Learning Algorithm not working? - artificial-intelligence

Learning Algorithm of Single layer precptons just works for only given training data, not for new input.Is there any way to correct this?
private void traning(){
int errorCount = 0;
for( int i = 0 ; i < input_set_count ; i++ ){
float weightSum = 0;
for( int j = 0 ; j < no_input ; j++ ){
weightSum = weightSum + weight[j] * train_data[i][j];
int toutput = 0;
if( weightSum >= threshold )
toutput = 1;
int error = output[i] - toutput;
if( error != 0 )
for( int j = 0 ; j < no_input ; j++ ){
weight[j] = weight[j] + error * train_data[i][j] * learning_rate;
if( errorCount == 0 )
System.out.println("Traning Completed...");


Optimizing Nested For loops in C

I am working on code where I have nested 'for loops' which is often used for calculation of matrix.
Below is example.
for( j = 0; j < col; j++ )
for( i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
float temp_var = *(mat1 + ( i * Col) + j );
for( k = 0; k < rows; k++ )
if( k != i )
if( *(mat1 + ( k * col) + j ) == temp_var )
*(mat1 + ( i * col) + j ) = count;
for( j = 0; j < rows; j++ )
count = 0;
for( i = 0; i < col; i++ )
float temp_var = *(mat1+ ( j * col) + i );
for( k = 0; k< col; k++)
if( k != i)
if( *(mat1 + ( j * col) + k ) == temp_var )
count = count + 2;
*(mat1 + ( j * col) + i ) = count;
One way would be splitting them into different functions. But I would like to if I can optimize in more efficient manner and also to improve readability .
Some minor ways in which you can make your code more readable and concise:
count += 2 (instead of count = count + 2)
As (mat1+ ( j * col) + i ) is reused multiple times, you can store it in a variable like
auto myVar = (mat1+ ( j * col) + i ); this would make you code more readable.
Bonus: Whenever you don't need indexes in for loop, for(auto x: arr) can be a wise option.

How to implement a Mini-Batch Gradient Descent in C starting with a Stochastic one?

I have done a stochastic NN but the variation is too big so i want to go for a batch one but, as far as I've tried, I can't get acceptable results, I can't understand when I have done the forward how can I combine data to update weights.
There is an input layer, one hidden and one output.
For now I have tried to add all the deltas together and to average them but with poor results.
This is my stochastic version for one epoch.
for( np = 1 ; np <= numPattern ; np++) { /* repeat for all the training patterns */
p = ranpat[np];
for( j = 1 ; j <= numHid ; j++ ) { /* compute hidden unit activations */
SumH[p][j] = WeightIH[0][j] ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= numIn ; i++ ) {
SumH[p][j] += allData[p].in[i] * WeightIH[i][j] ;
Hidden[p][j] = 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-SumH[p][j])) ;
for( k = 1 ; k <= numOut ; k++ ) { /* compute output unit activations and errors */
SumO[p][k] = WeightHO[0][k] ;
for( j = 1 ; j <= numHid ; j++ ) {
SumO[p][k] += Hidden[p][j] * WeightHO[j][k] ;
Output[p][k] = 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-SumO[p][k])) ; /* Sigmoidal Outputs*/
Error -= ( allData[p].out[k] * log( Output[p][k] ) + ( 1.0 - allData[p].out[k] ) * log( 1.0 - Output[p][k] ) ) ; /*Cross-Entropy Error*/
DeltaO[k] = allData[p].out[k] - Output[p][k]; /* Sigmoidal Outputs, Cross-Entropy Error */
for( j = 1 ; j <= numHid ; j++ ) { /* 'back-propagate' errors to hidden layer */
SumDOW[j] = 0.0 ;
for( k = 1 ; k <= numOut ; k++ ) {
SumDOW[j] += WeightHO[j][k] * DeltaO[k] ;
DeltaH[j] = SumDOW[j] * Hidden[p][j] * (1.0 - Hidden[p][j]) ;
for( j = 1 ; j <= numHid ; j++ ) { /* update weights WeightIH */
DeltaWeightIH[0][j] = eta * DeltaH[j];
WeightIH[0][j] += DeltaWeightIH[0][j] ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= numIn ; i++ ) {
DeltaWeightIH[i][j] = eta * allData[p].in[i] * DeltaH[j];
WeightIH[i][j] += DeltaWeightIH[i][j] ;
for( k = 1 ; k <= numOut ; k ++ ) { /* update weights WeightHO */
DeltaWeightHO[0][k] = eta * DeltaO[k];
WeightHO[0][k] += DeltaWeightHO[0][k] ;
for( j = 1 ; j <= numHid ; j++ ) {
DeltaWeightHO[j][k] = eta * Hidden[p][j] * DeltaO[k];
WeightHO[j][k] += DeltaWeightHO[j][k] ;

