Querying Salesforce Activity History using Power Query raises DataSource.Error - salesforce

I think what I am doing is quite simple but hitting an unexpected error.
When I navigate the Salesforce.com Object Database using Power Query, and attempt to access the Activity History table I receive the following error.
DataSource.Error: entity type OpenActivity does not support query
Is there such thing as unqueryable tables from Salesforce Object Library or can I access the table using a different method in PowerQuery? List doesn't seem to work...
Source = Salesforce.Data("https://login.salesforce.com/", [CreateNavigationProperties = true]),
SFDC_ActivityHistory = SFDC{[Name="ActivityHistory"]}[Data]
I do my usual login and then provide organization wide security credentials. Other tables work fine like accounts and opportunities.

ActivityHistory Table cannot be accessed directly, but you could get query access to it as the child relationship of a primary object. For instance:
Select Name, (Select Subject, ActivityType from ActivityHistories) from Account
Please refer to the last section, "Usage", of the document: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_activityhistory.htm


How to optimally define permissions based on content with TypeORM

I'm using MS SQL Server + TypeORM with Nestjs to build an API.
There are different tables created on the already created in the database, like:
User, Client, Country, Building, Asset.
I want that the content that users are able to see is filtered based on some criteria (like Client and Building), for that reason I've defined some intermediate tables to assign permissions to users:
ClientUserPermission, BuildingUserPermission.
All these tables are mapped with TypeORM with their own Entity Repository.
So to get the data from each entity, and what I do to filter the content per user is:
First call to retrieve the ids of an entity from its corresponding permissions table, using the id of the user.
Second call to the targeted entity, filtering the data by the previous ids using the IN operator.
For example, to load all assets that a user can see:
Assets have buildingIds assigned, and BuildingUserPermissions have possible combinations of userId and buildingId, so I do the following:
public async findAllAssetsByUser({...}: QueryParamsDto, userId?: string): Promise<Asset[]> {
// Call permissions service, and get allowed buildings per user.
const allowedBuildings= await this.permissionsService.findAllowedBuildingsByUser(userId);
// Retrieve assets filtered by users allowed buildings.
const data = await this.assetsRepo.find({
where: {
buildingId: In([allowedBuildings]),
return data;
I think that there's probably a better way of doing this so I don't have to do one ore more extra calls to get first the permissions.
I've thought that maybe it would be better to query the data using a query builder to automatically do joins with the corresponding permissions table.
If there are better ways please tell me.

Issue loading data to Dynamics D365 using Azure Data Factory

I have the following issue in a copy activity:
"Code": 23605,
"Message": "ErrorCode=DynamicsOperationFailed,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Dynamics operation failed with error code: -2147088238, error message: A record that has the attribute values SAP Client, SAP System Id, OrderPOS-ID, Order ID, SAP Module, Account Assignment ID already exists. The entity key Purchase Order Atl Key requires that this set of attributes contains unique values. Select unique values and try again..,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary.DynamicsPlugin,''Type=System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]],Message=The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary.DynamicsPlugin,'";
I'm using a dynamic query(with a store procedure) and load that based on config table where i have all entities to load. And Recently we start to get this error messages for some countries(but there's no pattern). The entity in this case is Purchase Orders and the processes load part of the data to dynamics, but some countries are failing. I've already checked all possible duplicates and I didn't find none using the keys presented in message above;
This fields are defined as alternatekeys on dynamics in order to avoid duplicates, and the alternatekey are composed with: SAP Client, SAP System Id, OrderPOS-ID, Order ID, SAP Module, Account Assignment ID;
In order to make our process faster I separate PO(PurchaseOrders) in 2 view: (1)Purchase_Order_master : basically copy to dynamics new records with all keys and after this first view run we have the (2)view that got all attributes and do the upsert of all values that suffered some update on source side.
In this 2 view we have the following field in common, these are the only fields in common
sie_purchaseordersid(uniqueidentifier, null)
Executionid(uniqueidentifier, not null)
Hashkey(varbinary(32), not null)
The fields that compose the hashkey are the same that we can find on the alternate key
I don't have more ideas, and i hope one of you already tackled a similar issue in a passed and can provide some help.
Thanks in advance
I've try to find duplicates based on the fields that were mention in log message, but i didn't find nothing;

SalesForce SOQL join Leads to Contact

I'm trying to query data out of SalesForce Lead using SOQL and JOIN and obtain contact information where for the Lead Created through the contacts object.
I'm not sure which objects to use how to go about doing it.
Does anyone know of a detail schema of what can be used with SOQL relationship queries.
I've tried some examples from the following links but don't know how to do the same with Leads, contacts:
First of all you didnt mention properly what you want
List<lead> info = [Select * from Lead where Id = 'Id name of that Particular record of lead'];
now you can see all information of that particular lead in logs.

