Need help in configuring default editor in pry on windows - pry

i am facing issues in configuring default editor in pry on windows platform.
Iam able to open pry session and within a pry session able to navigate,cd into instance variables and stop the execution using binding.pry and execute the line of code using play commands.
But not able to modify the code using edit command which is giving the error like can not find the c:\myusernameAppLocalTemppry20160210-9320-1kn8la9.rb file
i am using ruby -> 1.9.3 pry -> 0.10.3 rspec -> 2.11.0
Kindly let me know how to configure the open the editor with pry session
Thanks in Advance
Santosh Kulkarni

I had same problem, then I created ~/.pryrc and inserted following lines (I use Vi as an editor).
Pry.config.editor = "vi"
Pry.config.editor = proc { |file, line| "vi +#{line} #{file}" }


Error name not defined while trying to load Jupyter notebook from canopy version 2.1.3

I am running on Canopy version 2.1.3 and I keep getting a syntax error. I have tried using ipython-notebook as well as jupyter-notebook and both times I get back that ipython and jupyter are not defined. I've double checked and it looks like I have all the packages installed in order to use notebook and everything is up to date.
What is your OS? Exactly what command are you entering, and from what kind of console? Please include an exact transcript (input and output) of your session. Also a link to the instructions that you are trying to follow.
For example, if you want to start a notebook from the command line, go to Canopy's tools menu, open a "Canopy Terminal / Command Prompt", and type jupyter notebook. Or, skip the command line and just use Canopy's File menu => New => Notebook.

Codename one uwp sumbission fail

I'm trying to submit an app to the windows store, but submission failed with the following error:
Invalid package publisher name: CN=Steve (expected: CN= ... )
, which make me realized that the AppxBundleManifest generated from server contains this line
<Identity Name="42415WefeelPharm.HttpRequestor" Publisher="CN=Steve" Version=""/>
I've confirmed that the correct package publisher id is used to generate the certificate. Please advice on how to proceed. Any help is appreciated.
The setting UI for Windows
Edit edit:
I used Windows 10, jdk1.8.0_131, Eclipse 4.7 for the build...
Go to your account settings ->
In the page you will see your "Windows publisher ID" copy the value "CN=xXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXX60"
Go to VS, open the Package.appxmanifest, go to the line:
Change "CN=Steve" to the value you copied, "CN=xXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXX60", and that's it. Compile it and try again

Failed to start Mongodb

I'm studying pro angularjs by adam freeman. I've installed deployd v0.8.8 and created sportsstore. When I run 'dpd –p 5500 sportsstore\app.dpd' form command prompt, it shows 'Failed to start MongoDB Make sure 'mongod' are in your $PATH or use dpd --mongod option. Ref: bye'.
I've found all the possible answers as much as I can. But still can't solve it. I'm using Windows 7 32-bit. Please help me.
Try to run like this: (Moved code snippet to pastebin).
Hello you must install mongodb after this add the path of th folder installation into the windows path environment restart your cli and type again the command
from control panel open up advanced system settings. click on environment variables. under system variables select path and click edit. then add the directory for your mongodb installation in my case is "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin". P.S if you use windows 8.1 or an earlier release of windows OS type a ";" first. leave out out the quotation marks.

Run CakePHP Command on NetBeans in Ubuntu?

I'm trying execute CakePHP Command to generate Models/Controllers and Views but does not works. The Exception: <There is no command available (perhaps error?>. I'm using portable Lampp, the path to lampp is: root#mypc#/opt/lampp.
Looking for a solution I found to change timezone in core.php but doesn't works also.
How could I solve it ?
Could you submit your issue to the GitHub issues[1] with exact your steps and environments?

what does "Connecting to database specified by database.yml" in the log file mean?

I'm working on a Rails 3.2.9 app , on performing a certain action, the app doesnt go any further and when i chech the log file i get this line to be the last in the log
Connecting to database specified by database.yml
I have no idea what's causing this problem.. When i sign up or sign in also it needs to connect to db and it works fine then.. only when a function (called execute test case) is clicked, the app doesnt go further and freezes there itself..
Please help me if you have come across this ...or suggest what may be the cause!!
Check this answer. This may help you.
Rails Connecting to database specified by database.yml
I found the cause of this error.. Problem is when the gem ‘mysql2’ is installed for the app , it might not be the one compatible with the version of MySQL server that is installed in our machine. And also a corresponding libmysql.dll file to be copied to Ruby folder.
So install the gem by specifying the local directory of Mysql
1.In the cmd,
gem install mysql2 -- --with-mysql-dir=C:\Program Files\MySQL
As directed in the cmd, follow the link to download the dll. Extract the zip from that location and copy the file as instructed in cmd
If the zip is empty or the link shows file not exist.(which does happen for some versions!!)
--> Go to the link and follow the flow in the url.. Like the website.. ->downloads -> MySQL Connectors -> MySQL Connector/C -> the latest version zips are displayed.. Choose the one with the exact file name as in the empty zip/broken link. If not click on previous GA versions and find the according zip file. Download, extract and copy the libmysql.dll to Ruby’s bin folder
