dynamic array with n rows and columns - arrays

I have to read an excel which can have 'n' rows and 'n' columns and store the data in an array for processing.
For example the below:
Author Book No Value
ABC A 1 100
DEF D 2 20
I want to take the headers in a separate array and the Information rows in another.
Here is what I have so far:
Assuming the data starts from Row 13 in the excel worksheet-
var i, j, k ,l,m ,n;
i=13; j=1, k=0; m=0; n=0; // i represents the row and j represents excel column(A)
j=j+1; // Counting the Number of Columns (Header)
j=j-1; //decrementing the counter j by 1
This is what I tried, output is as expected, but is there a better way to code this? preferably with lesser variables.
ArrData[i]=new Array(m);
Also I need to read the arrays and store them into corresponding fields of another system. I'm a bit lost over here.
Sample Code: (Something like this)
Array Output:
Value,No,Book,Author (Header got in reverse order)
100,1,A,ABC,20,2,D,DEF (2 rows of Data also got in reverse order)
Any suggestions experts?

you can use csv's as dynamic arrays in a quite nice way.
Here is my example code. I suggest to rewrite it to your needs and add some errorhandling.
Here is the table data:
1 ABC A 1 100
2 DEFG D 2 20
3 XYZ Q 3 55
Here is the code:
Sub test1()
Dim arrayname As String
Dim mytestW As Variant
Dim mytestR As Variant '-->your array you can work with
'give your array a arrayname = authorbook (for example)
arrayname = "authorbook"
mytestW = dataintoarray(arrayname)
mytestR = AsArray(arrayname, 2) '-->get the second row
End Sub
And here are the functions:
Function dataintoarray(myarray As String) As Variant
Dim res As Variant
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long, LastCol As Long
Dim iRow As Integer, jCol As Integer
Dim OutputFileNum As Integer
Dim PathName As String
Dim Line As String
Line = ""
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
PathName = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
OutputFileNum = FreeFile
Open PathName & "\" & myarray & ".csv" For Output Lock Write As #OutputFileNum
LastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = ws.Cells(1, ws.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For iRow = 1 To LastRow
For jCol = 1 To LastCol
Line = Line & ws.Cells(iRow, jCol).Value & ","
Next jCol
Print #OutputFileNum, Line
Line = ""
Next iRow
Close OutputFileNum
End Function
Function AsArray(myarray As String, index As Integer) As Variant
Dim res As Variant
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
Dim objFSO As Object, objFile As Object
Dim sLine As String
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & myarray & ".csv", 1)
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
sLine = objFile.ReadLine
'the col of the ID = 0
If Split(sLine, ",")(0) = index Then
AsArray = Split(sLine, ",")
End If
End Function
Now you have your dynamic array saved in mytestR.
You can play with it like so:


Converting a multi-column table and have the output go to two columns?

I am looking for if it is possible to get the data and headers from a table as in the example image and have the output go to two columns with the first column being a repeating header? I did try the transpose however the email row kept populating up to column E.
Please, try the next way. It uses arrays being fast even for large ranges, mostly working in memory. It returns starting from "F2". It is able to process any other columns you (may) need, after "Status":
Sub TransposeMails()
Dim sh As Worksheet, lastR As Long, lastCol As Long
Dim arrH, arr, arrFin, i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Set sh = ActiveSheet 'use here the necessary sheet
lastR = sh.Range("A" & sh.rows.count).End(xlUp).row 'last row
lastCol = sh.cells(1, sh.Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).column 'last column
arrH = Application.Transpose(sh.Range(sh.cells(1, 1), sh.cells(1, lastCol)).Value2) 'place headers in an array
arr = sh.Range("A2", sh.cells(lastR, lastCol)).Value2 'place the range to be processed (except headers) in an array for faster iteration/processing
ReDim arrFin(1 To (UBound(arrH) + 1) * UBound(arr), 1 To 2) 'Redim the final array (keeping the processed result)
'+ 1 for the empty rows in between...
