Why does this batch code not work?
I certainly don't know why...
Download: http://tufda.net/downloads/explore/StackOverflow%20files/ultraworld.bat
#echo on
set game=UltraWorld
echo Welcome to %game%!
echo What's your name?:
set /p playername=""
echo Welcome to %game%, %playername%!
echo Commands:
echo new
echo load
echo credits
set /p command1=Enter your command here:
IF command1==new (
set /p gamesave1=What name will you give this save?
IF command1==load (
echo No.
goto titlescreen
IF command1=="credits" (echo Everything - tufda & PAUSE & goto titlescreen)
When you test the variable, you need to either surround it in percentage marks, or surround it with exclamation marks, if
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
is used.
For example,
IF %command1%==load (
When using the IF command in a batch file, you need to follow the proper syntax.
The correct way to write an IF command is:
IF /I "%command1%" EQU "new" (
The Quotes arround each side will account for an empty value, while the EQU is the comarison type which is equivelant to ==. The comparisons are as follows:
EQU - equal
NEQ - not equal
LSS - less than
LEQ - less than or equal
GTR - greater than
GEQ - greater than or equal
I used a /I to indicate that the comparison is not case sensitive.
How do I use a variable like %%i in a permanent variable?
(I don't really know the correct terms, so I hope anyone can figure out what I mean)
This is the code I am using:
#echo off
color 0f
goto number
title number
echo number of options?
set /p num=
goto option
for /l %%i in (1,1,%num%) do (
echo Name nr. %%i
echo Enter a option
set /p n%%i=
echo %%i = %n%%i% >> log.txt
goto select
echo %n2%
pause >nul
the "%n2%" works for whatever you put in second, but when I try to print it into a file ( echo %%i = %n%%i% >> log.txt ) it doesn't work.
I know the "%n%%i%" is not correct, But I don't really know what to actually put there.
for /l %%i in (1,1,%num%) do (
echo Name nr. %%i
echo Enter an option
set /p option%%i=
goto select
set option>log.txt
echo %option2%
You may like to consider this.
The command
set option
will show every environment variable that starts option in the format option1=Gido, which is why I changed n to option (there are other variables set that start n)
I can use ERRORLEVEL, but tried and with a loop it failed.
I am writing a batch "shell."
Since I have tried and tried, I am finally asking for help.
The reason I don't want to use errorlevel is because the loop.
#set /p build=<"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\WellOS\Build".txt
#title WellOS V.%build%
#echo off
goto boot
echo You are registering...
echo If this is an error press CTRL + C NOW...
set /p user= Enter your username:
set /p passwordreg= Enter your password:
mkdir "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Users\%user%"
mkdir "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Users\%user%\Documents"
echo %passwordreg% >"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Users\%user%\password".txt
echo 2 >"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\OSfiles\bootset".txt
echo Your done.
goto welloslog
echo Sorry the boot file has an error. Check the user manual for BOOT$
set /p boot=<"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\OSfiles\bootset".txt
if %boot% == 1 goto register
if %boot% == 2 goto welloslog
goto booterror
echo ----------ERROR-------------------
echo %error%
goto %back%
echo Welcome to WellOS2!
echo ----------------LOGIN-------------
set /p user= Username:
if exist "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Users\%user%" goto pass
set error= Sorry that account doesn't exist.
set back=welloslog
goto welloslogerror
set /p password=<"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Users\%user%\password".txt
set /p passwordlog= Password:
if /i %passwordlog% == %password% goto wellos
set error= Sorry! wrong password.
set back= welloslog
goto error
echo --------------MAIN---------------
echo type help for help
set /p command= #:
if exist "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\%command%.sys" set type=sys
if exist "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\%command%.pro" set type=pro
if exist "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\%command%.sys" goto po
if exist "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\%command%.pro" goto po
set error= !Unreconized program/system program!
set back=wellos
goto error
set lines=0
echo --------------%command%.%type%---------------
set /a lines=%lines% + 1
set /p "code="<"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\%command%.%type%\%command%.%type%-%lines%".wellcode
if "%code%"=="GOWELL" goto wellosnocls
findstr /I /L "if" "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\%command%.%type%\%command%.%type%-%lines%.wellcode"
call %code%
goto porep
goto porep
PROGRAM OPENER (What I am talking about, and having problems with...)
