Merging multiple arrays using only <stidio.h> & <stdlib.h> - c

I am required to build a function that merges 3 sorted arrays of integers into a singular sorted array using only stdio.h and stdlib.h. I am unable to figure out how to build one with limits.h and I am as of yet unable to figure out how to modify it to run with limits.h or build a code from scratch that can perform the task. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
This is my code with limits.h:
int multimerge(
int * const * const arrays, // arrays holding the data
int const * const arraysizes, // sizes of the arrays in `arrays`
int number_of_arrays, // number of arrays
int * const output // pointer to output buffer
int i = 0; // output cursor
int j = 0; // index for minimum search
int min; // minimum in this iteration
int minposition; // position of the minimum
// cursor for the arrays
int * cursor = calloc(number_of_arrays,sizeof(int));
if(cursor == NULL)
return -1;
min = INT_MAX;
minposition = -1; // invalid position
// Go through the current positions and get the minimum
for(j = 0; j < number_of_arrays; ++j){
if(cursor[j] < arraysizes[j] && // ensure that the cursor is still valid
arrays[j][cursor[j]] < min){ // the element is smaller
min = arrays[j][cursor[j]]; // save the minimum ...
minposition = j; // ... and its position
// if there is no minimum, then the position will be invalid
if(minposition == -1)
// update the output and the specific cursor
output[i++] = min;
return 0;
} needs to be included only if you use any constants from the header file. In your program, you are using INT_MAX. If you use your own constants then you need not use from the header file. But you need to define your constants based on the size of the data types or some max values based on your requirement.


Fastest way to remove huge number of elements from an array in C

I have dynamic array that contains thousands of elements or even more, in order not to consume a large size of memory, I can remove unwanted elements from it (i.e elements have been used and no need for them any more) so from the beginning I can allocate a smaller memory size by estimating the maximum required size after removing the elements each time.
I use this way but it takes a very very long time to finish, sometime takes 30 minutes!
int x, y ;
for (x = 0 ; x<number_of_elements_to_remove ; x++){
for (y = 0 ; y<size_of_array; y++ ){
array[y] = array[y+1];
Is there a faster way than this?
Instead of removing elements one at a time, with two loops making for an O(n2) solution, you can make a single loop, with a single read and a single write index. Go through the array, copying items as you go:
int rd = 0, wr = 0;
while (rd != size_of_array) {
if (keep_element(array[rd])) {
array[wr++] = array[rd];
At the end of the loop wr is the number of elements kept in the array.
as I noticed you want to only delete elements from the start of the array, try this:
int x;
for(x = 0 ; x< size_of_array - number_of_elements_to_remove; x++)
array[x] = array[number_of_elements_to_remove + x];
this way you're using one for loop which reduces the complexity alot
It seems you essentially do
int y;
for (y = 0; y<size_of_array; y++){
array[y] = array[y+numbre_of_elements_to_remove];
The above should be faster, but there are still some caveats / problems with your code (e.g., access beyond the end od the array).
Here is the code to defragment the array.
int sparse_to_compact(int*arr, int total, int*is_valid) {
int i = 0;
int last = total - 1;
// trim the last invalid elements
for(; last >= 0 && !is_valid[last]; last--); // trim invalid elements from last
// now we keep swapping the invalid with last valid element
for(i=0; i < last; i++) {
arr[i] = arr[last]; // swap invalid with the last valid
for(; last >= 0 && !is_valid[last]; last--); // trim invalid elements
return last+1; // return the compact length of the array
I copied the code from this answer.
I think more efficient way is to use a link-list of buckets. And the buckets are managed by bit-string memory manager. It is like the following,
struct elem {
uint32_t index; /* helper to locate it's position in the array */
int x; /* The content/object kept in the array */
Suppose, our array content is int and it is encapsulated in a structure named struct elem.
enum {
struct bucket {
struct bucket*next; /* link to the next bucket */
uint64_t usage[MAX_BITMASK_SIZE]; /* track memory usage */
struct elem[MAX_BUCKET_SIZE]; /* the array */
A bucket is defined as an array of struct elem and usage mask.
struct bucket_list {
struct bucket*head; /* dynamically allocated bucket */
And a bucket list is a linked list containing all the buckets.
So we need to write memory manager code.
At first we need new bucket to be allocated when needed.
struct bucket*bk = get_empty_bucket(&container);
if(!bk) { /* no empty bucket */
/* allocate a bucket */
struct bucket*bk = (struct bucket*)malloc(sizeof(struct bucket));
/* cleanup the usage flag */
memset(bk->usage, 0, sizeof(bk->usage));
/* link the bucket */
bk->next = container.head;
container.head = bk;
Now as we have the bucket we need to set the value in the array when needed.
for(i = 0; i < MAX_BITMASK_SIZE; i++) {
uint64_t bits = ~bk.usage[i];
if(!bits) continue; /* no space */
/* get the next empty position */
int bit_index = _builtin_ctzl(bits);
int index = (i<<6)+bit_index;
/* set the array value */
bk->elem[index].index = index;
bk->elem[index].x = 34/* my value */;
bk.usage[i] |= 1<<bit_index; /* mark/flag the array element as used */
Deleting the array elements is easy as to mark them unused. Now when all the elements in a bucket is unused we can delete the bucket from the link-list.
We can sometimes defragment buckets or optimize them to fit in smaller space. Otherwise when we assign new elements we can select more crowded buckets over less crowded one. When we delete we can swap the element of less crowded one into more crowded one.
It is possible to delete elements of array in efficient way,
int remove_element(int*from, int total, int index) {
if(index != (total-1))
from[index] = from[total-1];
return total; // **DO NOT DECREASE** the total here
It is done by swapping the element with the last value.

