I'm using MutationObserver in an AngularJS SPA to detect changes in the DOM everytime the ng-view is updated via user navigation. This is better explained here http://www.soasta.com/blog/angularjs-real-user-monitoring-single-page-applications/
This is the function which is fired with every soft navigation (within the SPA)
function initMutationObserver() {
if (window.MutationObserver) {
// select the target node
var target = document.querySelector('.sport');
// create an observer instance
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
console.info('**** DOM changes ****')
// configuration of the observer:
var config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true};
// pass in the target node, as well as the observer options
observer.observe(target, config);
That is, everytime the user navigates to a new page within the SPA this observer detects changes in the DOM.
Problem is, for every navigation this observer gets fired many times and not only one, so I donĀ“t really know when this is over. Has anyone any idea on how to do that? Is there a way with the MutationObserver that I can be sure the DOM has alredy finish updating and I can call the loading over?
Many thanks!
resolve: {
data1: function(){
//do your asynch call (promise) returning your data
data2: function(){
//do your asynch call (promise) returning your data
controller: function(data1,data2){
//data1 and data2 will be resolved by when controller is instantiated
or if you want to use ui.router
quite similar to the previous case
Once your mutation has occurred, you should destroy the observer:
You may have your NodeList complete or something else...
Imagine it as a camera that is waiting to see when all those DOM events happen. (You may not need all of them, by the way).
But it is important to cease its activity.
I have a module called LegalModule, there are three components that subscribe to the same module, basically:
Both components have their own folder and each have an index.js file where they bootstrap like:
.component('person', require('person.component.js')
.controller('PersonController', require('person.controller.js');
and another file like
var component = {
templateUrl: 'person-tamplate.html',
controller: 'PersonController',
bindings: {info: '<'}
module.exports = component;
Then in that controller i have something like :
var controller = ['PersonRepository','$stateParams', function(PersonRepository, $stateParams)
var vm = this;
//other code
function Save(){
//code that saved
function onSuccess(){
//Let another component know this happened and call its refresh function.
Other component / controller
.component('buildings', require('buildings.component.js')
.controller('BuildingController', require('buildings.controller.js');
and the component
var component = {
templateUrl: 'building-template.html'
controller: 'BuildingController'
var controller = ['BuildingReader',function(BuildingReader){
function refreshBuildings(){
//this needs to be called on success of the save of the Person Repository
On the main tamplate:
<div class="LegalFacilities">
So i am new to components and i am not sure how to make in a way that when something is saved in the person controller, on it's success, that it can trigger the refresh function in the building controller to fire.
I really do not want to use $scope or anything like that , there is gotta be a cleaner way?. (not sure but i would appreciate any inputs).
Since you have two components that are not on the same DOM element, your methods of communicating between them are more limited. You still have several ways that you can do it:
onSuccess() emits an event on the $rootScope and all interested controllers listen for that event (just make sure to unsubscribe to the event on $destroy).
Create one or more services that contain the all the non-UI shared application state. All controllers that need access to state inject the service that contains that state. And controllers can also $watch a variable on the service to be notified when something changes and something needs to be refreshed.
Pass state around using the parent scope. Ie- each child scope declares a scope variable that is bound to the same variable in the parent scope. And if the state changes in one of the child scopes, the $digest cycle will ensure that the state is propagated to the other child scope.
In general, my preference is #2. The reason is that this keeps a clear separation between application state and UI state. And it becomes very easy to ensure that all parts of your application can share bits that they need to.
In your case, since you need to notify that an action happened, you can trigger this through changing a successHash number (an opaque number that just gets incremented on every save such that all watchers are notified).