For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
For j = 1 To UBound(arrH)
k = k + 1
arrFin(k, 1) = arrH(j, 1): arrFin(k, 2) = arr(i, j)
Next j
k = k + 1 'for the empty row between groups...
Next i
'drop the processed array content:
sh.Range("G2").Resize(UBound(arrFin), 2).Value2 = arrFin
End Sub
The code can be easily adapted to return anywhere (another sheet, workbook, range etc).
The range to be processed must start from "A1" ("Email" header) and not having any other record after the last header (on the first row)...
Transpose Data
Sub TransposeData()
Const SRC_NAME As String = "Sheet1"
Const DST_NAME As String = "Sheet1"
Const DST_FIRST_CELL As String = "A8"
Const EMPTY_COLS As Long = 0
Const EMPTY_ROWS As Long = 1
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = wb.Sheets(SRC_NAME)
Dim srg As Range: Set srg = sws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
Dim drOffset As Long: drOffset = srg.Columns.Count + EMPTY_ROWS
Dim dcOffset As Long: dcOffset = 1 + EMPTY_COLS
Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Sheets(DST_NAME)
Dim dfCell As Range: Set dfCell = dws.Range(DST_FIRST_CELL)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim srrg As Range, shrg As Range
Dim IsHeaderReady As Boolean, IsFirstRowDone As Boolean
For Each srrg In srg.Rows
If Not IsHeaderReady Then
dfCell.PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
Set shrg = dfCell.Resize(srg.Columns.Count) ' transpose no more
IsHeaderReady = True
Else ' header is ready; it's already copied for the first data row
If IsFirstRowDone Then shrg.Copy dfCell Else IsFirstRowDone = True
dfCell.Offset(, dcOffset).PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
Set dfCell = dfCell.Offset(drOffset)
End If
Next srrg
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "Data transposed.", vbInformation
End Sub
If I understand you correctly
Sub test()
'set the range of the header as rg variable
'count how many data under EMAIL header as cnt variable
Dim rg As Range: Set rg = Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlToRight))
Dim cnt As Integer: cnt = Range(rg, rg.End(xlDown)).Rows.Count - 1
Dim i As Integer: Dim rslt As Range
'loop to each range with data as many as the cnt value
'prepare the result range as rslt variable
'put the value of header name to rslt range
'put the looped range value to rslt.offset(0,1)
For i = 1 To cnt
Set rslt = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(3, 0) _
.Resize(rg.Columns.Count, 1)
rslt.Value = Application.Transpose(rg)
rslt.Offset(0, 1).Value = Application.Transpose(rg.Offset(i, 0))
End Sub
Please note, the code must be run where the sheet contains the data is active.

VBA Assigning Array to Range and Writing to Sheet returning all zeros

I am trying to assign an array to a range of values in an Excel sheet.
When I do though, even though using debug the array is not all zeros, it returns all zeros.
The weird thing is for the dat1 variable it does write to the cells correctly. Though that along with dat2 is an array of strings.
Thanks in advance.
Sub Comparor()
Dim dat1() As Variant
Dim dat2() As Variant
dat1() = Sheets("Data1").Range("E1:E10").Value2
dat2() = Sheets("Data2").Range("E1:E10").Value2
Dim iTemp As Integer
iTemp = CInt(UBound(dat1))
Dim NumMatches() As Integer
ReDim NumMatches(iTemp)
Dim iNum As Integer
Dim iCompareInner As Integer 'dat 2 cycler
Dim iCompareOuter As Integer 'dat 1 cycler
For iCompareOuter = 1 To UBound(dat1)
For iCompareInner = 1 To UBound(dat2)
If (dat1(iCompareOuter, 1) = dat2(iCompareInner, 1)) Then
NumMatches(iCompareOuter) = NumMatches(iCompareOuter) + 1
End If
Next iCompareInner
Next iCompareOuter
Dim test22(10, 1) As Integer
For iNum = 1 To UBound(NumMatches)
'Debug.Print NumMatches(iNum)
test22(iNum, 1) = NumMatches(iNum)
Debug.Print test22(iNum, 1)
Next iNum
Sheets("Info").Range("E1:E10").Value2 = dat1
Sheets("Info").Range("F1:F10").Value2 = test22
Sheets("Info").Range("G1:G10").Value2 = NumMatches
End Sub
Count Matches (Dictionary, CountIf, Array (Double-Loop))
All three solutions do the same thing.
