Sql dacpacs exporting data - sql-server

From my understanding when extracting a sql database as a dacpac it includes the data structure with views/procs etc but no data.
a bacpac includes the structure and data but cannot be upgraded.
I read some where that dacpacs can include data now but I cannot find anywhere that shows how to do that. Is this possible?

Yes, it is possible! Easy way to include data in DACPAC is to use SQL Server Database project in Visual Studio:
Add data to post-deployment script (INSERT command etc.).
Build the project - it gaves you a DACPAC file.
Go to SQL Server Management Studio.
Execute Databases -> Deploy Data-tier application command:
Now you have a new database with data from a single DACPAC file!


How to create DacPac from script files to automate DB deployment?

I need to automate SQL Server DB deployment using Azure DevOps. I don't want to give any alter statement. I will have a folder structure with tables, stored procedures, views & functions in repository. Every folder will contain only create scripts. Is there anyway to create DacPac file with that folder structure or any other way, other than DacPac deployment using that folder structure?
Note: I don't want to create DB project using Visual Studio. And I don't want to create a DacPac file directly from SQL Server Management Studio and checkin the same to source control. And I am not in a situation to pay for license.
You can try to use SQL Database Projects extension in Azure Data Sudio. It supports VS SQL Database Project and it supports builds from the command line: Build a database project from command line
What you describe is the database project. A dacpac is the build output of a Database project. There are no licenses involved. All the tools that produce dacpac files are free:
Both SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) are free, standalone downloads.
You can install SSDT on top of Visual Studio Community which is also free.
Azure Data Studio supports database projects. Also free, open source and works on Mac and Linux. I'm using it on Mac to edit database projects, using a SQL Server Developer Edition in a Docker container.
The sqlpackage command-line tool can extract a dacpac from an existing database, publish it or generate a migration script. Also free and a standalone download

SQL Server Restore BACPAC throws error on a missing User-defined table type

I've exported an Azure SQL Database using the Azure Portal into a .bacpac file.
Using SQL Server Management Studio 17.9.1, I run the "import data-tier application" wizard and select the .bacpac file. It won't import successfully:
One error message states:
So it looks like he is complaining that the "IntegerIdList" User-defined Table Type is not present (or he can't find it). But it is available in the source database:
Is there a way to import this bacpac file into an existing database? That way I can create this Table Type before I run this wizard.
To my knowledge, there is no way to restore a bacpac to an existing database.
Try to install the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio (18.1 at this moment) and try again.
If the latest version of SSMS does not solve the issue, as a workaround copy the database with another name, script the user-defined table types (UDTT) and all dependent stored procedures, remove them from the newly created database and export this database instead of the original database. Restore the bacpac on your existing SQL Server and when the restore has finished, run the script that will create the UDTT and all dependent stored procedures.
UDTTs are supported on SQL Server 2008 and later only.

Create and Deploy a DACPAC file with Data

In SSMS 2014 I created a DACPAC file using Tasks > Extract Data-Tier Application.
I then Deployed the file to an Azure SQL Database. The scheme it deployed but all the tables are empty with no data.
How can I export the data? I though that SQL Server 2014 DACPAC file already included the data ...
To move a database to Azure SQL you need to extract a BACPAC file which contains the data as well as schema. The DACPAC file does not contain the data.
Go to
Tasks > Export Data-Tier Application and you will get the file required.
Look here for more details :
You can include data from specific tables or from all tables in a DACPAC by using the SqlPackage tool.
SqlPackage.exe /a:Extract /p:ExtractAllTableData=true /SourceServerName:localhost /SourceDatabaseName:somedb /TargetFile:db.dacpac
SqlPackage.exe /a:Extract /p:TableData=dbo.SomeTable /p:TableData=dbo.SomeOtherTable /SourceServerName:localhost /SourceDatabaseName:somedb /TargetFile:db.dacpac

How to extract MSSQLServer database as .dacpac without VerifyExtraction?

I want to extract a database schema of a MSSQLServer database with Server Management Studio. I use the Extract command "Extract Data-tier Application.."
In the database are several references to another database. Because of this I get the following error.
Error extracting database: Validation of the schema model for data package failed.
Error SQL71562: Error validating element [dbo].[x] has an unresolved reference to object [dbo].[y]. External references are not supported when creating a package from this platform.
The problem is, that SSMS uses the SQLPackage.exe with parameter /p:VerifyExtraction=True. When I use the console and call SQLPackage.exe without this Parameter, it uses /p:VerifyExtraction=False by default and I can create the .dacpac file.
Is there a way to configure SSMS to disable verification?
I wasn't able to find a method that works in SSMS (2008 R2 or 2012), either, but Visual Studio (2013) with SSDT seems to work: Within VS, go to SQL Server Object Explorer, connect to the server in question, right click the database in question, Extract Data-tier Application, and then adjust the Extract Settings, one of which is "Verify extraction". I don't know why MS doesn't just build that into SSMS.
One somewhat-odd thing I noticed from doing, this, though, is that VS will only extract a .DacPac via this method. Even when you choose to add data to the extract, the extension is still .DacPac. I was under the impression that .DacPacs were solely for Schema Only, while .BacPacs were for Schema + Data. Regardless, after VS created the .DacPac (Schema + Data) file, SSMS was able to import it fine using "Deploy Data-tier Application..." wizard.
If you cannot use Visual Studio you can use the command line SqlPackage application to extract the schema from the database. By default, this does not verify the schema (no, I don't know why SSMS and the command line offering have different defaults!). SqlPackage.exe can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\<SQL_VERSION>\DAC\bin.
For example, the following extracts the schema for MyDatabase from the local SQL Server instance and outputs it to a .dacpac file on the local filesystem:
sqlpackage /Action:Extract /SourceDatabaseName:"MyDatabase" /SourceServerName:localhost /TargetFile:"C:\SomeDirectory\MyDatabase.dacpac"
If you want to include schema verification at a later stage, you can set the flag explicitly by adding /p:VerifyExtraction=True to the command line.
Full information on SqlPackage.exe can be found here:

VS 2010 Database Project deploy sql scripts

I am working on a sql database project in VS 2010. I know how to synchronize the schema, but what I want is this:
1. I have some data sql scripts that inserts data into some tables.
2. I want to when I click Deploy on the DB project to automatically deploy those data scripts and execute them on the sql server.
How to do this?
You'll need to put the INSERT statements into a post deployment script.
