Writing to a File using App Engine Deferred - google-app-engine

I have a task that I would like to kick off using App Engine's cron job scheduler. To build the handler for this task, I've been looking off of an App Engine article that describes how to use a deferred to ensure that long-running tasks don't time out.
Note that this article talks about deferreds in the context of updating model entities. However, I would like to use it to continuously write to a file that will be hosted on Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
To compensate, I had thought to pass the the file stream that I am working with instead of the Cursor object as they do in the UpdateSchema definition in the article. However, in production (with 10k+ entries to write), I imagine that this file/file stream will be too big to pass around.
As such, I'm wondering if it would just be a better idea to write a portion of the file, save it to GCS, and then retrieve it when the deffered runs again, write to it, save it, etc -- or do something else entirely. I'm not quite sure what is typically done to accomplish App Engine tasks like this (i.e., where the input location is the datastore, but the output location is somewhere else).
Edit: if it makes a difference, I'm using Python

I suspect that the file stream will be closed before your next task gets it, and that it won't work.
You can certainly do the following:
Pass the GCS filename to the task
Read in the whole file.
Create a new file that has the old data and whatever new data you want to add.
Note that you can't append to a file in GCS, so you have to read in the whole file and then rewrite it.
If your files are large, you might be better off storing smaller files and coming up with a suitable naming scheme, e.g., adding an index to the filename.


Client side JS: Persist blob to disk before saving/prompting user for save location

1. The setup
I'm currently initiating a GET request to an S3 bucket (not important) to download a very large file using the browser fetch(). This file is, in it's stored form, raw and unusable binary data, not structured.
2. The task and problem
There are a few things I want to do on the client-side with this data:
I need to process this data as it streams into the client to perform transformations on it (decryption, for example).
Once the data is processed and downloaded, it might still not be of any immediate use to the user outside the context of the web UI. Maybe the data should stay stored within the web app's sandbox disk space unless a user explicitly exports it?
3. The question
Where can I store this blob of unstructured data in both or either of the use cases listed above? There appear to be many options but none that fit this use case precisely. Any thoughts?
I feel like an idiot. I totally forgot about the FileSystem API. I'll take a look and answer my own question with a pseudo-implementation of this works.
I feel the need to reiterate what I stated in 2.2 above:
within the web app's sandbox disk space
I don't care about accessing the user's whole file system. I just want a space I can work with large files in on disk, similar to the app space directories provided to mobile applications by Android and iOS.
If you want to save and process a file at client level, and Blob is not an option, you may consider File System Access API (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File_System_Access_API#writing_to_files), even if this will introduce an interaction with the user.
Another option would be to take the advantages of PWAs client-side storage (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Client-side_web_APIs/Client-side_storage), this is also about your application architecture.
Before to check if to process your file at client level can be done as you need with the existing technologies, check if you really need to do that because it is only option, or, instead, if you are able to move such logic at server level, depending on your use cases.

How to deal with issues when storing uploaded files in the file system for a web app?

