I have an Excel file that contains contact email addresses, such as the below.
1 Shop Supervisor Assistant
2 A hulk.hogan#web.com freddie.mercury#web.com
3 B brian.may#web.com
4 C triple.h#web.com roger.taylor#web.com
5 D
6 E randy.orton#web.com john.deacom#web.com
I have created a userform where the user can select what role they want to email (Supervisor or Assistant) or they can email both if needed, and then there's code that takes the email addresses for those roles, opens a new email, and adds the email addresses into the "To" section. This code is as follows:
Private Sub btnEmail_Click()
Dim To_Recipients As String
Dim NoContacts() As String
Dim objOutlook As Object
Dim objMail As Object
Dim firstRow As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
ReDim NoContacts(1 To 1) As String
' Define the column variables
Dim Supervisor_Column As String, Assistant_Column As String
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(0)
' Add in the column references to where the email addresses are, e.g. Supervisor is in column K
Supervisor_Column = "K"
Assistant_Column = "M"
' Clear the To_Recipients string of any previous data
To_Recipients = ""
' If the To Supervisor checkbox is ticked
If chkToSupervisor.Value = True Then
With ActiveSheet
' Get the first and last rows that can be seen with the filter
firstRow = .AutoFilter.Range.Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Row
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
' For every row between the first and last
For Row = firstRow To lastRow
' Check if the row is visible - i.e. if it is included in the filter
If Rows(Row).Hidden = False Then
' If it is visible then check to see whether there is data in the cell
If Not IsEmpty(Range(Supervisor_Column & Row).Value) And Range(Supervisor_Column & Row).Value <> 0 Then
' If there is data then add it to the list of To_Recipients
To_Recipients = To_Recipients & ";" & Range(Supervisor_Column & Row).Value
' See whether the shop is already in the array
If UBound(Filter(NoContacts, Range("F" & Row).Value)) = -1 Then
' If it isn't then add it to the array
NoContacts(UBound(NoContacts)) = Range("F" & Row).Value
ReDim Preserve NoContacts(1 To UBound(NoContacts) + 1) As String
End If
End If
End If
' Go onto the next row
Next Row
End With
End If
' If the To Assistant checkbox is ticked
If chkToAssistant.Value = True Then
With ActiveSheet
' Get the first and last rows that can be seen with the filter
firstRow = .AutoFilter.Range.Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Row
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
' For every row between the first and last
For Row = firstRow To lastRow
' Check if the row is visible - i.e. if it is included in the filter
If Rows(Row).Hidden = False Then
' If it is visible then check to see whether there is data in the cell
If Not IsEmpty(Range(Assistant_Column & Row).Value) And Range(Assistant_Column & Row).Value <> 0 Then
' If there is data then add it to the list of To_Recipients
To_Recipients = To_Recipients & ";" & Range(Assistant_Column & Row).Value
' See whether the shop is already in the array
If UBound(Filter(NoContacts, Range("F" & Row).Value)) = -1 Then
' If it isn't then add it to the array
NoContacts(UBound(NoContacts)) = Range("F" & Row).Value
ReDim Preserve NoContacts(1 To UBound(NoContacts) + 1) As String
End If
End If
End If
' Go onto the next row
Next Row
End With
End If
With objMail
.To = To_Recipients
End With
Set objOutlook = Nothing
Set objMail = Nothing
' Close the User Form
Unload Me
End Sub
What I want to be able to do is get is so that if there isn't a contact, for example in shop "D" in the above example, a message box appears saying that there is no contact. To do this I have started to use the array:
Which, as you can see in the code from the above:
' See whether the shop is already in the array
If UBound(Filter(NoContacts, Range("F" & Row).Value)) = -1 Then
' If it isn't then add it to the array
NoContacts(UBound(NoContacts)) = Range("F" & Row).Value
ReDim Preserve NoContacts(1 To UBound(NoContacts) + 1) As String
End if
Has the shop letter entered into it if there isn't a contact, for example if there isn't a Supervisor like shop "B" in the example. Because this code looks at all the Supervisors, i.e. it runs down column B adding the email addresses to the "To_Recipients" variable if there is an email address and adding the shop to the "NoContacts" array if there isn't, then goes on to the Assistants, I need to know how to delete an item from the array.
For example, the above code will add Shop "B" into the array because it doesn't have a Supervisor, however because it has an Assistant I need to remove Shop "B" from the array when it runs the Assistant code, whereas Shop "D" will stay in the array because it has neither Supervisor or Assistant - Remember that I am trying to display a list of Shops that have no contact and so are not included in the email.
This are makes sense in my mind, however please let me know if I have not explained it clearly.
So, to clarify, how can I remove a specific item from an array?
Your code could be simplified by only looping over the rows once, and checking both supervisor and assistant at the same time:
Private Sub btnEmail_Click()
'Add in the column references to where the email addresses are
Const Supervisor_Column = "K"
Const Assistant_Column = "M"
Dim To_Recipients As String
Dim NoContacts() As String
Dim objOutlook As Object
Dim objMail As Object
Dim firstRow As Long, lastRow As Long
Dim doSup As Boolean, doAssist As Boolean, eSup, eAssist
Dim bHadContact As Boolean
ReDim NoContacts(1 To 1) As String
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(0)
doSup = chkToSupervisor.Value
doAssist = chkToAssistant.Value
To_Recipients = ""
' If either checkbox is ticked
If doSup Or doAssist Then
With ActiveSheet
firstRow = .AutoFilter.Range.Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Row
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For Row = firstRow To lastRow
If Not Rows(Row).Hidden Then
bHadContact = False
eSup = Trim(.Cells(Row, Supervisor_Column))
eAssist = Trim(.Cells(Row, Assistant_Column))
If Len(eSup) > 0 And doSup Then
To_Recipients = To_Recipients & ";" & eSup
bHadContact = True
End If
If Len(eAssist) > 0 And doAssist Then
To_Recipients = To_Recipients & ";" & eAssist
bHadContact = True
End If
'no assistant or supervisor - add the shop
If Not bHadContact Then
NoContacts(UBound(NoContacts)) = .Cells(Row, "F").Value
ReDim Preserve NoContacts(1 To UBound(NoContacts) + 1)
End If
End If 'not hidden
Next Row
End With
End If
With objMail
.To = To_Recipients
End With
If UBound(NoContacts) > 1 Then
MsgBox "One or more stores had no contacts:" & vbCrLf & Join(NoContacts, vbLf), _
End If
Set objOutlook = Nothing
Set objMail = Nothing
' Close the User Form
Unload Me
End Sub
To answer your specific question though, there's no built-in way to remove one or more items from an array. You would build a function or sub to do that: loop over the array and copy its items to a second array, excluding the item(s) to be removed.