Using them with some serious data, e.g. 1K uniques on 100K values (means e.g. 100M iterations in the array version) will reveal the efficiency of each code.
But this is more about 2D one-based (one-column) arrays commonly used with (one-column) ranges.
The code is basic i.e. no blanks or error values are expected and each range has at least 2 cells
(i.e. Data = rg.Value with one cell doesn't work).
Option Explicit
Sub ComparorDictionary()
' Reference the workbook ('wb').
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
' Read values (duplicates)
Dim vws As Worksheet: Set vws = wb.Worksheets("Data2")
Dim vData() As Variant: vData = vws.Range("E1:E10").Value
Dim vrCount As Long: vrCount = UBound(vData, 1)
' Count matches using a dictionary.
Dim vDict As Object: Set vDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
vDict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Dim vr As Long
For vr = 1 To vrCount
vDict(vData(vr, 1)) = vDict(vData(vr, 1)) + 1
Next vr
Erase vData ' values data is counted in the dictionary
' Read uniques (no duplicates).
Dim uws As Worksheet: Set uws = wb.Worksheets("Data1")
Dim uData() As Variant: uData = uws.Range("E1:E10").Value
Dim urCount As Long: urCount = UBound(uData, 1)
' Write count.
Dim uMatches() As Long: ReDim uMatches(1 To urCount, 1 To 1)
Dim ur As Long
For ur = 1 To urCount
If vDict.Exists(uData(ur, 1)) Then
uMatches(ur, 1) = vDict(uData(ur, 1))
End If
Next ur
Set vDict = Nothing ' data is in the unique arrays
' Write result.
Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Worksheets("Info")
dws.Range("E1").Resize(urCount).Value = uData
dws.Range("F1").Resize(urCount).Value = uMatches
End Sub
Sub ComparorCountIf()
' Reference the workbook ('wb').
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
' Reference values (duplicates). No array is needed.
Dim vws As Worksheet: Set vws = wb.Worksheets("Data2")
Dim vrg As Range: Set vrg = vws.Range("E1:E10")
' Read uniques (no duplicates).
Dim uws As Worksheet: Set uws = wb.Worksheets("Data1")
Dim uData() As Variant: uData = uws.Range("E1:E10").Value
Dim urCount As Long: urCount = UBound(uData, 1)
' Count matches and write the count.
Dim uMatches() As Long: ReDim uMatches(1 To urCount, 1 To 1)
Dim ur As Long
For ur = 1 To urCount
uMatches(ur, 1) = Application.CountIf(vrg, uData(ur, 1))
Next ur
' Write result.
Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Worksheets("Info")
dws.Range("E1").Resize(urCount).Value = uData
dws.Range("F1").Resize(urCount).Value = uMatches
End Sub
Sub ComparorArray()
' Reference the workbook ('wb').
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
' Read values (duplicates).
Dim vws As Worksheet: Set vws = wb.Worksheets("Data2")
Dim vData() As Variant: vData = vws.Range("E1:E10").Value
Dim vrCount As Long: vrCount = UBound(vData, 1)
' Read uniques (no duplicates).
Dim uws As Worksheet: Set uws = wb.Worksheets("Data1")
Dim uData() As Variant: uData = uws.Range("E1:E10").Value
Dim urCount As Long: urCount = UBound(uData, 1)
' Count matches and write the count.