Need help understanding logic of function

monthly->maxTemperature = yearData[i].high;
monthly->minTemperature = yearData[i].low;
I just can't seem to understand the logic of what the iterations will look like or how to access the proper elements in the array of data to get the proper data for each month.... without corrupting data. Thanks!
You're on the right track:
void stats(int mth, const struct Data yearData[], int size, struct Monthly* monthStats)
// These are used to calc averages
int highSum = 0;
int lowSum = 0;
int days = 0;
// Initialize data
monthly->maxTemperature = INT_MIN;
monthly->minTemperature = INT_MAX;
monthly->totalPrecip = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
// Only use data from given month
if (yearData[i].month == mth) {
days += 1;
if (yearData[i].high > monthly->maxTemperature) monthly->maxTemperature = yearData[i].high;
if (yearData[i].low < monthly->minTemperature) monthly->minTemperature = yearData[i].low;
highSum += yearData[i].high;
lowSum + yearData[i].low;
monthly->totalPrecip += yearData[i].precip;
if (0 != days) {
monthly->avgHigh = highSum / days;
monthly->avgLow = lowSum / days;
Before working on the assignment it's a good idea to examine the API that you need to implement for clues. First thing to notice is that the reason the struct Monthly is passed to your function by pointer is so that you could set the result into it. This is different from the reason for passing struct Data as a pointer*, which is to pass an array using the only mechanism for passing arrays available in C. const qualifier is a strong indication that you must not be trying to modify anything off of the yearData, only the monthStats.
This tells you what to do with the min, max, average, and total that you are going to find in your function: these need to be assigned to fields of monthStats, like this:
monthStats->maxTemperature = maxTemperature;
monthStats->minTemperature = minTemperature;
where maxTemperature, minTemperature, and so on are local variables that you declare before entering the for loop.
As far as the for loop goes, your problem is that you ignore the mth variable completely. You need to use its value to decide if an element of yearData should be considered for your computations or not. The simplest way is to add an if to your for loop:
int maxTemperature = INT_MIN; // you need to include <limits.h>
int minTemperature = INT_MAX; // to get definitions of INT_MIN and INT_MAX
for(int i = 0; i<size; ++i) {
if (yearData[i].month < mth) continue;
if (yearData[i].month > mth) break;
... // Do your computations here
* Even though it looks like an array, it is still passed as a pointer

