How do I save a file name to a variable in cmd? - file

#echo off
title Music
color 0f
echo Welcome to you Music!
set /p var=What would you like to do:
if %var%==find goto find
if %var%==play goto play
goto main
set /p song=What song would you like me to check for (Case Sensitive):
if exist music\"*%song%*.mp3" goto exist
if not exist music\"*%song%*.mp3" goto notExist
echo %song% is here.
goto main
echo %song% is not here. Check the spelling and letter case for errors.
goto main
set /p song=Enter the name of a song to play:
if exist music\"*%song%*.mp3" goto play2
if not exist music\"*%song%*.mp3" goto notExist
goto main
set songName = [file name]
:: Will put more code later.
The purpose of this program is to search my music for a specific song and be able to play it from command line. I will later add code to control the music but for now I just want to be able to find the song and play it. I am using the '' so someone could enter "Another Brick in the Wall" and let it find "Another Brick in the Wall Part 2" The issue is when saving a variable, it can not use '' or they will be saved as part of the string.

your question isn't very clear. The following should answer what I guessed from your question and comments:
set /p "song=What song would you like me to check for (Case insensitive): "
REM if you are afraid of qoutes entered by the user, remove them:
set song=%song:"=%
<nul set /p "=Songs found: "
dir /b "music\*%song%*.mp3"|find /c /v ""
echo the names are:
dir /b "music\*%song%*.mp3"
echo executing them...
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /s "music\*%song%*.mp3"') do (
echo ... executing %%i
REM whatever you use to play it


batch; Save input as option for next run (livestreamer)

I created my first batch file ever a couple of weeks ago to use livestreamer more comfortably.
Basically I can either type in the name of Twitch streamer or I can start something from another plattform.
What I am trying to do is is save my input as an option for the next time.
Let's say I went to the twitch stream of "shroud". When the stream ends I would like to put shroud as an option in the beginning of the script:
title twitchings
color 0a
echo Select [#] or enter Stream
echo 1. non twitch
echo 2. shroud
set /p select=?
I assume it would be easiest to store that list in a txt file and then load it upon running the batch file, but my basically non-existant knowledge in coding hinders me from creating it.
Does anyone know a quick help, I would also love to know if there is a website where I can learn this stuff without googling for hours :)
This is my updated script for those who are searching for the same issue.
#ECHO off
title twitchings
color 0a
echo Select [#] or enter Stream
echo 1. non twitch
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set "file=C:\Users\[...]\savedstreams.txt"
set /A i=1
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%file%") do (
set /a i += 1
echo !i! . %%a
set /p select=?
set /a varCheck=%select%
if %varCheck% == %select% (goto :isnumber) else (goto :isstream)
exit /B
set "lineNr=%select%"
set /a lineNr-=1+1
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in (`more +%lineNr% savedstreams.txt`) DO (
set "stream=%%a"
goto :leave
set "stream=%stream:*:=%"
echo stream: %stream%
goto qual
set "stream=%select%"
echo %stream% >>savedstreams.txt
goto qual
echo enter URL
set /p select2=?
livestreamer %select2%
GOTO end
livestreamer 1080p60 || livestreamer best
GOTO end
#CHOICE /C:rqn /M "[R]etry, [Q]uit or [N]ew"
GOTO quit
echo "bye."
Thank you guys!
You can use >> to put the output of a command in text file. For example:
echo hi everyone >>textfile.txt
will add "hi everyone" to the last line of the text file.
You can also use > to add it to the first line instead.

Batch: Show last user input

(This is my first post here, so bear with me)
Can you show the last user-input in a batch file? I'm gonna try to keep it simple here.
#echo off
echo Type 1 to proceed.
set /p example=
if "%example%" == "1" GOTO :proceed
GOTO :error
echo You wrote (last user input), that's not correct.
timeout 30
GOTO :menu
I know that I could replace the (last user input) with %example%, but then I'd have to make custom error messages for every category, and there are about 50 of them. It'd be easier with a last input command.
By the way, I've taught myself everything that I know about batch, so my example probably has major issues right now, but it works somehow.
You could centralize all user input into a function (user_input)
echo Type 1 to proceed.
call :userInput example
if "%example%" == "1" GOTO :proceed
GOTO :error
echo Type 42 to proceed.
call :userInput answer
if "%answer%" == "42" GOTO :proceed
GOTO :error
set /p LAST_INPUT=
set "%1=%LAST_INPUT%"
exit /b
echo You wrote "%LAST_INPUT%", that's not correct.
timeout 30
GOTO :menu
I don't know how to do it without temp file. TO get the things written int the console you need the doskey /history (this will skip the running of the script itself):
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "last="
set "but_last="
doskey /history > log.txt
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%# in (log.txt) do (
set "but_last=!last!"
set "last=%%#"
echo "%but_last%"
del /s /q log.txt >nul 2>nul