set lines=0
echo --------------%command%.%type%---------------
set /a lines=%lines% + 1
set /p "code="<"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\%command%.%type%\%command%.%type%-%lines%".wellcode
if "%code%"=="GOWELL" goto wellosnocls
findstr /I /L "if" "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\%command%.%type%\%command%.%type%-%lines%.wellcode" goto iftl
call %code%
goto porep
goto porep
findstr "targetstring" datafilename >flagfilename
for %%a in (flagfilename) do if %%~za==0 echo not found
for %%a in (flagfilename) do if %%~za neq 0 echo found
beyond that, your question is too vague.
The following command returns all lines of a text file textfile.txt that contain the word word (remove the /I switch if you want the search to be case-sensitive):
findstr /I /L "word" "textfile.txt"
With for /F you can capture the output and test whether it is empty, as the loop does not iterate if no match is encountered:
set "FOUND="
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('
findstr /I /L "word" "textfile.txt"
') do (
set "FOUND=Yes"
if defined FOUND (
echo One or more matches found.
rem do something...
) else (
echo No match found.
rem do something else...
Type for /? and if /? in command prompt to get details about the used commands.
There is also a way to use ErrorLevel implicitly, meaning you do not have to query its value by something like %ErrorLevel%, !ErrorLevel! or if ErrorLevel, namely when using conditional command separators:
the && separator executes the following command only in case the previous one succeeded, that is, it returned an ErrorLevel of 0; (findstr returns 0 in case a match is encountered;)
the || separator executes the following command only in case the previous one failed, that is, it returned an ErrorLevel other than 0; (findstr returns a non-zero ErrorLevel in case no match is encountered;)
The following line of code demonstrates the usage:
findstr /I /L "word" "textfile.txt" && (echo One or more matches found.) || echo (No match found.)
So i'm trying to make a small batch program with some sets and ifs, seems easy enough right? Apparently, you can't use "set" and "if" like this.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set variableTrue EQU 1
Then continue the code and later in the program do this.
If %variableTrue% EQU 1 goto next
Please note I've tried it with exclamation marks as well.
With the exclamation marks, it's like it completely ignores the statement, even if it's true it will continue as usual. With the percentage signs, it says very quickly before crashing
"1" was not expected at this time.
Or something like that, like I said it barely stayed for half a second.
I always thought you could do it like this as long as there are no conflicting variables.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
title test
color a
echo What is your favorite number?
set /p fn=Favorite Number
If "!fn!" NEQ 13 goto thanks
If "!fn!" EQU 13 goto setvar
set "coolestNum==1"
If "!coolestNum!"== 1 goto cool
echo Thanks
goto :eof
echo cool
goto :eof
That doesn't give an error, it just ignores the statement and keeps going as usual.
After fixing errors this still doesn't work.
When I use exclamation marks it ignores the line, and when I use percentage signs it says:
"1 was not expected at this time"
One set of problems is your IF statements. For example, If "!coolestNum!"== 1 goto cool. The quotes are included in the comparison.
You need to be symmetric - either include quotes on both sides
If "!coolestNum!" == "1" goto cool
or neither:
If !coolestNum! == 1 goto cool
The same problem exists with If "!fn!" EQU 13 goto setvar, as well as the line before it.
The other problem you have is set "coolestNum==1" has an extra, unwanted =. The second = becomes part of the value. You only want two equal signs with IF comparisons.
Here is corrected code:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
title test
color a
echo What is your favorite number?
set /p fn=Favorite Number
If "!fn!" NEQ "13" goto thanks
If "!fn!" EQU "13" goto setvar
set "coolestNum=1"
set coolest
If "!coolestNum!"=="1" goto cool
echo Thanks
goto :eof
echo cool
goto :eof
But your logic is needlessly convoluted. The following produces the exact same result.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
title test
color a
echo What is your favorite number?
set /p fn=Favorite Number
if !fn! equ 13 (
set "coolestNum=1"
echo cool
) else echo Thanks
exit /b
set variableTrue=1
rather than
set variableTrue EQU 1
This batch script:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set variableTrue=1
echo A
if %variableTrue% EQU 1 goto next
echo B
goto :EOF
echo C
I'm working on a program to backup Fallout 4 Saves, because using console commands can bork a save file this time around. Unfortuanly, while all of the parts are working independently, the little menu I have made isn't working!
