Ng-repeat using $scope from a different state? - angularjs

I have two views, the first one (Search) has a button which when clicked will add an item to $scope.results1 and then take the user to the other view (Results) where the ng-repeat is.
When I click the button and the results page comes up, only "1" is displayed. However, if I call the test function straight away in the controller, I get taken to the Results page and both "1" and "2" are displayed. In both cases, the console log shows that the array results1 contains 2 items.
From what I've read, the solution would be to implement either a factory or a service but I'm fairly new to Ionic/angular so not quite sure how to begin such an implementation, any pointers would be appreciated!
Button in Search view :
<button class="button-full" id="find" ng-click="test();">Find</button>
$scope.test = function(){
console.log("pushed 2");
Results view:
<ion-content ng-controller="SearchController">
<div id="results">
<div class="list" id="search-items">
<div ng-repeat="item in results1">

You could implememnt a service for holding Results like this
var mainApplicationModule = angular.module("yourAppName");
mainApplicationModule.service('ResultService', function(){
var results = [];
this.add = function(data){ // to add data to results
this.getResults = function(){ // to get all results
Inject ResultService into your SearchController like this,
mainApplicationModule.controller('SearchController',['$scope','ResultService','$location', function($scope,ResultService,$location) {
ResultService.add(1) // Adds 1 to 'results' array in ResultService
$scope.test = function() {
ResultService.add(2); // Adds 2 to Results array in ResultService
$location.path("/results") // replace with path to your results view
$scope.results1 = ResultService.getResults(); // will have [1,2]

you can pass data while changing state,
config the state like this:
.state('tab.results', {
url: '/yoururl',
templateUrl: 'yourtemplate',
controller: 'yourcontroller',
params: {
"results": ""
then using :
$state.go("tab.results",{"results": $scope.results1});
in the second controller inject $stateParams and get value:
$scope.results = $stateParams.results;


Ng-repeat - "Are you sure to delete ?" from a modal

I'm retrieving a list of objects (item) from a Django API.
my_app.factory('list_of_items', function($resource) {
return $resource(
'/api/petdata/') });
Then I display everything in a html page within a ng-repeat:
<div ng-controller="ModalDemoCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="item in items | filter:{display:'1'} | orderBy: 'item_name'">
<div class="box box-widget widget-user">
{{ item.pet_name }}{% endverbatim %}
<button type="button" class="btn btn-box-tool" ng-click="askDelete(item)" href="#"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></button>
Everything's fine so far.
Then I want the user to be able to delete one of the item by clicking on the button from the html page.
What means deleting here :
1. Update the API database by changing the property "display:1" to "display:0".
2. Remove the item from the ng-repeat.
I want to make a "Are you sure" modal to confirm the delete process.
This is the askDelete function.
angular.module('djangular-demo').controller('Ctrl_List_Of_Pets', function($scope, $http, $window,$filter,list_of_pets,pet_by_id,$uibModal) {
$scope.items = list_of_items.query()
$scope.askDelete = function (idx,item,size,parentSelector) {
// console.log("PET",$scope.pet_to_be_undisplayed);
var parentElem = parentSelector ?
angular.element($document[0].querySelector('.modal-demo ' + parentSelector)) : undefined;
var modalInstance = ${
animation: true,
ariaLabelledBy: 'LOL',
ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body',
templateUrl: "myModalContent.html",
controller: function($scope) {
$scope.ok = function() {
$scope.cancel = function() {
size: size,
appendTo: parentElem,
resolve: {
modalInstance.result.then(function() {
var reallyDelete = function(item) {
$scope.entry = items_by_id.get({ id: }, function() {
// $scope.entry is fetched from server and is an instance of Entry
$scope.entry.display = 0;
$scope.entry.$update({id: $},function() {
//updated in the backend
$scope.items = window._.remove($scope.items, function(elem) {
return elem != item;
What works :
Updating the DB works with a PUT request (code hasn't been provided).
What doesn't work :
Removing the item from the ng-repeat never works. Or it throws me an error like here because it doesn't know window._.remove or it doesn't know $scope.items. It depends from what I try. Or the modal close and there is no update of the ng-repeat list, no refresh and every items remain whereas the PUT request to update worked.
I read every article on scope inheritance and I think I didn't make any mistake here but I'm might be wrong. I've been struggling for too long so I post here !
Would you suggest anything to make it work ?
Thank you for your rime.
$scope.askDelete = function (idx,item,size,parentSelector) receives the item index, the item, size, and parent selector... and you are calling ng-click="askDelete(item)"
I assume you are attempting to pass the item, but in askDelete you are receiving as first parameter the index (maybe you should do ng-click="askDelete($index)"?)
In reallyDelete why are you removing the items array like this:
$scope.items = window._.remove($scope.items, function(elem) {
return elem != item;
IMHO, it would be a much cleaner code if we just do:
$scope.items.splice(idx, 1) //<- idx would be the idx of the entry in the items
You may want to take a look at Splice

