Angular Material Dialog With md-list-item ng-repeat scrolls to bottom upon load - After Upgrade - angularjs

I upgraded angular material from rc1 to 1.05.
Now the dialog is scrolling to the bottom of the list when my dialog loads.
Any ideas as to why it is scrolling to the bottom of the list.

This may be a bit late but I think I've figured out what is happening.
$mdDialog has an option:
focusOnOpen - {boolean=}: An option to override focus behavior on open. Only
disable if focusing some other way, as focus management is required for
dialogs to be accessible. Defaults to true.
This implies that to ensure the dialog is focused, something in the dialog is focused.
My experience of this is that the buttons at the bottom of the dialog where being focused by default, and thus the dialog was scrolling down to show them.
My fix was to add md-autofocus to the input I had at the top of the dialog.


When a Preference is modified through the right side Toolbar Menu Form, the ToastBar message confirmation is shown to the Form beneath it

I have added the possibility to change a Preferences setting directly in the right side Toolbar. It works fine. However, the ToastBar confirmation messages are shown beneath the Toolbar Form rendering it effectively useless...
Is there a way to bring forth the ToastBar messages?
I suggest using useFormLayeredPane(true) when showing the toast. You can toggle this globally using:

Custom autocomplete from example won't open in a dialog

I am trying to use a custom autocomplete inside a dialog, but it the autocomplete wont open.
Open the codesandbox below.
You'll see:
A custom autocomplete (from official doc's example )
A button that opens a dialog, with another instance of the same custom autocomplete.
Click on "labels" of 1. And you see the autocomplete. Good.
Click on "Open" then try to open the autocomplete from the dialog. Impossible. Not Good.
I believe the culprit is the input's autofocus (from 'renderInput').
For some reason, the autocomplete blurs as soon as it opens, and closes immediatly.
Removing the autofocus helps just a bit, you can then open the autocomplete, but it will disappear when clicking the input.
Related closed issue on github:
The issue is that clicking on "Labels" is opening a Popper within a Dialog. By default, Dialog enforces keeping focus on itself. Opening the Popper is taking focus away from the Dialog. When Dialog brings focus back on itself, it is causing the Popper to close.
Adding the disableEnforceFocus prop on the Dialog fixes the problem. Here is a fixed version of your sandbox that includes some console logs that make it easier to see what is happening:

SideMenu and tabs screen issue

I've a couple of tabs in a form. If I open side menu and try to slide the side menu out, rather than closing the side menu the components of the tabs move. How can I solve it?
Have a look at the video here.
This is probably a bug we should find a way to fix. However, I'm not sure if we can do so easily as both the tabs and side menu rely on the pointer event listeners of the parent Form.
I'm afraid that at this time the only workaround is to disable tab swiping.

How to rotate the tab focus within the popup in ADF

I have a popup with some input fields, links and buttons.
When I press tab, then the focus is moving to next element as expected.
After completing all the focus-able fields, tab focus moving to the Parent window's buttons, links, etc...
Is there any workaround to rotate the tab focus within the popup ?
I am working with ADF in JDev
This is ADF framework bug. Hosted a bug with ADF Framework and they have accepted this as a bug.
I'll update this post once I get the resolution from ADF team.

Reacting to StylusDown in control's UI?

I'm building a touch screen application in WPF and I'm wanting to show a change in UI when the user presses a button with their finger/stylus. Currently you only get a flicker of UI change once the finger is released but nothing before that.
I've been trying to hook up triggers and/or eventtriggers in the button template to things like stylusdown and touchdown but to no avail.
I've hooked up some console writes on events attached to a button and they appear in the following order:
All of which firing at the same time when the finger is lifted from the screen. (TouchUp doesn't seem to fire at all).
Any ideas on how I could begin to capture a finger pressing onto a button in the template so I can give the user some idea that they are actually pressing a button?
After blogging in more detail about this issue I had a comment recommending using a SurfaceWindow and then SurfaceButtons from the Surface Toolkit (currently in Beta) and now all is working as I would expect.
Update: The link is now dead. Here's the link to that page from Wayback Machine.
