Integrating Android .aar lib - codenameone

I'm trying to integrate the cwac-cam2 library with codenameone. The lib is in .aar format but when I build it fails whith the following error:
org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command '/home/ec2-user/android-sdk/build-tools/23.0.1/aapt'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
I can not find out what is wrong. Can you help me please?
Lib reference:

Its a bit difficult for me to say what exactly wrong is, but you can try some general steps that I would follow like
1) Check your .aar lib is residing at appropriate location. Normally for Android it will be at ..\YourProject\native\android\YourLib.aar
(also do 'Refresh cn1lib files' once, because I did so.. lol)
2) check build hint and make sure you have
android.enableProguard = false
3) If you are using any activity from that .aar lib then make sure you have added those activity/ies in build hint as android.xapplication = <activity android:name="com.XX.YY.MyActivity" />
I would further suggest you look at Chen's post on ARR integration here:
Also notice that gradle builds are often harder to work with in terms of result readability. I would suggest trying to disable gradle first and getting it to work without it then re-enabling it so you can test with android studio if necessary. You can disable gradle with the build hint android.gradle=false.


React suddenly responding with index.html instead of javascript imports

Recently I've been unable to load javascript scripts to my webworkers in react for some reason. It always responds with index.html.
My config is simply a standard create-react-app app. The screenshots are from my actual project but I have confirmed that the problem persists if I create a new project and try to initialize a minimal example.
Each ffmpeg.* file is affected. This is also not specific to ffmpeg since another library had the same issue - thankfully the initialization of that library is simpler so I was able to simply put that libraries worker-file in the public folder - and that worked.
It might be a stupid question but I'm really at my wits end here and I can't figure out how to investigate further.
Thank you <3
It works if I put all the files it is trying to hit in the public folder - so it has to be some kind of context issue(??) This seems like a really stupid way to go about it. It's not in a worker at the point of loading - it's the worker loader that fails to access the stuff it needs in the node_modules folder, (core script, worker script and wasm code). Whet?

ANDROID: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle 'org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal.nls.logcat_en_US', key ''

There seems to be countless reports of this bug in Stack Overflow. None of the suggestions worked. In my case it is almost identical to this stack overflow report
except this case is in Android being built in Android Studio. It only happens in release mode with proguard. Proguard corrupts it somehow. And yes I have done the following in proguard:
-keep class org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.logging.JSR47Logger { *; }
-keep class org.eclipse.paho.** { *; }
I have also parsed the jars downloaded by gradle. I cannot update to 1.2.1 because that only works with the latest versions of Android ... according to comments made by the developers. If I could get the source code for 1.1.0 maybe I could stop it from calling a resource that does not exist.
Anyone solve this problem or is it a bug in proguard/paho?
Looking at the apks generated by release builds (uses proguard) and debug builds (no proguard) shows that proguard is taking the org.eclipse.... package name of the properties and changing the 'org' to some letter like 'c'. The mqtt paho client is looking for the property file using the full package name and therefore cannot find it, no matter what you include or exclude in proguard. I looked at an apk made a few months ago (I have not done anything with the paho client or that part of the code using the paho client ... it has worked fine and I have had no need to change it). I see in that old release apk that the 'org' is there as it should be.
So the problem is in proguard. All I could do to move forward is take the source files for 1.1.0, create a new java project module, and tediously comment out every 'log' and getLogger in the source code. Its a temporary and unpleasant fix but it works. When proguard (R8) fixes this, then I can go back to what I had.
So I guess the only real fix is to submit a bug to R8. That I have not done.

Sencha Cmd v3 build error when implementing Bryntum Scheduler

Using Cmd, I have successfully generated a workspace and an Ext app in that workspace. The application builds correctly until I attempt to integrate the Bryntum Scheduler, where I encounter an error when I try to build:
"Failed to resolve dependency Sch.panel.SchedulerTree for file ExtCalendar.view.Tree"
the app is very simple at this point, uses Ext.application and follows the MVC pattern where I have a view defined "ExtCalendar.view.Tree" that extends 'Sch.panel.SchedulerTree". I also have models and stores that extend Bryntum classes as well, so I assume the compiler will trip over those as well, since it can't see the Sch namespace.
I've added a 'js' path to my app.json that points to the bryntum js file where 'Sch.panel.SchedulerTree' comes from. I've tried to run the 'refresh' command with the same results (Failed to resolve...). I've regenerated the bootstrap.js file manually using 'compile', but nothing from the Sch namespace ever gets added to it, despite the Brytum lib file being in the classpath.
What do I need to do in order to successfully run the 'build' command with libs like this?
Or, do I need to take a more granular approach using the 'compile' command?
With the help of the nice folks on the Sencha forums, I was able to resolve my build issues. The solution, for me, involved a shim. I added an external shim.js file to my index with as many //#require and //#define directives as needed in order to resolve the dependency issues.
According to the nice folks at Bryntum, once I upgrade from the free-trial version of the Bryntum Scheduler, I will be able to get rid of the shim and simply rely on the sencha.cfg classpath pointing at the Bryntum src.
Also, as an aside, the app.json file is not used in ExtJS apps, its inclusion in the generated files was a bug in build 141 of Cmd v3.
See this thread for more detail.

jTwitter, oAuth, and Google App Engine. NoClassDefFoundError

I'm trying to use jTwitter to get an oauth instance to twitter with my consumer key/secret and access token/secret. This is well documented in the javadoc here. I have downloaded signpost, signpost-jetty, and the jtwitter library, but after deploying and running the servlet, I get a error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: winterwell/jtwitter/OAuthSignpostClient Eclipse isn't complaining about the class not being there, because it is there-- I can see it in the JAR file itself, which is in my project. So, I said forget it, I'll try out OAuthScribeClient instead, but this generated a VERY SIMILAR ERROR java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/scribe/oauth/Token This one confuses me even further because I have the following code in my java file, and it compiles without error or warning:
import org.scribe.oauth.Token;
Token token = new Token("myaccesstokeninfo", "accesstokensecret");
Clearly, I'm missing something very fundamental, but I am at an absolute loss as to what it may be. Thanks.
Usually "NoClassDefFoundError" happens when you forget to copy all jar-files to your "/war/WEB-INF/lib" directory, so those libs will be unavailable from server-side.
Xo4yHaMope is probably right.
If you're working from Eclipse but running using a web container, then your runtime classpath might be different from your project classpath - which can cause this error.
In order to complete Ben Winters answer what I actually did and worked is add the jar in
the libs folder within the project
see also here about folder hierarchy.
When you do this eclipse will normally add the jar to the android dependencies before launching the application. What I realise is that adding a jar in the build path will make classes available only during the build

Silverlight Unit tests can't be run (using ReSharper or NUnit): dependency error appears

CThru.Silverlight can't find dependent libraries Typemock.Isolator.VisualBasic & Typemock.ArrangeActAssert of Version=
but there are versions of these libraries registered.
Any workaround?
Where to download Typemock 6.0.2.?
You are right - the version of Isolator on the website contains the wrong references. We'll take care of that!
In the mean time, please download this version - it contains CThru with fixed references:
