I cannot find python35_d.lib - c

I have downloaded the 3.5 version of python on my windows 7 home premium computer with version 6.1 software. I wish to use a C main program with python library extensions. I have aded the path to the include folder and the library folder to the dev studio c-compiler. I am testing with the supplied test program that prints out the time but I get a compile error. While it can find Python.h, it can't find python35_d.lib. I can't either. Is it missing from the download or is this another name for a one of the libraries in the download? Thanks

Maybe a little too late, but I found a work around for the missing 'python3x_d.lib' : When installing the python with pythoninstaller.exe, choose the advanced setup options in the first command window of the installation wizard, there choose the option "download debug binaries", then the file python3x_d.lib is automatically installed.
I faced this error when trying to build opencv with python bindings


installing GSL library for C programming in windows

I want to install the GSL library (https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/) in windows. I have downloaded the files but i do not know what to do apart from that in order to be able to use the functions of the library (apart from the #include <...> in my program.c file).
I am using visual studio code and i have installed mingw.
Thanks in advance
I am adding more information about this issue. I am not the original poster, but I have the same problem.
I am trying to use the GSL and I work with Visual Studio Code on Windows 10.
I have already installed the basic packages to work with C/C++ in
Visual Studio Code. More precisely, if I am not wrong, VS Code is
using the compiler gcc.exe from mingw64 (last version). This was
installed using an 'extension' available at VS Code (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.cpptools).
I downloaded the last version of the GSL (2.7) and unzipped it.
I get stuck when I try to follow the installation instructions. When I
execute either .\configure or ./configure in the DOS command line,
I get an error of "unknown command" (even if I am placed in the same directory where the file is stored).
When I execute .\configure in PowerShell, I get a message asking me
which programme should be used to open this file.
And here is where I get lost. :/
I have discovered an alternate path, which is installing GSL from vcpkg (https://vcpkg.io/). This is suggested by VS Code, actually. This vcpkg seems to be a programme by Microsoft to make it easier to install third-party C/C++ packages in Windows.
The specifications to install vcpkg are (https://vcpkg.io/en/getting-started.html):
Windows 7 or newer
Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or newer
I can try this path, but first I would like to be sure there is no easier way (installing Visual Studio to not really use it seems a lot to me!).

How to build OpenEXR using cmake for windows 7 VS2013

I have encountered problem in building a solution of OpenEXR using Cmake for VS2013.
FYI, i have installed the prerequisite of OpenEXR, ILMBase and specify the path in system path variables. However, when i configure Cmake to produce solution for VS2013, the ILMBase package prefix cant be located.
Is there any solution to this??
if you still have the problem: Follow the readme, so don't use the cmake gui, but type everything in the command line (which includes specifying ILMBASE_PACKAGE_PREFIX)

Open an OpenCv Project in XCode - Run destination My Mac 64-bit is not valid

I downloaded openCV and extracted the project. I navigated into the Samples/FaceTracker folder. Double clicked on the project (FaceTracker.xcodeproj), and clicked on the run button when the project was loaded in XCOde. I get the following error, which doesn't allow me to run the application;
The run destination My Mac 64-bit is not valid for Running the scheme
The scheme 'FaceTracker' contains no buildables that can be built for
the SDKs supported by > the run destination My Mac 64-bit. Make sure
your targets all specify SDKs that are supported by this version of
The file OpenCv.framework is missing, but i looked for it and i am unable to find a file with that name. How can i resolve this issue ?
1- Your XCode project is not able to find the required library, or it finds one but its not compatible with your current operating system/processor/build settings. The missing framework and the error message suggests this.
2- May be you need to build OpenCV SDK to make sure that it's compatible with your machine, instead of trying to build the example first.
3- Instead of downloading and building openCV, I suggest you use a package management for OS X, like MacPorts. If you do not need cutting edge trunk version, this is a better option, which takes care of all the initial framework setup for you.

How to install C Compiler to Eclipse?

