Recurring Donation option not appearing on Mobile - mobile

A client uses PayPal to accept donations. On desktop, their paypal form includes an option for monthly recurring donations. However, on mobile, their form does not include the recurring option.
Is there a way to display the recurring option on mobile that they are missing?


Alternatives for Delayed Chained Payments for Mobile

We are currently using PayPal's Delayed Chained Payments for our website transactions (desktop). The problem is with our mobile transactions. We've considered the following solutions:
Embedded Payment Flow (mini-browser) but the problem with this is that the minibrowser is buggy. It does not call the returnUrl or the cancelUrl after a transaction. And it does NOT support Chrome and Safari on iPhone
We've also considered PayPal's Mobile SDK but the SDK for iOS does not support Adaptive Payments.
I was just thinking if there is a way to make a Delayed Payment using Express Checkout and not the Adaptive Payment. An example of the process flow:
On an events website, a provider creates an event and posted an online registration.
On the first day, User A pays the fee. On the second day, User B and on the third day User C. Each payment is made using Express Checkout or Mobile Express Checkout.
Each time a user pays, the website's Paypal account holds the payment.
The event starts and three days after it started, the website would transfer all the funds or payments that it got to the event provider's PayPal account.
Questions: Is the process possible? Would the website still need to pay an additional transaction fee for the fund transfer? And would the website have a way to track which transaction payment it should forward to which provider?
I am a newbie on PayPal so please bear with me.

Google Calendar API: Possible to get reminders due in a certain period?

I wonder if its possible to get reminders due in a certain period of time. I am working on a Calendar app. I was thinking of using Google Calendar as a "backend/calendar storage engine". Since implementing a calendar backend seems hard. The recurrences and reminders part. The challenge that I have now is, I want to send push notifications for reminders. So was wondering if there is a way to query for reminders due the next hour for example.
How can I do this?
Reminders are alarms triggered at a specified time before an event starts
However, the delivery mechanisms only available by Google API are
Pop-up. These are supported on mobile platforms and on web clients.
Email sent by the server.
SMS. These are only available for Google Apps for Work, Education, and Government customers.
Push Notification is a bit different, as you're required to have a GCM Connection Server with additional configurations in the developer console.

Paypal Adaptive Payment on mobile

We're using chained payments and everything works fine on iOS-mobile devices, we're making a web app, so we need this to work on phones.
the issue we are facing, is on non getting the option to pay by credit cards for guest users,
the screen propose only Payment by Paypal account, we did follow many tutorials, that shows it works,
we did succeed to get it working by testing it with simple Paypal Express checkout,
but never succeeded when using Paypal Adaptive

Paypal payments standard with mobile optimized checkout

I am running a Django app that is hooked up to paypal payments standard and that generates encrypted 'Buy Now' buttons. Everything works as it should on desktop, but when I use a mobile device (android and IOS), I do not get sent to the mobile optimized checkout page.
If I go to this non-encrypted test page, I actually get the mobile checkout page. As soon as I change that fake business email to my real one, I only get the desktop page.
This leads me to believe I have some kind of configuration issues in my merchant account, as opposed to an issue with encrypted buttons.
I looked at the documentation on They mention that the mobile checkout page is not compatible with these use cases:
Instant Update API
Buyer Supplied Price, Desc, Qty
Profile Based Shipping & Tax Discounts
Payment Type: Auth, Order
Inventory Management
I originally had shipping rules, so I deleted those. I don't think I have any of the other things enabled, but its hard to tell seeing as these unsupported use cases are really vague. I've also read this SO post, and I have disabled my tax rules, but it did not fix the issue for me.
Does anyone have experience with this? Is there a way to force the mobile version of the checkout page, using paypal payments standard?
I "fixed" this by implementing their Express Checkout flow.
Don't believe their documentation. Express Checkout can do EXACTLY what paypal payments standard can do, and the API has nice features like forcing the non-paypal account pane to open by default.

Collecting payments for mobile web apps

Bonus! 2 questions in 1:
We're building a mobile web app (not native) and would like to be able to collect payment for a real-world service. Since it's a mobile web app, we had assumed we wouldn't be restricted to any of the native in-app payments that Apple and Android impose, right?
Are there any services for CC payments? Even nicer would be one where the user could snap a pic of their CC and the app would capture their billing info and submit payment.
1) There's no restriction from Apple to web apps.
2) PayPal provides you the possibility to process payments from the web. It provides you a lot of ways to integrate payments to your website. For example, it redirects the customer after they place the purchase. And there's also IPN, which notifies a page of your website that a payment was placed and which items were bought.
