Directive inside templateUrl of another directive and passing attribute - angularjs

I'm having two directives and I'm trying to call one directive inside another directive's templateUrl with some attribute but I'm not able to get the compiled attribute value in the second directive. Code is like this:
1st directive
app.directive('myDir', function() {
return {
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
templateUrl: 'directive1.html',
scope: {}
<child-dir attrval="{{myVal}}"></child-dir>
2nd directive
app.directive('childDir', function() {
return {
templateUrl: template(element,attrs) {
scope: {}
Here, attrs.attrval is coming like this {{myVal}}.
but I want the value hello. Can anyone help me?
Please note two things here:
1) I'm using templateUrl.
2) I'm passing a scope variable's value as an attribute to the child directive.

I had the same problem and finally found the solution (probably not the best, but it's working for me). Your example is a litte bit different from mine, but I suppose in your example would be:
Parent directive and directive.html equals, but child directive:
app.directive('childDir', function() {
return {
templateUrl: template(element,attrs) {
attrs.$observe("attrval", function(){
scope: {}
When template is set in parent directive the value is not set yet, but child directive is trying to use it. With 'observe', child directive can force refresh when attrval is really set.
If not works for you, tell me and I will post parts of my code in case it would be useful.


Not able to access angular directive's isolated scope

First Directive:
app.directive("myDirectiveOne", function($rootScope){
return {
templateUrl : "/custom-one-html.html",
restrict: "AE",
scope: {
somedata: "=",
flags: "=",
functionone: "&"
,controller: function($rootScope,$scope, $element) {
$scope.firstFunction = function(){
console.log("First function is getting called")
$scope.$on('firstBroadcast',function(event, data){
$rootScope.$broadcast('secondBroadcast', data)
Second Directive:
app.directive("myDirectiveTwo", function($rootScope){
return {
templateUrl : "/custom-two-html.html",
restrict: "AE",
scope: {
data: "=",
functiontwo: "&"
,controller: function($rootScope,$scope, $element) {
$scope.secondFunction = function(){
console.log("Second function is getting called")
$rootScope.$broadcast('firstBroadcast', {})
$scope.$on('secondBroadcast',function(event, data){
$scope.editFunction = function(x){
console.log("This is the edit function", x);
Parent Controller:
$scope.parentFuntion = function(){
console.log("No trouble in calling this function")
So, the problem is when I try calling a function from a myDirectiveTwo html template, the controller which is active is the parent controller and not the isolated one.
May be it has something to do with the broadcasts I am using?
Html Code:
<div ng-repeat="x in data">
<button ng-click="editFunction(x)">Edit</button>
The strange thing is I get data values and ng-repeat works fine on load. But, when I click on the button it doesnt do anything. And if I add the same function in the parent controller, it gets called.. :(
How do I make the isolated scope controller active again..?
The problem is that ng-repeat creates a child scope, therefore the editFunction ends up being on the parent scope.
From docs
... Each template instance gets its own scope, where the given loop variable is set to the current collection item ...
Docs here
You can verify that this is the issue by getting your button element's scope and checking the $parent, as such angular.element(document.getElementsByTagName("button")).scope()
Although considered code smell, you can append $parent to your function call in order to access it, though keep in mind this now places a dependency on your HTML structure.
<button ng-click="$parent.editFunction(x)">Edit</button>
The issue was that I was using a deprecated method replace:true. This caused the unexpected scenarios.. As #Protozoid suggested, I looked at his link and found the issue.. To quote from the official documentation:
When the replace template has a directive at the root node that uses transclude: element, e.g. ngIf or ngRepeat, the DOM structure or scope inheritance can be incorrect. See the following issues: Incorrect scope on replaced element: #9837 Different DOM between template and templateUrl: #10612
I removed replace:true and its fine now :)
This is the link:

Angular: data not passing from controller to directive using isloated scope

The question title explain my problem i want to send data from a controller to directive so i can use the data in the directive controller or view.
Here is the controller code:
$scope.following = product.vendorId.isUserFollowing;
In the controller view:
<vas-follow following="{{following}}"></vas-follow>
following the property am trying to pass to the directive, the directive code:
.directive('vasFollow', vasFollow);
function vasFollow() {
var directive = {
restrict: "EA",
scope: {
following: '#'
link: link,
controller: vasFollowCtrl,
templateUrl: 'templates/directives/vasFollow.html',
return directive;
function link(scope, element, attrs) {
/* */
I tried first to use the following like so {{following}} in the directive view but it's not passing, also it is undefined in the directive controller.
I have read a lot of slimier issues but, i couldn't conclude why am having this problem.
Use ng-model for directive instead of your own replacement for it
Remove {{}} from assignment to share link to variable instead of just evaluated value
And please, use div or common DOM element instead of exact naming directive - it have side-effects in I.E.