how to initialize array of unknown size in c

I am doing a homework assignment for an intro to programming class in c.
I need to write a program that looks at an int array of unknown size (we are given a initializer list as the test case to use), and determine all the duplicates in the array.
To make sure that an element that was already found to be a duplicate doesn't get tested, I want to use a parallel array to the original that would hold the numbers of all the elements that were duplicates.
I need this array to be the same size as the original array, which of course we don't really know till the initializer list is given to us.
I tried using sizeof() to achieve this, but visual studio says that is an error due to the variable size (const int size = sizeof(array1);) not being constant. Am I not using sizeof correctly? Or is this logic flawed?
Perhaps there is another way to approach this, but I have yet to come up with one.
Here is the code included below, hope the comments don't make it too hard to read.
// Dean Davis
// Cs 1325
// Dr. Paulk
// Duplicates hw
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int array1[] = { 0,0,0,0,123,124,125,3000,3000,82,876,986,345,1990,2367,98,2,444,993,635,283,544, 923,18,543,777,234,549,864,39,97,986,986,1,2999,473,776,9,23,397,15,822,1927,1438,1937,1956,7, 29,- 1 };
const int size = sizeof(array1);
int holdelements[size];
int a = 0; // counter for the loop to initialize the hold elements array
int b = 0; // counter used to move through array1 and be the element number of the element being tested
int c = 0; // counter used to move through holdelements and check to see if the element b has already been tested or found as duplicates
int d = 0; // counter used to move through array1 and check to see if there are any duplicates
int e = 0; // counter used to hold place in hold element at the next element where a new element number would go. sorry if that makes no sense
int flag = 0; // used as a boolian to make sure then large while loop ends when we reach a negative one value.
int flag2 = 0; // used as a boolian to stop the second while loop from being infinite. stops the loop when the end of hold elements has been reached
int flag3 = 0; // used to close the third while loop; is a boolian
int numberofduplicates=0;// keeps track of the number of duplicates found
for (a; a < size; a++)
if (a == (size - 1))
holdelements[a] = -1;
holdelements[a] = -2;
while (!flag)
flag2 = 0;
flag3 = 0;
if (array1[b] == -1)
flag = 1;
while ((!flag) && (!flag2))
if (holdelements[c] == -1)
flag2 = 1;
else if (array1[b] == holdelements[c])
c = 0;
if (array1[b] == -1)
flag = 1;
while (!flag3)
if (array1[d] == -1)
flag3 = 1;
else if (array1[b] == array1[d] && b != d)
printf("Duplicate of %d, index %d, was found at index %d.\n", array1[b], b, d);
holdelements[e] = d;
printf("Total Duplicates Found: %d\n", numberofduplicates);
return 0;
redo to the following:
const int size = sizeof(array1)/sizeof(int);

Segmentation fault (core dumped) error, in a C search function

I'm trying to write a C program to take an array of discrete positive integers and find the length of the longest increasing subsequence.
'int* a' is the array of randomly generated integers, which is of length 'int b'
lis_n = answer(seq, seq_size);
int answer(int* a, int b) {
if (a == NULL) {return -1;}
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
//instantiate max and set it to 0
int max = 0;
//make an array storing all included numbers
int included[b];
memset(included, 0, b*sizeof(int));
//create a pointer to the index in included[] with the largest value
int indexMax = 0;
//create a pointer to the index in a[]
int indexArray = 0;
//index of a[] for max included
int maxToA = 0;
//set the first included number to the first element in a[]
included[indexMax] = a[indexArray];
//loop until break
while (1) {
if (a[indexArray] > included[indexMax]/*digit greater than last included*/) {
//include the digit
included[indexMax+1] = a[indexArray];
//increment current max pointer
j = b - 1;
while (indexArray >= j/*pointer is at end"*/) {
if (j == (b - 1)) {
if ((indexMax+1) > max/*total is greater than current max*/) {
max = indexMax + 1;
if (a[b-1] == included[0]/*last element is in included[0], stop*/) {
return max;
} else {
//max included is set to zero
included[indexMax] = 0;
//max included pointer decreased
//set array pointer to new max included
for (k=0;k<(b-1);k++) {
if (a[k] == included[indexMax]) {
indexArray = k;
//increment array pointer
for (i=0;i<b;i++) {
I'm receiving 'Segmentation fault (core dumped)' in the terminal upon running.
Any help would be awesome.
You have declared
int indexMax = 0;
And here you use it as an array index
incuded[indexMax] = 0;
You increment and decrement it
You check its range but you don't limit it, you alter the value you compare it with
if ((indexMax+1) > max/*total is greater than current max*/) {
max = indexMax + 1;
You never check indexMax against b or with 0
int included[b];
So you are almost guaranteed to exceed the bounds of included[].
Some general points of advice. Make your function and variable names meaningful. Avoid making a premature exit from a function wherever possible. Avoid while(1) wherever possible. And never make assumptions about array sizes (including C "strings"). It might seem hard work putting in the overhead, but there is a payoff. The payoff is not just about catching unexpected errors, it makes you think about the code you are writing as you do it.
I've done something like this for homework before. I got help from:
Make sure you are not trying to index past the size of your array. What I would do would be to find out the size of array a[] (which looks like it is b) and subtract 1. Make sure you are not trying to access past the size of the array.