For some reason the if %1m% == _ goto _ commands are doing nothing, and the program skips back to the label 1, a feature I put there in case of invalid input.
What's wrong here?
#echo off
title Fallout 4 Save Backup Utility
color 0a
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
pushd "C:\FalloutBackup\data\"
set /a count=0
for /d /r %%i in (*.*) do set /a count+=1
echo %count% Backup(s^) currently exist.
set /a value=0
set /a sum=0
FOR /R %1 %%I IN (*) DO (
set /a value=%%~zI/1000000
set /a sum=!sum!+!value!
#echo Backups files using about: !sum! Mb
echo Delete all but last backup? y/n?
set /p 1m=
if %1m% == y goto 3
if %1m% == Y goto 3
if %1m% == n goto 2
if %1m% == N goto 2
goto 1
As Squash man Said:
Change your variable 1m to m1. CMD interpreter is not smart enough to know that you are trying to reference an environmental variable and not a argument passed to the batch file. –
I also recommend using quotes for the "%m1%"=="y". Also, the /I parameter after IF makes the answer not cap-sensitive, a big plus.
Another option would be to use CHOICE and ERRORLEVEL for option selection. The relevant code changes would be:
choice /c yn /m "Delete all but last backup? "
IF ERRORLEVEL 255 goto end
IF ERRORLEVEL 2 goto donotdelete
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto dodelete
IF ERRORLEVEL 0 goto end
goto begin
(255 and 0 are there for escapes.)
(You will need to obtain the choice COM file, which is readily available.)
can someone please tell me how can I make a batch file the inputs 5 numbers and checks for each number if its even ir odd? i dont know what i did wrong about the module part:
#echo off
for /l %%i IN (1,1,5) DO (
set /p num1=
set /a "mod=%num1% %% 2"
echo mod=%mod%
if mod EQU 0 (echo EVEN!)else echo ODD!
echo 5 numbers were inputed.
and another question: Can I not declare the num1 variable and check if its even inside the if (having a mathematical expression inside the if and not only a simple comparison)?
thanks :)
You cannot do mathematical computations within an IF statement.
Here are some problems with your code:
Normal expansion occurs when a statement is parsed, and all code within your FOR loop is parsed in one pass. So %mod% expands to a constant value - the value that existed before the FOR loop begain (or empty string if mod was not defined).
Variables must be expanded if you want to use them in an IF statement.
Not a bug - but numeric variables do not need to be expanded to use them in a SET /A statement.
Here is one solution - have the loop call a subroutine that gets reparsed each iteration:
#echo off
for /l %%i in (1,1,5) do call :test
echo 5 numbers were inputed.
exit /b
set /p "num1=Enter a number: "
set /a "mod=num1 %% 2"
echo mod=%mod%
if %mod% EQU 0 (echo EVEN!)else echo ODD!
Another option is to enable and use delayed expansion. Unquoted ! literals must be escaped as ^^! if delayed expansion is enabled. Not needed here, but a quoted ! would be escaped as "^!"
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /l %%i in (1,1,5) do (
set /p "num1=Enter a number: "
set /a "mod=num1 %% 2"
echo mod=!mod!
if !mod! EQU 0 (echo EVEN^^!)else echo ODD^^!
echo 5 numbers were inputed.
exit /b
If you do not need to print out the mod value, you can use a math trick to avoid use of CALL or delayed expansion. You can divide by the mod value, and it will raise an error if mod is 0. You can conditionally take action using && for success (odd) and || for failure (even).
#echo off
for /l %%i in (1,1,5) do (
set /p "num1=Enter a number: "
set /a "1/(num1 %% 2)" 2>nul &&echo ODD!||ECHO EVEN!
echo 5 numbers were inputed.
exit /b