Batch IF doesn't work

I made a simple BATCH file for notes, it just deletes a folder, makes a new one, and puts in a file called note.txt and then edits it... for some reason, it doesn't do ANYTHING at all! not even removing the folder, here's the code:
goto start
ECHO Aborted!
GOTO start
del /q "D:\Users\Eldar\Desktop\Note Folder"
mkdir "Note Folder"
#echo>"D:\Users\Eldar\Desktop\Note Folder\note.txt"
#echo %note%> "D:\Users\Eldar\Desktop\Note Folder\note.txt"
color e
echo Put the note in here:
set /p LastNote=<"D:\Users\Eldar\Desktop\Note Folder\note.txt"
SET /P note=
echo Note has been saved!
echo also, the last note you saved was: "%LastNote%".
echo so are you sure you want to replace this note with a new one (Y/N)?
SET /P agree=
IF "%agree%"=="y" (
ECHO goto replace
) ELSE (
GOTO abort
There are few errors in your script:
del can delete only empty folders. Use rmdir /s /q folder_name to remove folder with files
Remove ECHO in ECHO goto replace
You are using full paths everywhere except mkdir. Is it correct?
My working version:
#echo off
goto start
echo Aborted!
goto start
rmdir /s /q ".\TestF"
mkdir "TestF"
echo %note%> ".\TestF\note.txt"
color e
echo Put the note in here:
set /p LastNote=<".\TestF\note.txt"
set /p note=
echo Note has been saved!
echo also, the last note you saved was: "%LastNote%".
echo so are you sure you want to replace this note with a new one (Y/N)?
set /p agree=
if "%agree%"=="y" (
goto replace
) else (
goto abort
There appears to be no reason to remove the Note Folder directory or even to delete the note.txt file.
How does it perform if you rewrite it like this?
#Echo Off
Color 0E
Set "LastNote="
If Exist "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Note Folder\note.txt" (
Set/P LastNote=<"%UserProfile%\Desktop\Note Folder\note.txt"
If Not Defined LastNote GoTo replace
Echo=The last note you saved was:
Choice /M "Would you like to replace this note with a new one"
If "%ErrorLevel%"=="1" GoTo replace
Timeout -1
GoTo ask
Set/P "note=Put the note in here: "
If "%note%"=="" GoTo ask
Echo=Note has been saved!
If Not Exist "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Note Folder\" (
MD "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Note Folder"
(Echo=%note%)>"%UserProfile%\Desktop\Note Folder\note.txt"
Timeout -1
GoTo ask
For the benefit of the OP, here is your version of your script with the major flaws removed and with unnecessary lines kept in.
#goto start
ECHO Aborted!
GOTO start
rmdir "D:\Users\Eldar\Desktop\Note Folder"
mkdir "D:\Users\Eldar\Desktop\Note Folder"
echo.>"D:\Users\Eldar\Desktop\Note Folder\note.txt"
>"D:\Users\Eldar\Desktop\Note Folder\note.txt" echo %note%
color e
echo Put the note in here:
set /p LastNote=<"D:\Users\Eldar\Desktop\Note Folder\note.txt"
SET /P note=
echo Note has been saved!
echo also, the last note you saved was: "%LastNote%".
echo so are you sure you want to replace this note with a new one (Y/N)?
SET /P agree=
IF "%agree%"=="y" (
goto replace
) ELSE (
GOTO abort