Edit: a very simple example of sharing state using services.
angular.module('mymod').service('myService', function() {
this.val = 9;
angular.module('mymod').directive('dir1', function(myService, scope) {
scope.doSomething().then(res => myService.val = res);
angular.module('mymod').directive('dir2', function(myService, scope) {
scope.$watch(() => myService.val, () => console.log(`It happened! ${myService.val});
I'm rather new to angular and I'm trying to integrate np-autocomplete in my application (https://github.com/ng-pros/np-autocomplete). However I can only get it to work when I'm passing a html string as a template inside the $scope.options and it doesn't work when I want to load it from a separate html.
the Code for my app looks as follows:
var eventsApp = angular.module('eventsApp',['ng-pros.directive.autocomplete'])
eventsApp.run(function($templateCache, $http) {
$http.get('test.html', {
cache: $templateCache
console.log($templateCache.get('test.html')) // --> returns undefined
setTimeout(function() {
console.log($templateCache.get('test.html')) // --> works fine
}, 1000);
//$templateCache.put('test.html', 'html string') //Would solve my issue in the controller,
//but I would rather prefer to load it from a separate html as I'm trying above
Inside my controller I am setting the options for autocomplete as follows:
controllers.createNewEventController = function ($scope) {
$scope.options = {
url: 'https://api.github.com/search/repositories',
delay: 300,
dataHolder: 'items',
searchParam: 'q',
itemTemplateUrl: 'test.html', // <-- Does not work
//other stuff...
however, it seems that test.html is undefined by the time np-autocomplete wants to use it (as it is also in first console.log above).
So my intuition tells me that the test.html is probably accessed in the controller before it is loaded in eventsApp.run(...). However I am not sure how to solve that?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
You are most likely correct in your assumption.
The call by $http is asynchronous, but the run block will not wait for it to finish. It will continue to execute and the execution will hit the controller etc before the template has been retrieved and cached.
One solution is to first retrieve all templates that you need then manually bootstrap your application.
Another way that should work is to defer the execution of the np-autocomplete directive until the template has been retrieved.
To prevent np-autocomplete from running too early you can use ng-if:
<div np-autocomplete="options" ng-if="viewModel.isReady"></div>
When the template has been retrieved you can fire an event:
$http.get('test.html', {
cache: $templateCache
}).success(function() {
In your controller listen for the event and react:
$scope.$on('templateIsReady', function () {
$scope.viewModel.isReady = true;
If you want you can stop listening immediately since the event should only fire once anyway:
var stopListening = $scope.$on('templateIsReady', function() {
$scope.viewModel.isReady = true;
I am learn reactjs flux pattern from the link below
I get completely confused and lost with this following bit, when will the following code ever been trigger or used? i do not see any where in the app where the this._onChange will be trigger... please help and explain any suggestion is appreciated as i am start to learn.
// Listen for changes
componentDidMount: function() {
// Unbind change listener
componentWillUnmount: function() {
in the store, does it means in order to trigger the update need to run ShoesStore.emitChange()?
// Emit Change event
emitChange: function() {
// Add change listener
addChangeListener: function(callback) {
this.on('change', callback);
// Remove change listener
removeChangeListener: function(callback) {
this.removeListener('change', callback);
In typical Flux app, your store emit change (as EventEmitter) and _onChange is invoked because it has been assigned by addChangeListner, which needs to be removed afterwards otherwise it cause memory leak. componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount is invoked at certain life cycle phases, as method names say, just after the component is mounted, and just before unmounted.
Correct answer: (summary from BinaryMuse)
When you're creating a store you'll usually call emitChange() yourself (it's not usually automatic).
Good Morning All!
I've a react Component (a View) that's dependent on a Store which is in turn dependent on having some state pulled from a round-trip to the server.
What I'm looking to understand is if there's a common pattern to solve for initializing the Store's state.
Right now I'm thinking I'd do something like:
var SomeView = React.createClass({
componentWillMount: function() {
// Go and tell this thing we want to initiliaze our
// state ahead of time. My worry here is obviously
// that when state is updated this fires again so I'd
// need to have some knowledge that the store has been
// initialized which seems very (very) kludgey
render: function() {
// Here i'd want to see if I had items available for
// rendering. If I didn't I'd drop on a loading dialog
// or if I did I could render the detail.
