Angular within Bootstrap remote tabs - angularjs

I have a basic angular page, it pulls some records from a database and displays in a table via ng-repeat - this is working fine as a standalone page.
I'm using bootstrap remote tabs and am calling the above page as one of the tabs' content. The angular page is loaded but angular is not initialising though for some reason. Nothing is binding.
I've tried putting the angular scripts both inside / outside of the tab, and also putting ngApp inside of the tab (remote page) and outside of the tab (parent page) and it doesn't make any difference. Is there something I'm missing?

I am not sure what you are trying to do, but I think the problem is that the angular finishes the loop for initializing the content before the pages are loaded inside the tabs.
have you tried to use ng-include to load the content of the tabs dynamically.
also you may need to call for angular apply to re initiate the binding.
another note, if you are trying to use the tabs to load the data asynchronously, you can use regular tabs and let angular handles the loading of the data using ng-include.


AngularJS: how does ng-include with a dynamic scope variable work?

I'm implementing something where the view changes based on the selected value of a select dropdown. I'm doing this using ng-include="mySelectedValue", which is attached to <select ng-model="mySelectedValue" ng-options="..."></select> tags.
Just wondering what happens under the hood, because this is essentially a SPA with no routes that is being loaded inside one of my Rails apps.
When the app gets loaded, does it just load all the views in the browser somehow? I don't get how angular works so magically. Would love to know how views are popping up when there are no server calls.
I assume mySelectedValue is a src.
According to Angular Docs:
By default, the template URL is restricted to the same domain and
protocol as the application document. This is done by calling
$sce.getTrustedResourceUrl on it.
$sce.getTrustedResourceUrl is basically an ajax request to fetch the corresponding template. So your server call is here :)
After that, there goes the $compile for the template, and renders the view.

AngularJS multiple views & controller

I got the following problem in angular and don't really know how to get around it
When you click on the modal links a modal windows should open, each modal window should have it's own controller
When clicking on the sidebar I want a the respective sidbar controller to load as well as the linked template url.
I have tried different setups but using normal ng-view all content keeps loading in the sidebar content area.
Any ideas on how to use multiple controllers and views in this manner?
i don't 100% understand your question, but try using ng-include instead of the ng-view. You can use ng-view for the whole page and you can load dynamic partials through controllers.

how prevent angular compile specify element

I'm developing a chrome extension using angularjs (with a content script open a popup),but it meet some problem when it's parent page already use angularjs, it's parent try to compile the content inserted, so is there anyway to prevent the parent angularjs instance to compile the element I added, and the angularjs instance in extension can bootstrap the element manually ?
It's hard to answer without an example, or what is your extension flow.
Basically, angular shouldn't compile anything on it's own, it either does it when bootstrapping the app, or when you explicitly tell it to.
What I guess you are doing is have the html change before angular is loaded, and then when it loads it compiles your stuff as well.
Try adding your directives etc. after angular has finished loading on the main page (how to detect that angular finished bootstrapping is a whole other question :)).
And after you add your new element with your ng-app <div ng-app="myAngularExtensionApp"></div>, however I am not sure how it will work if it's nested inside another angular application, I don't think it will allow you to do it. If the ng-app of the main application is on the body you can add your div outside the body (weird, but legit), and it shouldn't conflict. but if it's on the html it might cause problems. (I tested it, you can bootstrap another one inside an existing app, but it can cause some really weird problems, I'd avoid it).
A bullet proof solution, that makes things a little more complicated is one I used and I like it alot:
Create an iframe on the page, which you add the angularJS script inside, and it will be your application, do not set the src of the iframe, but rather use .write(
<html><body ng-app="myExtensionApp"> etc (i.e. a complete bone structure of an angular page), now since the src is the same, you won't have same origin problems, and you can access the main page with top.
I recommend having services that will interact with the main page.
I am not sure what you want to do, but if you want a directive on the main page for example, first create it in the iframe, then move it to the main page via jquery, it will belong to YOUR angular application (since scope binding is based on prototype and the chain doesn't get broken by moving the element), it will keep reacting to changes to your scope.
However you have to remember that styles are unaffected etc.

Loading views with angularJS

I saw in many websites like when you navigate between views by clicking navigation bar menus, then views loaded only one time and the loading spinner appear only for the first time the view has been loaded. If you back to the view again,it loaded directly and the loading spinner does not appear again.
I wonder, how can i do something like that using AngularJS ?. I need any tutorials to help me doing this or put me on the road.
This is already a core part of angular. Have a read of the $templateCache documentation. Here is a simple excerpt:
The first time a template is used, it is loaded in the template cache for quick retrieval. You can load templates directly into the cache in a script tag, or by consuming the $templateCache service directly.
So when using something like ng-include to grab a remote template via a file, it will only be loaded once, and automatically placed into this cache and reused when necessary.
If instead you are wondering how you go about only reloading part of the page, then you need to look at ng-view (which is part of the basic route module), or ui-router for more complex hierarchical view layouts.

Using AngularJS routing with a single-page web app

I read about angularJS routing. I want to implement it in my web app, but unfortunately I have a rather difficult situation changing to routing now I think. This is how my app works now (and I know it's probably not the way it should, but it does work):
I have one controller for the whole app.
The view is built with some divs, one of which is a menu div. The others are 'partial' views as angularjs calls them I guess. But the problem I see here is that two of my partial views can be shown at the same time (page is built like this, partial view only takes a portion of the page for itself).
So what I am doing is: I click the button on the menu -> one partial view shows up (ng-show), then I can click something on this partial view to get the second partial view opened on the same page (menu and first partial must stay the way they are).
At the moment I include partials within some divs with php include (which is I am sure the wrong way) and the divs have ng-show on them so that nothing is shown on the beginning. Then I manipulate all the clicks in the menu with setting ng-show parameters of all my partials (views). So if one button is clicked I hide all the others (with ng-click and a function inside controller). But this is tedious work and not the angularJS way and that is why I am asking this question here.
Example of my included partial (stripped of all unnecessary css classes etc):
<div ng-show="showNames">
<?php include_once("views/AREA1/names.php") ?>
And names.php has for instance just some few elements with ng-repeat and other angularJS directives… I have many includes like that and they work with just ng-show manipulation very well. But now that I grasped some of the AngularJS concepts I see that I made a mistake…
To sum up: how can I use angularJS routes (with ng-view perhaps?-not necessary) to show views within my web app? (taking into account the situation that I have described above). I just want user to be able to know on what "part of page" he is at any given moment.
EDIT: I went trough this and I reckon I could work it out: I need a structure similar to the one in this example 2.1 Online Demo, but furthermore I need to be able to click something on ng-view which should open another view (first one should stay in place). Any idea how to accomplish this?
By using routing feature in AngularJS, the html content of ng-view will be totally replaced by the new partial. You should not use ng-view for such a purpose like showing multiple partials at the same time.
But you can think about mix the ng-view and ng-include.
Let's say, we click each item on the menu, ng-view changes the sub-partial, you can have ng-include in your sub-partials which we can all it here like sub-sub-partial.
Try reading ng-include
AngularJS has ng-view which would contain the main theme of current context, rest of the UI elements are all managed by ng-include. Routes also work in sync with nv-view.
If your view requirement are complex look at ui-router component that supports various combinations.