Passing a parent directive attribute to a child directive attribute

I'm creating directives for a library that customers can use. I need to let the customers create their own templates for a directive and pass the absolute url value of that template into my directives. One of my directives will have another custom directive inside of it, and it's template will be figured out based upon the value of one of the parent directive's attributes. Here's an example:
<parent-dir menu-template="this.html" item-template="that.html"></parent-dir>
I have a template for this directive that looks like this:
<ul style="list: none" ng-repeat="item in menu">
<child-dir template="{{itemTemplate}}"></child-dir>
My directives look like this:
.directive('parentDir', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
menuTemplate: '#',
itemTemplate: '#',
menuType: '#',
menuName: '#',
menuId: '#',
templateUrl: function (element, attrs) {
alert('Scope: ' + attrs.menuTemplate);
return attrs.menuTemplate;
controller: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
$scope.defaultSubmit = false;
alert('Menu: '+$attrs.menuTemplate);
alert('Item: ' + $attrs.itemTemplate);
$scope.itemTemplate = $attrs.itemTemplate;
if ($attrs.$attr.hasOwnProperty('defaultSubmit')) {
alert('It does');
$scope.defaultSubmit = true;
.directive('childDir', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: '^parentDir',
templateUrl: function (element, attrs) {
alert('Item Template: ' + attrs.template);
return attrs.template;
controller: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
alert('Under job: ' + $scope.itemTemplate);
I'm not showing all of the code but this is the main piece of my problem. When I run this, I keep getting undefined for the template on the childDir.
What is the best practice in perpetuating the value of itemTemplate from the parentDir so that the childDir can use it as it's template?
The reason you're running into problems is because the function that generates the templateUrl is running before a scope has been assigned to your directive - something that has to be done before interpolated data can be replaced.
In other words: at the point that the templateUrl function runs, the value of the template attribute is still "{{itemTemplate}}". This will remain the case until the directive's link (preLink to be precise) function runs.
I created a plunker to demonstrate the point here. Be sure to open the console. You'll see that templateUrl runs before both the parent and child linking functions.
So what do you do instead?
Fortunately, angular provides a $templateRequest service which allows you to request the template in the same way it would using templateUrl (it also uses the $templateCache which is handy).
put this code in your link function:
.then(function (tplString){
// compile the template then link the result with the scope.
contents = $compile(tplString)(scope);
// Insert the compiled, linked element into the DOM
You can then remove any reference to the template in the directive definition object, and this will safely run once the attribute has been interpolated.

custom directive attribute value is not getting in templateUrl callback function

I want help to get value in templateUrl. I already go through similar question like this Set templateUrl base on attribute in directive
My Goal
I want to set one attribute while calling directive from HTML. This attribute will have dynamic value from the json object. And I want this attribute in directive's templateUrl function.
You can see here to understand my issue more - jsfiddle
I want to render checkbox or radio template based on attribute value.
Please help.
I know ng-include approach so please suggestion alternate solution.
scope is not accessible in tempalteUrl function. In link function you can access the template Url as well as the scope. I changed your code here.
angular.module("myApp",[]).controller("myCtrl",['$scope',function($scope) {
$scope.dynamicAttr = [
label:"First Box"
label:"Second Box"
}]).directive("dynamicComponent",['$compile','$http','$templateCache',function($compile, $http,$templateCache) {
return {
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
$http.get(( == "stdRadio")?"dynamicComponentRadio.html":"dynamicComponentCheckBox.html", {cache: $templateCache}).then(function(data){
return $compile(element.contents())(scope);

Accessing parent directive's controller recursively in AngularJS

I need to get parent's controller, so my directive has a require property, as follows:
module.directive('tag', function () {
return {
require: '?^tag',
restrict: 'E',
controller: function () {
this.payload = getPayload();
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
However the ctrl parameter of the link function returns the controller of the current directive, not the parent's one. AngularJS documentation is clear about this:
?^ - Attempt to locate the required controller by searching the element's parents, or return null if not found.
What am I doing wrong?
Either the docs or the code are misleading here... require with ^ looks at the current element and then all parent, using the inheritedData method (see So you won't be able to require a directive with the same name from a parent using this approach.
When I've had this issue in the past I've looked at the form directive which needs to do what you are asking. Its controller method grabs the parent like so (
controller: function($element) {
var parentForm = $element.parent().controller('form');
Taking this, you should be able to call element.parent().controller('tag') to find the parent controller either in the controller or postLink methods.
