Retrieving material/colors/texture information from 3MF file - file-format

I’m trying to retrieve visual information about geometry, like textures, materials, colors and so on. I really don’t get how I’m supposed to traverse the resources and deduce their type. Each time I try that I end up with nothing (all returned pointers are null). I’m trying with this file.
Plus, I don’t understand in the specs how I’m supposed to retrieve indexed information (in triangles for instance).


Display/render Array contents organized with react or in a Web3UIkit component

I just recently started out with converting my web3 apps in NodeJS into web based apps using React and the Web3UIkit. But have a hard time getting into the flow of how React works and thinks with this states, rendering etc. I checked out the reactjs standard tutorials numerous times, and it all makes sense then, but in my particular use-case I cant seem to achieve what I want. Even not after trying numerous array examples from here.
The case:
I fetch all Ethereum mainnet transaction from block x until block y and filter/sort these into a Array. Then I count all transfer made on the same contract address to filter out hot/trending contracts only, and save the stats of it in a new Array with all the contractinfo like tokenname, counted transfers etc. Which all goes fine and I get the result I want whenever I console.log the array (see screen).
But now, I want to display the contents of this array organized and visually appealing trough React/Web3UIkit and let it update in realtime (or like each 5 seconds), but I cant seem to find a way in doing this properly. In fact, I cant even get any of the info from the array onto my screen.
I attached a screenshot to show what my console.log currently shows when I output, to give an idea how the information is stored and the array is structed. Anyone has any solutions which helps me to make sense of this? Hope so! Since I feel like I'm missing a piece in the puzzle, but cant find it.

Are there ways to store a multidimensional array in a temporary excel or anything else?

I am trying to create an Addin which will copy certain attributes of a chart from First PowerPoint and read it to an Temporary Excel, which then can be used by a second chart in Second PowerPoint. Sounds simple enough, but the problem is, the attributes that I am reading happens to be a multidimensional array, which can't be written to an excel. So I have hit a roadblock as to how to tackle this situation.
On searching through internet, I came across something called localstorage and most of the answer seems to be surrounding javascript which I don't know, so didn't really understand much.
Because this strikes to me like a common problem which others might have also faced at some point in their life, so really hoping to take away some pointers from here.

Store Large Array with strings and images in Swift

Hi i'm trying to store an array filled with objects so that it doesn't disappear if the app is closed completely.
The Problem:
if I use core data and convert the array to NSData then it works. But the app freezes while it's processing the array.
I've also tried the transformable datatype but i cant't get it to work.
And I can't use NSUserdefaults either because it doesn't support images.
Does anyone have an idea how i might solve this.
i'm quite a newbie to programming so this might be an entirely wrong approach.
First save the images in individual files with unique file names in an image directory in the Documents directory. Put the unique file names in the array, not the images.
Then depending on your needs either save the individual per image information in Core Data if quick random access is required. Or save the array in a file.
For 1500 strings of ~100 characters each saving in a single file is probably fine, I would start there and only move up to Core Data if there is a performance problem Core Data would resolve it.
As Ken Beck says: "Do the simplest thing that could possibly work." I don't believe that having 750 images in the array would really work if they were of any substantial size.
Do not use NSUserDefaults.
Core Data is overkill for simply saving an array to disk.
What kind of objects are you saving?
If you already have logic to convert the array to NSData why not just save the file to either your documents directory or caches directory (caches if it can be recreated if purged, documents if it is unique and contains user state info.)
zaph raises some good points in his question. How big is this array (number of elements and total data size.) Is it reasonable to load it all into memory?
If you are looking for a random-access way to load one element at a time, then a database might be reasonable.
The specific solution depends on the particulars of your problem, so we need more info.

How can I build a list of world geo locations and their relative geographical hierarchies?

I want to build a database of geographical locations and would like to be able to identify locations that fall inside other locations. For example, The Empire State Building is going to have one geo-coordinate, but my database would be able to tell me that it falls inside Manhattan, which falls inside New York City, which is in the state of New York and so forth.
I've been looking at OpenStreetMap which seems to have a pretty decent database but as best I can tell, I would need to create a set of polygon structures representing each region and then detect if a coordinate falls inside a given region's polygon. Is there a better way to do this, or is there a data source where all of this has already been calculated?
Try the Yahoo! GeoPlanet Data at
It is already organised into a hierarchy structure, countries, admin divisions and places.
You can also extend the data by using the 'Geo' methods of the YQL API at
You also may want to look into the Geonames database. While it is not classified using hierarchical method, you could probably derive the information out of it.
If you really want to dive into building a geographical database where you can analyze the data, take a look at loading your data into the free/open-source PostgreSQL/PostGIS stack. With that you can actually write SQL that answers questions like "show me all points [within a city/county/state boundary]" or "[within X distance from Y location]".
Good places to learn more about PostGIS is at the BostonGIS website, the GIS.StackExchange pages, or of course the manual but who reads those anymore...
I'm pretty sure the google maps API has regions defined as polygons. And by regions I means, State, City, Zip Code, or just about anything that could be defined as a "region"
You would have to hit-test (Google Maps might have a function for this already) a point to see if it is inside a polygon.
You could also use the lookup address by GeoLocation functions to find which region(s) a point resides in, and just use that.

Cheapest Way To Export/Import Array Contents To File - AS3/AIR

I'm working on a basic editor application. It uses an array of varying size that I want to store to disk. This will eventually be in an AIR application, but for now it's just an AS3 project in Flex.
I want to store the array in a file. The application edits the data, so it doesn't need to be human readable. I want it to be in whatever format will be quickest to store and load back into the array when I need that data again.
Any recommendations?
Edit: It strikes me that importing/exporting in such a way that it can be immediately cast as an Array() would probably be the cheapest thing rather than some sort of iterating - if that's possible. Another obvious option is getting the data as a simple comma delineated string and using the String.split() function to get an array. Though again, the question is what would be cheapest - and I'm not quite convinced that's it.
I'll also add that it needs to be in some sort of permanent file, so a shared object - while possibly the fastest, isn't really a long term solution.
I think the fastest and easiest way is to use a shared object. It stores native objects, so there is no serialization / deserialization steps involved. Just assign the value and read it back.
Performance wise, probably the fastest route as well. If you are looking for a large dataset and are sure it's an AIR app, you can use AIR's db, but that will definitely take much more work.
First, take a look at this answer.
As for saving the contents of an Array, consider JSON using the export tools provided by Adobe.