Sub Tester()
Dim arr
arr = Split("A,B,C,D", ",")
Debug.Print "Before:", Join(arr, ",")
RemoveItem arr, "A"
Debug.Print "After:", Join(arr, ",")
End Sub
Sub RemoveItem(ByRef arr, v)
Dim rv(), i As Long, n As Long, ub As Long, lb As Long
lb = LBound(arr): ub = UBound(arr)
ReDim rv(lb To ub)
For i = lb To ub
If arr(i) <> v Then
rv(i - n) = arr(i)
n = n + 1
End If
'check bounds before resizing
If (ub - n) >= lb Then ReDim Preserve rv(lb To ub - n)
arr = rv
End Sub
I'm writing on a timesheet printing code.
In a table, I was provided with all staff names (column A) and (if timesheet needs to be printed) their initials (column E). If staff doesn't need timesheet, they provided "XXX" as initials.
I now want to print all staff which have initials other than "XXX".
I can print individual timesheet or even the array of all worksheets after "print", but I can't read the array into VBA to print only the ones I need.
Is it because worksheet "XXX" doesn't exist?
What is missing from my code?
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
'check if date is a Monday
If Weekday(Range("B2").Value) <> 2 Then
MsgBox "Please alter the date to a Monday.", 0, "Date selected is not a Monday."
Exit Sub
End If
Dim PrintRng As Range
Dim SavePDFT As String
Dim shtArray() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set PrintRng = Range("A1:Q34")
SavePDFT = ThisWorkbook.Path & "Timesheets_" & Range("E40").Value & "_" & Format(Now(), "yymmddhhmmss")
x = Worksheets("print").Index
' Enter the sheet names into an array
i = 0
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
With ws
If .Index > x Then
ReDim Preserve shtArray(i)
Debug.Print ws.Name
shtArray(i) = ws.Name
'MsgBox "" & ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtArray(i)).Name
i = i + 1
End If
End With
Next ws
Dim TSarray() As Variant
elements = 10 ' needs to be altered
ReDim TSarray(1 To elements) As String
counter = 1
For counter = 1 To elements
f = 4 + counter
If Cells(f, 5).Value <> "XXX" Then
TSarray(counter) = Cells(f, 5).Value
End If
Next counter
'counter = 1 'this loop shows what was filled in
' While counter <= UBound(TSarray)
' MsgBox TSarray(counter)
' counter = counter + 1
' Wend
Sheets(TSarray).Select 'working with Sheets(shtArray).Select, but I don't want to print all worksheets, just selected ones
ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=1, ColumnLevels:=1
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.PrintArea = PrintRng
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.FitToPagesTall = 1
End With
ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _
Filename:=SavePDFT, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _
ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=8, ColumnLevels:=8
End Sub
I've got two worksheets. The first (Calculation) contains 10.000 rows with a lot of RTD formulas and different calculations. The second (observer) observes the first one.
I've got a VBA script that runs every second and checks every row of worksheet 1 (Calculation). If the loop finds some marked data on worksheet 1 then it will copy some data from WS1 to WS2.
Solution 1: Loop checking 10.000 rows
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
For I = 1 To 10000
If CStr(.Cells(I, 1)) = "X" Then
'DO SOME SUFF (copy the line from WS 1 to WS2)
'Find first empty row
LR2 = WS2.Cells(15, 1).End(xlDown).Row + 1
'Copy data from WS1 to WS2
WS1.Range(.Cells(I, 1), .Cells(I, 14)).Copy
WS2.Cells(LR2, 1).PasteSpecial xlValues
End If
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Solution 2: Array function with a small loop
Can I use, instead of the 10.000 row loop, an Excel Array to observe the 10.000 rows and do some stuff with the smaller array.
On worksheet 2, I would have this code: (A1:O15)
{=index(Calculation!A$1:$O$10000; .....)....))}
Again I would have a smaller loop through the 15 lines of array function:
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
For K = 1 To 15
If CStr(.Cells(I, 1)) = "X" Then
'Find first empty row
LR2 = WS2.Cells(15, 1).End(xlDown).Row + 1
'Copy data from WS1 to WS2
WS1.Range(.Cells(I, 1), .Cells(I, 14)).Copy
WS2.Cells(LR2, 1).PasteSpecial xlValues
End If
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
I would like to know what solution has the better performance.
I am not sure if an Excel array over 10.000 rows has a good performance. For sure the 15-rowLoop is faster than a 10000-row-Loop.
I don't know how to measure if a 15-row Loop in connection with an array (observing 10.000 rows) is faster.
Copy to Sheet With Criteria
Copies each row of a dataset in a worksheet containing a specified value (Criteria) in a specified column, to another worksheet.
Adjust the values in the constants section of createReport.
The data transfer will only (always) happen when the worksheet "Observer" is activated e.g. when another sheet is currently selected and the "Observer" tab is clicked on.
This code took about 5 seconds for a million (all) rows, and under a second for 100.000 rows on my machine.
The efficiency can further be improved by using the code with the Worksheet Change event in the "Calculation" worksheet and by turning off certain Application events (e.g. .ScreenUpdating, .Calculation, .EnableEvents).
Excel Test Setup (Worksheet "Calculation")
[A1:I1] ="Column "&COLUMN()
[A2] =IF(I2=1,"X","Y")
[B2:H2] =RANDBETWEEN(1,1000)
[I2] =RANDBETWEEN(1,100)
Sheet Module (Worksheet "Observer")
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
End Sub
Standard Module e.g. Module1
Option Explicit
Sub createReport()
' Constants
' Source
Const srcName As String = "Calculation"
Const CriteriaColumn As Long = 1
Const Criteria As String = "X"
Const srcFirstCellAddress As String = "A1"
' Target
Const tgtName As String = "Observer"
Const tgtFirstCellAddress As String = "A1"
Const includeHeaders As Boolean = True
' Other
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' The workbook containing this code.
