Query Windows' Color and Appearance - c

I am writing a small GUI library in OpenGL for fun and profit. When it comes to font handling, so far I require the client application to explicitly load all fonts and set them on the widgets. So far this is ok, I also have a means to set them once as a default for all widgets of a certain type.
Although this is feasible, I though, would it not be dandy to use the system's default font as a default instead. In the case of Windows this would be the fonts that are configured though the Color and Appearance dialog.
After warming up my rusted Win32 programming knowledge and souring the MSDN I can't find an awnser to this question. I can load a font by name and set it on any widget, but figuring out what font Win32 would use as a default eludes me.
So far the best I have found is the SystemParametersInfo function with SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS. But these are just the settings for the "non client" area, such as window title bar and such.

DEFAULT_GUI_FONT is not your solution. The name certainly sounds good, and indeed it was the default GUI font at some point in history, but that font hasn't been used in years.
You already stumbled upon the correct solution: calling SystemParametersInfo with the SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS option. This will fill in a NONCLIENTMETRICS structure with information about the standard system fonts.
The "standard UI font" in that structure is called lfMessageFont. It is the one used for text in message boxes, dialog boxes, and elsewhere in the client area of windows. It is the same one configurable in the "Appearance" properties.
I wrote out a very detailed answer about fonts in Windows applications a few years ago. That one kind of focuses on MFC, so I've chosen not to mark this question as a duplicate of that other one and compose a separate answer, but really all of the information you need is there.
For fun, I'll throw in that you can get the system colors by calling the GetSysColor function. Pass one of the COLOR_* values to indicate which color you want; you'll get back a COLORREF value (typedefed as a 32-bit unsigned integer into which are packed the red, green, and blue component values of the color). Use the GetRValue, GetGValue, and GetBValue macros to extract the individual components; I doubt OpenGL wants COLORREF values.


How to verify font created by Windows?

I'm using the ChooseFont system dialog to populate a LOGFONT structure that is passed to CreateFontIndirect and the resulting font handle is selected into the device context and used. But it doesn't resemble the requested font in any way (well, OK, similar character sets, but otherwise not the same). Here's an image of the screen showing the ChooseFont dialog selecting an old DOS-style VGA font and in the background (behind the ChooseFont dialog) shows the font that I got when I selected the values shown in the dialog:
Notice that the Sample in the dialog and what Windows puts on the screen when the created font is selected into the DC are quite different. This doesn't happen for ALL fonts, only some of them, which is why I'm trying to correct and/or detect this.
I've tried getting the LOGFONT for the new font from the DC using (GetCurrentObject and GetObject) and it is identical to my request, except that the lfQuality has changed to NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY from anything else I've tried setting it to.
I have a kinda two part question:
How can I force Windows to use the font I've selected. Obviously there is a way, or it wouldn't look right in the ChooseFont dialog, either.
If no one can answer #1, how can I reliably find out that Windows has selected a totally wrong font, when asking Windows for the font info about the created font when selected into the device context doesn't work?
EDIT: July 8
If this helps at all, my basic calling sequence is:
cf.lpLogFont = &lf; // plus other necessary stuff
ChooseFont( &cf );
hf = CreateFontIndirect( &lf );
SelectObject( hdc, hf );
ExtTextOut( hdc, ... );
Then, when I use the font, it doesn't always match what I requested. At all. (I just tried using Arial Monospaced MT and was rewarded with Courier -- Lucida Console would be a better substitute, at least it doesn't have serifs!) I don't do ANYTHING to the DC other than call GetDC(). I don't call any GDI setup/configuration functions, either, so I'm in whatever default mode one gets with a standard Windows program written in C to the WIN32API.
I've discovered that the Windows version of PuTTY shows the correct fonts while my program doesn't, but I have not yet been able to find anything different between the functions/parameters it uses to handle font creation and the way I do it. I'll keep looking though. Thanks to anyone who's given my question any thought, with or without suggestions. :-)

wpf / Visual Studio default styles

If I open a new project, and put a label or button on the main window, I get the Segoe UI font at size 12px.
Where is this coming from? Can I choose what I would like the default font / size to be? I had a good look around but can't find anything.
The available fonts are set according to System.Windows.Media.Fonts.SystemFontFamilies.
If multiple versions of the same font family reside in the same directory, the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) font enumeration returns the most recent version of the font. If the version information does not provide resolution, the font with latest timestamp is returned. If the timestamp information is equivalent, the font file that is first in alphabetical order is returned.
There is also Fonts.SystemTypefaces.
Presumably it is possible to change the selected family or create your own. In fact it is, this post (WPF - Add Custom Font) gives more information on this.
I hope this helps.

