fotorama wordpress plugin one page vertical link - fotorama

I installed fotorama plug in wordpress here :
I would like to add an vertical sign to the gallery so as to make a link to the bottom part of the page exactly like this
I saw the source code below
<span class="control control--down js-jumpto-main"></span>
but i don't know how to implement control--down on the plugin wordpress
Please help me
Many thanks
Rodolphe CATTA


How to create a ReactJS zoomable image lightbox

I'm creating a gallery of images in ReactJs. There are a lot of examples online, but i didn't find anything that is perfectly responsive on desktop browsers and also completely mobile friendly.
In particular, when an image is opened on the mobile browser, i need to be able to zoom the photo with a double tap, and close the photo when i drag it to the bottom
I already tried all the principal solution that i found online.
For example, i tried all of these
and much much more.
I also tried different approaches like CSS rules, Viewport rules, create a simple zoomable html div, etc... But nothing worked.
Basically, what i what to achieve is exactly something like this:
Created thanks to this library: that unfortunately i can't use in React.
(I also tried the react-photoswipe and react-photoswipe-2 libraries but it seems not maintained and not working with new versions of React)
Thank you for any help
So for previous comments, I wrote a snippet for you, check here
Here are the mainly steps:
use npm install photoswipe so DON'T need to include builded js but NEED to include css in index.html (or you can import in App.css)
write the markup in js component
init it by click button or in useEffect

Display ms word file in html using angular

How can I display Microsoft Word file in HTML page using either Angular or JavaScript. Please suggest any libraries which provide this functionality.
No browsers currently have the code necessary to render Word
Documents, and as far as I know, there are no client-side libraries
that currently exist for rendering them either
However, if you only need to display the Word Document, but don't need
to edit it, you can use Google Documents' Viewer via an to
display a remotely hosted .doc/.docx.
<iframe src=""></iframe>
However, if you'd rather have native support, in most, if not all browsers, I'd recommend resaving the .doc/.docx as a PDF file Those can also be independently rendered using PDF.js by Mozilla.
Huge thanks to fatbotdesigns for posting the Microsoft Office 365 viewer in the comments.
<iframe src='' width='1366px' height='623px' frameborder='0'>This is an embedded <a target='_blank' href=''>Microsoft Office</a> document, powered by <a target='_blank' href=''>Office Online</a>.</iframe>
Live Examples:
Google Docs Viewer
Microsoft Office Viewer
So what I found from my research is you can not display a word file using java script or angular, it only opens up a dialog box to download the file.
Here are some links backing my conclusion.
display doc file in HTML link1
display doc file in HTML link2
As an alternate what you can do is convert word file to HTML and preview it in browser. Mammoth.JS is the best option for this.

How to embed thumbnails from flickr that link to bigger colorbox images with drupal and ckeditor

After 1 day searching and testing I'm wondering if it's possible to embed or insert a photo from flickr (or from google+ it's the same problem) in a node using drupal 7, ckeditor 4.5.6 and colorbox (for example).
More precisions:
What I want to achieve is to embed thumbnails from flickr that I can resize and move (like shown here) and are compatible with colorbox (or anything similar).
I've been testing all day with the ckeditor plugins image2, autoembed and embed, it's quite impressive the potential of it, but every flickr link pasted in the editor turns into a gallery (??) that is not resizable, and I don't need the whole gallery.
An good example of what I'd want here but this is done with a flickr filter of the drupal flickr module, it does the job but without the awesomeness of the ckeditor widget system, meaning : I have to copy every link, my user id, change the css, for each photo...
Has anybody done that ?

Integrating kibana dashboards into an angularjs app

I have my ElasticSearch setup with kibana showing different panels. I have another angularjs app. I would like to receive input in a field, use angularjs and show kibana panels in my angularjs app itself.
Are there any tutorials/guides to achieve this?
I have googled quite a bit about this, but am unable to find any help.
You could also rephrase my question as "How do I embed a kibana dashboard in my AngularJS Single page website?"
In kibana4, the easiest way to embed a dashboard is using an iframe. Click the "Share" button in the top-right corner to get the appropriate iframe tag. Then edit it as needed to make it embed seamlessly. Check out the seamless attribute.
When I google it your question, I have found some git article
May be it will help you to
You can use iframe read this

turn large navigation into a drop down for mobile devices

I'm building a responsive website at the moment and the main site navigation contains 10 links. I've seen a few sites that compress their navigation into a simple drop down select menu when the screen size gets below 480px, but I can't find any tutorials out there that explain how to do this - apart from the CSS Tricks one here:
I've tried this tutorial but not had any success with it as I implemented the code and yes I get a lovely menu on the iPhone, but the links don't work and clicking on it makes the page zoom in which is not desirable as this doesn't happen when I don't have the menu in place.
I'm looking for something simple like used on these websites:
I managed to find this snippet of code on here:
Implemented it and it works just fine - just had to add action="" to the form tag to get the page to validate.