' Define Source Range ('rng').
' Define Source First Cell ('cel').
Dim cel As Range
Set cel = wb.Worksheets(srcName).Range(srcFirstCellAddress)
' Define the Current Region ('rng') 'around' First Cell.
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = cel.CurrentRegion
' Define Source Range ('rng') i.e. exclude cells to the left and above
' of Source First Cell from the Current Region.
Set rng = rng.Resize(rng.Rows.Count - cel.Row + rng.Row, _
rng.Columns.Count - cel.Column + rng.Column) _
.Offset(cel.Row - rng.Row, cel.Column - rng.Column)
' Write values from Source Range to Data Array ('Data').
Dim Data As Variant
Data = rng.Value
' Write resulting values from Data Array to Data Array
' i.e. 'shift' them to the beginning.
Dim NoC As Long ' Number of Columns
NoC = UBound(Data, 2)
Dim i As Long ' Source Data Rows Counter
Dim j As Long ' Source/Target Data Columns Counter
Dim CurrentRow As Long ' Target Data Rows Counter
Dim checkHeaders As Long
checkHeaders = -CLng(includeHeaders) ' True is '-1' in VBA.
CurrentRow = checkHeaders
For i = 1 To UBound(Data, 1)
If Data(i, CriteriaColumn) = Criteria Then
CurrentRow = CurrentRow + 1
For j = 1 To NoC
' 'Shift' from 'i' to 'CurrentRow'.
Data(CurrentRow, j) = Data(i, j)
Next j
End If
Next i
' Write values from Data Array to Target Range ('rng').
' Define Target First Cell ('cel').
Set cel = wb.Worksheets(tgtName).Range(tgtFirstCellAddress)
' Define Target First Row ('rng').
Set rng = cel.Resize(, NoC)
' Clear contents in columns.
rng.Resize(rng.Worksheet.Rows.Count - cel.Row + 1).ClearContents
Select Case CurrentRow
Case 0
GoTo CriteriaNotFound
Case checkHeaders
' Write headers from Data Array to Target Range.
rng.Resize(CurrentRow).Value = Data
GoTo CriteriaNotFound
Case Else
' Write values from Data Array to Target Range.
rng.Resize(CurrentRow).Value = Data
GoTo Success
End Select
' Exit.
Exit Sub
' Inform user.
MsgBox "Value '" & Criteria & "' not found.", vbExclamation, "Fail"
GoTo ProcExit
MsgBox CurrentRow - checkHeaders & " row(s) of data transferred.", _
vbInformation, "Success"
GoTo ProcExit
End Sub
Rather than going back to column A 10,000 times, bring all the values into a 1D VBA array and then loop over that array:
Sub whatever()
Dim rng As Range, arr
Set rng = Sheets("Calculation").Range("A1:A10000")
arr = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(rng)
For i = 1 To 10000
If arr(i) = "X" Then
'do some stuff
End If
Next i
End Sub
If there are very few X's then it may be nearly instantaneous.
Based on Chris Neilsen's comment, here is a version that does not use Transpose():
Sub whatever2()
Dim rng As Range, arr
Set rng = Sheets("Calculation").Range("A1:A10000")
arr = rng
For i = 1 To 10000
If arr(i, 1) = "X" Then
'do some stuff
End If
Next i
End Sub
Test the next code, please. It should be very fast, using arrays and everything happening in memory. The code assumes that you need to copy all occurrences starting with the last empty cell of WS2:
Sub CopyFromWS1ToWs2Array()
Dim WS1 As Worksheet, WS2 As Worksheet, lastRow As Long, searchStr As String
Dim LR2 As Long, arr1 As Variant, arr2 As Variant, i As Long, k As Long, j As Long
Set WS1 = ActiveSheet 'use here your necessary sheet
Set WS2 = WS1.Next 'use here your necessary sheet. I used this only for testing reason
lastRow = WS1.Range("A" & rows.count).End(xlUp).row 'last row of the first sheet
arr1 = WS1.Range("A1:N" & lastRow).Value 'put the range in an array
ReDim arr2(1 To UBound(arr1, 2), 1 To UBound(arr1)) 'redim the array to be returned
'columns and rows are reversed because
'only the second dimension can be Redim Preserve(d)
searchStr = "X" 'setting the search string
For i = 1 To UBound(arr1)
If arr1(i, 1) = searchStr Then
k = k + 1 'the array row is incremented (in fact, it is the column now...)
For j = 1 To UBound(arr1, 2)
arr2(j, k) = arr1(i, j) 'the row is loaded with all the necessary values
Next j
End If
Next i
'the final array is Redim, preserving only the existing values:
ReDim Preserve arr2(1 To UBound(arr1, 2), 1 To k)
LR2 = WS2.cells(rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).row + 1 'last empty row of the second worksheet
'Dropping the array content at once (the fastest way of copying):
WS2.Range("A" & LR2).Resize(UBound(arr2, 2), UBound(arr2)).Value = _
WS2.Activate: WS2.Range("A" & LR2).Select
MsgBox "Ready...", vbInformation, "Job done"
End Sub
Please, test the next code, which should also solve your last requests (as I understood them):
Sub CopyFromWS1ToWs2ArrayBis()
Dim WS1 As Worksheet, WS2 As Worksheet, lastRow As Long, searchStr As String
Dim LR2 As Long, arr1 As Variant, arr2 As Variant, arrWS2 As Variant
Dim i As Long, k As Long, j As Long, s As Long, boolFound As Boolean
Set WS1 = ActiveSheet 'use here your necessary sheet
Set WS2 = WS1.Next 'use here your necessary sheet. I used this only for testing reason
lastRow = WS1.Range("A" & rows.count).End(xlUp).row 'last row of the first sheet
LR2 = WS2.cells(rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).row 'last empty row of the second worksheet
arr1 = WS1.Range("A1:N" & lastRow).Value 'put the range of WS1 in an array
ReDim arr2(1 To UBound(arr1, 2), 1 To UBound(arr1)) 'redim the array to be returned
'columns and rows are reversed because
'only the second dimension can be Redim Preserve(d)
arrWS2 = WS2.Range("A1:N" & LR2).Value 'put the range of WS2 in an array
searchStr = "X" 'setting the search string
For i = 1 To UBound(arr1)
If arr1(i, 1) = searchStr Then
For s = 1 To UBound(arrWS2)
If arr1(i, 1) = arrWS2(s, 1) And arr1(i, 2) = arrWS2(s, 2) And _
arr1(i, 3) = arrWS2(s, 3) Then
boolFound = True: Exit For 'if first three array columns are the same
End If
Next s
If Not boolFound Then 'if first thrree array columns not the same:
k = k + 1 'the array row is incremented
For j = 1 To UBound(arr1, 2)
arr2(j, k) = arr1(i, j) 'the row is loaded with all the necessary values
Next j
'swap the columns 4 and 5 values:
If arr1(i, 4) = "ABC" And arr1(i, 5) = "XYZ" Then arr2(4, k) = "XYZ": arr2(5, k) = "ABC"
End If
boolFound = False 'reinitialize the boolean variable
End If
Next i
If k > 0 Then
'Preserving only the existing array elements:
ReDim Preserve arr2(1 To UBound(arr1, 2), 1 To k)
'Dropping the array content at once (the fastest way of copying):
WS2.Range("A" & LR2 + 1).Resize(UBound(arr2, 2), UBound(arr2)).Value = _
WS2.Activate: WS2.Range("A" & LR2 + 1).Select
MsgBox "Ready...", vbInformation, "Job done"
MsgBox "No any row to be copied!", vbInformation, "Nothing changed"
End If
End Sub
I am looping through ArrayDestination through two columns (customer name and process number).
