Providing external routines from a C library in a threadsafe manner - c

I have a c-library wrapped around a fortran library that I want to use in OCaml. The obvious solution is to map the c-interface into ocaml routines using some handwritten code to deal with GC.
However, it turns out that the algorithm implemented by the fortran library gets its inputs as EXTERNAL routines, i.e.:
This means that the input is essentially passed by the linker. The C-wrapper has a nice interface collecting all required input in a struct, but essentially provides one global instance of that struct and then defines all the missing external routines in terms of that global instance.
As a functional programmer, this smells like an antipattern to me. Since I do not want to rewrite the fortran code, my question is:
Is there a safe, idiomatic way to link the fortran library and avoiding global state clashups? Can the C-library provide the global state of the fortran library, without rewriting the fortran code?
If no such way exists, what is a good C11 (i.e. OS independent) idiom to protect the global state? I'd need a kind of global lock that only allows access through a key that is issued exactly once.
I just read about thread local declarations in C11, would that be an option?


Prevent external calls to functions inside lib file

Is there a reliable way to prevent external code from calling inner functions of a lib that was compiled from C code?
I would like to deliver a static library with an API header file. The library has different modules, consisting of .c and .h files. I would like to prevent the recepients from using functions declared in the inner .h files.
Is this possible?
Is there a reliable way to prevent external code from calling inner functions of a lib ?
No, there cannot be (read about Rice's theorem; detecting statically such non-trivial properties is undecidable). The library or the code might use function pointers. A malicious user could play with function pointers and pointer arithmetic to call some private function (perhaps after having reverse-engineered your code), even if it is static.
On Linux you might play with visibility tricks.
Or you could organize your library as a single translation unit (a bit like sqlite is doing its amalgamation) and have all internal functions be static ...
In general, the library should have naming conventions about its internal functions (e.g. suffix all of them with _). This could be practically helpful (but not against malicious users).
Most importantly, a library should be well documented (with naming conventions being also documented), and a serious user will only use documented functions the way they are documented to be useful.
(so I don't think you should care about internal functions being called; you do need to document which public functions can be called, and how, and when...; a user calling anything else should expect undefined behavior, that is very bad things)
I would like to deliver a static library with an APIheader file, and would like to prevent the recepients from using the structs I define and the inner functions.
I am not sure that (at least on Linux) delivering a static library is wise. I would recommend delivering a shared library, read Drepper's How to Write Shared Libraries.
And you can't prevent the recipient (assuming a malicious, clever, and determined one) to use inner functions and internal struct-s. You should just discourage them in the documentation, and document well your public functions and data types.
I would like to prevent the recepients from using functions declared in the inner .h files. Is this possible?
No, that is impossible.
It looks like you seek a technical solution to a social issue. You need to trust your users (and they need to trust you), so you should document what functions can be used (and you could even add in your documentation some sentence saying that using directly any undocumented function yields undefined behavior). You can't do much more. Perhaps (in particular if you are selling your library as a proprietary software) you need a lawyer to write a good contract.
You might consider writing your own GCC plugin (or GCC MELT extension) to detect such calls. That could take you weeks of work and is not worth the trouble (and will remain imperfect).
I am not able to guess your motivations and use case (is it some life-critical software driving a nuclear reactor, a medical drug injector, an autonomous vehicule, a missile?). Please explain what would happen to you if some (malicious but clever) user would call an internal undocumented function. And what could happen to that user?

