VS2005 Database Project ignoring target database name on deploy - database

I'm working on an ancient project made in VS2005 that deploys a database project to SQL Server 2005.
The project has a database name configured in the Target Database field in the Build tab of the project properties. Testing the connection confirms that the settings are correct.
I usually overwrite this database using SSMS with backups downloaded from different production servers, then rebuild the database project to generate an SQL script with the statements required to apply recent schema changes to the production DB.
I'm not sure what might have changed, but recently it started to generate a different DB named like this: ProjectName_DB_GUID, interfering with the creation of the diff script.
It also deleted many rows in some tables, even though Block Incremental Deployment if data loss might occur was checked.
This apparently happens only with some of the downloaded databases, but so far I haven't been able to pinpoint the exact cause.
What might I be missing here? What can I try to diagnose the problem and restore the original behavior?


Sharing database project in TFS

I created a database project as part of my solution with scripts for my tables. I'm using database first, so all I do is run the project to build/deploy my tables to the database.
I'm working with a few others so I checked the SQL project into TFS.
So the other people can get the solution, run the SQL project and generate the local database for themselves.
The problem is, it might generate them under another local instance. For instance, on my home computer, it generated it under (localdb)\Projects, but on my laptop, under (localdb)\ProjectsV12.
This breaks the connection strings (which of course can be fixed). But this leaves me wondering, is there a better way to develop the SQL project collaboratively?
If you have the SQL code under source control then everyone can open that solution to edit/create copies of the database. Ideally you have an automated process but that does not work for local dev.
Since sharing code is a bad idea and you have expressed that the database is used by more than one solution I would consider packaging and distributing it.
If you create a SSDT database project you can compile your database into a package that can upgrade any instance. You can then share that .dacpac output easily.
You might even what to share it with Nuget so that each dependency is automatically updated.
You can setup a SQL alias name to standardize the connection string across developer machines.
Alias .\SQLEXPRESS to (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB

Does SSDT bulid script for only changed objects?

I'm currently in the process of redesigning our department's source control strategy using Team Foundation Server (TFS) in regard to database objects. Essentially, we store nothing in TFS at this time. I have discovered SSDT and really enjoy their integration within Visual Studio and think it will make our transition into TFS much easier.
So, Does SSDT have the capability of generating scripts based on the delta's of my SSDT project verses what is in our server? It seems from what I have researched, I will only be able to generate an entire database script.
Requirements (Mind you, our developers do not have ddl access to production):
I cannot drop a database to re-create it
I cannot drop ALL objects like all stored procs to re-create them but only what I need
Tables will need to be altered not dropped and only what has changed
Dacpac's are out of the question
Our best option based on our environment at this time is to use scripts for updates
Our database environment is currently SQL Server 2008 R2. My SSDT version is the latest 2013 that was published in June.
Yes, if you do a publish from the project you will pretty much meet all of these requirements, though dacpacs are built as part of the process. The schema compare and pre/post deploy scripts are stored in the dacpac and the publish reads what "should" be present against what is currently in the database. It then generates a change script of all necessary changes to bring the database in line with the project.
Make sure you use the Refactor/Rename when renaming objects - that will cut down on the table drop/recreate operations. You may want to be careful with the "Drop objects not in the project" options. If you haven't been careful with making sure all objects created in your production server are in your project, you could accidentally drop something important just because someone didn't get it checked in.
There are command lines to the SQLPackage command that can generate change detail reports and scripts that you can use. The scripts need to be run through SQLCMD or in SQLCMD mode, but you can definitely produce scripts pretty easily.

How to version control SQL Server database with Visual Studio's Git Source Control Provider

