Issue in automating table data filling in firefox using webdriver - selenium-webdriver

This is data driven approach. I am trying to get data from sheet to be entered in table in a web application. Now in the table there are fields as below:
Textfield (To enter name), Datatype drop-down (To select data type), Length field(to enter the length), Status field (Isactive or not)
Now here there is a dynamic logic as for only “String” datatype the “Length” field would appear else in default table “Length” field/column is not shown because for other data types there is static length value provided.
Now when automating I am getting data in sequence from sheet and setting that in table. Switching over the fields is done by using “Tab” mechanism.
The only issue in this whole process is that while selecting “String” data-type from drop-down and after that tab is applied. At this point the “Length” field is supposed to appear for which data can be entered from the sheet but here at only tabbing/loosing focus from one field to another is not revealing the hidden “Length” field.
And at this point automation gets stuck up. Manually selecting the drop-down shows the “Length” field but when same is done manually using tab, the “Length” field does not show up.
It would be of really great help if anyone can please suggest on above issue.
Hoping to hear soon from someone. Thanks for your efforts in advance.

Manually selecting the drop-down shows the “Length” field but when
same is done manually using tab, the “Length” field does not show up.
Seems selenium isn't setting focus to the same object/element that you are. How are you using selenium to tab between fields? Do you have to tab to this element, or can you have selenium select it directly? Also, it would help us if you shared the selenium code and html.


Checkboxes - Macro not working for conditional formatting to uncheck all boxes

I am making a macro to add a new block of columns for every day in a google sheet. One column is populated with checkboxes which will be clicked by a user to mark the task as complete.
However, I have encountered serious difficulty when trying to copy and paste a new column containing unchecked checkboxes. The checkboxes do not appear at all and are somehow not recorded in the macro.
I also couldn't find a way to conditionally uncheck or check all the checkboxes in a column at once e.g. by the formula =TRUE(A2:A50) to check them and =FALSE(A2:A50) to uncheck them as it is giving an error.
Am I missing something or have I found a flaw in Google Sheets' checkbox system?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Passing Selected Item & Input Value from Angular UI Bootstrap Dialog

I'm trying to add an input field along with a drop down in an Angular Bootstrap Dialog box and am just not getting it. When a certain item is selected from the drop down an input field will display where the user will enter in the amount. For now I want to just try passing the value from the input box back from boostrap.dialog.js to postReasonsController.js. The reasons are pulling from one table and the input value will be stored in a separate table along with the selected reason id. This is an inherited project that I did not create so I'm a bit of a newb learning off the side of my desk.
I've added sample code to plnkr In the sample code I ended up using
vm.currentTransaction.ReasonDiscrepencyAmount = document.getElementById('amount').value;
Which works there as well as when running it locally. However, adding the same in my actual code it doesn't work. I'm not sure why it works in my sample code but not in my application.
Can anyone see what the issue is?

Opening Button to open form based on combo box selection

I currently have a MS Access database of members.
I have a form that has a combo box which is populated with just the first and last names of members. (using a test database for now)
What im struggling with is how do i create a button that opens another form i have created but using the selection in the dropdown box to populate the fields in the newly opened form.
When a user from the dropdown box is selected an open is clicked i want it to open the profile form populated with their details.
pictures and access files can be found on my ftp server:
Pass: ftpuser
I can't access ftp site from work so can't see what you've got thus far however, the key bits you want to look at here are:
Add a button to the form and the On Click Event to open your profile form. Something along the lines of docmd.openform "frmProfile", acNormal
You need something to pass the member you've selected in the combo box to the profile form. One way might be to use OpenArgs so have a look at that
You then could use the passed variable in OpenArgs to select the data you want to fill out your profile form.
OK, I've had a look at the file now. Here is what you need to do to fix your problems (and a couple of extra bits which aren't causing an issue but will improve the look and feel).
On the Format of the Home form and the Member Search form, set Navigation Buttons and Record Selector to false. - This removes the unnecessary elements for a "single" form, you're not looking at records.
On the member search form, remove the binding to the members table. - You don't need to bind this form, as the recordsource of the combo is pulling the data required separately. if you look at your form before you change it, you'll notice you've got 1 of 10 records...
Also, remove the filter criteria and set filter on load to No - You were filtering the wrong form.
On the combo box, remove the after update event. - I'm not sure what that was trying to do but its completely unnecessary.
On the command button, add an onclick event which has the following code DoCmd.OpenForm "Profile", acNormal, , "ID = " & Me.Combo361 & ""
Save everything and enjoy. :)
You weren't far wrong with the filter, but it's actually a WHERE clause when opening another form - sorry, my bad misdirection. What you were doing was filtering the original form - ie the member search form. Also, you don't need to put ' quotes around the ID, it's a number not a string.
If you have problems I can probably host this fixed version somewhere for you to download.

Vaadin: Reload ComboBox List while typing

I got a ComboBox in Vaadin and want to reload (from db) the set of entries in the dropdown list while typing in the text field of the ComboBox. I always got the exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: A connector should not be marked as dirty while a response is being written.
I tried to lock the session (getUI().getSession().getLockInstance().lock();), but it didn't help.
Is it possible to dynamically set/load the selection list of a ComboBox?
why do you want to change the content from DB as the user type? you'll get a postback and a query every key the user presses... isn't better to use the standard combo feature (which tries to autocomplete the value given what the user is typing)?
Anyway, if you really need this feature, you may extend the standard behaviour of combo extending the container behind the combo, as the data shown is taken from a container.

How to load custom post type field values in Wordpress from the database?

I was reading this link about creating a custom post type in Wordpress. In the example, the field value box is text and the user can enter anything inside. I was wondering if it's possible to turn that field value box to a dropdown one, which values are loaded from the database. So for example, under 'Date', there is a dropdown box next to it with dates loaded from the database. Anyone know if it's possible? Thanks!