Dim uMatches() As Long: ReDim uMatches(1 To urCount, 1 To 1)
Dim vr As Long
Dim ur As Long
For ur = 1 To urCount
For vr = 1 To vrCount
If uData(ur, 1) = vData(vr, 1) Then
uMatches(ur, 1) = uMatches(ur, 1) + 1
End If
Next vr
Next ur
Erase vData ' data is in the unique arrays
' Write result.
Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Worksheets("Info")
dws.Range("E1").Resize(urCount).Value = uData
dws.Range("F1").Resize(urCount).Value = uMatches
End Sub
As I said in my comment, one of your declarations is wrong and because of that, the unexpected result. Please, try understanding the next (didactic) code, to clarify the issue:
Sub testArray1D2D()
Dim arr1D, arr2DStrange, arr2D, i As Long
arr1D = Split("a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j", ",")
ReDim arr2DStrange(10, 1): ReDim arr2D(1 To 10, 1 To 1)
For i = 0 To UBound(arr1D)
arr2DStrange(i, 1) = arr1D(i)
arr2D(i + 1, 1) = arr1D(i)
Next i
Range("A2").Resize(UBound(arr2DStrange), 1).value = arr2DStrange 'it returns nothing
Range("B2").Resize(UBound(arr2DStrange), 2).value = arr2DStrange 'it returns what you need in the second column (D:D)
Range("D2").Resize(UBound(arr2D), 1).value = arr2D 'it returns correctly (what you need)
Range("E2").Resize(UBound(arr1D) + 1, 1).value = Application.Transpose(arr1D) 'also correct (a 1D array does not have any column! and it must be transposed. Otherwise, it repeats its first element value)
End Sub
When use declaration Dim test22(10, 1) As Integer it creates a 2D array but it has two columns. It is the equivalent of Dim test22(0 to 10, 0 to 1) As Integer. When you fill only the second column (1) and try returning the first one (0), this column, is empty.
The correct declaration for obtaining a 2D array with 10 rows and 1 column should be Dim test22(1 to 10, 1 to 1) As Integer.
Then, iTemp = CInt(UBound(dat1)) declares a 1D array of 11 elements (from 0, inclusive, to 10). And you never loaded its first element, starting iteration with 1. That's why the line Sheets("Info").Range("G1:G10").Value2 = NumMatches returned the first empty element 10 times... If your code would fill correctly the first element and if it was a matching one, your code will return 10 rows of 1 value.
NumMatches(iCompareOuter) = NumMatches(iCompareOuter) + 1 is the equivalent of NumMatches(iCompareOuter) = 1. NumMatches(iCompareOuter) is always empty in that moment...
And it is good to cultivate the habit to avoid declarations As Integer in such a case. Working with Excel rows, the value of an Integer must be exceeded. Try using As Long. VBA is so designed to make the memory working in the same way, without any supplementary stress.
A more compact way to accomplish what you need will be the next approach:
Sub Comparor()
Dim dat1(), dat2(), NumMatches(), mtch, i As Long
dat1() = Sheets("Data1").Range("E1:E10").Value2
dat2() = Sheets("Data2").Range("E1:E10").Value2
ReDim NumMatches(1 To UBound(dat1), 1 To 1)
For i = 1 To UBound(dat1)
mtch = Application.match(dat1(i, 1), dat2, 0)
If IsNumeric(mtch) Then NumMatches(i, 1) = "OK"
Next i
Sheets("Info").Range("G1:G10").Value2 = NumMatches
End Sub
Not tested, but it should work. Except the case of a typo, when an error will be raised and sending some feedback I will rapidly correct...
This for example
Dim test22(10, 1) As Integer
in the absence of Option Base 1 is the same as
Dim test22(0 to 10, 0 to 1) As Integer
I'd use
Dim test22(1 to 10, 1 to 1) As Integer
if you want to match the arrays you read from the worksheet. Otherwise, dropping those arrays to a range only gives you the first "column" (which are all zeros since you never assigned anything there...)