I have Git Source Control Provider setup and running well.
For Visual Studio projects, that is.
The problem is that each such project is tightly tied to a SQL Server database.
I know how to version control a database in its own .git repository but this is neither convenient nor truly robust because ideally I would want the same ADD, COMMIT, TAG and BRANCH commands to operate on both directory trees simultaneously, in a synchronized manner.
Is there a way to Git SQL Server database with Visual Studio's Git Source Control Provider in the manner I described?
You can install the SQL Server Data Tools if you want to, but you don't have to: You can Use the Database Publishing Wizard to script your table data right from Visual Studio into the solution's folder, then Git it just like you do with the other project files in that folder.
You can store your database schema as Visual studio project using SQL Server Data Tools and then version control this project using Git.
Being in the database version control space for 5 years (as director of product management at DBmaestro) and having worked as a DBA for over two decades, I can tell you the simple fact that you cannot treat the database objects as you treat your Java, C# or other files and save the changes in simple DDL scripts.
There are many reasons and I'll name a few:
Files are stored locally on the developer’s PC and the change s/he
makes do not affect other developers. Likewise, the developer is not
affected by changes made by her colleague. In database this is
(usually) not the case and developers share the same database
environment, so any change that were committed to the database affect
Publishing code changes is done using the Check-In / Submit Changes /
etc. (depending on which source control tool you use). At that point,
the code from the local directory of the developer is inserted into
the source control repository. Developer who wants to get the latest
code need to request it from the source control tool. In database the
change already exists and impacts other data even if it was not
checked-in into the repository.
During the file check-in, the source control tool performs a conflict
check to see if the same file was modified and checked-in by another
developer during the time you modified your local copy. Again there
is no check for this in the database. If you alter a procedure from
your local PC and at the same time I modify the same procedure with
code form my local PC then we override each other’s changes.
The build process of code is done by getting the label / latest
version of the code to an empty directory and then perform a build –
compile. The output are binaries in which we copy & replace the
existing. We don't care what was before. In database we cannot
recreate the database as we need to maintain the data! Also the
deployment executes SQL scripts which were generated in the build
When executing the SQL scripts (with the DDL, DCL, DML (for static
content) commands) you assume the current structure of the
environment match the structure when you create the scripts. If not,
then your scripts can fail as you are trying to add new column which
already exists.
Treating SQL scripts as code and manually generating them will cause
syntax errors, database dependencies errors, scripts that are not
reusable which complicate the task of developing, maintaining,
testing those scripts. In addition, those scripts may run on an
environment which is different from the one you though it would run
Sometimes the script in the version control repository does not match
the structure of the object that was tested and then errors will
happen in production!
There are many more, but I think you got the picture.
What I found that works is the following:
Use an enforced version control system that enforces
check-out/check-in operations on the database objects. This will
make sure the version control repository matches the code that was
checked-in as it reads the metadata of the object in the check-in
operation and not as a separated step done manually. This also allow
several developers to work in parallel on the same database while
preventing them to accidently override each other code.
Use an impact analysis that utilize baselines as part of the
comparison to identify conflicts and identify if a difference (when
comparing the object's structure between the source control
repository and the database) is a real change that origin from
development or a difference that was origin from a different path
and then it should be skipped, such as different branch or an
emergency fix.
Use a solution that knows how to perform Impact Analysis for many
schemas at once, using UI or using API in order to eventually
automate the build & deploy process.
An article I wrote on this was published here, you are welcome to read it.

Proper structure of asp.net website and database in visual studio

My main problem is where does database go?
The project will be on SVN and is developed using asp.net mvc repository pattern. Where do I put the sql server database (mdf file)? If I put it in app_data, then my other team mates can check out the source and database and run it with the database being deployed in the vs instance.
The problem with this method are:
I cannot use SQL Management Studio with this database.
Most web hosts require me to deploy the database using their UI or SQL Management studio. Putting it in App Data will make no sense.
Connection String has to be edited each time I'm moving from testing locally to testing on the web host.
If I create the database using SQL Management studio, my problems are:
How do I keep this consistent with the source control (team mates have to re-script the db if the schema changes).
Connection string again. (I'd like to automatically use the string when on production server).
Is there a solution to all my problems above? Maybe some form of patterns of tools that I am missing?
Basically your two points are correct - unless you're working off a central database everyone will have to update their database when changes are made by someone else. If you're working off a central database you can also get into the issues where a database change is made (ie: a column dropped), and the corresponding source code isn't checked in. Then you're all dead in the water until the source code is checked in, or the database is rolled back. Using a central database also means developers have no control over when databsae schema changes are pushed to them.
We have the database installed on each developer's machine (especially good since we target different DBs, each developer has one of the supported databases giving us really good cross platform testing as we go).
Then there is the central 'development' database which the 'development' environment points to. It is build by continuous integration each checkin, and upon successful build/test it publishes to development.
Changes that developers make to the database schema on their local machine need to be checked into source control. They are database upgrade scripts that make the required changes to the database from version X to version Y. The database is versioned. When a customer upgrades, these database scripts are run on their database to bring it up from their current version to the required version they're installing.
These dbpatch files are stored in the following structure:
In the above tree, version 23 has one common dbpatch that is run on any database (is ANSI SQL), and a specific dbpatch for the three databases that require vendor specific SQL.
We have a database update script that developers can run which runs any dbpatch that hasn't been run on their development machine yet (irrespective of version - since multiple dbpatches may be committed to source control during a single version's development).
Connection strings are maintained in NHibernate.config, however if present, NHibernate.User.config is used instead, however NHibernate.User.config is ignored from source control. Each developer has their own NHibernate.User.config, which points to their local database and sets the appropriate dialects etc.
When being pushed to development we have a NAnt script which does variable substitution in the config templates for us. This same script is used when going to staging as well as when doing packages for release. The NAnt script populates a templates config file with variable values from the environment's settings file.
Use management studio or Visual Studios server explorer. App_Data isn't used much "in the real world".
This is always a problem. Use a tool like SqlCompare from Redgate or the built in Database Compare tools of Visual Studio 2010.
Use Web.Config transformations to automatically update the connection string.
I'm not an expert by any means but here's what my partner and I did for our most recent ASP.NET MVC project:
Connection strings were always the same since we were both running SQL Server Express on our development machines, as were our staging and production servers. You can just use a dot instead of the computer name (eg. ".\SQLEXPRESS" or ".\SQL_Named_Instance").
Alternatively you could also use web.config transformations for deploying to different machines.
As far as the database itself, we just created a "Database Updates" folder in the SVN repository and added new SQL scripts when updates needed to be made. I always thought it was a good idea to have an organized collection of database change scripts anyway.
A common solution to this type of problem is to have the database versioning handled in code rather than storing the database itself in version control. The code is typically executed on app_start but could be triggered in other ways (build/deploy process). Then developers can run their own local databases or use a shared development database. The common term for this is called database migrations (migrating from one version to the next). Here is a stackoverflow question for .net tools/libraries to make this easier: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8033/database-migration-library-for-net
This is the only way I would handle this on projects with multiple developers. I've used this successfully with teams of over 50 developers and it's worked great.
The Red Gate solution would be to use SQL Source Control, which integrates into SSMS. Its maintains a sql scripts folder structure in source control, which you can keep in the same folder/ respository that you keep your app code in.

