaks performance for you.
In my experience, the performance drops may be caused by disabling inlining optimization.
The 'inline' modifier doesn't indicate to force a function to be inlined. It gives compilers a hint to inline a function. So when the compiler's criteria of inlining optimizaion will not be satisfied by trivial modifications of code, a function which is modified with inline is normally compiled to a static function.
And there is a thing make the problem more complex, nested inline optimizations. If you have a inline function, fA, that calls a inline function, fB, like this:
inline void fB(int x, int y) {
return x * y;
inline void fA() {
for(int i = 0; i < 0x10000000; ++i) {
fB(i, i+1);
void main() {
In this case, we expect that both fA and fB are inlined. But if the inlining criteia is not met, the performance can't be predictable. That is, large performance drops occur when inlining is disable about fB, but very slight drops for fA. And you know, compiler's internal decisions are much complex.
The reasons cause disabling inlining, for example, size of inlining function, size of .c file, number of local variables, and so on.
Actually, in C#, I am experienced this performance drops. In my case, 60% performance drop occurs when one local variable is added to a simple inlining function.
You can investigate what happens by reading compiled assembly code. I guess there are unexpected real callings to functions modified with 'inline'.

Compiler -march flag benchmark?

does -march flag in compilers (for example: gcc) really matters?
would it be faster if i compile all my programs and kernel using -march=my_architecture instead of -march=i686
Yes it does, though the differences are only sometimes relevant. They can be quite big however if your code can be vectorized to use SSE or other extended instruction sets which are available on one architecture but not on the other. And of course the difference between 32 and 64 bit can (but need not always) be noticeable (that's -m64 if you consider it a type of -march parameter).
As anegdotic evidence, a few years back I run into a funny bug in gcc where a particular piece of code which was run on a Pentium 4 would be about 2 times slower when compiled with -march=pentium4 than when compiled with -march=pentium2.
So: often there is no difference, and sometimes there is, sometimes it's the other way around than you expect. As always: measure before you decide to use any optimizations that go beyond the "safe" range (e.g. using your actual exact CPU model instead of a more generic one).
There is no guarantee that any code you compile with march will be faster/slower w.r.t. the other version. It really depends on the 'kind' of code and the actual result may be obtained only by measurement. e.g., if your code has lot of potential for vectorization then results might be different with and without 'march'. On the other hand, sometimes compiler do a poor job during vectorization and that might result in slower code when compiled for a specific architecture.

what are the steps/strategy to analyze and improve performance of an embedded system

I will break down this question in to sub questions. I am confused if I should ask them separately or in one question. So I will just stick to one SO question.
What are generally the steps to analyze and improve performance of C applications?
Do these steps change if I am developing for an embedded system?
What tools are out there which can help me?
Recently I have been given a task to improve the performance of our product on ARM11 platform. I am relatively new to this field of embedded systems and need gurus here on SO to help me out.
simply changing compilers can improve your C performance for the same source code by many times over. GCC has not necessarily gotten better for performance over the years, for some programs gcc 3.x produces much tighter code than 4.x. Back when I had access to the tools, ARMs compiler produced significantly better code than gcc. As much as 3 or 4 times faster. LLVM has caught up to GCC 4.x and I suspect will pass gcc by in terms of performance and overall use for cross compiling embedded code. Try different versions of gcc, 3.x and 4.x if you are using gcc. Metaware's compiler and arms adt ran circles around gcc3.x, gcc3.x will give gcc4.x a run for its money with arm code, for thumb code gcc4.x is better and for thumb2 (which doesnt apply to you) gcc4.x also better. Remember I have not said a word about changing a single line of code (yet).
LLVM is capable of full program optimization in addition to infinitely more tuning knobs than gcc. Despite that the code generated (ver 27) is only just catching up to the current gcc 4.x in terms of performance for the few programs I tried. And I didnt try the n factoral number of optimization combinations (optimize on the compile step, different options for each file, or combine two files or three files or all files and optimize those bundles, my theory is do no optimization on the C to bc steps, link all the bc together then do a single optimization pass on the whole program, the allow the default optimization when llc takes it to the target).
By the same token simply knowing your compiler and the optimizations can greatly improve the performance of the code without having to change any of it. You have an ARM11 arr you compiling for arm11 or generic arm? You can gain a few to a dozen percent by telling the compiler specifically which architecture/family (armv6 for example) over the generic armv4 (ARM7) that is often chosen as the default. Knowing to use -O2 or -O3 if you are brave.