Out of memory error in c program for shortest path in a grid

I want to create a program that computes the path of minimum cost between 2 elements “S” and “E”,while carrying a pizza. We have a grid (2d array) that consists of ., W, X, S and E. “X” are walls-obstacles. If we move while carrying the load, every move (L,R,U,D) costs 2. However, we can leave the pizza in a wormhole “W” and take it again from another “W” in our grid, reducing the cost of our moves to 1. Leaving the pizza and taking it again costs 1.
I have written a program, but it consumes a lot of memory and the grader doesn’t accept it. I use a priority queue to store every next situation. The array prev is 3d, because we want to store, because prev[i][j][0] means we don’t carry the pizza and prev[i][j][1], means we carry it.
Here is a simple input :
Can anyone help?
#define MAX_ROWS 1000
#define MAX_COLUMNS 1000
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
char path[1000000] ;
char line[MAX_COLUMNS] ;
int row_coordinate ;
int column_coordinate ;
bool loaded ;
typedef struct {
bool loaded ;
int row_coordinate ;
int column_coordinate ;
}situation ;
typedef struct {
int row_c ;
int column_c ;
char move ;
}previous ;
typedef struct coordinates{
int row ;
int column ;
}position ;
typedef struct {
int priority ;
situation *data ;
} node_t ;
typedef struct {
node_t *nodes ;
int len ;
int size ;
} heap_t ;
void push (heap_t *h , int priority , situation *data) {
if (h->len + 1 >= h->size) {
h->size = h->size ? h->size * 2 : 4;
h->nodes = (node_t *)realloc(h->nodes, h->size * sizeof (node_t));
int i = h->len + 1;
int j = i / 2;
while (i > 1 && h->nodes[j].priority > priority) {
h->nodes[i] = h->nodes[j];
i = j;
j = j / 2;
h->nodes[i].priority = priority;
h->nodes[i].data = data ;
situation *pop (heap_t *h) {
int i, j, k;
if (!h->len) {
return NULL;
situation *data = h->nodes[1].data;
h->nodes[1] = h->nodes[h->len];
i = 1;
while (1) {
k = i;
j = 2 * i;
if (j <= h->len && h->nodes[j].priority < h->nodes[k].priority) {
k = j;
if (j + 1 <= h->len && h->nodes[j + 1].priority < h->nodes[k].priority) {
k = j + 1;
if (k == i) {
h->nodes[i] = h->nodes[k];
i = k;
h->nodes[i] = h->nodes[h->len + 1];
return data;
int isEmpty(heap_t *ptr_heap){
if (ptr_heap == NULL){
return FALSE ;
if (ptr_heap->size == 0){
return TRUE ;
} else {
return FALSE ;
previous prev[1000][1000][2] ;
int main()
FILE *FilePtr;
int columns=0,rows=0,priority,i,j,k,cost,min_cost,length_of_path,l,c;
position start ;
FilePtr = fopen("text2.txt" , "r");
if(FilePtr == NULL)
printf("Can't open file");
while (fgets(line,sizeof line,FilePtr)!= NULL)
for (columns=0; columns<(strlen(line)-1); ++columns){
grid[rows][columns]=line[columns] ;
//initialization of start
if (grid[rows][columns] == 'S'){
start.row=rows ;
start.column=columns ;
grid[rows][columns]='\0' ;
++rows ;
//until here cool !
//initialization of init(initial situation)
situation *init = &(situation){ .loaded = true , .row_coordinate = start.row , .column_coordinate = start.column} ;
heap_t *h = (heap_t *)calloc(1,sizeof (heap_t)) ;
//push init in queue with priority = 0
priority = 0 ;
push(h,priority,init) ;
//initialize array of situations prev
//prev is a 3d array !
for (i=0; i<rows; ++i){
for (j=0; j<columns; ++j)
for (k=0; k < 2; ++k) {
prev[i][j][k].move = 'O' ;
prev[i][j][k].row_c = -1 ;
prev[i][j][k].column_c = -1 ;
