Debug typescript files with chrome - angularjs

I'm looking for option to allow debug *.ts files while developing application using nodeJS.
Right now, grunt compiling *.ts files to .tmp/scripts. In my index.html file all *.js files are referenced.
Is there a possibility to debug my application using *.ts files while developing application with node.js?
I'm using Yeoman angular-typescript generator

In order to have possibility to debug ts files (both client side - in chrome, or server side in node.js) you must generate map.js files that will bind your original typescript files with resulting js ones.
More info on js maps here: js maps
To enable js maps in grunt specify corresponding flag in gruntfile.js like this:
options: {
module: 'commonjs',
target: 'es5',
sourceMap: true


Integrate Babel into Angular 1.5

I have built an angular website working perfectly fine in chrome, but it is failing in IE because of ES6
I am running angular using cdn with a node server which is only used for serving the webpage, no code is there other than listening to port.
I want to add babel into that, but all the examples I am finding are for server code or using gulp or webpack. Is there any way to directly integrate babel for my purpose or I definitely need to have webpack\gulp configured.
Included the directory structure of the code, all the files are getting linked in index.html
Since babel changes your javascript I don't think you can include it in your html page you need to have it in a grunt or such pipeline so the javascript is transformed and then the transformed javascript is served:
gulp.task('build', [], function () {
return gulp.src('./app/index.html')
.pipe(preprocess({context: production_config.context}))
.pipe(babel({ presets: ['env'] }))
Then serve "build" instead of "app"
Maybe there's a more dynamic way

Missing images after grunt build

I am using Grunt in my project (Yeoman based), but when I try to build my app with the grunt build command, I have the following errors when images are loaded :
GET 404 (Not Found)
I understand that they are not found after the building process because they have been minified and now they have this name :
But I can not find what to change in my bower.json file to change their name by the minified one in my app's files. Thanks for your help
I used the dependency below to correct a problem I had before ( see AngularJS Inject service in .run function
uglify: {
options: {
mangle: false
And I think the error could come from that but I don't know exactly why.
Actually when you build your application the dist folder will be cleaned up, and grunt then will create new files using the source files that you specified in the gruntfile. So use the grunt copy dependency to move the image to the dist folder at runtime.

Integrating youtube-direct-lite with angularjs app

I was unable to find any open source video recorder that can be integrated with an angularjs app. I came across Youtube-direct-lite but I have no idea how to integrate this with an angular app. I am trying to host my own instance of youtube-direct-lite
I have already configured the config.js as been told in this doc. Should I just copy paste all the js, css files to my project and use the index.html as a partial to display the recorder?
about configuring direct lite:
in config.js enter your developer-key and client-id.
then read the README file
download nodejs console
browse to the folder with the source in it
run this command : node r.js -o
and it'll build the minified source for you, then copy and paste that source into your website and use the index.html & admin.html as the
and i'll work just fine.
about angular with direct lite:
I've seen so far only one implementation for it that is in youtube/dev/demos
if you opened the sources, you'll find that it is uses angular, and it applies ytdirectlite, but I don't know how to use it and I still cannot find the opensource for it.

How to build Yeoman Backbone without uglifying?

I'm using Yeoman 1.0 and the latest version of the Backbone generator and everything I've written is working in development, however when I $ grunt build the resulting /dist is throwing the error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined
Unfortunately, since the js has been minified, trying to debug is almost pointless. Is there a way to "build" without the minification? I've tried playing around with settings in the gruntfile but can't seem to find the right options for the right task.
Can you share your GruntFile.js to check the configurations?
By the way, you can omit the minification, don't use uglify or whatever task you have been running so, give it a try to grunt-contrib-copy task which copies the files to designated folder (prod/dist).
// Configuration goes here
// Configure the copy task to move files from the development to production folders
copy: {
target: {
files: {
'prod/': ['dev/**']

SenchaTouch Error while Building with SenchaCmd: Failed to find file(s) for depdency reference

When I want to build my app with SenchaCmd I get the following error:
Failed to find file(s) for depdency reference /workspace/SmartphoneClient/app.js::ExtRequire::Ext.ux.picker.DateTime
This is how my app.js looks:
'Ext': 'touch/src',
'CatchMyPain': 'app',
'Ext.ux': 'extensions/ux'
The two files DateTime and DateTimePicker are in the correct folders under extension/ux/field/DateTimePicker.js and extensions/ux/picker/DateTime.js
The app works fine with the Chrome Browser and on Safari mobile Browser. There I get no Messages or Errors in the Console.
Where could be my error?
Because Sencha CMD build cannot automatically resolve the paths from the loader. However it uses classpath. This should be defined in the config file (as as comma seperated list). I haven't tested it thought because I use the sencha compile command (see bellow)
From the docs:
The sencha app build command knows where to find the source of your application due to the app.classpath configuration value stored in ".sencha/app/sencha.cfg". By default, this value is:
Adding directories to this comma-separated list informs the compiler where to find the source code required to build the application.
Yours should be: app.classpath=${app.dir}/app, ${app.dir}/extensions/ux
If you use the sencha compile command:
sencha compile -classpath=./extensions/ux -classpath=./app page -in index.html -out test.html
I had to add the directory into the classpath of .sencha/app/sencha.cfg
this way the senchaCMD found all the files.