I am looping through ArraySourceData to find matches (invoice number and amount) for the above search criteria.
If there is a match it gets copied to the array and once both loops finish the results get copied to the worksheet.
So far it works except that the loop is only returning the first match.
If a customer has multiple identical process numbers the loop only returns the first match for all of them.
My b variable looks a bit static and I tried to cheer it up with b = b + 1.
For simplicity I didn't post creating the array part. It works. If needed I can provide it.
Sub search_loop_arrray()
For a = 2 To UBound(ArraySourceData)
varCustomerName = ArraySourceData(a, 3)
varProcessNumber = ArraySourceData(a, 5)
For b = 2 To UBound(ArrayDestination)
If ArrayDestination(b, 3) = varCustomerName And _
ArrayDestination(b, 8) = varProcessNumber Then
ArrayDestination(b, 9) = ArraySourceData(a, 11)
ArrayDestination(b, 10) = ArraySourceData(a, 12)
Exit For
End If
Next b
Next a
'transfer data (invoice number and amount) from ArrayDestination to wsDestination (Column 9 and 10)
For a = 2 To UBound(ArraySourceData)
For b = 9 To 10
wsDestination.Cells(a, b).Value = ArrayDestination(a, b)
Next b
Next a
End Sub
I rewrote the code in a nested for loop without the array. This code works. The problem is there are duplicated process numbers in my source data.
In my example I "cut and paste" the already found process numbers in a sheet called coincidences. It is working BUT I was looking to parse everything into an array due to dealing with 100.000+ rows and 20+ columns.
I don't know if my "copy to temporary coincidences sheet" would make sense in the array?
Sub find_invoice()
Dim wsSourceData As Worksheet
Dim wsResults As Worksheet
Dim wsCoincidences As Worksheet
Dim varCustomer As String
Dim varProcessNumber As Long
Dim varInvoiceNumber As Long
Dim varSDlastrow As Integer
Dim varRElastrow As Long
Dim varCIlastrow As Long
Dim varCounterResults As Long
Set wsResults = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RESULTS")
Set wsSourceData = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SOURCEDATA")
Set wsCoincidences = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("COINCIDENCES")
varSDlastrow = wsSourceData.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
varRElastrow = wsResults.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
varCIlastrow = wsCoincidences.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To varRElastrow
varCustomer = wsResults.Cells(i, 1)
varProcessNumber = wsResults.Cells(i, 2)
For j = 2 To varSDlastrow
If wsSourceData.Cells(j, 1) = varCustomer And wsSourceData.Cells(j, 2) = varProcessNumber Then
wsResults.Cells(i, 3) = wsSourceData.Cells(j, 3)
wsResults.Cells(i, 4) = wsSourceData.Cells(j, 4)
wsCoincidences.Rows(varCIlastrow).EntireRow.Value = wsSourceData.Rows(j).EntireRow.Value
varCIlastrow = varCIlastrow + 1
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
I'm not sure you're logic is right. If you are saying you need to match 2 parameters and several entities can contain those two parameters, then I don't see how you can do anything other than find either the first or last occurrence. Wouldn't you need a third parameter to distinguish the matches?
You'll see in the sample code below, I've assumed that the source data has the list of invoices which are sequential and the destination data has the duplicate customer and process parameters. In this case I've assumed that the invoice matching on the destination sheet should also be sequential, ie 2nd occurrence of duplicate means match the 2nd occurence of an invoice. So here, 'sequence' becomes the third parameter, but yours may be different.
It might also be easier to format your data into a hierarchical structure:
customer -> process -> invoice
so you can see what's going on a little easier. Classes are ideal for this. Your code is hard to follow as that Exit For will guarantee a first match only, and the transfer loop iterates on the upperbound of the ArraySourceData array and yet processes the ArrayDestination (I can't see what you're trying to do there, unless it's an error).
To show you what I mean, create three classes (Insert~>Class Module) called cCustomer, cProcess and cInvoice. Add the following code to each:
Option Explicit
Public Name As String
Public Processes As Collection
Public Sub AddInvoice(processNum As String, invoiceNum As String, invAmount As Double)
Dim process As cProcess
Dim invoice As cInvoice
On Error Resume Next
Set process = Processes(processNum)
On Error GoTo 0
If process Is Nothing Then
Set process = New cProcess
With process
.ProcessNumber = processNum
Processes.Add process, .ProcessNumber
End With
End If
Set invoice = New cInvoice
With invoice
.InvoiceNumber = invoiceNum
.Amount = invAmount
process.Invoices.Add invoice
End With
End Sub
Public Function GetProcess(num As String) As cProcess
On Error Resume Next
Set GetProcess = Processes(num)
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Processes = New Collection
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public ProcessNumber As String
Public Invoices As Collection
Public CurrentInvoiceCount As Long
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Invoices = New Collection
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public InvoiceNumber As String
Public Amount As Double
Public ArrayIndex As Long
The following routine in your Module will output the data as I described above:
Dim customers As Collection
Dim customer As cCustomer
Dim process As cProcess
Dim invoice As cInvoice
Dim srcData As Variant, dstData As Variant
Dim output() As Variant
Dim i As Long
'Populate the source data array.