EXCEL VBA: My macro is creating a 3D dimension array

I have lots of recruitment data that i want to re-arrange, separate and modify using arrays. The data includes all information from 1st stage, 2nd stage and 3rd stage interview for each candidates. The idea is to separate each stage onto their own sheets (e.g. Interview 1, interview 2, interview 3). And then to also create a table that has information from all three stages for each candidate.
Firstly, i have created an array of all the data by declaring the range ("A1:AV10000") as a variant.
Then i have created a loop to loop through this data, and separate each type of event that occurs into their own arrays, using an IF function within the loop. If condition is met, create a new array and add each row that condition is met to an array.
However, i believe my arrays are being made into a 3D array and i am sure how to edit the code so that it remains 2Darray. I understand why the code may be creating 3D array (due to iterating by 1 in the loop), however i am unsure how to write code so it includes all data the row and only iterates as shown below.
e.g. currently it goes (1)(1,1),(1)(1,2) then (2)(1,1),(2)(1,2) then (3)(1,1),(3)(1,2).
I would think it would work if it was (1,1)(1,2) then (2,1)(2,2) then (3,1)(3,2). Screenshot of array format from local window
Sub AddProcessStageToArray(SourceWorksheet, RawDataArray, LastrowData, WhatStage, ArrayOutput)
For i = LBound(RawDataArray) To UBound(RawDataArray)
If RawDataArray(i, 13) = WhatStage And RawDataArray(i, 38) <> "NOK" Then
o = o + 1
'Dim ArrayName() As Variant
ReDim Preserve ArrayOutput(o)
ArrayOutput(o) = Application.Index(SourceWorksheet.Range("A1:AO" & LastrowData), i, 0)
End If
End Sub
The code is being called as shown below.
Sub AddITWToArray()
Dim DataWs As Worksheet: Set DataWs = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DATA")
Dim PoolOfWeekWs As Worksheet: Set PoolOfWeekWs = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Pool of the week")
Dim LastrowData As Long: LastrowData = DataWs.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Dim LastColData As Long: LastColData = DataWs.Cells(1 & DataWs.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Dim LastColDataString As String: LastColDataString = Split(Cells(1, LastColData).Address, "$")(1)
Dim DataRange As Range: Set DataRange = DataWs.Range("A1:" & LastColDataString & LastrowData)
Dim DataArr As Variant: DataArr = DataWs.Range("A1:AO" & LastrowData)
'Loop through Data array, if interview process = PQL, add to table. If interview proces = 1sTITW find postion and add data, if 2ndITW find postion and highlight, if 3rd find postion and highlight
Dim PoolofWeekTableLRow As Long: PoolofWeekTableLRow = PoolOfWeekWs.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'PoolOfWeekWs.Rows("3:" & PoolofWeekTableLRow).ClearContents
Dim i, o As Long
Dim RowNumberArr As Variant
'Create PQLArray
Dim PQLArray() As Variant
Call AddProcessStageToArray(DataWs, DataArr, LastrowData, "Prequalification", PQLArray)
'Create 1ITWArray
Dim FirstITWArray() As Variant
Call AddProcessStageToArray(DataWs, DataArr, LastrowData, "Candidate Interview 1", FirstITWArray)
'Create 2ITWArray
Dim SecondITWArray() As Variant
Call AddProcessStageToArray(DataWs, DataArr, LastrowData, "Candidate Interview 2+", SecondITWArray)
'Create PPLArray
Dim PPLArray() As Variant
Call AddProcessStageToArray(DataWs, DataArr, LastrowData, "Candidate Interview 2*", PPLArray)
Try the next adapted function, please:
Function AddProcessStageToArray(SourceWorksheet As Worksheet, RawDataArray, LastrowData As Long, WhatStage As String) As Variant
Dim ArrayOutput() As Variant, o As Long, i As Long, j As Long
ReDim ArrayOutput(1 To UBound(RawDataArray, 2), 1 To UBound(RawDataArray, 2))
For i = LBound(RawDataArray) To UBound(RawDataArray)
