How do you set-up a flat file database? - database

Let's say there's this database which is flat-file, stores all information in JSON Format
I download it, But I dont know how to set it up.. Like I'm finding my way around on how to mess with different types of database..
Can someone please assist me as to how do I set this up and show it's usage?
Any help would be much appreciated.


Is it possible to read .vxs files in ReactJS?

I am working on a project that requires me to extract data from a .vxs file. I haven't been able to find anything online that can help me with this. Is it even possible? If yes, can you please point me in the right direction ?

Generating TPCH-SF300 and SF1000 data

I am trying to generate SF300 and SF1000 TPCH data on Databricks. However, my scripts have been running for over 24hrs now and I am guessing I did something wrong.
I followed the instructions the instructions on: Then I used the notebook(tpcds_datagen.scala) in their repository to generate data. Of course, I modified the parameters to change TPC-DS to TPC-H. But it's extremely slow.
Could someone suggest a quicker way and help me out? Thanks in advance.

Excel not pulling all records from view

One of my users is trying to pull all the data from one of my views in SQL Server... She's about 200 records short. What gives? I don't even know where to start troubleshooting this. She's not using any filtering on the data, she's trying to pull it all using Excel's 'External Data' features.
I don't want to be spoon-fed, but I don't even know where to start looking to troubleshoot this. If someone could point me in the right direction to begin my investigation, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Retrieve DBpedia page information automatically

I currently have a huge list of DBpedia pages of which I need corresponding data to be extracted (mainly dct:subject) from their respective pages. So for example, for the Android_TV page I need the following data (under dct:subject) to be returned as text:
Now I know how to manually query this of course, but since I have a huge amount of these pages to query I need to find a way to do this automatically and have all this extracted information stored somehow. I of course have done a lot of searching on Google as well as Google Scholar, but I'm quite stuck.
Could anyone point me in the right direction? Any useful papers / websites / explanations you might know of are very welcome! Thanks in advance! :)

How to add first name and email before uploading a video?

Hi guys im brand new and not a developer but I need a way for users when they go to my site they can upload there video and there would be a option for them to add there first name and email so when the video is uploaded the database can keep all the data together.
Ideally I want this as easy as possible for the user and this would just go to our youtube channel or any video platform will work.Any advice would be great!
Please provide more information like what platform are you using ?.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.
The simple way to achieve with web technologies like (Php,node,jave) is maintain the basic user information into the sessions, and whenever it's necessary use this information.
You need to get some knowledge about the system you are using. You particularly need:
access to the server
to know the server type
access to the database
to know the database type
where the relevant files are
After you have gathered all these information, you at least know what you do not know. The next step is to gather information about how you can implement the feature you need. Look at it like at a puzzle with many small pieces. If you are patient-enough, at the end you will resolve the puzzle.