'Note: just an example here, use whatever array populating code you have.
With Sheet1 'I've put some dummy data in my Sheet1.
srcData = _
.Range( _
.Cells(2, "A"), _
.Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)) _
.Resize(, 12) _
End With
'Populate the destination data array.
'Note: just an example here, use whatever array populating code you have.
With Sheet2 'I've put some dummy data in my Sheet2.
dstData = _
.Range( _
.Cells(2, "A"), _
.Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)) _
.Resize(, 10) _
End With
'Convert source array to heirarchical collections.
Set customers = New Collection
For i = 1 To UBound(srcData, 1)
Set customer = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set customer = customers(CStr(srcData(i, 3))): On Error GoTo 0
If customer Is Nothing Then
Set customer = New cCustomer
With customer
.Name = CStr(srcData(i, 3))
customers.Add customer, .Name
End With
End If
customer.AddInvoice CStr(srcData(i, 5)), CStr(srcData(i, 11)), CDbl(srcData(i, 12))
'Match destination array.
For i = 1 To UBound(dstData, 1)
Set customer = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set customer = customers(CStr(dstData(i, 3))): On Error GoTo 0
If Not customer Is Nothing Then
Set process = customer.GetProcess(CStr(dstData(i, 8)))
If Not process Is Nothing Then
With process
.CurrentInvoiceCount = .CurrentInvoiceCount + 1
If .CurrentInvoiceCount > .Invoices.Count Then
MsgBox "No further invoices for [cust=" & customer.Name & ";" & process.ProcessNumber & "]"
Set invoice = .Invoices(.CurrentInvoiceCount)
invoice.ArrayIndex = i
End If
End With
End If
End If
'Populate the output array.
ReDim output(1 To UBound(dstData, 1), 1 To 2)
For Each customer In customers
For Each process In customer.Processes
For Each invoice In process.Invoices
With invoice
If .ArrayIndex > 0 Then
output(.ArrayIndex, 1) = .InvoiceNumber
output(.ArrayIndex, 2) = .Amount
End If
End With
'Write array to worksheet
Sheet2.Cells(2, 9).Resize(UBound(output, 1), UBound(output, 2)).Value = output
Without seeing some sample data, it's difficult to be certain, but I suspect my point is: if only a combination of three of parameters makes something unique, then you'll need to match against those three parameters.
If you have 100,000 rows on the SOURCEDATA sheet and 10,000 rows of the RESULTS sheet then having 2 loops is 1,000,000,000 iterations. The efficient way is to use a dictionary object using a key constructed on your 2 match criteria (col1 and col2) joined by a character of your choice such a "~" (tilde) or "_" (underscore). Scan the SOURCEDATA sheet once to build a "look up" of key to row number. Then scan the RESULTS sheet once, concatenate the 2 fields as before and using the dictionary .exists(key) method to find a match will give you the relevant row number on SOURCEDATA. Here is some code to illustrate. I tested it with 100,000 source rows and 10,000 results rows of random data matching the keys and filling in col C and D on the RESULTS sheet take around 3 seconds. Add a sheet called RUNLOG for the performance figures. It looks a lot of code but much of it is logging.
Option Explicit
Sub find_invoice2()
Const MSG As Boolean = False ' TRUE to show message boxes
Const RUNLOG As Boolean = False ' TRUE to log matches, no match etc
Dim wb As Workbook, start As Single, finish As Single
start = Timer
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
' set up sheets
Dim wsSourceData As Worksheet, wsResults As Worksheet, wsLog As Worksheet, wsMatch
With wb
Set wsResults = .Sheets("RESULTS")
Set wsSourceData = .Sheets("SOURCEDATA")
Set wsMatch = .Sheets("COINCIDENCES")
Set wsLog = .Sheets("RUNLOG")
End With
' find last row of source and results
Dim lastRowSource As Long, lastRowResults As Long, lastRowLog As Long, lastRowMatch
lastRowSource = wsSourceData.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastRowResults = wsResults.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastRowMatch = wsMatch.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
' set up log sheets
wsLog.Range("A1:E1") = Array("Source Row", "Result Row", "Customer~Process", "Message", "Date Time")
wsLog.Cells(2, 4) = "Started"
wsLog.Cells(2, 5) = Time
lastRowLog = 3
' create lookup from Source
' key = Name~ProcessID, value = array row
Dim dict As Object, sKey As String, iRow As Long
Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
With wsSourceData
For iRow = 2 To lastRowSource
sKey = CStr(.Cells(iRow, 1)) & "~" & CStr(.Cells(iRow, 2)) ' customer~process
If Len(sKey) > 1 Then ' skip blanks lines if any
If dict.exists(sKey) Then
dict.Item(sKey) = dict.Item(sKey) & "_" & CStr(iRow)
If MSG Then MsgBox "Ignoring duplicate key in Source Data " & sKey, vbCritical
With wsLog.Cells(lastRowLog, 1)
.Offset(0, 0) = iRow
.Offset(0, 2) = sKey
.Offset(0, 3) = "Source : Ignoring duplicate key "
.Offset(0, 4) = Time
End With
lastRowLog = lastRowLog + 1
End If
dict.Add sKey, iRow
'Debug.Print "Dict add", sKey, iRow
End If
End If
End With
If MSG Then MsgBox dict.Count & " records added to dictionary"
wsLog.Cells(lastRowLog, 4) = "Dictionary Built Keys Count = " & dict.Count
wsLog.Cells(lastRowLog, 5) = Time
lastRowLog = lastRowLog + 1 ' blank line to seperate results
' scan results sheet
Dim sDict As String, countMatch As Long, countNoMatch As Long, sMsg As String
Dim ar As Variant, i As Long
countMatch = 0: countNoMatch = 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With wsResults
For iRow = 2 To lastRowResults
sKey = CStr(.Cells(iRow, 1)) & "~" & CStr(.Cells(iRow, 2)) ' customer~process
If Len(sKey) > 1 Then 'skip blanks lines if any
If dict.exists(sKey) Then
' split string to get multiple lines
sDict = dict(sKey)
ar = Split(sDict, "_")
.Cells(iRow, 3).Value = UBound(ar) + 1
For i = 0 To UBound(ar)
.Cells(iRow, 4).Offset(0, i) = ar(i)
lastRowMatch = lastRowMatch + 1
countMatch = countMatch + 1
With wsLog.Cells(lastRowLog, 1)
.Offset(0, 0) = sDict
.Offset(0, 1) = iRow
.Offset(0, 2) = sKey
.Offset(0, 3) = "Match - Source record deleted"
.Offset(0, 4) = Time
End With
lastRowLog = lastRowLog + 1
End If
'Debug.Print iRow,sDict, sKey,
' no match
If MSG Then MsgBox "Results Row " & iRow & ": NO match for " & sKey, vbExclamation, "NO match"
countNoMatch = countNoMatch + 1
With wsLog.Cells(lastRowLog, 1)
.Offset(0, 1) = iRow
.Offset(0, 2) = sKey
.Offset(0, 3) = "Results : NO match"
.Offset(0, 4) = Time
.EntireRow.Interior.Color = vbYellow
End With
.Cells(iRow, 3).Resize(1, 2).Interior.Color = vbYellow
lastRowLog = lastRowLog + 1
'Debug.Print iRow, sDict, sKey,
End If
End If
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
wsLog.Cells(lastRowLog, 4) = "Program Ended Rows Scanned = " & lastRowResults - 1
wsLog.Cells(lastRowLog, 5) = Time
wsLog.Columns("A:B").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
' result
finish = Timer
sMsg = "Matched = " & countMatch & vbCrLf _
& "NO match = " & countNoMatch & vbCrLf _
& "Run time (secs) = " & Int(finish - start)
MsgBox sMsg, vbInformation, "Results"
End Sub
This code is now working to search multiple values in multiple sheets.
