Configure Vagrant with Xvfb Error - angularjs

I am configuring a vagrant machine with ubuntu 14.04, for doing some tests with selenium and protractor. I want to run all tests in that machine without having a graphic environment. So i only need a plain output by a terminal.
I am following next resources to do that :
but when i access to vagrant machine and i try to run my tests i get next error message :
[1796:1796:0212/] Gtk: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
[1796:1796:0212/] Gtk: cannot open display:
And i am not sure what i should do...
thanks in advance !!

See this article:
Gtk: cannot open display
is a common error, as states on this page:
DISPLAY has wrong value or you forgot to export it
Also doublecheck if xvfb is running in backgroud/as service.


browser does not launch on running react project on wsl (zsh)

I am working on a simple react project on Windows 10 Pro. On trying to run the project with wsl with zsh (npm start) everything works, I get warnings and compilation is done without any errors. The issue I am facing is automatic launch of browser from wsl is not happening.
If I manually open localhost:3000 on my chrome after this command everything works but I would like the wsl terminal to launch my browser on npm start automatically just like it does in most of my other terminals and powershell on windows.
What I have tried:
added a export browser property to my .zshrc with path to chrome from here
Added a bsconfig file to root with following code to set open = true as per from here
I have added the ports from 3000-3999 to my firewall so that wsl can access my host (localhost ip). this fixed previous issue where localhost:3000 would show connection refused error.
I would be happy to provide any more details.
I am very new to wsl and zsh and I would really appreciate any help. Thanks

Unreal Engine 4.24: Plugin 'AndroidPermission' failed to load because module 'AndroidPermission' could not found

I am preparing a project about self-driving vehicles and I will work on the Carla simulator. I am using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and installed Unreal Engine version 4.24. I've done the steps in the Carla document one by one, but when running the UE4Editor, I get the AndroidPermission not found error. Even though I disabled this on the uplugin file of it, still the same problem persists. How can I solve this problem? Please help me.
Are you trying to run the Unreal Editor? Or are you calling make launch to start CARLA?
In the first case, set "EnabledByDefault": false and "Installed": true in /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/AndroidPermission/AndroidPermission.uplugin. I assume that the Installed attribute is set to False on your end.
In the second case, try to start CARLA in Visual Studio Code by selecting the launch configuration CarlaUE4Editor(Development). For this you need to open the workspace inside /Unreal/CarlaUE4/CarlaUE4.code-workspace.
You also need to set "EnabledByDefault": false on /Engine/Plugins/Online/Android/OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay/OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay.uplugin because the plugin OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay requires AndroidPermission.

Setup Cypress on WSL ubuntu for windows 10

I am trying to setup Cypress on WSL ubuntu for windows 10 machine. WSL ubuntu does not come up with its own display. Hence, we need to follow few steps before setting up Cypress. I followed all the steps mentioned in the blog here:
But I keep getting the following error:
Cypress failed to start.
This is usually caused by a missing library or dependency.
The error below should indicate which dependency is missing.
If you are using Docker, we provide containers with all required dependencies installed.
(Cypress:1690): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:15:51.766: cannot open display:
Platform: linux (Ubuntu Linux - 18.04)
Cypress Version: 4.6.0
I have also installed XLaunch for windows 10.
Was anyone able to resolve this issue earlier ? Could anyone please help me resolve this ?
Got the idea from here:
If you have XLaunch running - exit it by double-clicking on the icon in the taskbar and click Exit;
Then open your start menu > right-click XLaunch shortcut > More > Open file location;
Right-click XLaunch shortcut in the Explorer window > Properties;
Add " -ac" without double quotes right after the closing double quote in the Target field - i.e. for me it was "C:\Program Files\VcXsrv\xlaunch.exe" -ac;
Click ok
Now run Cypress again. Yay! Ran for me :)
For me, this was caused by having a WSL1 image (despite having WSL2 installed). You can check via wsl --list --verbose. Follow steps here to convert to WSL2.

how to install nagios plugin for icinga2 - Windows

I tried to install nagios plugin for icinga2 client on windows 10.
Downloaded source code for nagios plugin.
/configure in command prompt
i got the following error
checking whether it is possible to resort to fread on /etc/mnttab...
Configure error : could not determine how to read list of mounted file systems.
could anyone help me to fix this error.

BlackBerry 10 Cascades - Running app on the simulator

I am new to blackberry development and ran into this problem several times and cannot find a solution.
When I try to run an empty cascades project just with a simple HelloWorld label I get the following error
Deployment Failed: Info: Sending request: Install and Launch
Info: Action: Install and Launch
Info: Debug native: on
Info: File size: 190910
Info: Installing com.example.HelloWorld.testDev__HelloWorld7d1bfe91...
Info: Processing 190910 bytes
I'm using Momentics, VMware running BB10 Dev Alpha Sim and followed all the instructions here.
I made sure my build config is set to Simulator-Debug and not even the example projects are able to run on the simulator.
Edit: I am not sure if this bit of info helps but when I try to run the application, the Progress hangs at 91% before the error dialog appears.
May be you are not setting the development Mode (like current Development Mode Simulator or Device) . I also getting the issue that Project Compile but not able to run on virtual Machine , today I sort the issue . check out the link