It is often not the case but switching to thumb mode can improve performance for specific platforms. Doesnt apply to you but the gameboy advance is a perfect example, loaded with non-zero wait state 16 bit busses. Thumb has a handful of a percent overhead because it takes more instructions to do the same thing, but by increasing the fetch times, and taking advantage of some of the sequential read features of the gba thumb code can run significantly faster than arm code for the same source code.
having an arm11 you probably have an L1 and maybe L2 cache, are they on? Are they configured? Do you have an mmu and is your heavy use memory cached? or are you running zero wait state memory and dont need a cache and should turn it off? In addition to not realizing that you can take the same source code and make it run many times faster by changing compilers or options, folks often dont realize that when you use a cache simply adding a single up to a few nops in your startup code (as a trick to adjust where code lands in memory by one, two, a few words) you can change your codes execution speed by as much as 10 to 20 percent. Where those cache line reads hit in heavily used functions/loops makes a big difference. Even saving one cache line read by adjusting where the code lands is noticeable (cutting it from 3 to 2 or 2 to 1 for example).
Knowing your architecture, both the processor and your memory environment is where the tuning if any would start. Most C libraries if you are high level enough to use one (I often dont use a C library as I run without an operating system and with very limited resources) both in their C code and sometimes add some assembler to make bottleneck routines like memcpy, much faster. If your programs are operating on aligned 32 or even better 64 bit addresses, and you adjust even if it means using a handful of bytes more memory for every structure/array/memcpy to be an integral multiple of 32 bits or 64 bits you will see noticeable improvements (if your code uses structs or copies data in other ways). In addition to getting your structures (if you use them, I certainly dont with embedded code) size aligned, even if you waste memory, getting elements aligned, consider using 32 bit integers for every element instead of bytes or halfwords. Depending on your memory system this can help (it can hurt too btw). As with the GBA example above looking at specific functions that either by profiling or intuition you know are not being implemented in a manner that takes advantage of your processor or platform or libraries you may want to turn to assembler either from scratch or compiling from C initially then disassembling and hand tuning. Memcpy is a good example you may know your systems memory performance and may chose to create your own memcpy specifically for aligned data, copying 64 or 128 or more bits per instruction.
Likewise mixing global and local variables can make a noticeable performance difference. Traditionally folks are told never to use globals, but in embedded this isnt necessarily true, depends on how deeply embedded and how much tuning and speed and other factors you are interested in. This is a touchy subject and I may get flamed for it, so I will leave it at that.
The compiler has to burn and evict registers in order to make function calls, plus if you use local variables a stack frame may be required, so function calls are expensive, but at the same time, depending on the code within a function that has now grown in size by avoiding functions, you may create the problem you were trying to avoid, evicting registers to re-use them. Even a single line of C code can make the difference between all the variables in a function fits in registers to having to start evicting a bunch of registers. For functions or segments of code where you know you need some performance gain compile and disassemble (and look at register usage, how often it fetches memory or writes to memory). You can and will find places where you need to take a well used loop and make it its own function even though the function call has a penalty because by doing that the compiler can better optimize the loop and not evict/reuse registers and you get an overall net gain. Even a single extra instruction in a loop that goes around hundreds of times is a measurable performance hit.
Hopefully you already know to absolutely not compile for debug, turn all of the compile for debug options off. You may already know that code compile for debug that runs without bugs doesnt mean it is debugged, compiling for debug and using debuggers hide bugs leaving them as time bombs in your code for your final compile for release. Learn to always compile for release and test with the release version both for performance and finding bugs in your code.
Most instruction sets do not have a divide function. Avoid using divides or modulo in your code as much as humanly possible they are performance killers. Naturally this is not the case for powers of two, to save the compiler and to mentally avoid divides and modulos try to use shifts and ands. Multplies are easier and more often found in instruction sets, but are still costly. This is a good case to write assembler to do your multiplies instead of letting the C copiler do it. The arm multiply is a 32bit * 32bit = 32 bit so to do accurate math without overflowing there has to be extra C code wrapped around the multiply, if you already know you wont overflow, burn the registers for a function call and do the multiply in assembler (for the arm).
Likewise most instruction sets do not have a floating point unit, with yours you might, even so avoid float if at all possible. If you have to use float that is a whole other pandora's box of performance issues. Most folks dont see the performance problems with code as simple as this:
float a,b;
a = b * 7.0;
The rest of the problem is not understanding floating point accuracy and how good or bad the C libraries are just trying to get your constants into floating point form. Again float is a whole other long discussion on performance problems.