How can I fix it to support searching multiple values at the same time without having to write every one . For example, I want to put in column A all my search values, and then I click on search, and it should search and give the value for all of them at the same time. What should I change in the code to do this function?
Please see the code and the images.
Dim i, j, k, l, m, n, no_sheets As Variant
Dim key, cursor, sheetname As Variant
Dim flag As Variant
Dim sheet1_count, sheet1_row, row_count As Integer
Dim Arr() As Variant
sheet1_count = WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("A:A"))
no_sheets = 3 ' Number of sheets
k = 2
sheet1_row = sheet1_count 'My start in result sheet
key = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("A" & sheet1_count) ' The value that the user will put in searching sheet in column A
For i = 2 To no_sheets ' sheet2 then sheet3 then sheet4 then sheet5 ..etc
flag = False
sheetname = "Sheet" & i
row_count = WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sheetname).Range("A:A")) ' It's a counter that will contain the range of row A in each sheet
For j = 1 To row_count 'I'll start from row 1 until the last sheet
cursor = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sheetname).Range("A" & j) 'Searching in column A in each sheet (1st row - last row) and put the value in this variable
If key = cursor Then ' If the entering value in sheet1 equal the value that we have in current sheet, do the following
' Copying the data
flag = True ' The data found
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("A" & sheet1_row) = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sheetname).Range("A" & j)
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("B" & sheet1_row) = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sheetname).Range("B" & j)
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("C" & sheet1_row) = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sheetname).Range("C" & j)
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("D" & sheet1_row) = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sheetname).Range("D" & j)
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("E" & sheet1_row) = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sheetname).Range("E" & j)
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("F" & sheet1_row) = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sheetname).Range("F" & j)
sheet1_row = sheet1_row + 1
End If
Next j 'Go to the next row
Next i 'Go to the next sheet
MsgBox "finished, Do another search..!"
If key <> cursor Then
flag = False ' If the value not found
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("B" & sheet1_row) = "Not found"
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("C" & sheet1_row) = "Not found"
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("D" & sheet1_row) = "Not found"
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("E" & sheet1_row) = "Not found"
End If
End Sub
Sub MatchUnMatch_Click()
Dim i, j, k, l, m, n As Integer
Dim ListA_count, ListB_count, ListC_count, ListD_count, ListE_count As Integer
Dim key, cursor As String
Dim flag As Boolean
ListA_count = WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MatchUnmatch").Range("A:A"))
ListB_count = WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MatchUnmatch").Range("B:B"))
'ListA_count = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MatchUnMatch").Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row
'MsgBox ListA_count & " " & ListB_count
' Matching Logic for List 'A' and List 'B'
k = 2
For i = 2 To ListA_count
key = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MatchUnMatch").Range("A" & i)
For j = 1 To ListB_count
cursor = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MatchUnMatch").Range("B" & j)
'MsgBox "Key=" & Key & " Cursor=" & cursor
If key = cursor Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MatchUnMatch").Range("C" & k) = key
k = k + 1
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
' List 'A' items not in List 'B'
ListC_count = WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MatchUnmatch").Range("C:C"))
k = 2
For i = 2 To ListA_count
key = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MatchUnMatch").Range("A" & i)
flag = False
For j = 1 To ListC_count
cursor = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MatchUnMatch").Range("C" & j)
If key = cursor Then
flag = True
Exit For
End If
Next j
If flag = False Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MatchUnMatch").Range("D" & k) = key
k = k + 1
End If
Next i
' List 'B' items not in List 'A'
k = 2
For i = 2 To ListB_count
key = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MatchUnMatch").Range("B" & i)
flag = False
For j = 1 To ListC_count
cursor = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MatchUnMatch").Range("C" & j)
If key = cursor Then
flag = True
Exit For
End If
Next j
If flag = False Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MatchUnMatch").Range("E" & k) = key
k = k + 1
End If
Next i
End sub
see the image please, to understand what I meanI want to put in row A in search sheet (first sheet) many numbers and then I want to click on search button one time only that should give me all the values at the same time.I don't want to click one search more than one time.
