Is it safe store a username inside a cookie? - angularjs

I working on security and I 'm storing a session key inside a cookie. I will use it to check if the user is actually connected and if he didn't tried to change some info.
at first I think to just check if the session key is inside the database, but I think it would be more secured to check if the current user has the session key instead of just finding a user that have that key and assume that he must be the one connected.
I know I should use session storage, but since I'm using AngularJS, I don't know how to achieve that, so no need to point out that I should use session instead.
-Would it be safe to put the username inside the cookie?
-Would just using the session key and assume that the user that got the key most be the connected one be a good idea (it would simplify some of my request to the database later on)?

It sounds like essentially what you are trying to achieve by storing the username in a cookie is to make the username a 2nd factor in a 2-factor authentication scheme. The problem is, the username always travels in a cookie alongside the session id and so when one is exposed, the other is too. So no security is gained.
Furthermore, there is no valid security argument to storing username in a client cookie and then trusting that this username is the same one associated with a session. The client can trivially change the value of the cookie before submitting a request. And any attacker that has already managed to have sniffed out the session id from a cookie could probably just have easily read the username cookie too, making a session hijack attack practically the same difficulty. At best, you've achieved no higher security and added unnecessary complexity to your code. At worst, you've betrayed usernames which wouldn't have otherwise have been visible to an attacker. eg. in the case of expired sessions.
OWASP Recommendation:
Session ID Content (or Value)
The session ID content (or value) must be meaningless to prevent information disclosure attacks, where an attacker is able to decode the contents of the ID and extract details of the user, the session, or the inner workings of the web application.
The session ID must simply be an identifier on the client side, and its value must never include sensitive information (or PII). The meaning and business or application logic associated to the session ID must be stored on the server side, and specifically, in session objects or in a session management database or repository. The stored information can include the client IP address, User-Agent, e-mail, username, user ID, role, privilege level, access rights, language preferences, account ID, current state, last login, session timeouts, and other internal session details. If the session objects and properties contain sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, it is required to duly encrypt and protect the session management repository.
It is recommended to create cryptographically strong session IDs through the usage of cryptographic hash functions such as SHA1 (160 bits).


How to set up a temporally password accessed ressouce?

Developing a platform with contents and some files. Users can create a resource, and set it:
private: only accessible for him
protected: accessible via a password that can expire
public: no security rules to access
Considering we have that 2 tables:
We want to protect our element table if visibility = 'protected'. So creator should give a password for resource access, and set an expiration date.
Users can set many passwords with a different expiration date.
How can we store that password, with security, and thinking about the user can share a password, close password access, and get his password access to share resources when he needs them.
We talk here about a conception of the solution, don't care about languages or orm.
Potential solution
Cron job
Create a table joining passwords with entities, and when the user sets a password, launch a cron job that will set an attribute like active to false when the expiration date is reached.
Problem: making our app stateful, if cloud-based and the pod crash, cron job fell in void...
Store it in base64
To allow users to get back already set passwords, we have to get symmetric encryption algorithm to encrypt and decrypt the password, but that exposes resources if the database is compromised..
Also creating a table joining passwords with entities here.
No more ideas for the moment... How would you do ?
The best solution should be stateless and don't store passwords in clear.
I can think of other two solutions
A PubSub mechanism, which you can choose to trigger when to execute. For example, when you create a password today and want it to expire tomorrow. you can create a pubsub task that will trigger in a day. The task will remove that password.
A JWT token, which is a token that encoded the information in there, which includes the expiration date. When you verify that token, you will verify the signature to make sure it is not tampered and also if it is still valid. If you need to store secret inside it, you can use RS256.

Right way to store which user is connected in my AngularJS app

I'm trying to keep in my app which user is connected. I'm really not sure if I'm doing this correctly. So here is how I plane to do it:
First I use my Slim API to check if the username and password are correct and if has access privilege.
If it returned the username and his privilege level, I will store them in a cookie and use those two information in the app.
The problem is that I'm afraid that if I store the username in a cookie, someone could try to change the cookie and put an other username instead.
Is it alright to only use the username for my requests to the DB as soon as the user is connected (like get all item of a user using the name of the user), or should I use a more secured and efficient way, if there is one?
P.S: I'm not asking how to have my site remember the user when he go back to the site. I'm asking how I should remember the username and other information while my user is still on my site in a secured way.
You should generate a long random number password and store that in a cookie. This random number is essentially just another unique password for this user. So, on the server side, you only store a properly salted hash of this random number. Think of this like a Hash key for that user stored in DB, and you use this HASH key to decrypt the long ramdom password.
You could encrypt these informations in the cookie, so nobody can steal these ones. Each time a user is trying to launch your application check if the credentials in the cookie are still correct (Is this username in your databse ? Is the accreditation level correct for this user ?). So you know if these informations have been changed. If they aren't correct you invite the user to login again.

Do I need to encrypt secret access key?