Automatically sizing a GtkTextView in a GtkScrolledWindow

I work on gschem, a free software tool for editing electronics schematic diagrams. Recently we have encountered a problem using a GtkScrolledWindow containing a GtkTextView.
Recent versions of Ubuntu use overlay scrollbars, which mean that GtkScrolledWindows no longer set a minimum height that provides enough room for a legacy scrollbar (in fact, they have a minimum height of 0). Likewise, a GtkTextView with no text to display requests a height of 0. This means that one of the scrollable GtkTextViews in gschem has been being displayed as one pixel in height, and this is obviously unusable.
In the dialog box on the right of the screenshot shown above, note the invisible widget between the "Value:" label and the "Add" button.
This has been reported independently by several users -- see also the bug report.
Obviously, we could fix this by doing:
g_object_set (textview, "height-request", 100, NULL);
However, this is pretty inelegant, and will break for users who set very large font sizes in pixels (e.g. users with vision problems or who use high-DPI screens).
Ideally, therefore, we want to set the minimum size of the GtkTextView relative to the default font size, e.g. tell it to "show at least three lines of text".
Can anyone suggest a sensible/elegant approach for doing this?
Just disable the ubuntu overlay scrollbars in your application by doing:
Not ideal, but it's a quite good until you can find a more permanent solution. Alternatively just wait until Ubuntu disables overlay scrollbars...
I would add code to dig out the current/default style information, use that to figure out the font baseline height, and then compute some rough size allocation based on that, around three lines as you mention.
Does it have to be a textview ? If you can use an eventbox instead, then you can make a cairo surface from it, render the text with pango, and then use pango_layout_get_size() to get the text height.
Likewise, a GtkTextView with no text to display requests a height of 0.
Probably you can create GtkTextView with some text inside. Like several spaces, and set empty value after creation.

Searching for a default "check mark" icon

I am currently searching for an icon that shows a green check mark, such as this:
Basically what I want to do is the following: My C# WPF application contains a ListView with some entries and each of the entry gets validated. Depending on the outcome of the validation, such a green check mark or a red cross should be displayed.
I found a very nice red cross in the class SystemIcons. It is called SystemIcons.Error. The SystemIcons class also provides other icons like "Exclamation", "hand", "Shield", "Question" and various other icons, however there is no such a check mark thing.
Does anyone know whether such a check mark icon exists in some default library? I googled but I could not find anything alike. In case there is no such Icon, I would have to take some image from the web (like I posted here), but that would be the last option since my application should look consistent and I'm pretty sure Microsoft uses lots of those green things in many places of Windows. So there must be some icon I could use, right?
Best wishes,
If you're using one of the full versions of Visual Studio, you could always check out the Visual Studio Image Library that comes with Visual Studio.
I'm double checking now to make sure it contains something like what you're looking for.
What size icon images do you need?
If 16x16 will do then I'd recommend the silk icon set at famfamfam.com. This set is nice and consistent, and contains a green check mark.

ALT-TAB Application Icon Pixelated

When a child window of my application is opened and I view the ALT+TAB menu, the application icon looks pixellated. I assume that Windows uses a low resolution version of the icon (16x16 pixel I think). What can I do that Windows selects the right version which would be 32x32 pixel?
I assigned an icon to the window in question that has 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x38 and 256x256 in true color. Please note that VS says in the proterties that 32x32 is used and that it works fine for the main window of my application where I assigned the exact same icon.
The caption bar of a Windows application window display icons in 16x16 pixels. The Alt-Tab list, however, shows icons in 32x32 pixels. It uses the same icon as is set for the window. If you only set a 32x32 one, the caption bar has to scale it down, which tends to look ugly as it uses nearest-neighbor interpolation. So how does one support both?
The answer is the ICO file! It supports embedding multiple icons in one file, typically the same (or similar) icon in various sizes and, less commonly, color formats.
Browsers, Windows, and others are typically designed to smartly use the appropriately sized variant within a given ICO file. So the answer is to have an ICO file with both sizes (or more) inside. The result is that the caption bar correctly uses the 16x16 version and Alt-Tab uses the larger 32x32 one.
The methods for saving an ICO file with multiple icons inside varies from program to program. However, GIMP can easily do it (and it's free). The trick is to have your variously-sized icons as separate layers. When you go to save it as an ICO file, GIMP will prompt you with the ability to set the size and color format of each layer. A good tutorial, with images, can be read here.
If anyone has any links or suggestions for creating multi-icon ICO files in other programs, feel free to add them. Also, I'm unsure if the Visual Studio built-in image editor can do it or not — I've rarely bothered with it.
Fixed the problem. I put the icon on the wrong form. As I don't think that this question will be of any help for anybody feel free to delete it.