DB Designer in Visual Studio 2010

I need to create an entirely new Sql Server 2008 database and want to use a Database Project in Visual Studio 2010 (Ultimate). I've created the project and added a table under the dbo schema.
The table .sql is shown only as plain text, though with colors. It has no designer, no Add Column, and no autocomplete. Existing column's properties are grayed out.
Usually, I use DB Project for nothing more than storing .sql files for source control purposes, but I'm assuming it can help me with designing the DB. Currently, it offers no such help and I think it's because I'm doing something wrong. Perhaps I need to deploy the DB to server first, or something of the such. I've looked for a Getting Started guide, but all guides I found start from importing an existing database.
Please help my understand what a DB Project can do for me and how.
The whole idea of the VSTS DB is to get you set on the right path, ie. store database object definitions as .sql files, not as some fancy diagram. Any modification you do to the objects you do it by modifying the SQL definition. This way you get to do any modification to the objects, as permitted by the DDL syntax, as opposed to whatever the visual-designer-du-jour thinks you can and can't do. Not to mention the plethora of SQL code generation bugs associated with all designers out there.
The closes to a visual view is the Schema View, which shows tables, columns, indexes etc in a tree view and you can see the properties from there.
By focusing the development process and the Visual Studio project on the .sql source files, teams can cooperate on the database design using tried and tested source control methods (check-out/check-in, lock file, conflict detection and merge integration, branching etc).
the deliverable of a VSTS DB project is a the .dbschema file, which can be deployed on any server via the vsdbcmd tool. This is an intelligent deployment that does a a schema synchronization (merge of new object, modifies existing ones) and can detect and prevent data loss during deployment. By contrast, the 'classical' way of doing it (from VS Server eExplorer, or from SSMS) the deliverable was the MDF file itself, the database. This poses huge problems at deployment. The deployment of v1 is really smooth (just copy the MDF, done), but as soon as you want to release v1.1 you're stuck: you have a new MDF, but the production is running on its own MDF and does not want to replace it with yours, since it means data loss. Now you turn around and wish you have some sort of database schema version deployment story, and this is what VSTS DB does for you from day 0.
You might be better off downloading the SQL Server Management Studio for SQL Server 2008 Express - http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=C243A5AE-4BD1-4E3D-94B8-5A0F62BF7796
Using this tool you can create your database using the visual tools provided by that software. You can run your .sql script to build up the database and then visually adjust columns settings, table relationships, etc.
Once you have your database designed open up Visual Studio and open a connection to this database using the Server Explorer.
Visual Studio is ok for simple tweaks and changes to an existing database structure but for anything serious like making the database from scratch I would recommend using the Management Studio. It's free and built for that exact purpose :)