Making a batch file do something once

I'm making a game and I want a personalized username option that only appears once.
Here is an example:
#echo off
echo please enter a username
set /p newuser=%newuser%:
echo %newuser%> cfg.txt
goto menu
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (cfg.txt) do echo %%x
I'm trying to figure out how to make :onetime happen once, so that it sends the username to cfg.txt
Anyone know how?
I have cleaned up your code and provided a completed working script, and noted where you will put your game code.
Although Delayed expansion is not needed for this code, I have placed it in the script as you had it in your original script.
Please be mindful of the variable names I have chosen as they are used in several locations.
I have tried to comment the code with info on what it is doing, and I would be happen to explain further if needed.
I'd like to actually play your game when you are completed with it, if I may. :)
Hope that helps.
REM Script: BPG.cmd
REM Version: 1.0
REM Description: Game to play about Monsters.
Rem Notes: Currently Implementing Menu System.
Rem Sets up Variables and checks if the script needs to be re-called.
echo off
SET "eLvl=0"
SET "ScriptFolder=%~dp0"
SET "Log=%~dpn0.log"
SET "ConfigFile=%~dpn0_cfg.txt"
IF /I "%~1" NEQ "MAX" (
ECHO.Game not started Maximized, Opening in a New Window by Running: Start "BPG 1 A Batch of Monsters" /MAX "%~dpnx0" MAX
Start "BPG 1 A Batch of Monsters" /MAX "%~dpnx0" MAX
EXIT /b %eLvl%
REM Calls Main Function.
CALL :Main
REM Ends the script.
EXIT /b %eLvl%
REM Main Function, most of your coding goes here, and this function calls sub functions.
Rem Check if Config file exists, if it does not, then call the New User Function.
IF NOT EXIST "%ConfigFile%" (
CALL :NewUser
Rem Load Username from Config file.
FOR /F "Tokens=*" %%A IN ('Type "%ConfigFile%"') DO (
SET "_UserName=%%~A"
Rem Call Menu System
CALL :Menu
REM Based off the option chosen Either Start a new Game or Skip to the End.
REM ECHO.CALL %_Menu_Choice%
CALL %_Menu_Choice%
REM Get the Username Input
SET /P "_User=Please Enter a Username: "
REM Output the Username to the config file, overwriting all the file contents:
REM Output the Config file contents:
Type "%ConfigFile%"
REM Clear the screen
echo ______ _______ _______
echo I ___ \ I ____ I I ____ \
echo I I I II I II I I \/
echo I I__/ / I I____II I I
echo I __ I I _____I I I ____
echo I I \ \ I I I I \_ I
echo I I___I II I I I___I I
echo I______/ I_/ I_______I A BATCH OF MONSTERS
echo 1) Begin
echo 2) Exit
set /p "_Choice=%_UserName%, Enter a Number: "
REM End the local variable Space, and Set return variables based on the choice, or re-draw the menu.
IF /I "%_Choice%" EQU "1" (
REM ECHO.%_Choice% EQU 1
SET "_Menu_Choice=:Begin_Game"
) ELSE (
IF /I "%_Choice%" EQU "2" (
REM ECHO.%_Choice% EQU 2
SET "_Menu_Choice=GOTO :EOF"
) ELSE (
ECHO.%_Choice% Not Valid!
GOTO :Menu
goto :EOF
REM All the remaining code for your game should probably go here.
try checking file existence :
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if not exist "cfg.txt" (
echo please enter a username
set /p newuser=%newuser%:
echo !newuser!> cfg.txt
goto menu
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (cfg.txt) do echo %%x

batch file for making query to use with youtube-dl

I want to build a batch program to work with youtube-dl, and I want to ask some questions (choice command I think it should be) and depending on answers to build query which will be executed by main youtube-dl command.
echo Do you want to extract audio from this clip? (y/n)
echo Write subtitle file? (y/n)
And do this at the end:
youtube-dl -x --write-sub some link
I hope I was clear, english is not my first language. Thanks
Try this:
#echo off
set opt1=
set opt2=
set /p opt1=Do you want to extract audio from this clip (y/n)
if not defined opt1 goto :Invalid
if .%opt1% EQU . goto :Invalid
echo %opt1%|findstr /i /r /c:"y" /c:"n">nul||goto :Invalid
set /p opt2=Write subtitle file (y/n)
if not defined opt2 goto :Invalid
if .%opt1% EQU . goto :Invalid
echo %opt2%|findstr /i /r /c:"y" /c:"n">nul||goto :Invalid
if /i %opt1% EQU Y set opts=-x
if /i %opt2% EQU Y set opts=%opts% --write-sub
echo youtube-dl %opts% some link
goto :eof
Echo You have entered an invalid option. Please enter only y or n
goto :Input