I'm creating a mobile REST API.
Currently, when user signs in with email and password, I generate secret session key (64 chars long), store it in database and send it to the user so that user doesn't need to log in again for the future request until they logged out.
For the next requests, I just check if the provided session key is equal to the one in database.
But, there is a big security loophole I see in this scheme. If the attacker got access to the database, they can use the secret key and impersonate anyone without knowing the password at all. What's the point of encrypting the password in this case besides obscuring user's real password - it doesn't prevent anything else.
So, my question is how do you store these access key correctly?
Twitter will send session key on sign in on their API. So, how do they store these keys?
It's even better to hash the session key, just as if it was a password, and store the hashed value in the database.
The only difference from password hashing is that, since your session keys are (I hope, at least) generated by a secure random number generator and long enough to be unguessable by brute force (I'd recommend at least 128 bits of randomness), you:
don't need a separate salt, and
can use a simple cryptographic hash function like SHA-256 instead of a deliberately slow password hashing scheme like PBKDF2.
Not using a salt also allows you to use the (hashed) session key to look up session records in the database, so you don't need a separate session ID for that.
So, to sum it up:
When starting a new session, generate the session key using a secure RNG, store the SHA-256 hash of the session key in your database, and send the (unhashed) session key to the client.
When the client makes a request, hash the session key sent by the client using SHA-256, and look up the corresponding record in the database.
You may also wish to limit the lifetime of session keys, and to provide some mechanism for the client to explicitly invalidate all of the user's sessions, to mitigate the effects of a compromise of individual session keys.

What should i store as UserName from DotNetOpenAuth

Im using DotNetOpenAuth to integrate Google,Yahoo,Twitter and Facebook Logins into my application.
Now everything works as expected.
Twitter returns -> User-name and Claim-identifier(Just Id)
Google returns -> Email-Address, First and last Name and ID(URL+ID)
Yahoo returns -> Email-Address, Alias and ID (Url + ID)
Also im also allowing my users to register internally so my database User table is like this:
im wondering what i should be storing as User-Name, i was thinking of the ID, but i have this questions:
Shall i store the whole ID as User-Name ?!
Would it affect performance to store the whole ID(URL) as username?
If i extracted the ID from the Claim-Identifier would it still be unique between all 3 providers?
For OpenID, you must use the ClaimedIdentifier as the ID. Not anything else, and certainly not only a substring from the claimed identifier. Anything else seriously compromises the security of your application.
As far as where you store it, I would recommend you keep a dedicated column for storing your claimed identifier rather than just storing it in your UserName column. Consider this scenario:
A user creates an account with your web site using an OpenID http://SomeOpenIDUrl
An attacker logs in via the username/password form. He leaves the password blank but enters http://SomeOpenIDUrl as the username
The attacker successfully logs in as his victim.
A situation like the above can be mitigated in various ways of course, but the best way IMO is to keep the OpenID out of the username column so that it's completely impossible.

Securly Storing OpenID identifiers and OAuth tokens

I am creating a web app that will use OpenID logins and OAuth tokens with Youtube. I am currently storing the OpenID identity and OAuth token/token secret in plain text in the database.
Is it inappropriate to store these values as plain text? I could use a one-way encryption for the OpenID identifier but I don't know if that is necessary. For the OAuth tokens, I would need to use a two-way encryption as my app relies on getting the session token for some uses.
Is it necessary to encrypt the OpenID identity? Could someone use it to gain access to a user's account?
First, there is a registered application that has consumer_key and consumer_secret.
When users authenticate and "allow" your registered application, you get back:
an access_token that is considered the user's "password" and would allow JUST YOUR application to act on the user's behalf.
So, getting just the user's access_token from your database won't help much if they don't also have the consumer_key and consumer_secret for complete access.
The service provider compares all 4 parameters on request. It would be smart to encrypt these 4 parameters before storage and decrypt them before response.
This is just when you need to update or make changes to the user's resource owner on behalf of a user. To keep a user logged-in on your site, use sessions.
The OAuth Token and Secret should both obviously be kept safe in your database, but you can't store them using 1 way encryption the same way you would for a password. The reason being is that you need the token and secret to be able to sign the request.
This would also be the case if you are running an OAuth server, you still need the original token/secret to verify the request.
If you want to you could still encrypt them using a 2 way encryption algorithm such as AES to offer security in case your database or database backups get compromised.
There's two schools of thought here.
The first argument is that: you should treat OAuth tokens like passwords. If anyone were to access your database, obtain all the OpenID/OAuth pairs and run an man-in-the-middle attack, they could impersonate any user on your site.
The second argument is this: by the time someone has access to your database and sufficient access to your network to run an man-in-the-middle attack, you're hosed anyway.
I'd personally err on the side of caution and just encrypt them; it's a standard practice for passwords, so you might as well give yourself just that little extra peace of mind.
Meanwhile, Google has this advice:
"Tokens should be treated as securely as any other sensitive information stored on the server."
And some random guy on the web has specific implementation advice:
If they’re on a regular disk file, protect them using filesystem
permissions, make sure that they’re
encrypted, and hide the password well
If they’re in a database, encrypt the fields, store the key
well, and protect access to the
database itself carefully. *
If they’re in LDAP, do the same.
archived post (original post URL, now a dead link)
OpenID URL shouldn't be encrypted because this is your "open id" literally, everyone should know the value. Besides, the URL needs to be an index in the database and it's always problematic to encrypt the index in the database.
OAuth token/secret should be secret and encryption may improve security if you have to store the token long term. In our OAuth consumer application, token/secret is only stored in session for a short while and we choose not to encrypt them. I think that's secure enough. If someone can peek into our session storage, they probably have our encryption key also.
Yes, these should be symmetrically encrypted (say, AES-256 in CBC mode) at rest in a database. A simple way to encrypt these tokens is using SecureDB's Encryption as a Service RESTful APIs.
Disclosure: I work at SecureDB.