//prev[init] = "none"
prev[0][0][1].move = 'n' ;
min_cost = 0 ;
cost = 0 ;
i = 0 ;
j = 0 ;
k = 1 ;
c = 0 ;
l = 0 ;
length_of_path = 0 ;
//initialize the current situation
situation *current = &(situation){ .loaded = true , .row_coordinate = 0 , .column_coordinate = 0 } ;
current = pop(h) ;
i = current->row_coordinate ;
j = current->column_coordinate ;
if(current->loaded == true){k = 1 ;}
else {k = 0 ;}
//printf("%d\n",i) ;
//printf("%d\n",j) ;
//printf("%d\n",k) ;
//exit(1) ;
//until here cool
if ((grid[i][j] == 'E' )&&(k == 1)) {
min_cost = cost ;
printf("%d\n" , min_cost) ;
while (prev[i][j][k].move != 'n'){//as long as we are not in the initial situation
printf("%d\n" , min_cost) ;
//exit(1) ;
path[length_of_path] = prev[i][j][k].move ;//we store the path in reverse order
length_of_path++ ;
if (prev[i][j][k].move == 'L'){j-- ; }
else if (prev[i][j][k].move == 'R'){j++ ;}
else if(prev[i][j][k].move == 'U'){i-- ;}
else if(prev[i][j][k].move == 'D'){i++ ;}
else continue ;//we are in warmhole no change of coordinates
//exit(1) ;
for (l=length_of_path; l>=0; l--){//prints the solution/best path
printf("%d\n" , min_cost) ;
printf("%c" , path[l]) ;
//exit(1) ;
else {
//m = "L"
j-- ;
//we find the next situation
if (j>=0){
situation *next = &(situation){ .loaded = true , .row_coordinate = i , .column_coordinate = j} ;
if (k == 0) {next->loaded = false ;}
if (prev[i][j][k].row_c == -1){ // if next doesn't exist in prev
//prev[next] = (i,j,m) ;
prev[i][j][k].row_c = i ;
prev[i][j][k].column_c = j ;
prev[i][j][k].move = 'L' ;
if (k == 0) {c = 1 ;}//lakis doesn't carry the pizza
else {c = 2 ;}
cost = cost + c ;
priority = cost + c ;
push(h,priority,next) ;
j++ ; // go back to the begging
//m = "R"
j++ ;
//we find the next situation
if (j<columns){
situation *next = &(situation){ .loaded = true , .row_coordinate = 0 , .column_coordinate = 0} ;
if (k == 0) {next->loaded = false ;}
if (prev[i][j][k].row_c == -1){
//prev[next] = (i,j,m) ;
prev[i][j][k].row_c = i ;
prev[i][j][k].column_c = j ;
prev[i][j][k].move = 'R' ;
if (k == 0) {c = 1 ;}//lakis doesn't carry the pizza
else {c = 2 ;}
cost = cost + c ;
priority = cost + c ;
push(h,priority,next) ;
j-- ;
//m = "U"
i-- ;
//we find the next situation
if (i>=0){
situation *next = &(situation){ .loaded = true , .row_coordinate = i , .column_coordinate = j} ;
if (k == 0) {next->loaded = false ;}
if (prev[i][j][k].row_c == -1){
//prev[next] = (i,j,m) ;
prev[i][j][k].row_c = i ;
prev[i][j][k].column_c = j ;
prev[i][j][k].move = 'U' ;
if (k == 0) {c = 1 ;}//lakis doesn't carry the pizza
else {c = 2 ;}
cost = cost + c ;
priority = cost + c ;
push(h,priority,next) ;
i++ ;
//m = "D"
i++ ;
//we find the next situation
if (i<rows){
situation *next = &(situation){ .loaded = true , .row_coordinate = i , .column_coordinate = j} ;
if (k == 0) {next->loaded = false ;}
if (prev[i][j][k].row_c == -1){
//prev[next] = (i,j,m) ;
prev[i][j][k].row_c = i ;
prev[i][j][k].column_c = j ;
prev[i][j][k].move = 'D' ;
if (k == 0) {c = 1 ;}//lakis doesn't carry the pizza
else {c = 2 ;}
cost = cost + c ;
priority = cost ;
push(h,priority,next) ;
// if m = "W"
c = 1 ; //lakis takes or leaves the pizza
cost = cost + c ;
priority = cost ;
situation *next = &(situation){ .loaded = true , .row_coordinate = i , .column_coordinate = j} ;
if (k == 0) {next->loaded = false ;}
push(h,priority,next) ;
fclose(FilePtr) ;
return 0;

