Exporting contents of Visual Studio Designer view to an image - wpf

I'm designing a UI in WPF and want to be able to share the progress with a client. I could run the program and take a screenshot (Snipping Tool, etc.) or do the same with the results in the designer window. However, ideally I would like to avoid those manual steps (e.g. running the program, scaling the designer window to fit the entire UI, selecting the proper screen area to capture), because the designer has already rendered the UI for me. I'm wondering if there exists a more convenient way to export what is already rendered for me in the Visual Studio 2015 XAML designer window directly to a high quality image. I couldn't find (by looking through VS and search engines) an obvious way to do it, but perhaps someone knows of a way (or plugin/extension)?


Visual Studio 2010 - XAML Editor Extraordinarily Slow

Has anyone else experience incredibly slow performance in the XAML editor in VS 2010? If I have a new project with a limited number of files, the performance is fine. However, if I have a project with a larger number of XAML files, the XAML editor hangs intermittently every few seconds, making it almost impossible to use.
I should also note that the performance is only slow in one particular project where I am referencing DevExpress 2010. I am not certain if this is related.
Any suggestions on solutions to this problem would be greatly appreciated.
In Visual Studio 2012:
Go to
Tools > Options > TextEditor > XAML > Misc
Check Always open documents in XAML view and uncheck Automatically populate toolbox items.
In Visual Studio 2015, 2017:
Go to
Tools > Options > XAML Designer
uncheck Automatically populate toolbox items.
This fixed my same problem.
If you don't need the visual designer, you can select a different editor in visual studio:
Right click the xaml file -> Open With... -> Source Code (Text) Editor
You will only lose the split view, intellisense etc. should still work.
If you need to check something in the designer you can still click 'view designer' to open the normal XAML editor again.
If you want to improve the performance of the visual designer, try checking DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode in your code-behind. The visualiser instantiates your controls to know how to display them, thus executing parts of the code-behind.
Like the OP, I had extreme lag in the xaml editor on a project that relied heavily on DevExpress WPF controls. After trying unsuccessfully to resolve this issue with the other solutions posted here, I eventually tried deleting my Solution User Options (.suo) file, which is usually located in the same folder as the solution (.sln) file. This immediately resolved the issue. You may want to read this post about what visual studio stores in the suo file so you can reset anything important (such as build configuration - mine always defaults the active solution platform back to "Mixed Platforms" for example)
Short answer: if you do not use designer much, just replace the default editor for XAML, thus getting rid of XAML visual designer and speeding things up. Right click any XAML file, click Open with... and choose another default editor. Source code (text) editor works just fine.
Now it should be already fine. If you want to understand the details and completely get rid of the slow designer, read the long answer.
Long answer: Here is a nice explanation of what happens and why is it that slow.
A brief todo based on the aforementioned article in order to completely disable the visual designer of XAML:
Under Tools->Options->Text Editor->XAML->Miscellaneous->Default View check Always open documents in full XAML view
Open Task manager and end XAML Designer process XDesProc.exe (Note: for VS2013 right click this process and go to containing folder. Rename the exe to sth else, than end the process)
Standard XAML editor will load this process again (I guess it will not succeed with VS2013 and actions done in P.2). However, right click any XAML file, Open with... and choose another default editor. Source code (text) editor works just fine.
While using dev express, I've noticed some laggy response in the Visual Studio designer. This appears to be due to the license authentication of the DevExpress products.
If you delete the "Licenses.Licx" file (found in the project properties folder) you'll notice a marked improvement in performance.
Note: Removing the license file doesn't stop you from using DevExpress controls. But it does stop VS from constantly authenticating it.

Is there a keyboard bindable command for reset layout in visual studio 2010 cider designer?

I'm using the Visual Studio 2010 WPF designer to lay out a window, and the Reset Layout function is proving very useful whenever I move something around as the designer defaults to specifying widths, heights, and massive margins to get it into whichever exact position I have dropped it in, making the automatic layout features of WPF almost useless unless I get rid of those specifications.
At the moment I am accessing this function by right-clicking on the control in question, selecting Reset Layout from the context menu, and then selecting All. As I'm not using any of the other options in here, and I'm using it a lot, I wanted a hotkey, but that's where I'm getting stuck.
I've looked in the Options->Keyboard window, but if there's a command for it there then I can't find it because it's not named unambiguously enough (I've searched for commands including Layout, and commands including Reset, and there's a few that -might- be it, but probably aren't right). I have searched the internet for any hint of a list of designer hotkeys, but what I have found is very limited, and never covered adding new ones.
Does anyone know what this command is called so that I can bind it using the Visual Studio keyboard hotkeys menu? Is it even available?
Alternatively, maybe I'm going about this wrong - is there a way of clearing the layout of a control when moving it around or dropping one from the toolbar that's quicker than putting it roughly where you want and using Reset Layout via the context menu? I could just edit the XAML directly, but I have a lot of controls to move around and I find it slower than using the menu.
You can record a temporary macro, then view the code in the Macros IDE, which gives you the command names.
Unfortunately, these commands don't seem to be part of the VS command framework because they are not recorded. They must be internal to the XAML designer.