Thread-safe init of read-only global data

Let's imagine that I'm writing a library that has a reasonably large amount of read-only global data that needs to be initialized before the library can be used. For example, perhaps the global data be lookup tables for various parts of the application logic that won't change during the lifetime of the program.
Now I have a few ways to initialize this data:
I may require that the user call some kind of init() function before the library is used.
I may lazily construct the data the first time a function is called on my library.
I may include the data in a initializer statement in the source, such that variables are statically initialized to their final value.
Now if my data is read-only and should be the same for every environment the library runs in, then (3) is fairly appealing. Even in that case it has some downsides: if the data is very large (but easy to generate procedurally) the size of bloat up a lot (e.g., a library with 50K of code but 8MB of lookup tables would end up around 8050K). Similarly, the source itself may be very large, or the build system needs to handle the generation of the source at compile time.
The main reason you might not able to use (3) is that the tables might be fixed (read-only), but require generation at runtime because they embed some information about the environment (e.g., the value of an environment variable, I configuration setting read from a file, information about the machine architecture, whatever). This data can't be embedded in the source since depends on the runtime environment.
So we have methods (1) and (2) at least - but I can't see how to make these thread-safe in a simple way. The rest of the library can be thread-safe simply by not mutating any global state - just like the vast majority of C functions can be written in a thread-safe way w/o any explicit use of threading primitives.
I can't figure out a similar alternative for this global init, however:
(1) Is undesirable because we prefer not to require the user to call this method, and in any case it simply moves the problem up to the calling code: the calling code then needs to organize to call this init() method exactly once across all threads using the library, and before any thread uses the library.
(2) Fails since concurrent calls to the library might do a double init.
In C++ you can just initialize globals with a method call, like int data[] = loadData(). Is there any equivalent in C? Or am I stuck using threading primitives (which vary by platform, e.g., pthread_once, call_once and whatever Windows has) just to get my thread-safe init?
I don't know of any platform-independent way of initializing a library in a thread-safe manner. That's not surprising since there's no platform-independent threading model in C.
So your solution is going to be platform-specific.
#ThingyWotsit mentions in the comments using C++ to initialize your library, and that will be thread-safe. But it may very well lock you into a specific C++ run-time, so it may not be a useful solution for your C shared object/library. You may not be willing or able to add a dependency on C++ and you may especially not be willing or able to be locked into a specific C++ run-time.
For GCC, you can use the __attribute((constructor)) to have your iniitaliziation function called when the shared object is loaded:
constructor (priority)
destructor (priority)
The constructor attribute causes the function to be called automatically before execution enters main ().
Similarly, the destructor attribute causes the function to be called
automatically after main () has completed or exit () has been called.
Functions with these attributes are useful for initializing data that
will be used implicitly during the execution of the program.
You may provide an optional integer priority to control the order in
which constructor and destructor functions are run. A constructor with
a smaller priority number runs before a constructor with a larger
priority number; the opposite relationship holds for destructors. So,
if you have a constructor that allocates a resource and a destructor
that deallocates the same resource, both functions typically have the
same priority. The priorities for constructor and destructor functions
are the same as those specified for namespace-scope C++ objects (see
C++ Attributes).
For example:
static __attribute__((constructor)) void my_lib_init_func( void )
Your code will run before main() is called.
If your library is dynamically loaded (explicit call to dlopen(), for exmaple), your init function will be called when your library is loaded, and your library won't be considered loaded until it returns.
Other compilers provide the functionally-identical #pragma init():
#pragma init(my_lib_init_func)
static void my_lib_init_func( void )
See #pragma init and #pragma fini using gcc compiler on linux
For Windows? The Windows C++ run-time is pretty stable and ubiquitous. I'd just use a C++ solution on Windows, especially if you're compiling with MSVC. (But see the comments...)
Option 3 is always preferable when possible. Your reasoning about the cons is wrong. If you have an 8MB constant table in the executable file, it's directly mapped and shared by all instances of the program or users of the shared library on any remotely modern operating system. If you generate it at runtime, each process will have its own copy of the table.
When option 3 is not available you must use pthread_once or equivalent or implement your own version of the same (much less efficiently) using a lock. There is little reason to use weird OS-specific replacements for it; all major platforms either support POSIX threads API natively or have existing libraries which provide it on top of the platform's low-level primitives.

Should a Fortran-compiled and C-compiled DLL be able to import interchangeably? (x86 target)

The premise: I'm writing a plug-in DLL which conforms to an industry standard interface / function signature. This will be used in at least two different software packages used internally at my company, both of which have some example skeleton code or empty shells of this particular interface. One vendor authors their example in C/C++, the other in Fortran.
Ideally I'd like to just have to write and maintain this library code in one language and not duplicate it (especially as I'm only just now getting some comfort level in various flavors of C, but haven't touched Fortran).
I've emailed off to both our vendors to see if there's anything specific their solvers need when they import this DLL, but this has made me curious at a more fundamental level. If I compile a DLL with an exposed method void foo(int bar) in both C and Fortran... by the time it's down to x86 machine instructions - does it make any difference in how that method is called by program "X"? I've gathered so far that if I were to do C++ I'd need the extern "C" bit to avoid "mangling" - there anything else I should be aware of?
It matters. The exported function must use a specific calling convention, there are several incompatible ones in common use in 32-bit code. The calling convention dictates where the function arguments are stored, in what order they are passed and how they are removed again. As well as how the function return value is passed back.
And the name of the function matters, exported function names are often decorated with extra characters. Which is what extern "C" is all about, it suppresses the name mangling that a C++ compiler uses to prevent overloaded functions from having the same exported name. So the name is one that the linker for a C compiler can recognize.
The way a C compiler makes function calls is pretty much the standard if you interop with code written in other languages. Any modern Fortran compiler will support declarations to make them compatible with a C program. And surely this is something that's already used by whatever software vendor you are working with that provides an add-on that was written in Fortran. And the other way around, as long as you provide functions that can be used by a C compiler then the Fortran programmer has a good chance at being able to call it.
Yes it has been discussed here many many times. Study answers and questions in this tag .
The equivalent of extern "C" in fortran is bind(C). The equivalency of the datatypes is done using the intrinsic module iso_c_binding.
Also be sure to use the same calling conventions. If you do not specify anything manually, the default is usually the same for both. On Linux this is non-issue.
extern "C" is used in C++ code. So if you DLL is written in C++, you mustn't pass any C++ objects (classes).
If you stick with C types, you need to make sure the function passes parameters in a single way e.g. use C's default of _cdecl. Not sure what Fortran uses.