If RawDataArray(i, 13) = WhatStage And RawDataArray(i, 38) <> "NOK" Then
o = o + 1
For j = 1 To UBound(RawDataArray, 2)
ArrayOutput(j, o) = RawDataArray(i, j)
Next j
End If
ReDim Preserve ArrayOutput(1 To UBound(RawDataArray, 2), 1 To o)
AddProcessStageToArray = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(ArrayOutput)
End Function
It can be called in this way:
Sub testAddProcessStToArr()
Dim DataWs As Worksheet, DataArr As Variant, LastrowData As Long
Set DataWs = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DATA")
LastrowData = DataWs.Range("A" & rows.count).End(xlUp).row
DataArr = DataWs.Range("A1:AO" & LastrowData)
Dim PQLArray() As Variant
PQLArray = AddProcessStageToArray(DataWs, DataArr, LastrowData, "Prequalification")
Dim NewSheet as Worksheet
Set NewSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add
NewSheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(PQLArray), UBound(PQLArray, 2)).Value = PQLArray
End Sub
Please, also try the next approach, involving a preliminary counting of rows respecting the conditions criteria and then use them to fill the final array. The adapted function to be used will be the next:
Function AddProcessStageToArr(RawDataArray, arrNo As Variant) As Variant
Dim ArrayOutput() As Variant, o As Long, i As Long, j As Long
ReDim ArrayOutput(1 To UBound(arrNo) + 1, 1 To UBound(RawDataArray, 2))
For i = 0 To UBound(arrNo)
o = o + 1
For j = 1 To UBound(RawDataArray, 2)
ArrayOutput(o, j) = RawDataArray(arrNo(i), j)
Next j
AddProcessStageToArr = ArrayOutput
End Function
The above function should be called in the next way:
Sub testAddProcessStToArrBis()
Dim DataWs As Worksheet, DataArr As Variant, LastrowData As Long
Dim arrNo As Variant, i As Long, k As Long
Set DataWs = ActiveSheet
LastrowData = DataWs.Range("A" & rows.count).End(xlUp).row
DataArr = DataWs.Range("A1:AO" & LastrowData).Value
ReDim arrNo(UBound(DataArr))
For i = 1 To UBound(DataArr)
If DataArr(i, 13) = "Prequalification" And DataArr(i, 38) <> "NOK" Then
arrNo(k) = i: k = k + 1
End If
Next i
ReDim Preserve arrNo(k - 1)
Dim PQLArray() As Variant
PQLArray = AddProcessStageToArr(DataArr, arrNo)
Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
Set NewSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:=DataWs)
NewSheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(PQLArray), UBound(PQLArray, 2)).Value = PQLArray
End Sub
The same function must be used, but changing "Prequalification" with "Candidate Interview x" and rebuild arrNo for each case...

Adding values to a dynamic array and then printing to specified cell

I'm searching a range in my sheet for certain values when either of these values is found I want to add the value from column A of that row to an array, only adding values that are not already present in the array. Once the range has been searched, I want to print the arrays to specified cells in the worksheet in 2 different columns.
Here's my code so far:
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Set Ws = Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim Leave() As Variant, Join() As Variant
Dim LastCol As Integer, LastRow As Integer, i As Integer, Z As Integer
Dim J As Long, L As Long
With Sheets("Sheet1")
'Find Last Col
LastCol = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(3, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
'Find last Row
LastRow = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
LastRow = LastRow - 1
'ReDim Leave(1 To (LastRow - 1), LastCol)
'ReDim Join(1 To (LastRow - 1), LastCol)
For i = 5 To LastCol
For Z = 4 To LastRow
If Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(Z, i).Value = "0" Then
Leave(L) = Ws.Cells(Z, 1).Value
ElseIf Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(Z, i).Value = "-2" Then
Join(J) = Ws.Cells(Z, 1).Value
End If
Next Z
Next i
'Print array
End With
Thanks for any pointers/help in advance!