WPF Creation versus Visual Studio Creation

I created a form in WPF and it looked great. When I opened it in Visual Studio 2010, it look alot different than what I created.
Any ideas why this would happen? Should I ignore how it shows up in VS? This makes me wonder if either is how the user will actually see it.
Any suggestions?
Thanks again!
The Visual Studio view of your WPF form is the designer view. Designer views of WPF forms, or really any other design of a UI component, will often differ in dislpay vs. the actual running component. Some of these differences are intentional to make design easier and some are just limitations of not having the WPF element actually running in a program (lack of certain runtime data bindings for example).
I wouldn't worry about it unless it starts looking incorrect when running.

How to create a control like Solution Explorer in Visual Studio?

I want to create control that seems and works like the Solution Explorer of Visual Studio.
I mean not the functionality of solution explorer, the control should be seems like that control. That means, server explorer, toolbox, error List,... All these controls will pop-out when we put mouse and pop-in when we leave. We can lock and unlock those controls also.
So can anyone help me, to get the solution for this problem.
I am assuming you are using C#/VB.NET for development. The dockpanel suite will provide a docking framework for an application. Basically in terms of dockpanel, it is the forms which can be docked on the application using drag and drop like visual studio.
So create a treeview control in the form and dock it to the parent. You can populate the treeview control based on file directories or any specific needs of your project. Please note in dockpanel you create a form by not inheriting from Form class but from DockContent class. Documentation will give you more insight of how to create applications. It has a good example along with the source code in which it simulates the all the visual studio panes. It also provides and option to save the position of various docks which can act as a user preference. For eg, you may like to position solution explorer on left side whereas i may want it on right side. this get stored in a conf file which gets read next time when you start the application.
Incase you using MFC, then visual studio 2008 SP1 provides you with docking framwork and within that use the treeview control.
XAML also provides a docking framework. But i am not sure, you need to verify.
Win32 API does not have any native docking framework.

Hosting a bare-bones XAML editor in my application?

In our application, we allow administrators of an install to design templates for name tags that are printed when they check-in from a kiosk (sort of like checking in for a flight at a kiosk and printing out a boarding pass).
For example, the template might look something like this:
[FirstName] [LastName]
Right now, we use Reporting Services to allow our administrators to design templates for name tags (some might want a picture of the person, a bar code printed out, name of their organization, etc). This works ok, but 1) Reporting Services is slow to render and 2) it's not integrated with our application very well -- they have to load up Visual Studio and design the name tag outside of our application.
XAML seems like a good fit for designing the template for name tags. Virtually any design could be handled with the format and we could use XAML to XPS to print.
The problem I'm seeing is how to integrate a visual designer that uses a subset of available XAML controls. We'd really only need simple controls such as Canvas, Grid, TextBlock, Image, etc with drag/drop support. I'm not finding much info on whether or not it's possible to host Visual Studio or Sparkle's XAML designer into a separate application. Anyone have any ideas? The RichTextBox looks like it would almost work, but a FlowDocument isn't really want we're wanting. We need to be able to drag items around and absolutely position them (like in a report designer).
I'm not sure whether you can host the MS designer/s (although I doubt it), but I think you might be able to produce your own mini-editor fairly simply. Start with a Canvas and programmatically add Labels, TextBlocks or whatever else you want (wire them up with Click handlers to move them around via Canvas.Top/Canvas.Left). You can render the Canvas to an image fairly easily for printing, or Xaml-Xps as you mentioned.
Check out Kaxaml as an example of someone who has already whipped up a mini Xaml editor (it was recently updated to SL2). There may be others out there as well.
EDIT 26-Jan-09: also check out Charles Petzold's XamlCruncher (example) - certainly beats loading up Visual Studio - seems like XamlReader.Load might be worth trying out?
