adding history to browser from angularjs - angularjs

I am using angularjs and ui-router. I have a page where i search certain content and show/hide some sections. I want to add history to browser, so that when user clicks on back. He can go to previous page where he was. How do i handle this requirement.


nested routing in angularJs help required

I want to have nested routing in angular-
In User.html, i will have three sections add, edit ,delete.
On click of add it should route to user/add and redirected to add.html and same for others.
How can this be achieved?
You can use $anchorScroll but that will not change your url mean you will stay on the same page and it will just scroll you to the section. As i can understand you want to have different actions on the same page, there are many ways to do so like angular like ng-show and ng-hide. You you the user edit view on demand and so with the add user. You can use same form for add new and edit. there is a tutorial on Angular page if you scroll down there is a section Wire up a Backend and that's something you want in your application i guess :-)

Redirecting to previous page without reloading

I have a question that suppose, I have an Admin Dashboard page, on which I have given a list of users. clicking upon a particular user the details of corresponding user is shown on a different page (say on userDetails.jsp). Now I have a back button on userDetails page, Clicking of which I need to redirect admin to the last visited page that is Admin Dashboard page, I have one solution that I can "Reload" the previos page on clicking back button, but then I feel that there is the overhead of calling a server side API, retrieving all the data, Again redraw the whole admin dashboard page even when there is no change made in the userDetails[because it is read only page, modification is not allowed there]. Is there anyway that I can make user of cache or anything else so that I will not need to go to the server to fetch all the data again. I am using spring MVC, angularjs, Thank you.
On your button's click event add the following code:
make sure to use $window rather than window since you're using AngularJS

angularjs only in a particular wordpress post

I build a website with many pages (event, blog, game....). One page display games (posts). User click on a new game button and there is a new post created.
User click on buttons to play, post is updated and reloaded.
I understand we can set wordpress to be a single application page with angularjs.
Is it possible to keep all the website as it is and use angularjs only for the game page, post ?
Absolutely, Just bootstrap ng-app to a wrapper of the section that has to be angularized or add ng-app to that wrapper. That way all the rest stays exactly the same.

AngularJS maintain data on page transition with different URLs

I was trying to understand how we can maintain the previous data when jump to another URL and come back again.
I have a single page application, let's say page1, where I have a search field and search result. There are come external links in the search data and if user clicks to that links, URL changes and user goes to different page. How can I maintain the same result data when the user wants to come back to the previous result page by hitting browser's back button?
Make sure all you need for a page to be displayed in a given state is part of its URL. Let's take your example:
Search page. Initially empty. URL = /cars
You fill the search form and press the search button. This navigates to URL /cars?color=blue&year=2015. Going to this URL changes the route, and the route searches the cars and displays them in the page.
You click on a car. This navigates to URL /cars/12345. Going to this URL changes the route, and the route loads the car 12345 and displays it in the page.
You press the back button. This navigates back to URL `/cars?color=blue&year=2015. Going to this URL changes the route, and the route searches the cars and display them in the page, again.
In short, your app should work the same way as if it was not a single-page app, and if the server used the URL to generate a HTML page dynamically.

AngularJS UI Router: Not registering history state when navigating to tabs

I have an Angular app that uses Angular UI Routing to provide states. The basic routing between pages works.
The app has multiple pages, and one of those pages has tabs. When I navigate to the page, I get a nice animation, and the back button appears in the header.
But when I navigate to the tabs page, the back button doesn't appear and there is no animation to the page. Is it possible to get an animation when I navigate to the page that has tabs, and to have the back button appear?
Made a new example that better shows what I mean:
look into this -
The View Service is leveraged by the Ionic's tabs directive, which has
child tab directives. Each tab requires its own history stack (forward
and back buttons), and to do so each tab has its own navView
directive. This system is similar to what you see in modern apps, such
as iOS's App Store, or Android's Play Store.
each tab within tabs has it's own history stack, therefor your nav-bar history is reset when you enter a tab for the first time.
it is managed with a $historyId value on the scope of the directive. maybe you can work around that with the use of these value.