I am a product of Michael Abrash (I actually have a print copy of zen of assembly language) and the bottom line is time your code. Come up with an accurate way to time the code, you may think you know where the bottlenecks are and you may think you know your architecture but trying different things even if you think they are wrong, and timing them you may find and eventually have to figure out the error in your thinking. Adding nops to start.S as a final tuning step is a good example of this, all the other work you have done for performance can be instantly erased by not having a good alignment with the cache, this also means re-arranging functions within your source code so that they land in different places in the binary image. I have seen 10 to 20 percent swings of speed increase and decrease as a result of cache line alignments.
Code Review:
What are good code review techniques ?
Static and dynamic analysis of the code.
Tools for static analysis: Sparrow, Prevent, Klockworks
Tools for dynamic analysis : Valgrind, purify
Gprof allows you to learn where your program spent its time and which functions called which other functions while it was executing.
Steps are same
Apart from what is listed is point 1, there are tools like memcheck etc.
There is a big list here based on platform
Phew!! Quite a big question!
What are generally the steps to
analyze and improve performance of C
As well as other static code analysers mentioned here there is a fairly cheap version called PC-Lint which has been around for ages. Sometimes throws up lots of errors and warnings for one error but by the end of it you'll be happy and know waaaaay more about C/C++ because of it.
With all code analysers some of the issues may be more structural to the code so best to start analysing it from day 1 of coding; running analysis on old software may swamp you with issues which may take a while to untangle, best to keep it clean from the beginning.
But code analysers will not catch all logical errors, i.e. it doesn't do what you want it to do! These are best done by code reviews first, then testing. Performance is often improved by by trying to keep the algorithms as simple as possible, keeping instructions in loops tight, possibly unrolling loops (your compiler optimisations may do this), use of fast caches when accessing data which is slow to get.
Code reviews can raise a lot of issues from lots of other peoples eyes looking at it. Don't get too many people, try to get 3 other people if possible, sometimes junior developers ask the most insightful questions like, "why are we doing this?".
Testing can be roughly split into two sections, automated and manual. Automated testing requires effort producing test handlers for functions/units but once run can be run again and again very quickly. Manual testing requires planning, self-discipline to perform them all to the required, imagination to think up of scenarios that may impair performance and you have to be observant (you may have passed the test but the 'scope trace has a bit of an anomaly before/after the test).
"Do these steps change if I am
developing for an embedded system?"
Performance ananlysis can be different on embedded systems to applications systems; with the very broad brush that "embedded" now covers it depends how hardware-centric you are. It can be done using profilers, if you want a more cheap and chearful method then use test output pins to measure sections of code, or measure them with breakpoints on simulators that come with the development environment.
Make sure that not just a typical length of task is measured but also a maximum, as that is where one task may start impeding on other tasks and your scheduled tasks are not completed in time.
What tools are out there which can
help me?
Simulators on the IDEs, static analysis tools, dynamic analysis tools, but most of all you and other humans getting the requirements right, decent reviewing (of code and testing) and thorough testing (automated and manual).
Good luck!
My experiences.
Function calls are slow, eliminate with macros or inlined methods. Look at the disassembler listing to see.
If using GCC, mark optimized sections with #pragma GCC optimize("O3") or compile them separately.
Play with different combinations of applying the inline attribute (basically find a balance between size and speed).
It is a difficult question to be answered shortly since various techniques have been proposed such as flowchart and state diagram,so you can take a look at some titles:
ARM System-on-Chip Architecture, 2nd Edition -- Steve Furber
ARM System Developer's Guide - Designing and Optimizing System Software -- Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright & John Rayfield
The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3 --Joseph Yiu
C Programming for Embedded Systems --Kirk Zurell
Embedded C -- Michael J. Pont
Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++ --Michael Barr
An Embedded Software Primer --David E, Simon
Embedded Microprocessor Systems 3rd Edition --Stuart Ball
Global Specification and Validation of Embedded Systems - Integrating Heterogeneous Components --G. Nicolescu & A.A Jerraya
Embedded Systems: Modeling, Technology and Applications --Gunter Hommel & Sheng Huanye
Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture --Graham Wilson
Designing Embedded Hardware --John Catsoulis
You have to use a profiler. It will help you identify your application's bottleneck(s). Then focus on improving the functions you spend the most time in and the ones you call the most. Repeat this procedure until you're satisfied with your application performance.
No they don't.
Depending on the platform you're developing onto :
Windows : AMD Code Analyst, VTune, Sleepy
Linux : valgrind / callgrind / cachegrind
Mac : the Xcode profiler is quite good.
Try to find a profiler for the architecture you actually work on.