Using ion-list to display the sub-items of the selected item

I'm creating an app where there is a list of items displayed. when an item is selected it will be re-directed to another page where another set of items are listed with check box, so that the items can be check-boxed for further process. Im able to select the item from the list of first page but the problem is in the next page it doesn't display items related to the selected item and it remain blank.Please help me to resolve it.
html page1:
<ion-item ng-model="carBrand" ng-repeat="name in carSelect" ng-click="selectItem(carBrand)">
<!--ion-item ng-click="selectItem(value)" ng-repeat="value in carSelect" ng-model="value.selected"-->
html page2:
<ion-checkbox ng-repeat="brandType in newCarList">
<div align="center"><span>{{brandType.types}}</span></div>
var brandList={}; [
{'name':'Benz', 'types':['Truck', 'Regular']},
{'name':'BMW', 'types':['Oversize', 'Motorcycle']},
return brandList;
$scope.selectedItem = 'select';
$scope.selectItem = function (key) {
$scope.addEntry = function () {
This would correctly:
Within your config of your application, should I set the state that v to receive the parameter as follows:
carService.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('html2', {
templateUrl: 'overview',
params: ['value'],
controller: 'HtmlCtrl2'
Here you say that you will receive a parameter called value.
From Html1Ctrl
In the first controller, that is, in html 1 according to your example, you define this:
.controller('HomeCtrl1', function($state){
$scope.redirect = function(){
params = { 'value': 1 };
$state.go('view', params);
Here you say that when that function is called "redirect" arme value and send as parameter to reroute
In HtmlCtrl2 And in the controller 2 you get ...
.controller('HtmlCtrl2', function($scope, $stateParams) {
var value= $stateParams[0];
If you navigate to the next page that page should know what was selected in the previous page. Because you are using $state.go try using $stateparams which you pass to the next page. Something like:
Current page
$state.go('app.CarDetails',{value: value})
Next Page -> app.CarDetails
$scope.selected = $stateparams.value;
On the next page you can use the value to lookup and pre-populate information required from the previous page click.
Remember to inject/add $stateparams in the controller definition.

ng-repeat is not refreshed when ng-click method called from directive

I am working on creating reusable directive which will be showing composite hierarchical data .
On first page load, Categories like "Server" / "Software"/ "Motherboard" (items array bound to ng-repeat) would be displayed . If user clicks on "Server" then it would show available servers like "Ser1"/"Ser2"/"Ser3".
html :
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl" ng-init="init()">
<li ng-repeat="item in items">
<div my-dir paramitem="item"></div>
Now first time Items are loading, but clicking on any item is not refreshing ng-repeat. I have checked ng-click, "subItemClick" in below controller, method and it is being fired. However the items collection is not getting refreshed.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.init = function() {
$scope.items = [{iname: 'server',subItems: ['ser1', 'ser2','ser3']}
$scope.subItemClick = function(sb) {
if (sb.subItems.length > 0) {
var zdupitems = [];
for (var i = 0; i < sb.subItems.length; i++) {
iname: sb.subItems[i],
subItems: []
$scope.items = zdupitems;
.directive('myDir', function() {
return {
controller: 'myCtrl',
template: "<div><a href=# ng-click='subItemClick(paramitem)'>{{paramitem.iname}}</a></div>",
scope: {
paramitem: '='
I am expecting items like ser1/ser2 to be bound to ng-repeat on clicking "Server" but it is not happening .
Any help?
I think that onClick is screwing up the method's definition of $scope. In that context, the $scope that renders the ngRepeat is actually $scope.$parent (do not use $scope.$parent), and you're creating a new items array on the wrong $scope.
I realize the jsfiddle is probably a dumbed down example of what you're dealing with, but it's the wrong approach either way. If you need to use a global value, you should be getting it from an injected Service so that if one component resets a value that new value is reflected everywhere. Or you could just not put that onClick element in a separate Directive. What's the value in that?