Dynamic database routing in Django

In my database, I have a Customer table defined in my database that all other tables are foreign keyed on.
class Customer(models.Model):
class TableA(models.Model):
Customer = models.ForeignKey(Customer)
class TableB(models.Model):
Customer = models.ForeignKey(Customer)
I'm trying to implement a database router that determines the database to connect to based on the primary key of the Customer table. For instance, ids in the range 1 - 100 will connect to Database A, ids in the range 101 - 200 will connect to Database B.
I've read through the Django documentation on routers but I'm unsure if what I'm asking is possible. Specifically, the methods db_for_read(model, **hints) and db_for_write(model, **hints) work on the type of the object. This is useless for me as I need routing to be based on the contents of the instance of the object. The documentation further states that the only **hints provided at this moment are an instance object where applicable and in some cases no instance is provided at all. This doesn't inspire me with confidence as it does not explicitly state the cases when no instance is provided.
I'm essentially attempting to implement application level sharding of the database. Is this possible in Django?
Solve Chicken and egg
You'll have to solve the chicken and egg problem when saving a new Customer. You have to save to get an id, but you have to know the id to know where to save.
You can solve that by saving all Customers in DatabaseA first and then check the id and save it in the target db too. See Django multidb: write to multiple databases. If you do it consequently, you won't run into these problems. But make sure to pay attention to deleting Customers.
Then route using **hints
The routing problem that's left is pretty straight forward if an instance is in the hints. Either it is a Customer and you'll return 'DatabaseA' or it has a customer and you'll decide on its customer_id or customer.id.
Try and remember, there is no spoon.
When there is no instance in the hints, but it is a model from your app, raise an error, so you can change the code that created the Queryset. You should always provide hints, when they aren't added automatically.
What will really bake your cookie
If for most queries you have a know Customer, this is ok. But think about queries like TableA.objects.filter(customer__name__startswith='foo')

GQL + Join Table Query Replacement for Google App Engine Datastore

Given the following Many to Many Relationship designed in Google App Engine Datastore:
PK: UserID
PK: CompanyID
CK CompanyID
For optimization query, what's the best way to query this relationship tables for showing the selected company's review by users.
Currently, I'm doing the following:
results = CompanyReview.all().filter('owned_by = ', company).filter('written_by = ', user).fetch(10)
where I'm able to retrieve the data of CompanyReview table. However, in this case, I would need to check against the UserID from this CompanyReview table against the User table in order to obtain the name of the users who have commented for the selected company.
Is there a better solution to grab the user name as well, all in one statement in this case or at least better optimized solution? Performance is emphasized.
It dependes on which side of the relationship will have more values. As described is this article of Google App Engine docs, you can model many-to-many relationships by using a list of keys in one side of the relationship. "This means you should place the list on side of the relationship which you expect to have fewer values".
If both sides of the relationship will have many values, then you will really need the CompanyReview model. But pay attention to what the article says:
However, you need to be very careful because traversing the
connections of a collection will require more calls to the datastore.
Use this kind of many-to-many relationship only when you really need
to, and do so with care to the performance of your application.
This is because it uses RefereceProperty in the relationship model:
class ContactCompany(db.Model):
contact = db.ReferenceProperty(Contact,
company = db.ReferenceProperty(Company,
title = db.StringProperty()
So if in Contact entities we try to access the companies, it will make a new query. And if in ContactCompany entities we try to get attributes of contact as in contact_company.contact.name, a query for that single contact will be made also. Read the ReferencyProperty docs for more info.
Since you are performance-savvy, I recommend using a decorator for memcaching function returns and using this excellent layered storage library for Google App Engine.