_onChange: function() {
// this.setState...
var SomeActions = {
init: function() {
actionType: SomeConstants.INIT
var SomeStore = assign({}, EventEmitter.prototype, {
init: function() {
$.get('/round/trip', function(data) {
emitChange: function() {
addChangeListener: function(callback) {
this.on(CHANGE_EVENT, callback);
AppDispatcher.register(function(action) {
switch(action.actionType) {
case SomeConstants.INIT:
I am absolutely positive there must be a better way.
My worry here is obviously that when state is updated this fires again
componentWillMount fires once component injected to DOM, state updates will not fire this method. However, if you remove component from DOM (for example: not rendering it in parent component based on some condition) and render it later, the method will be fired again. So init will be called multiple times on the store.
I believe you should move http request code to Web API module and fire an action to the API from componentWillMount method, the API will then trigger the store and fire change event on the component, which will update the state and re-render. This is how Flux works.
If you need to get data only once and you know your component is going to be removed from/added to DOM multiple times, you should put a call to the api into upper component in the tree (component that represents an entry point to the widget or something).
I recommend to check Component Container or Higher-order Components pattern, which basically defines a thin wrapper component as a data layer over the view component. Thus you can completely separate your views from data layer and it works good.
You may also want to check another approach, coming from ClojureScript's Om, with a single immutable state. This simplifies everything even more and actually the best way I've found for my self to build apps with React. I've create a starter kit for it, there's a good explanation of main concepts in the readme.
I've found the only way to navigate to different URLs to do view and router behavior tests is to use Backbone.history.loadUrl(). Backbone.history.navigate('#something', true) and router.navigate('#something, {trigger: true, replace: true} and any combination thereof do not work within the test. My application does NOT use pushstate.
This works correctly within the context of a single test.
describe('that can navigate to something as expected', function(){
beforeEach(function() {
this.server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
//helper method does my responds to fetches, etc. My router in my app is what starts Backbone.history
this.router = initializeBackboneRouter(this.server, this.fixtures, false);
it('should create the view object', function(){
During testing you can see that backbone is appending hashes as expected to the URL: localhost:8888/#something Depending on the test.
Unfortunately, loadUrl seems to be introducing a lot of inconsistencies in the way the tests behave. During one of my tests that involves some asynchronous JS where I need to wait for an AJAX call to complete, the fails about 50% of the time with a timeout or sometimes Expected undefined to be defined. If I console out the data I expect to be there it is, so I know it's not a BS test.
it('should add the rendered html to the body', function(){
var testEl = $('#title');
if(testEl.length > 0){ return true; }
}, 1000, 'UI to be set up');
var testEl = $('#title');
The important note here is that it only fails when all tests are run; run by itself it passes 100% of the time.
My question then is: is Backbone.history.loadUrl a bad way to do programatic navigation around a backbone app in jasmine? I feel like I've tried everything to get this to simulate a user going to a specific URL. Is my teardown incorrect? I've tried it without the Backbone.history.loadUrl('#'); and got different behavior but not passing tests.
The core problem seems to be that in the context of several, hundreds, or even a few jasmine tests, Backbone.history is not clearing itself out and is sticking around as one instance of itself instead of being completely re-initialized at each test.
This sucked.
The solution was to edit my code a bit to add a loading complete flag that was set to true when i was sure that the DOM was 100% finished loading.
Then I wrote a helper function that waited for that flag to be true in my beforeEach function in the root of each test.
var waitForLoadingComplete = function(view){
if(view.loadingComplete == true){return true;}
}, 100, 'UI Setup Finished');
After that I refactored my setup into a helper function:
var setupViewTestEnvironment = function(options) {
var temp = {};
temp.server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
temp.router = initializeBackboneRouter(temp.server, options.fixture);
temp.view = temp.router[options.view];
temp.model = temp.router[options.model];
return temp;
Example use:
beforeEach(function() {
this.testEnv = setupViewTestEnvironment({
url: '#profile',
view: 'profileIndex',
model: 'myModel',
fixture: this.fixtures
After which I had a view that i had loaded which I could be assured was finished loading so I could test stuff on the DOM or anything else I wanted to do.