How to produce the following output?

Since i'm new in the programming world ,i'm facing little problem while writting program for this pattern .I tried many times but the result is not what i wanted ?
The pattern is :
What i have written is :-
void main()
int num = 1 , j = 1 , x = 1 , i = 1 ;
while( j <= 4 ) {
while( i <= num ) {
printf( "%d", x ) ;
x++ ;
i++ ;
num++ ;
i = ( i + 1 ) - num ;
j++ ;
getch() ;
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
return 0;
produces the output you desire
You need to print a newline after the inner loop:
int main()
int num = 1 , j = 1 , x = 1 , i = 1 ;
while( j <= 4 ) {
while( i <= num ) {
printf( "%d", x ) ;
x++ ;
i++ ;
num++ ;
i = ( i + 1 ) - num ;
j++ ;
There is another example:
int main()
int i, j, num = 1, line = 4;
for(i = 1; i <= line ; i++)
for(j = 0; j < i; j++)
printf("%d", num);
return 0;
With single loop:
# include<stdio.h>
# define LIMIT 100
int main(){
int i, prev=0, next=0, diff=1;
printf("%d", i);next++;
if(diff == next-prev){
diff++;prev = next = 0;

Backtracking in C

I've heard about backtracking and I've searched a little bit .I thought I got the idea and wrote this piece of code to solve sudoku , but it seems to give wrong solutions (for example repeated numbers in a row) , what exactly i am doing wrong here ?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define N 9
bool not_in_row(int temp , int i , int grid[N][N]){
int f ;
for(f = 0 ; f < N ; f++)
if(grid[i][f] == temp)
return false ;
return true ;
bool not_in_column(int temp , int j , int grid[N][N]){
int f ;
for(f = 0 ; f < N ; f++)
if(grid[f][j] == temp)
return false ;
return true ;
bool not_in_sq(int i , int j , int grid[N][N] , int temp){
int k , t ;
int s = i - (i % 3) + 3, v = j - (j % 3) + 3;
for(k = i - (i % 3) ; i < s ; i++)
for(t = j - (j % 3) ; j < v ; j++)
if(grid[k][t] == temp)
return false ;
return true ;
bool sudoku_Solver(int grid[N][N] , int position){
if(position == 81)
return true ;
int i = position / 9 , j = position % 9 ;
if(grid[i][j] != 0)
return sudoku_Solver(grid , position + 1) ;
int temp ;
for(temp = 1 ; temp <= N ; temp++){
if(not_in_row(temp , i , grid) && not_in_column(temp , j , grid) && not_in_sq(i , j , grid , temp))
grid[i][j] = temp ;
if(sudoku_Solver(grid , position + 1))
return true ;
grid[i][j] = 0 ;
return false ;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i , j ;
int grid[9][9] = {{0,1,0,0,4,0,0,0,0}
} ;
sudoku_Solver(grid , 0) ;
for(i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++){
for(j = 0 ; j < 9 ; j++){
printf("%d " , grid[i][j]) ;
printf("\n") ;
return 0;
Your loops in not_in_sq are wrong:
for(k = i - (i % 3) ; i < s ; i++)
for(t = j - (j % 3) ; j < v ; j++)
Look closely at i < s, i++, j < v, and j++. They are obviously incorrect. Here they are fixed:
for(k = i - (i % 3) ; k < s ; k++)
for(t = j - (j % 3) ; t < v ; t++)