I want someone to fix it for me please. As soon as possible :(
(*) updated after OP's requested functionality to save data from previous runs and have numbers not found in "data" sheets marked as "NOT FOUND"
(**) updated after OP's request to handle a variable number of columns
(***) updated to fix FindItems() function to handle non contiguous cells range
(****) updated to fix iRow updating in sub Main()
(*****) updated to have items to be searched in sheets whose cell "A1" has same content as that of "base" sheets
(******) updated to have items to be searched in column A of all data sheets, whatever the header of that column
While I was doing my code, Cornel's already given you an answer which is ok
however should you ever want to manage:
any different number of "data" Sheets (i.e.: sheets to seek for item number in its column "A" and gather relevant data from adjacent columns)
multiple occurrences of a "number" in any "data" sheet
(*) functionality to save previous data already in "base" sheet resulting from previous runs
(*) functionality to mark "NOT FOUND" in "base" sheet when number not found on any "data" sheet
(**) functionality to handle a variable number of columns
then you may want to use the following code
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim items() As Variant, itemToFind As Variant
Dim itemsNumber As Long, previousDataNumber As Long, dataShtNumber As Long, iRow As Long, i As Long, j As Integer
Dim itemsSht As Worksheet, dataShts() As Worksheet
Dim rngToCopy As Range
Dim itemFound As Boolean
Dim columnsNumberToCopyAndPaste As Long
columnsNumberToCopyAndPaste = 7 '<== here you set the number of columns to be copied form "data" sheet and pasted in "base" sheet
Set itemsSht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' this is the "base" sheet you take "numbers" from its column A, starting at row 2
Call GetItems(itemsSht, items(), itemsNumber, previousDataNumber) ' gather all "numbers" to be searched for in "data" sheets
Call GetDataWorksheets(dataShts(), ThisWorkbook, "Sheet1", dataShtNumber) ' gather all "data" sheets
iRow = 1
For i = 1 To itemsNumber 'loop through "numbers"
itemToFind = items(i) ' "number" to be searched for in "data" sheets
itemFound = False
For j = 1 To dataShtNumber 'loop through "data" worksheets
Set rngToCopy = FindItems(dataShts(j), itemToFind, 1, columnsNumberToCopyAndPaste) ' get "data" sheet column 1 cells with "number" along with 'columnsNumberToCopyAndPaste-1' adjacents cells
If Not rngToCopy Is Nothing Then ' if found any occurrence of the "number" ...
rngToCopy.Copy itemsSht.Cells(1, 1).Offset(previousDataNumber + iRow) ' ... copy it and paste into "base" sheet
iRow = iRow + rngToCopy.Count / columnsNumberToCopyAndPaste 'update "base" sheet row offset to paste subsequent cells, if any
itemFound = True
End If
Next j
If Not itemFound Then 'if NOT found any occurrence of the "number" ...
itemsSht.Cells(1, 1).Offset(previousDataNumber + iRow).Value = itemToFind
itemsSht.Cells(1, 2).Offset(previousDataNumber + iRow).Resize(1, columnsNumberToCopyAndPaste - 1).Value = "NOT FOUND"
iRow = iRow + 1
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub GetItems(itemsSht As Worksheet, items() As Variant, itemsNumber As Long, previousDataNumber As Long)
With itemsSht
previousDataNumber = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row - 1
itemsNumber = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row - 1 - previousDataNumber
ReDim items(1 To itemsNumber) As Variant
With .Cells(2 + previousDataNumber, 1).Resize(itemsNumber)
If itemsNumber = 1 Then
items(1) = .Value
items = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(.Value)
End If
End With
End With
End Sub
Function FindItems(sht As Worksheet, itemToFind As Variant, columnToSearchFor As Long, columnsToCopy As Long) As Range
Dim cell As Range, unionRng As Range
Dim firstAddress As String
With sht.Columns(columnToSearchFor)
Set cell = .Find(What:=itemToFind, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not cell Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = cell.Address
Set unionRng = cell.Resize(, columnsToCopy)
Set unionRng = Union(unionRng, cell.Resize(, columnsToCopy))
Set cell = .FindNext(cell)
Loop While Not cell Is Nothing And cell.Address <> firstAddress
Set FindItems = unionRng
End If
End With
End Function
Sub GetDataWorksheets(shts() As Worksheet, wb As Workbook, noShtName As String, nShts As Long)
Dim sht As Worksheet
For Each sht In wb.Worksheets
With sht
If .Name <> noShtName Then
nShts = nShts + 1
ReDim Preserve shts(1 To nShts) As Worksheet
Set shts(nShts) = sht
End If
End With
Next sht
End Sub
(*) Actually I added a previousDataNumber variable to track data already there at the time the routine runs
(**) in columnsNumberToCopyAndPaste = 5 you set the number of columns to be handled
I split it into a "main" sub and some other "helper" subs or function in order to have clear and more maintainable/changeable code.
this habit has always helped me much more than I could ever expect at my beginnings, when I was used to code looong subs
Now I fully understand the problem, I have edited my initial Script. Now it includes a FINDNEXT loop after the first FIND, this searches all the duplicate values on the sheet. This loops until FINDNEXT.cell.address is the same as FIND.cell.address. To search only in column "A" I changed sheets(i).cells to sheets(i).Range("A:A") in the Find function
Sub find_cells()
Dim find_cell As Range
Dim colection_items As Collection
Dim look_up_value As String
nb_rows = Sheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'count the number of rows with data on sheet(1)
Set colection_items = New Collection
For j = 2 To nb_rows
colection_items.Add Sheets(1).Cells(j, 1).Value
Next j
counter_rows = 2 'the first row on sheet(2) where we start copying data from
For col = 1 To colection_items.Count
look_up_value = colection_items(col)
For i = 2 To ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count
Set find_cell = Sheets(i).Range("A:A").Find(What:=look_up_value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
If Not find_cell Is Nothing Then
Dim cell_adrs As String
cell_adrs = find_cell.Address 'record address of the first instance of the lookup value on the sheet (i)
Sheets(1).Cells(counter_rows, 1).Value = find_cell
Sheets(1).Cells(counter_rows, 2).Value = find_cell.Offset(0, 1) 'copies data from the cell to the left by one column
Sheets(1).Cells(counter_rows, 3).Value = find_cell.Offset(0, 2) 'copies data from the cell to the left by 2 columns
counter_rows = counter_rows + 1
Set find_cell = Sheets(i).Range("A:A").FindNext(find_cell) 'we lookup the next instance on sheet (i)
If cell_adrs <> find_cell.Address Then 'if the next value found is different than the first value from sheet(i)
Sheets(1).Cells(counter_rows, 1).Value = find_cell
Sheets(1).Cells(counter_rows, 2).Value = find_cell.Offset(0, 1) 'copies data from the cell to the left by one column
Sheets(1).Cells(counter_rows, 3).Value = find_cell.Offset(0, 2) 'copies data from the cell to the left by 2 columns
counter_rows = counter_rows + 1
End If
Loop Until cell_adrs = find_cell.Address 'when all the values have been found and find_cell goes back to the first value
cell_adrs = Empty
End If
Next i
Next col
End Sub
Got an array which gets records the color of cells plus the ID associated with that row, which is specific to that row.