I am building a web application where the users can create reports and then upload some images for the created reports. Those images will be rendered in the browser when the user clicks a button on the report page. The images are confidential and only authorized users will be able to access them.
I am aware of the pros and cons of storing images in database, in filesystem or a service like amazon S3. For my application, I am inclined to keep the images in the filesystem and paths of the images in the database. That means I have to deal with the problems arising around distributed transaction management. I need some advice on how to deal with these problems.
1- I believe one of the proper solutions is to use technologies like JTA and XADisk. I am not very knowledgeable about these technologies but I believe 2 phase commit is how automicity is achieved. I am using MySQL as the database, and it seems like 2 phase commit is supported by MySQL. Problem with this approach is XADisk does not seem to be an active project and there is not much documentation about it and there is the fact that I am not very knowlegable about the ins and outs of this approach. I am not sure if I should invest in this approach.
2- I believe I can get away with some of the problems arising from the violation of ACID properties for my application. While uploading images, I can first write the files to disk, if this operation succeeds I can update the paths in the database. If database transaction fails, I can delete the files from the disk. I know that is still not bulletproof; an electricity shortage might occur just after the db transaction or the disk might not be responsive for a while etc...I know there are also concurrency issues, for instance if one user tries to modify the uploaded image and another tries to delete it at the same time, there will be some problems. Still the chances for concurrent updates in my application will be relatively low.
I believe I can live with orphan files on the disk or orphan image paths on the db if such exceptional cases occur. If a file path exists in db and not in the file system, I can show a notification to the user on report page and he might try to reupload the image. Orphan files in the file system would not be too much problem, I might run a process to detect such files time to time. Still, I am not very comfortable with this approach.
3- The last option might be to not store file paths in the db at all. I can structure the filesystem such that I can infer the file path in code and load all images at once. For instance, I can create a folder with the name of report id for each report. When a request has been made to load images of the report, I can load the images at once since I know the report id. That might end up with huge number of folders in the filesystem and I am not sure if such a design is acceptable. Concurrency issues will still exist in this scheme.
I would appreciate some advice on which approach I should follow.
I believe you are trying to be ultra-correct, and maybe not that much is needed, but I also faced some similar situation some time ago and explored also different possibilities. I disliked options aligned to your option 1, but about the 2 and 3, I had different successful approaches.
Let's sum up first the list of concerns:
You want the file to be saved
You want the file path to be linked to the corresponding entity (i.e the report)
You don't want a file path to be linked to a file that doesn't exist
You don't want files in the filesystem not linked to any report
And the different approaches:
1. Using DB
You can assure transactions in the DB pretty much with any relational database, and with S3 you can ensure read-after-write consistency for both new objects and upload of new objects. If you PUT an object and you get a 200 OK, it will be readable. Now, how to put all this together? You need to keep track of the process. I can figure 2 ways:
1.1 With a progress table
The upload request is saved to a table with anything need to identify this file, report id, temp uploaded file path, destination path, and a status column
You save the file
If the file safe fails you can update the record in the table, or delete it
If saving the file is successful, in a transaction:
update the progress table with successful status
update the table where you actually save the relationship report-image
Have a cron, but not checking the filesystem, but checking the process table. If there is any file in the filesystem that is orphan, definitely it had been added to the table (it was point 1). Here you can decide if you will delete the file, or if you have enough info, you can continue with the aborted process triggering the point 4.
The same report-image relationship table with some extra status columns.
1.2 With a queue system
Like RabbitMQ, SQS, AMQ, etc
A very similar approach could be done with any queue system instead of a db table. I wont give much details because it depends more on your real infrastructure, but just the general idea.
The upload request goes to a queue, you send a message with anything you may need to identify this file, report id, and if you want a tentative final path.
You upload the file
A worker reads pending messages in the queue and does the work. The message is marked as consumed only when everything goes well.
If something fails, naturally the message will come back to the queue
In the next time a message is read, the worker can have enough info to see if there is work to resume, or even a file to delete if resuming is not possible
In both cases, concurrency problems wont be straightforward to manage, but can be managed (relying on DB locks in fist case, and FIFO queues in second cases) but always with some application logic
2. Without DB
To some extent a system without a database would be perfectly acceptable, if we can defend it as a proper convention over configuration design.
You have to deal with 3 things:
Save files
Read files
Make sure that the structure of the filesystem is manageable
Lets start with 3:
Folder structure
In general, something like one folder for report id will be too simple, and maybe hard to maintain, and also ultimately too plain. This will cause issues, because if we have a folder images with one folder per report, and tomorrow you have less say 200k reports, the images folder will have 200k elements, and even an ls will take too much time, same for any programing language trying to access. That will kill you
You can think about something more sophisticated. Personally like a way that I learnt from Magento 1 more than 10 years ago and I used a lot since then: Using a folder structure following first outside rules, but extended with rules derived extended with the file name itself.
We want to save a product image. The image name is: myproduct.jpg
first rule is: for product images i use /media/catalog/product
then, to avoid many images in the same one, i create one folder per every letter of the image name, up to some number of letters. Lets say 3. So my final folder will be something like /media/catalog/product/m/y/p/myproduct.jpg
like this, it is clear where to save any new image. You can do something similar using your reports id, categories, or anything that makes sense for you. The final objective is to avoid too flat structure, and to create a tree that makes sense to you, and also that can be automatized easily.
And that takes us to the next part:
Read and write.
I implemented a similar system before quite successfully. It allowed me to save files easy, and to retrieve them easily, with locations that were purely dynamic. The parts here were:
S3 (but you can do with any filesystem)
A small microservice acting as a proxy for both read and write.
Some namespace system and attached logic.
The logic is quite simple. The namespace lets me know where the file will be saved. For example, the namespace can be companyname/reports/images.
Lets say a develop a microservice for read and write:
For saving a file, it receives:
entity id (ie you report)
file to upload
And it will do:
based on the rules I have for that namespace, and the id and file name will save the file in this folder
it doesn't return the physical location. That remains unknown to the client.
Then, for reading, clients will use a URL that uses also convention. For example you can have something like
And based on the logic, the microservice will know where to find that in the storage and return the image.
If you have more than one image per report, you can do different things, such as:
- you may want to have a third slug in the path such as https://myservice.com/{NAMESPACE}/{entity_id}/1 https://myservice.com/{NAMESPACE}/{entity_id}/2 etc...
- if it is for your internal application usage, you can have one endpoint that returns the list of all eligible images, lets say https://myservice.com/{NAMESPACE}/{entity_id} returns an array with all image urls
How I implemented this was with quite simple yml config to define the logic, and very simple code reading that config. That allowed me to have a lot of flexibility. For example save reports in total different paths or servers or s3 buckets if they belong to different companies or are different report types