I have install the C/C++ CDT Version of Eclipse.
After making a HelloWorld.c file and get the code in there I get an error of "Launch failed. Binary not found".
I found in google that my Eclipse miss the compiler and I install MinGW on my computer and add the path to env variables (tested it with "gcc -v" in cmd and succeded).
But poorly it get the same Launch Failed error - any ideas, what step I forgot?
Some things to check:
1.) MinGW tools are installed as well. Make sure you have the C compiler and the Make program
2.) Check your Environment variables. Make sure both the compiler and Make are on the path.
3.) Eclipse is a temperamental beast at times, don't lose heart :-)
4.) If you're looking for a good IDE (without care for ideological concerns), might be worth looking at Bloodshed C++ IDE and Visual C++ 2010 express (or whatever they call their free version).
5.) Check the options menu in Eclipse to make sure it's looking at the correct environment variables for finding the Path.
IMHO, the simplest setup for eclipse on windows these days is cygwin - it seems to have been updated more recently than mingw, and works better.
Go to http://www.cygwin.com/, download the installer, select the default directory of c:\cygwin. Select 'All users'.
When it offers a list of packages, select 'gcc', 'binutils' and 'make' under the 'devel' category.
Add c:\cygwin\bin to your windows environment PATH.
Make sure Eclipse knows where to find your gcc compiler. An easier way would be to use EasyEclipse until you are more comfortable with your dev env.
I needed to move from the MinGW gcc to the CygWin gcc - all the C++2011 works and others say it is a better option too. Download the CygWin binaries etc. and then open up Eclipse.
In project properties, C/C++ Build -> Environment and set the CYGWIN_HOME variable. This worked fine for me on Eclipse Kepler Windows 7 (64Bit)
I also put the cygwin bin directory at the front of my Windows PATH variable.
Full details here:
You can try installing wascana. It automatically set up GNU compiler for you on Windows.

MSVCR90.DLL was not found

I know a question like this was already asked, but the situation is a little different, and all the answers on that problem didn't work for me.
I'm trying to compile some C code in VS2008 and it doesn't create an exe. Also, when I try to run it with f5, I get:
This application has failed to start
because MSVCR90.DLL was not found.
I did some googling and it said that this was because my c++ redistributable package wasnt installed. So I installed that, restarted everything and tried again. But alas, I still get the same error. Does anyone have any clue how to fix this?
It sounds like either a problem with your VS2008 installation, or something wrong with your DLL search path. MSVCR90.DLL is installed when you install VS2008, you shouldn't have to install any additional redistributable packages.
First I would check your PATH environment variable and make sure there is no gobbledydook in it that will break some of the entries, and if you don't find a problem there, then I would uninstall and reinstall Visual Studio.
You could also try searching for MSVCR90.DLL (and other DLLs like it), and move them to your Windows/System32 folder.
If you just want to get going now, another thing you could do is change your project to statically link to the runtime libraries, and then it wont even try to load that DLL. Go to your Project settings, Configuration Properties->C/C++->Code Generation and change Runtime Library from Multi-Threaded DLL to just Multi-Threaded (or any of the options that doesn't end with DLL).
Here are some things to check for your configuration of the project- under the general tab:
.1 Configuration type - exe in your case.
.2 Use of MFC: if this is an MFC application it might be more portable if you do: Use MFC in a static library.
.3 Use of ATL - if not using atl (or not sure) say Not using ATL.
.4 Under C/C++ -> Runtime Library: Say Multi-threaded Debug (for debug version) or Multi-Threaded (for release version).
If you are getting specific linker errors that say something is already defined:
This means that you have some parts of your app (separate libs being linked to your exe) that are built with different runtime linking:
You can:
Make sure that these libraries were compiled with the same version of visual studio as your application.
Change those projects to use static runtime: C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime LIbrary: /MT or MTd (same as #4 above)
If you still have some specific errors try telling the linker to ignore certain libraries: Go to Linker->Ignore Specific Library and put in the library that you want to ignore. This is most common for 'libcmt.lib' or 'libcmtd.lib'. It is important also to know that lib ending with 'd' is usually the debug version. If you are creating a release build and you are getting 'already defined in libcmtd.lib' that means that somewhere you are linking a release lib to a debug lib.
if you delete the manifest file associated with you .exe, you will get the same error.
MSVCR90.dll is not installed in system32, but in the side-by-side folder, hence the manifest is required.
I have just been bitten by this and this page got me working again.
The key is to ignore MSVCRT and MSVCR90 libraries for the debug configuration. Set your linker -> Input -> Ignore Specific Library setting to include the following:
it is supposedly in the http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=a5c84275-3b97-4ab7-a40d-3802b2af5fc2&displaylang=en visual studio 2008 runtime library. Yes! After installing that, openoffice update works.
If you give the finished exe to someone else they will need to install the latest visual c runtime to run it. This will only work for release build AFAIK. Visual studio should install the required runtime both release and debug into your path. The project probably has an additional dependency accidently set for an incorrect version of the runtime.
See if this page helps.
Go to your Project settings, Configuration Properties->C/C++->Code Generation and change Runtime Library from Multi-Threaded DLL to Multi-Threaded and then try to compile but it won't. Then change it to Multi-Threaded Debug and try to compile ,but it won't again and then you change it back to Multi-Threaded DLL and then it should compile and run.