Using __thread in c99

I would like to define a few variables as thread-specific using the __thread storage class. But three questions make me hesitate:
Is it really standard in c99? Or more to the point, how good is the compiler support?
Will the variables be initialised in every thread?
Do non-multi threaded programs treat them as plain-old-globals?
To answer your specific questions:
No, it is not part of C99. You will not find it mentioned anywhere in the n1256.pdf (C99+TC1/2/3) or the original C99 standard.
Yes, __thread variables start out with their initialized value in every new thread.
From a standpoint of program behavior, thread-local storage class variables behave pretty much the same as plain globals in non-multi-threaded programs. However, they do incur a bit more runtime cost (memory and startup time), and there can be issues with limits on the size and number of thread-local variables. All this is rather complicated and varies depending on whether your program is static- or dynamic-linked and whether the variables reside in the main program or a shared library...
Outside of implementing C/POSIX (e.g. errno, etc.), thread-local storage class is actually not very useful, in my opinion. It's pretty much a crutch for avoiding cleanly passing around the necessary state in the form of a context pointer or similar. You might think it could be useful for getting around broken interfaces like qsort that don't take a context pointer, but unfortunately there is no guarantee that qsort will call the comparison function in the same thread that called qsort. It might break the job down and run it in multiple threads. Same goes for most other interfaces where this sort of workaround would be possible.
You probably want to read this:
1) MSVC doesn't support C99. GCC does and other compilers attempt GCC compatibility.
edit A breakdown of compiler support for __thread is available here:
2) Only C++ supports an initializer and it must be constant.
3) Non-multi-threaded applications are single-threaded applications.

Is ARPACK thread-safe?

Is it safe to use the ARPACK eigensolver from different threads at the same time from a program written in C? Or, if ARPACK itself is not thread-safe, is there an API-compatible thread-safe implementation out there? A quick Google search didn't turn up anything useful, but given the fact that ARPACK is used heavily in large scientific calculations, I'd find it highly surprising to be the first one who needs a thread-safe sparse eigensolver.
I'm not too familiar with Fortran, so I translated the ARPACK source code to C using f2c, and it seems that there are quite a few static variables. Basically, all the local variables in the translated routines seem to be static, implying that the library itself is not thread-safe.
Fortran 77 does not support recursion, and hence a standard conforming compiler can allocate all variables in the data section of the program; in principle, neither a stack nor a heap is needed [1].
It might be that this is what f2c is doing, and if so, it might be that it's the f2c step that makes the program non thread-safe, rather than the program itself. Of course, as others have mentioned, check out for COMMON blocks as well. EDIT: Also, check for explicit SAVE directives. SAVE means that the value of the variable should be retained between subsequent invocations of the procedure, similar to static in C. Now, allocating all procedure local data in the data section makes all variables implicitly SAVE, and unfortunately, there is a lot of old code that assumes this even though it's not guaranteed by the Fortran standard. Such code, obviously, is not thread-safe. Wrt. ARPACK specifically, I can't promise anything but ARPACK is generally well regarded and widely used so I'd be surprised if it suffered from these kinds of dusty-deck problems.
Most modern Fortran compilers do use stack allocation. You might have better luck compiling ARPACK with, say, gfortran and the -frecursive option.
[1] Not because it's more efficient, but because Fortran was originally designed before stacks and heaps were invented, and for some reason the standards committee wanted to retain the option to implement Fortran on hardware with neither stack nor heap support all the way up to Fortran 90. Actually, I'd guess that stacks are more efficient on todays heavily cache-dependent hardware rather than accessing procedure local data that is spread all over the data section.
I have converted ARPACK to C using f2c. Whenever you use f2c and you care about thread-safety you must use the -a switch. This makes local variables have automatic storage, i.e. be stack based locals rather than statics which is the default.
Even so, ARPACK itself is decidedly not threadsafe. It uses a lot of common blocks (i.e. global variables) to preserve state between different calls to its functions. If memory serves, it uses a reverse communication interface which tends to lead developers to using global variables. And of course ARPACK probably was written long before multi-threading was common.
I ended up re-working the converted C code to systematically remove all the global variables. I created a handful of C structs and gradually moved the global variables into these structs. Finally I passed pointers to these structs to each function that needed access to those variables. Although I could just have converted each global into a parameter wherever it was needed it was much cleaner to keep them all together, contained in structs.
Essentially the idea is to convert global variables into local variables.
ARPACK uses BLAC right? Then those libraries need to be thread safe too.
I believe your idea to check with f2c might not be a bullet proof way of telling if the Fortran code is thread safe, I would guess it also depends on the Fortran compiler and libraries.
I don't know what strategy f2c uses in translating Fortran. Since ARPACK is written in FORTRAN 77, the first thing to do is check for the presence of COMMON blocks. These are global variables, and if used, the code is most likely not thread safe. The ARPACK webpage,, says that there is a parallel version -- it seems likely that that version is threadsafe.