Importing and parsing a large CSV file with go and app engine's datastore

Locally I am successfully able to (in a task):
Open the csv
Scan through each line (using Scanner.Scan)
Map the parsed CSV line to my desired struct
Save the struct to datastore
I see that blobstore has a reader that would allow me toread the value directly using a streaming file-like interface. -- but that seems to have a limit of 32MB. I also see there's a bulk upload tool -- bulk_uploader.py -- but it won't do all the data-massaging I require and I'd like to limit writes (and really cost) of this bulk insert.
How would one effectively read and parse a very large (500mb+) csv file without the benefit of reading from local storage?
You will need to look at the following options and see if it works for you :
Looking at the large file size, you should consider using Google Cloud Storage for the file. You can use the command line utilities that GCS provides to upload your file to your bucket. Once uploaded, you can look at using the JSON API directly to work with the file and import it into your datastore layer. Take a look at the following: https://developers.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/json-api-go-samples
If this is like a one time import of a large file, another option could be spinning up a Google Compute VM, writing an App there to read from GCS and pass on the data via smaller chunks to a Service running in App Engine Go, that can then accept and persist the data.
Not a the solution I hoped for, but I ended up splitting the large files into 32MB pieces, uploading each to blob storage, then parsing each in a task.
It aint' pretty. But it took less time than the other options.

Processing a large (>32mb) xml file over appengine

I'm trying to process large (~50mb) sized xml files to store in the datastore. I've tried using backends, sockets (to pull the file via urlfetch), and even straight up uploading the file within my source code, but again keep running into limits (i.e. the 32 mb limit).
So, I'm really confused (and a little angry/frustrated). Does appengine really have no real way to process a large file? There does seem to be one potential work around, which would involve remote_apis, amazon (or google compute I guess) and a security/setup nightmare...
Http ranges was another thing I considered, but it'll be painful to somehow connect the different splitted parts together (unless I can manage to split the file at exact points)
This seems crazy so I thought I'd ask stackover flow... am I missing something?
Tried using range requests and it looks like the server I'm trying to stream from doesn't use it. So right now I'm thinking either downloading the file, hosting it on another server, then use appengine to access that via range http requests on backends AND then automate the entire process so I can run it as a cron job :/ (the craziness of having to do all this work for something so simple... sigh)
What about storing it in the cloud storage and reading it incrementally, as you can access it line by line (in Python anyway) so it wont' consume all resources.
The GCS client library lets your application read files from and write
files to buckets in Google Cloud Storage (GCS). This library supports
reading and writing large amounts of data to GCS, with internal error
handling and retries, so you don't have to write your own code to do
this. Moreover, it provides read buffering with prefetch so your app
can be more efficient.
The GCS client library provides the following functionality:
An open method that returns a file-like buffer on which you can invoke
standard Python file operations for reading and writing. A listbucket
method for listing the contents of a GCS bucket. A stat method for
obtaining metadata about a specific file. A delete method for deleting
files from GCS.
I've processed some very large CSV files in exactly this way - read as much as I need to, process, then read some more.
def read_file(self, filename):
self.response.write('Truncated file content:\n')
gcs_file = gcs.open(filename)
gcs_file.seek(-1024, os.SEEK_END)
Incremental reading with standard python!

How to update/write to a text file stored in blobstore 2

I need to do 10,000 times datastore read and 3000 times of datastore write everyday, which costs me some money.
My current solution is just to upload a text file to GAE and read the text file in every request.
My text file is
productid--- price--- description---xxx----xxxx-xxxx
However, my need is that I also want to write/edit/update text file. Is it possible?
Is these any advice for me? I dont want to use datastore.
If you are going to use Blobstore to store your files then you won't be able to modify them since blobs are immutable on Google App Engine:
Blobs can't be modified after they're created, though they can be deleted.
You should use datastore instead and more specific the ndb.TextProperty to store your text files since there is no length limit and you can easily create/update/delete. Since it's necessary to do all these requests per day there is nothing you can do about the fact that you will have to pay for it. Just make sure that you are following the best practices and also take a look on the Appstats so you'll be able to monitor your read/writes.
You can use the files API to create blobs. As already noted, you can't edit a blob, but you can do essentially the same thing by creating a new blob with the files API, copying/editing the data from the original blob to the new blob, and then replacing the old blob with the new one.
It works, but it is not ideal. The files API seems to cause a fair number of exceptions so you need to make sure to have good error checking in that part of your code.
