Angular checkbox update not running a full digest onclick to display template - angularjs

How can I make checkbox run a full digest onclick, instead of onblur?
My problem is, the checkbox click only runs the local scope for the directive it is inside. I also have other directives that need to update onclick, instead of onblur.

I tried using ng-click and $scope.$apply() but I was getting $rootScope digest errors. After looking around a bit more I added $timeout around the $scope.$apply(). This fixed all my issues.
scope.ngclickApply = function(){
and in the html
<label ng-click="ngClickApply()">
<input type="checkbox">{{label}}


NgBootbox with two way binding template not working

i have here an input button where i want to set its message using a template.At first, when i clicked the button it should run a function which will set value to info, and then the modal should popup containing the template which has the two way binding. but the binding is not working
ng-bootbox-class-name="some-class" />
$scope.verify = function(){
$scope.infos= "info";
$scope.verify = function(){
$rootScope.infos= "info";
Your code works correctly, you just miss spelled the name of your variable ({{infos}}) in your div.
JSFiddle working.
Update from comments
Try to put infos value in $rootScope instead of $scope, it seems you have an issue of accessibility.

AngularJs CheckBox conundrum

My view has
<input type="checkbox" class="check_box" ng-model="campaign.paused"
ng-click="CampaignPauseClicked(campaign, $event)" />
<p>campaign.paused == {{campaign.paused}}</p>
with the <p> being for debugging. It shows false, as it shoudl, given the data, but in the controller
$scope.CampaignPauseClicked = function(campaign, $event)
campaign.paused = ! campaign.paused;
when I breakpoint on the first code line, the value of campaign.paused is true (!).
I have searched the code and campaign.paused is not being written elsewhere.
Any idea what could be happening here?
[Update] I am using an ng-click fucntion, which I have not shown in its entirity, because I need it to "swallow" the $event and prevent it from propogating to the parent.
That's because ng-model is updating the value when you click the checkbox. You're undoing what Angular is doing for you.
If you want to do it by yourself in your $scope.CampaignPauseClicked function, remove the ng-model part from the html.
Otherwise, you can let Angular do its thing, leave the ng-model="campaign.paused" clause, and remove the first line from your ng-click callback.
Also you can replace the ng-click with the ng-change directive since you are using a checkbox.
ng-change will run everytime the checkbox state is changed (checked/unchecked)
<input type="checkbox" class="check_box" ng-model="campaign.paused"
ng-change="CampaignPauseChanged ($event)" />
<p>campaign.paused == {{campaign.paused}}</p>
And in your controller:
$scope.CampaignPauseChanged = function(event)
Another option would be the ng-checked directive here is an example in this plunker. As you can clearly see the checkbox model returns true only if it is checked.

Changing $scope from inside $rootScope is not getting reflected

I am trying to show one button as in this Plunker
<div ng-show="showbtn"><button class="fix btn btn-success" ng-click="top()">To the top</button></div>
On scroll event, I have made $rootScope.$emit call and it is getting triggered too, but not sure why the $scope value is not getting changed inside the mainCtrl controller $scope. Is $scope inside $rootScope is different ?
The event handler (the function passed to $rootScope.$on) runs outside of Angular's normal digest cycle so you need to tell the parent scope that something has changed. You can use $apply to do so:
$scope.$apply(function () {
$scope.showbtn = data.message;
Here's an updated Plunker.

How does AngularJS respond to a form value being updated in Javascript?

I don't use Angular regularly, but I understand that one of the key features is that when data is updated on a form element, it is automatically updated in the model.
If you are instead using a library like jQuery, you must manually attach an event to the form input that updates the model when it is changed, as in $('#myInput').on('change', updateModel);
Although the above handler will be fired when myInput is changed by the user, it will not be fired if myInput is changed by Javascript code such as $('#myInput').val('hello world');
My question is, how does Angular know when a form input is changed in Javascript code?
Angular applies a scope digest every time it's needed (by an Angular function) during which it checks the states of all the scope variables, including the models used, of course.
If you modify some of those variables manually, using JavaScript, jQuery, etc... Angular will not know that the changes have occured and you need to tell it so either by doing $scope.$apply() or by wrapping the code block in a $timeout callback (these are the most commonly used methods).
If you don't do it manually, you'd have to wait for some (if any) other Angular event to trigger the digest cycle, which is never good.
See this example, note how nothing happens when you just update the value, but you need to do it manually (ng-click does it) in order for DOM to update:
angular.module('app', [])
.controller('Ctrl', function($scope){
$scope.ourValue = 'Initial Value';
window.exposedFunc = function(v, digest) {
$scope.ourValue = v;
if (digest) {
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="Ctrl">
<button onclick="exposedFunc('First Button Value')">Update Value - No Digest</button>
<button onclick="exposedFunc('Second Button Value', true)">Update Value - Force Digest</button>
<button ng-click="">Force Digest only</button>
Here's a super simple example of binding using keyup event. It should be enough to get you started on your projects:
var res = document.getElementById('r');
function handleChange(v) {
res.textContent = v;
<input onkeyup="handleChange(this.value)" type="text" value="Initial value" />
<p id="r">No binding yet</p>

angularjs: $scope update when I change a select with jQuery

I'm using a jQuery plugin to 'customize' my selects.
This plugin fires the change event of the original select when some option is selected.
The problem is that my scope doesn't change.
Here you can see a quick example... changing the select the scope changes. clicking the buttons the select changes but not the scope.
What am I missing?
You need to access the scope of the dropdown and then apply it as shown below:
$('button').on('click', function(){
var newVal = $(this).data('val');
var scope = angular.element($("select")).scope();
scope.selectValue = newVal;
When you click the button, angular goes out of its scope and uses jquery to manipulate the data/to perform some action, so we need to exlicitly call $scope.$apply() to reflect the changes back into the scope of the controller. And change your controller to this:
app.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope) {
$('button').on('click', function(){
By the way you can use jquery event inside the angular..
Ideally in angularJS, controller should not update DOM reference directly. If you want to achieve same thing, you should expose one method over $scope and use "ng-click" directive.
If you want to achieve same using jQuery, it should go into directive as
to update the scope.
In your jQuery put auto trigger e.g
$('#input').trigger('input'); //add this line this will bind $scope Variable
It's best not to mix DOM manipulation with Angular. Try the following for your button HTML:
<button class="setVal" ng-click="selectValue=1">Set 1</button>
<button class="setVal" ng-click="selectValue=2">Set 2</button>
<button class="setVal" ng-click="selectValue=3">Set 3</button>
I tried the above in your Plunker and it worked.