html data get from $http GET is not showing properly in Angular js..?

I have defined a controller like this :
app.controller("home", function ($scope, $http, $common) {
method: "GET",
url: '/posts/loadData'
}).then(function (response) {
if (typeof != 'undefined') {
$scope.posts = $common.arrangePosts(;
and a service to arrange data :
app.service('$common', function ($timeout, $sce, $httpParamSerializerJQLike) {
var that = this;
this.arrangePosts = function (rawPosts) {
var posts = [];
$.each(rawPosts, function (key, value) {
postId: value.postId,
postLink: '/post/' + that.cleanString(value.title) + '/' + value.postId,
title: value.title,
summary: $sce.trustAsHtml(value.summary)
return posts;
using values in html like this :
<div class="widget fullwidth post-single">
<h4 class="widget-title">Latest</h4>
<div class="widget-content">
<li ng-repeat="post in posts">
<h4 class="list-title">{{post.title}}</h4>
Data coming from server in JSON form :
Object { postId="4", title="asdf", summary="<p>asdf</p>"}
but all the html tags are printing on my page as it is (like a text) in summary.
In many SO posts people suggested to use $sce.trustAsHtml but its not working for me. Please suggest anyway to solve my problem.
Any help will be appreciated..!!
have you tried this?
<div ng-bind-html='post.summary'></div>
You could solve this over a directive. Did you know, that you can use JQuery Lite inside AngularJS to manipulate the DOM?
Here a quick example:
.directive("posts", function($sce){
return {
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs){
//the HTML you want to show
var post = "<div>hello world</div>";
var posts = [post,post,post,post];
//iterating through the list (_.each is a function from underscore.js)
_.each(posts, function(element){
//if you want to save the trusted html string in a var you can do this with getTrustedHtml
//see the docs
var safeHtml = $sce.getTrustedHtml($sce.trustAsHtml(element));
//and here you can use JQuery Lite. It appends the html string to the DOM
//$element refers to the directive element in the DOM
And the html
This also pretty nice for the readability for your HTML code. And you can use it everywhere on your page.
As i can see, you get the HTML elements directly from a REST-Service. Why don't you get just the data and insert it into the ng-repeat? If you transfer all the HTML you get a pretty high overhead if you have loads of data.

angularjs: scope value doesn't get updated in view

there are buttons in detail.html file:
<div ng-controller="test.views.detail">
<div data-ng-repeat="item in details" scroll>
<button ng-click="showDetails(item)">The details</button>
in detail.js file
.controller('test.views.detail', function($scope) {
$scope.detailsClicked = false;
$scope.showDetails = function(item){
$scope.detailsClicked = true;
in formDetail.html code:
<div ng-controller="test.views.detail">
<div ng-if="detailsClicked">...
Initially it shows false for detailsClicked, when I click on button it goes to showDetails function but value of $scope.detailsClicked never get updated! It is straight forward not sure why it doesn't work:(
This is because you're using the same controller at two places and expecting the scope object to be the same which it is not. Everytime you call ng-controller in your markup a new scope object will be created. If you want them to be based off the same data then use a service.
Here is an example
app.controller('test.views.detail', function($scope, detailsClicked) {
$scope.detailsClicked = detailsClicked;
$scope.showDetails = function(item){
$scope.detailsClicked.isClicked = true;
Create a factory/service which will retain the data, make sure the data is a
app.factory('detailsClicked', function(){
var data = {
isClicked: false
return data;