Now I want to run through the array picking up the ID and then using that to compare to another sheet (using the ID) to see if the color of the cell has changed.
I have tried to do this in a "hack" kind of way but I don't know how to step through each array record and pickup the ID extra to check.
Sub FindColourChange()
'this first bit is getting the data and putting in array
Dim newSheet As Worksheet
Dim r As Integer
Dim c As Integer
Set newSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Combine")
intRowsNew = newSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Dim newColourArray()
ReDim Preserve newColourArray(2 To intRowsNew, 7 To 19)
For r = 2 To intRowsNew ' this is the number of rows in your range
newColourArray(r, 7) = newSheet.Cells(r, 1).Value
Debug.Print "New is " & newColourArray(r, 7) & ", "
For c = 8 To 19
newColourArray(r, c) = newSheet.Cells(r, c).Interior.ColorIndex
Debug.Print "Colour of new is " & newColourArray(r, c) & ", "
'HERE IS WHERE I AM HAVING ISSUES - TRYING TO GET THE DATA FROM ARRAY TO COMPARE TO THE "Old Data" SHEET but cant figure a way out to go through each individual array record and get the first column value...
Dim result As String
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Set sheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Old Data")
Dim currentRow As Integer
'result = Application.VLookup(newColourArray(r, 1), sheet.Range("A:S"), 8, False)
For r = 2 To newColourArray
Selection.Find(What:=newColourArray(r, 7), After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
currentRow = ActiveCell.Row
For c = 8 To 19
If newColourArray(r, c) <> oldSheet.Cells(currentRow, c).Interior.ColorIndex Then
End If
End Sub
Thanks for posting as a new question. I was thinking about it yesterday and the code below might do the trick for you:
Private Const ID_COLUMN As Integer = 1
Private Const FIRST_VALUE_COLUMN As Integer = 8
Private Const LAST_VALUE_COLUMN As Integer = 19
Private Type RowFields
ItemID As Variant
ColourOfValues(LAST_VALUE_COLUMN - _
SheetRow As Long
End Type
Private mOldSheet As Worksheet
Private mNewSheet As Worksheet
Private mOldRowFields() As RowFields
Private mNewRowFields() As RowFields
Sub RunMe()
Set mOldSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Old Data")
Set mNewSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Combine")
' Read the desired values
' Acquire the cells where there's a colour change
End Sub
Private Sub ReadIDsColoursAndValues()
Dim firstRow As Integer
Dim lastRow As Integer
Dim r As Long
Dim c As Integer
Dim rowIndex As Long
Dim valueIndex As Integer
' ------------------
' Read the old sheet
' ------------------
' Define the row range
firstRow = 2 ' change this if different
lastRow = mOldSheet.Cells(mOldSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
' Redimension the RowFields array
ReDim mOldRowFields(lastRow - firstRow) ' adjust if not zero-based
' Iterate through the rows to acquire data
For r = firstRow To lastRow
' Populate the row fields object
rowIndex = r - firstRow ' adjust if not zero-based
With mOldRowFields(rowIndex)
.ItemID = mOldSheet.Cells(r, ID_COLUMN).Value2
.SheetRow = r
' Iterate through the columns to acquire the colours
valueIndex = c - FIRST_VALUE_COLUMN ' adjust if not zero-based
.ColourOfValues(valueIndex) = _
mOldSheet.Cells(r, c).Interior.ColorIndex
End With
' ------------------
' Read the new sheet
' ------------------
' Define the row range
firstRow = 2 ' change this if different
lastRow = mNewSheet.Cells(mNewSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
' Redimension the RowFields array
ReDim mNewRowFields(lastRow - firstRow) ' adjust if not zero-based
' Iterate through the rows to acquire data
For r = firstRow To lastRow
' Populate the row fields object
rowIndex = r - firstRow ' adjust if not zero-based
With mNewRowFields(rowIndex)
.ItemID = mNewSheet.Cells(r, ID_COLUMN).Value2
.SheetRow = r
' Iterate through the columns to acquire the colours
valueIndex = c - FIRST_VALUE_COLUMN ' adjust if not zero-based
.ColourOfValues(valueIndex) = _
mNewSheet.Cells(r, c).Interior.ColorIndex
End With
End Sub
Private Sub AcquireColourChanges()
Dim rowIndex As Long
Dim refIndex As Long
Dim rowItem As RowFields
Dim refItem As RowFields
Dim valueIndex As Integer
Dim sheetColumn As Integer
Dim highlightCells As Range
Dim cell As Range
For rowIndex = LBound(mNewRowFields, 1) To UBound(mNewRowFields, 1)
rowItem = mNewRowFields(rowIndex)
' Find the matching ID RowFields from old sheet
For refIndex = LBound(mOldRowFields, 1) To UBound(mOldRowFields, 1)
refItem = mOldRowFields(refIndex)
If rowItem.ItemID = refItem.ItemID Then
' Check each value colour against the old row
For valueIndex = LBound(rowItem.ColourOfValues, 1) To _
UBound(rowItem.ColourOfValues, 1)
If rowItem.ColourOfValues(valueIndex) <> _
refItem.ColourOfValues(valueIndex) Then
' Small piece of code to highligh the cells.
' You can do anything you like at this point.
sheetColumn = valueIndex + FIRST_VALUE_COLUMN ' adjust if not zero-based
Set cell = mNewSheet.Cells(rowItem.SheetRow, sheetColumn)
If highlightCells Is Nothing Then
Set highlightCells = cell
Set highlightCells = Union(highlightCells, cell)
End If
End If
' ID was found so we can break the search loop
Exit For
End If
If highlightCells Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No values have different colours."
MsgBox "The different coloured values have been highlighted." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
highlightCells.Address(False, False)
End If
End Sub