How to find which value is closest to a number in C?

I have the following code in C:
#define CONST 1200
int a = 900;
int b = 1050;
int c = 1400;
// do something
What is a convenient way to check whether if a is the closest value to CONST among a,b and c ?
It doesn't matter if I have 3 variables or an array like this (it could be more than 3 elements):
int values[3] = {900, 1050, 1400};
This works for three variables:
if (abs(a - CONST) <= abs(b - CONST) && abs(a - CONST) <= abs(c - CONST)) {
// a is the closest
This works with an array of one or more elements, where n is the number of elements:
int is_first_closest(int values[], int n) {
int dist = abs(values[0] - CONST);
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
if (abs(values[i] - CONST) < dist) {
return 0;
return 1;
See it working online: ideone
Compare the absolute value of (a-CONST), (b-CONST) and (c-CONST). Whichever absolute value is lowest, that one is closest.
Here is a generalized method. The min_element() function takes an int array, array size, and pointer to a comparison function. The comparison predicate returns true if the first values is less than the second value. A function that just returned a < b would find the smallest element in the array. The pinouchon() comparison predicate performs your closeness comparison.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define CONST 1200
int pinouchon(int a, int b)
return abs(a - CONST) < abs(b - CONST);
int min_element(const int *arr, int size, int(*pred)(int, int))
int i, found = arr[0];
for (i = 1; i < size; ++i)
if (pred(arr[i], found)) found = arr[i];
return found;
int main()
int values[3] = {900, 1050, 1400};
printf("%d\n", min_element(values, 3, pinouchon));
return 0;
I m adding something in Mark Byres code.....
int is_first_closest(int values[]) {
int dist = abs(values[0] - CONST),closest; //calculaing first difference
int size = sizeof( values ) //calculating the size of array
for (int i = 1; i < size; ++i) {
if (abs(values[i] - CONST) < dist) { //checking for closest value
dist=abs(values[i] - CONST); //saving closest value in dist
closest=i; //saving the position of the closest value
return values[i];
This function will take an array of integers and return the number which is closest to the CONST.
You need to compare your constant to every element. (works well for 3 elements but it's a very bad solution for bigger elementcount, in which case i suggest using some sort of divide and conquer method). After you compare it, take their differences, the lowest difference is the one that the const is closest to)
This answer is a reaction to your edit of the original question and your comment.
(Notice that to determine the end of array we could use different approaches, the one i shall use in this particular scenario is the simplest one.)
// I think you need to include math.h for abs() or just implement it yourself.
// The code doesn't deal with duplicates.
// Haven't tried it so there might be a bug lurking somewhere in it.
const int ArraySize = <your array size>;
const int YourConstant = <your constant>;
int values[ArraySize] = { ... <your numbers> ... };
int tempMinimum = abs(YourArray[0] - YourConstant); // The simplest way
for (int i = 1; i < ArraySize; i++) { // Begin with iteration i = 1 since you have your 0th difference computed already.
if (abs(YourArray[i] - YourConstant) < tempMinumum) {
tempMinumum = abs(YourArray[i] - YourConstant);
// Crude linear approach, not the most efficient.
For a large sorted set, you should be able to use a binary search to find the two numbers which (modulo edge cases) border the number, one of those has to be the closest.
So you would be able to achieve O(Log n) performance instead of O(n).
closest_value := NULL
closest_distance := MAX_NUMBER
distance := abs(value_in_list - CONST)
if (distance < closest_distance)
closest_value := value_in_list
closest_distance := distance
print closest_value, closest_distance