I believe this procedure accomplishes what you are looking for. You will need to modify the range in which you are searching and the destination sheet information, but the meat of the procedure is here:
Sub abc_Dictionary()
Dim oWS As Worksheet
Dim RangeToSearch As Range
Dim myCell As Range
Dim UniqueDict As Object
Set oWS = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set RangeToSearch = oWS.Range("B1:B26") 'You can set this dynamically however you wish
Set UniqueDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Now we search the range for the given values.
For Each myCell In RangeToSearch
If (myCell.Text = "0" Or myCell.Text = "-2") And Not UniqueDict.exists(oWS.Range("A" & myCell.Row).Text) Then
UniqueDict.Add oWS.Range("A" & myCell.Row).Text, oWS.Range("A" & myCell.Row).Text
End If
'Now we have a dictionary object with the unique values of column a
'So we just iterate and dump into Sheet2
Dim d As Variant
Dim Val As Variant
Dim DestRow As Integer
DestRow = 1 'This is the first row of data we will use on Sheet 2
d = UniqueDict.Items
For Each Val In d
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & DestRow).Value = Val
DestRow = DestRow + 1
Set UniqueDict = Nothing
Set RangeToSearch = Nothing
Set oWS = Nothing
End Sub

Copying dynamic array causes Subscript out of range error

I'm trying to copy worksheets from a master workbook to a target workbook but the sheets that I copy are different depending on if the value in rngCurrent is present in the worksheet name. For some reason I keep getting a subscript out or range error on the last line. Can anyone help me understand what's going on?
Sub test2()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim master As Workbook
Dim wbCurrent As Workbook
Dim wbAdjustments As Workbook
Dim wsName As Worksheet
Dim rngEntityList As Range
Dim rngCurrentEntity As Range
Dim rngCurrent As Range
Dim arrWorksheets As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim wsCount As Integer
Set master = ThisWorkbook
Set rngCurrentEntity = master.Sheets("File Info").Range("rng_Entity") 'named range of single entity
Set rngEntityList = master.Sheets("Global").Range("rng_EntityList") 'list or entities
Set rngCurrent = rngEntityList.Find(rngCurrentEntity.Value, LookIn:=xlValues) ' find single entity in the list
If rngCurrent.Offset(, 4).Value = "FRP" Then 'find if it's FRP
Set wb = Application.Workbooks("Foreign.xlsx")
Set wb = Application.Workbooks("Domestic.xlsx")
End If
Dim ws() As String ' declare string array
ReDim ws(wb.Worksheets.Count) As String ' set size dynamically
Dim counter As Long ' running counter for ws array
counter = 1
For i = 1 To wb.Worksheets.Count
If InStr(1, wb.Worksheets(i).Name, rngCurrent.Value) <> 0 Then
ws(counter) = wb.Worksheets(i).Name
counter = counter + 1
End If
ReDim Preserve ws(counter) As String ' Get rid of empty array entries
wb.Worksheets(ws).Copy After:=master.Worksheets(master.Worksheets.Count)
End Sub
The reason I need to do it this way is because I don't want the external links to the source notebook.
Complete and tested example
Sub Tester()
Dim wb As Workbook, i As Long
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim ws() As String ' declare string array
ReDim ws(1 To wb.Worksheets.Count) As String ' set size dynamically
Dim counter As Long ' running counter for ws array
counter = 0
For i = 1 To wb.Worksheets.Count
If InStr(1, wb.Worksheets(i).Name, "test") <> 0 Then
counter = counter + 1
ws(counter) = wb.Worksheets(i).Name
End If
ReDim Preserve ws(1 To counter)
wb.Worksheets(ws).Copy 'just makes a copy in a new workbook
End Sub
do this:
ReDim ws(1 To wb.Worksheets.count) As String ' set size dynamically, start from 1
Dim counter As Long ' running counter for ws array
For i = 1 To wb.Worksheets.count
If InStr(1, wb.Worksheets(i).name, rngCurrent.Value) <> 0 Then
counter = counter + 1 '<--| update counter
ws(counter) = wb.Worksheets(i).name
End If
